GE HealthCare to Embark on a Collaboration to Elevate Women’s Imaging
GE HealthCare has announced a collaboration with the University of California San Diego School of Medicine to develop advanced MRI protocols and educational materials for women's pelvic imaging. The project, led by Dr. Rebecca Rakow-Penner, aims to improve diagnosis and management of female pelvic diseases such as endometriosis and ovarian cancer. This initiative addresses the gap in medical research and care for women's pelvic health, which is often understudied and misdiagnosed.
The collaboration seeks to democratize advanced imaging for women and increase access to high-quality care. By creating training materials and protocols, the project aims to equip clinicians worldwide with tools to deliver better care. This could potentially improve patient experiences and help clinicians make more informed decisions, ultimately bridging an important gap in women's healthcare.
GE HealthCare ha annunciato una collaborazione con la Scuola di Medicina dell'Università della California San Diego per sviluppare protocolli avanzati di risonanza magnetica e materiali educativi per l'imaging pelvico femminile. Il progetto, guidato dalla Dr.ssa Rebecca Rakow-Penner, mira a migliorare la diagnosi e la gestione delle malattie pelviche femminili come endometriosi e cancro ovarico. Questa iniziativa affronta il divario nella ricerca medica e nella cura della salute pelvica delle donne, spesso trascurata e mal diagnosticata.
La collaborazione si propone di démocratizzare l'imaging avanzato per le donne e aumentare l'accesso a cure di alta qualità. Creando materiali di formazione e protocolli, il progetto mira a fornire agli operatori sanitari di tutto il mondo gli strumenti per offrire una migliore assistenza. Questo potrebbe migliorare l'esperienza dei pazienti e aiutare i medici a prendere decisioni più informate, colmando infine un'importante lacuna nella salute delle donne.
GE HealthCare ha anunciado una colaboración con la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de California en San Diego para desarrollar protocolos avanzados de resonancia magnética y materiales educativos para la imagenología pélvica femenina. El proyecto, liderado por la Dra. Rebecca Rakow-Penner, tiene como objetivo mejorar el diagnóstico y la gestión de enfermedades pélvicas femeninas como endometriosis y cáncer de ovario. Esta iniciativa aborda la falta de investigación y atención médica en la salud pélvica de las mujeres, que a menudo está insuficientemente estudiada y mal diagnosticada.
La colaboración busca democratizar la imagenología avanzada para las mujeres y aumentar el acceso a una atención de alta calidad. Al crear materiales de capacitación y protocolos, el proyecto tiene como objetivo equipar a los clínicos de todo el mundo con herramientas para brindar una mejor atención. Esto podría mejorar la experiencia de los pacientes y ayudar a los clínicos a tomar decisiones más informadas, cerrando finalmente una importante brecha en la atención de la salud de las mujeres.
GE 헬스케어는 샌디에이고 캘리포니아 대학교 의과대학과 협력하여 여성의 골반 영상 촬영을 위한 고급 MRI 프로토콜 및 교육 자료를 개발한다고 발표했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 레베카 라코우-페너 박사가 이끌며, 자궁내막증과 난소암과 같은 여성 골반 질환의 진단 및 관리를 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 종종 충분히 연구되지 않거나 잘못 진단되는 여성 골반 건강에 대한 의료 연구와 치료의 격차를 해소합니다.
이 협력은 여성을 위한 고급 이미지 해상도의 민주화를 지향하며, 고품질 치료에 대한 접근성을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다. 교육 자료와 프로토콜을 생성함으로써, 이 프로젝트는 전 세계의 임상의들에게 더 나은 치료를 제공할 수 있는 도구를 공급하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이는 환자의 경험을 개선하고 임상의들이 더 정보에 기반한 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 도와주어, 궁극적으로 여성 건강 관리의 중요한 격차를 해소할 수 있습니다.
GE HealthCare a annoncé une collaboration avec l'École de Médecine de l'Université de Californie à San Diego pour développer des protocoles avancés d'IRM et des matériaux éducatifs pour l'imagerie pelvienne féminine. Le projet, dirigé par le Dr Rebecca Rakow-Penner, vise à améliorer le diagnostic et la gestion des maladies pelviennes féminines telles que l'endométriose et le cancer de l'ovaire. Cette initiative comble le manque de recherche médicale et de soins pour la santé pelvique des femmes, qui est souvent peu étudiée et mal diagnostiquée.
La collaboration vise à démocratiser l'imagerie avancée pour les femmes et à accroître l'accès à des soins de haute qualité. En créant des matériaux de formation et des protocoles, le projet vise à fournir aux cliniciens du monde entier des outils pour offrir de meilleurs soins. Cela pourrait améliorer l'expérience des patientes et aider les cliniciens à prendre des décisions plus éclairées, comblant ainsi une lacune importante dans les soins de santé des femmes.
GE HealthCare hat eine Zusammenarbeit mit der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität von Kalifornien in San Diego angekündigt, um fortschrittliche MRT-Protokolle und Schulungsmaterialien für die Bildgebung des weiblichen Beckens zu entwickeln. Das Projekt, geleitet von Dr. Rebecca Rakow-Penner, zielt darauf ab, die Diagnose und das Management von weiblichen Beckenkrankheiten wie Endometriose und Ovarialkarzinom zu verbessern. Diese Initiative adressiert die Lücke in der medizinischen Forschung und Versorgung der weiblichen Becken Gesundheit, die häufig unzureichend erforscht und falsch diagnostiziert wird.
Die Zusammenarbeit hat zum Ziel, fortschrittliche Bildgebung für Frauen zu demokratisieren und den Zugang zu hochwertigen Pflegeleistungen zu erhöhen. Durch die Erstellung von Schulungsmaterialien und Protokollen soll das Projekt Klinikern weltweit die Werkzeuge an die Hand geben, um eine bessere Versorgung zu gewährleisten. Dies könnte die Patientenerfahrung verbessern und Ärzten helfen, informiertere Entscheidungen zu treffen, wodurch letztlich eine wichtige Lücke in der Gesundheitsversorgung von Frauen geschlossen wird.
- Collaboration with UC San Diego School of Medicine to develop advanced MRI protocols for women's pelvic imaging
- Potential to improve diagnosis and management of female pelvic diseases like endometriosis and ovarian cancer
- Creation of educational materials and protocols for global distribution to GE HealthCare MRI users
- Addressing an understudied area in women's health, potentially leading to better patient care and outcomes
- None.
This collaboration between GE HealthCare and UC San Diego School of Medicine marks a significant step towards addressing the underserved area of women's pelvic health. The focus on developing advanced MRI protocols for female-specific pelvic conditions could potentially revolutionize diagnosis and treatment of diseases like endometriosis and ovarian cancer. This initiative is particularly important given that pelvic pain accounts for
This collaboration represents a strategic move for GE HealthCare in the women's health imaging market. By partnering with a prestigious institution like UC San Diego, GE is positioning itself as a leader in this underserved niche. The potential global distribution of the developed protocols and educational materials to GE HealthCare MRI users worldwide could significantly expand the company's market reach and brand loyalty. Moreover, this initiative aligns with the growing trend of personalized medicine and could lead to increased demand for GE's MRI systems. However, the financial impact may take time to materialize, as the research and development phase could be lengthy. Investors should view this as a long-term investment in GE HealthCare's market position and innovation pipeline.
- Project aims to increase access of advanced imaging techniques for clinicians to help drive improved diagnosis and management of female pelvic diseases and conditions, such as endometriosis and ovarian cancer.
- The Center for Translational Imaging and Precision Medicine (CTIPM) at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine will develop new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols and educational materials for women’s imaging.
The Center for Translational Imaging and Precision Medicine (CTIPM) at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine will be the collaborating site to conduct the project. The project will be led by Rebecca Rakow-Penner, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Radiology and Bioengineering at UC San Diego and Deputy Director for CTIPM.
The project encompasses a wide spectrum of diseases of the female pelvis, including better visualization of endometriosis and ovarian cancer using MRI techniques in both clinical and academic research settings.
Pelvic diseases and conditions in female patients are often understudied, misdiagnosed, and ineffectively treated, which can be debilitating for women and cause substantial economic burden for healthcare systems, hospitals and patients. In the
“We aim to democratize advanced imaging for women and increase access to high quality care in the
The project plans to create training and educational materials alongside the protocols, all of which could be available as resources for GE HealthCare MRI users around the world, in the hopes of creating a lasting impact in regional and global communities. Increasing access to advanced imaging techniques for clinicians can help drive effective diagnosis and management of pelvic diseases and conditions for female patients.
“Diseases and conditions impacting female patients bellow the belly button are often misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and understudied in our industry,” stated Erin Angel, PhD, GE HealthCare Global Vice President, Research and Scientific Affairs. “We are optimistic that the results of the project could support more standard adoption of advanced imaging techniques and ultimately empower clinicians to make more informed decisions. We believe this project can help bridge an important gap in women’s healthcare and increase access of innovative solutions to women around the world.”
The collaboration aims to elevate women’s pelvic healthcare and increase access to innovative imaging solutions for female patients, enabling faster diagnosis and treatment and improved patient care.
To learn more about GE HealthCare’s imaging solutions, visit
About GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.
GE HealthCare is a leading global medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, dedicated to providing integrated solutions, services, and data analytics to make hospitals more efficient, clinicians more effective, therapies more precise, and patients healthier and happier. Serving patients and providers for more than 125 years, GE HealthCare is advancing personalized, connected, and compassionate care, while simplifying the patient’s journey across the care pathway. Together our Imaging, Ultrasound and Image Guided Therapy, Patient Care Solutions, and Pharmaceutical Diagnostics businesses help improve patient care from diagnosis, to therapy, to monitoring. We are a
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Source: GE HealthCare