GE HealthCare takes key role in new consortium to revolutionize cancer care, advancing precision medicine for patients in Europe

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GE HealthCare announces its leading role in Thera4Care, a €25.3 million project aimed at revolutionizing theranostics for cancer care in Europe. The initiative brings together 29 partners from academia, clinics, SMEs, and patient advocacy groups across 14 European countries and the US. Thera4Care's goals include:

1. Expanding the European network of copper-producing isotope GMP sites
2. Developing next-generation SPECT-CT imaging scanners
3. Building AI-enabled imaging and multi-modal theranostic clinical decision support
4. Enhancing AI-based tumor quantitation for personalized dosimetry

The project, co-funded by Horizon Europe and the Innovative Health Initiative, aims to broaden patient access to theranostics by creating standardized, scalable methods for production, detection, and monitoring of key theranostic isotopes. It focuses on prostate, ovarian, pancreas cancers, and sarcomas.

GE HealthCare annuncia il suo ruolo di leader in Thera4Care, un progetto da 25,3 milioni di euro volto a rivoluzionare il terapico diagnostico per la cura del cancro in Europa. L'iniziativa riunisce 29 partner provenienti da accademia, cliniche, PMI e gruppi di advocacy dei pazienti in 14 paesi europei e negli Stati Uniti. Gli obiettivi di Thera4Care includono:

1. Espandere la rete europea di siti GMP per la produzione di isotopi a base di rame
2. Sviluppare scanner per imaging SPECT-CT di nuova generazione
3. Costruire supporto decisionale clinico theranostico multi-modale abilitato all'intelligenza artificiale
4. Migliorare la quantificazione tumorale basata sull'intelligenza artificiale per una dosimetria personalizzata

Il progetto, co-finanziato da Horizon Europe e dall'Innovative Health Initiative, mira ad ampliare l'accesso dei pazienti alla theranostica creando metodi standardizzati e scalabili per la produzione, la rilevazione e il monitoraggio di isotopi theranostici fondamentali. Si concentra sui tumori della prostata, dell'ovaio, del pancreas e sui sarcomi.

GE HealthCare anuncia su papel de liderazgo en Thera4Care, un proyecto de 25,3 millones de euros destinado a revolucionar la teranóstica en la atención del cáncer en Europa. La iniciativa reúne a 29 socios de la academia, clínicas, pymes y grupos de defensa de pacientes en 14 países europeos y en EE. UU. Los objetivos de Thera4Care incluyen:

1. Ampliar la red europea de sitios GMP para la producción de isótopos de cobre
2. Desarrollar escáneres de imagen SPECT-CT de nueva generación
3. Construir un soporte de decisión clínica teranóstica multimodal habilitado por inteligencia artificial
4. Mejorar la cuantificación tumoral basada en inteligencia artificial para dosimetría personalizada

El proyecto, cofinanciado por Horizon Europe y la Iniciativa de Salud Innovadora, tiene como objetivo ampliar el acceso de los pacientes a la teranóstica mediante la creación de métodos estandarizados y escalables para la producción, detección y monitoreo de isótopos teranósticos clave. Se enfoca en los cánceres de próstata, ovario, páncreas y sarcomas.

GE HealthCare는 유럽의 암 치료를 위한 테라노스틱 혁신을 목표로 하는 Thera4Care 프로젝트를 발표합니다. 이 2530만 유로 규모의 프로젝트는 학계, 클리닉, 중소기업 및 환자 옹호 단체의 29개 파트너가 참여하며 14개 유럽 국가와 미국에서 진행됩니다. Thera4Care의 목표는:

1. 구리 생산 이소토프 GMP 사이트의 유럽 네트워크 확장
2. 차세대 SPECT-CT 이미징 스캐너 개발
3. 인공지능 기반의 다중 모달 테라노스틱 임상 결정 지원 구축
4. 개인 맞춤형 복용량 산정을 위한 인공지능 기반 종양 정량화 향상

이 프로젝트는 Horizon Europe과 Innovative Health Initiative의 공동 자금 지원을 받으며, 주요 테라노스틱 이소토프의 생산, 감지 및 모니터링을 위한 표준화되고 확장 가능한 방법을 창출하여 환자의 테라노스틱 접근성을 넓히는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 전립선암, 난소암, 췌장암 및 육종에 집중합니다.

GE HealthCare annonce son rôle de leader dans le projet Thera4Care, un projet de 25,3 millions d'euros visant à révolutionner la théranostique pour le traitement du cancer en Europe. L'initiative regroupe 29 partenaires issus du milieu académique, des cliniques, des PME et des groupes de défense des patients dans 14 pays européens et aux États-Unis. Les objectifs de Thera4Care incluent:

1. Élargir le réseau européen des sites GMP de production d'isotopes à base de cuivre
2. Développer des scanners d'imagerie SPECT-CT de nouvelle génération
3. Construire un soutien à la décision clinique theranostique multimodale activé par l'intelligence artificielle
4. Améliorer la quantification tumorale basée sur l'intelligence artificielle pour une dosimétrie personnalisée

Le projet, cofinancé par Horizon Europe et l'Initiative de Santé Innovante, vise à élargir l'accès des patients à la théranostique en créant des méthodes standardisées et évolutives pour la production, la détection et le suivi des isotopes théranostiques clés. Il se concentre sur les cancers de la prostate, de l'ovaire, du pancréas et les sarcomes.

GE HealthCare kündigt seine führende Rolle im Thera4Care-Projekt an, einem 25,3 Millionen Euro schweren Projekt, das darauf abzielt, die Theranostik in der Krebsbehandlung in Europa zu revolutionieren. Die Initiative vereint 29 Partner aus Wissenschaft, Kliniken, KMU und Patientenvertretungsgruppen aus 14 europäischen Ländern und den USA. Die Ziele von Thera4Care sind:

1. Erweiterung des europäischen Netzwerks von GMP-Standorten zur Produktion kupferhaltiger Isotope
2. Entwicklung von SPECT-CT-Bildgebungsscannern der nächsten Generation
3. Aufbau von KI-gestützter multimodaler theranostischer klinischer Entscheidungsunterstützung
4. Verbesserung der KI-gestützten Tumorquantifizierung für eine personalisierte Dosimetrie

Das Projekt, das von Horizon Europe und der Innovative Health Initiative kofinanziert wird, zielt darauf ab, den Zugang der Patienten zur Theranostik zu erweitern, indem standardisierte und skalierbare Methoden zur Produktion, Erkennung und Überwachung wichtiger theranostischer Isotope geschaffen werden. Es konzentriert sich auf Prostatakrebs, Eierstockkrebs, Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs und Sarkome.

  • GE HealthCare takes a leading industrial role in a €25.3 million project to advance theranostics in Europe
  • The project aims to expand the use of theranostics, potentially increasing GE HealthCare's market reach
  • Collaboration with 29 partners from top European academic and clinical sites may lead to new technological advancements
  • Development of next-generation SPECT-CT imaging scanners could result in new product offerings
  • AI-enabled imaging and clinical decision support development may enhance GE HealthCare's competitive edge in oncology solutions
  • None.


The Thera4Care initiative represents a significant step forward in advancing precision medicine for cancer treatment in Europe. This €25.3 million project brings together 29 partners to standardize and expand the use of theranostics, a personalized approach combining diagnostics and targeted therapeutics.

Key points of impact:

  • Addresses the growing global cancer burden, expected to reach 35 million new cases by 2050.
  • Aims to broaden access to theranostics beyond specialized centers to community hospitals.
  • Focuses on expanding clinical indications for theranostics in prostate, ovarian, pancreatic cancers and sarcomas.
  • Develops standardized methods for production, detection and monitoring of theranostic isotopes.
  • Enhances AI-enabled imaging and clinical decision support systems.

While this initiative has significant long-term potential to improve cancer care, its immediate financial impact on GE HealthCare may be The project's five-year timeline suggests that tangible financial benefits may not materialize in the short term. However, GE HealthCare's leading role positions it well to capitalize on future growth in the theranostics market.

From a financial perspective, GE HealthCare's involvement in Thera4Care presents a strategic long-term investment in the growing field of precision medicine. Key financial implications include:

  • Potential for expanded market share in theranostics equipment and solutions.
  • R&D cost-sharing through the consortium, potentially reducing GE's individual investment burden.
  • Future revenue streams from new AI-enabled imaging systems and clinical decision support tools.
  • Positioning for growth in the broader €25.3 million project ecosystem.

While the immediate financial impact may be minimal, this initiative aligns with the projected growth in cancer cases and the shift towards personalized treatment. The project's focus on standardization and scalability could lead to increased adoption of GE HealthCare's technologies, potentially driving long-term revenue growth in their Oncology Solutions segment.

Investors should view this as a strategic move to secure GE HealthCare's position in an emerging, high-potential market rather than an immediate revenue driver.

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- GE HealthCare announces the commencement, and its leading industrial role, in Thera4Care, an initiative aimed at revolutionizing the use of theranostics to broaden patient access in Europe. The €25.3 million project gathers 29 partners from top European academic and clinical sites, small and medium-sized enterprises, and patient advocacy groups.

Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly ten million deaths in 2022. By 2050, the global burden is expected to grow to 35 million new cancer cases[1], which is due, in part, to population growth and aging. As a breakthrough approach to treating cancer, theranostics integrates imaging diagnostics and targeted therapeutics for personalized treatment of disease. It uses molecular imaging technologies to visualize tumor receptors and, if present, deliver a radioactive drug to selectively target the tumor cells.

Theranostics is already used to treat a number of late-stage prostate and neuroendocrine cancers, but it is only available in a handful of specialized centers. There is critical incremental clinical need to develop new, innovative radiotheranostics to expand clinical indications of theranostics as well as to expand its use to community centers for broader patient access.

Thera4Care aims to expand the use of theranostics in Europe by creating, implementing, and disseminating standardized, scalable methods for the production, detection, and monitoring of key theranostic isotopes, from the manufacturing and early delivery of diagnostics through to therapy. The project will strengthen the use and adoption of radiology-based diagnostics and therapies and focus on disease areas (prostate, ovarian, pancreas cancers and sarcomas), aligning with the growing significance of multi-modal radiotheranostics solutions. GE HealthCare technology already supports the steps needed to deliver on the theranostics pathway, encompassing cyclotrons and PET and SPECT imaging scanners to advanced visualization solutions, digital solutions, and consulting services.

“We are thrilled to play a leading role in Thera4Care, a unique collaboration of academic and industry partners who share a common goal to advance connected, personalized and compassionate cancer care,” said Dr. Ben Newton, GE HealthCare’s general manager for Oncology Solutions. “Our collective efforts are designed to improve healthcare system readiness for this rapidly growing field of precision medicine.”

With the help of the Thera4Care grant, GE HealthCare and the sponsors aim to:

  • Expand the European network of copper producing isotope good manufacturing practices (GMP) sites using a common hardware and software platform with identical and reproducible methods.
  • Develop next-generation SPECT-CT imaging scanners to enable imaging with a wide range of alpha emitters.
  • Build artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled imaging and multi-modal theranostic clinical decision support with predictive analytics capabilities, initially targeting prostate cancer to ensure optimized patient outcomes.
  • Enhance AI-based tumor quantitation by developing a methodology framework for personalized dosimetry.

Thera4Care brings together partners from 14 European countries and the United States. The consortium's main academic partners include Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore & Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS (Italy), Erasmus University (Netherlands), Jules Bordet Institute (Belgium), UniKlinik Essen (Germany), Gregorio Maranon General University Hospital (Spain) and Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (France).

The project is co-funded under the Horizon Europe framework, and part of the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European life science industries. The Joint Undertaking (IHI JU) under grant agreement #101172788 receives support from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme and COCIR, EFPIA, Europa Bío, MedTech Europe, Vaccines Europe and Thera4Care contributing partners. The grant agreement was signed on October 1, 2024, and runs through the next five years. For more information please visit the IHI website or Thera4Care project page here.

To learn more about GE HealthCare’s portfolio of Theranostics solutions, please visit or the company’s booth (Booth H20, Level 0) at the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Congress in Hamburg, Germany from October 19-23.

About GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.

GE HealthCare is a leading global medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, dedicated to providing integrated solutions, services, and data analytics to make hospitals more efficient, clinicians more effective, therapies more precise, and patients healthier and happier. Serving patients and providers for more than 125 years, GE HealthCare is advancing personalized, connected, and compassionate care, while simplifying the patient’s journey across the care pathway. Together our Imaging, Ultrasound, Patient Care Solutions, and Pharmaceutical Diagnostics businesses help improve patient care from diagnosis, to therapy, to monitoring. We are a $19.6 billion business with approximately 51,000 colleagues working to create a world where healthcare has no limits.

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GE HealthCare Media Contact:

Karin Dalsin

Global Communications Director


Source: GE HealthCare


What is the Thera4Care project that GE HealthCare is involved in?

Thera4Care is a €25.3 million project aimed at revolutionizing theranostics for cancer care in Europe. GE HealthCare (GEHC) is taking a leading industrial role in this initiative, which involves 29 partners from academia, clinics, SMEs, and patient advocacy groups across 14 European countries and the US.

What are the main goals of the Thera4Care project involving GE HealthCare (GEHC)?

The main goals of Thera4Care include: 1) Expanding the European network of copper-producing isotope GMP sites, 2) Developing next-generation SPECT-CT imaging scanners, 3) Building AI-enabled imaging and multi-modal theranostic clinical decision support, and 4) Enhancing AI-based tumor quantitation for personalized dosimetry.

How long will the Thera4Care project involving GE HealthCare (GEHC) run?

The Thera4Care project, in which GE HealthCare (GEHC) plays a leading role, began on October 1, 2024, and will run for five years.

Which cancer types does the Thera4Care project focus on?

The Thera4Care project, involving GE HealthCare (GEHC), focuses on prostate, ovarian, pancreas cancers, and sarcomas. It aims to expand the use of theranostics in these disease areas.

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