GE HealthCare reports second quarter 2024 financial results
GE HealthCare (GEHC) reported its Q2 2024 financial results, with flat revenues at $4.8 billion year-over-year and 1% organic revenue growth. The net income margin increased slightly to 8.9% from 8.7%, and adjusted EBIT margin rose to 15.3% from 14.8%. Diluted EPS improved to $0.93 from $0.91, while adjusted EPS grew to $1.00 from $0.92. However, the company experienced a decline in cash flow from operating activities to $(119) million from $(67) million and free cash flow to $(182) million from $(136) million.
Segment performance varied, with Imaging revenue down 1%, Ultrasound down 2%, Patient Care Solutions flat, and Pharmaceutical Diagnostics up 12%. GE HealthCare revised its full-year guidance, lowering organic revenue growth to 1-2% from approximately 4%, but raising adjusted EBIT margin to 15.7-16.0% from 15.6-15.9%.
CEO Peter Arduini highlighted strong orders growth in the U.S. and ongoing investments in future growth despite challenges in the China market. The company also announced several strategic collaborations and acquisitions to advance healthcare technologies.
GE HealthCare (GEHC) ha reso noti i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024, registrando entrate stabili a 4,8 miliardi di dollari rispetto all'anno precedente e una crescita organica dei ricavi dell'1%. Il margine di utile netto è aumentato leggermente all'8,9% rispetto all'8,7%, mentre il margine EBIT rettificato è salito al 15,3% dal 14,8%. L'EPS diluito è migliorato a 0,93 dollari da 0,91 dollari, mentre l'EPS rettificato è cresciuto a 1,00 dollaro da 0,92 dollari. Tuttavia, l'azienda ha registrato un calo del flusso di cassa dalle attività operative a (119) milioni di dollari rispetto a (67) milioni di dollari e un flusso di cassa libero sceso a (182) milioni di dollari da (136) milioni di dollari.
Le performance dei segmenti è variata, con i ricavi dell'Imaging in calo dell'1%, quelli dell'Ultrasound in calo del 2%, le Soluzioni per la Cura del Paziente stabili e le Diagnostiche Farmaceutiche in crescita del 12%. GE HealthCare ha rivisto le previsioni per l'intero anno, abbassando la crescita organica dei ricavi all'1-2% rispetto a circa il 4%, ma aumentando il margine EBIT rettificato al 15,7-16,0% rispetto al 15,6-15,9%.
Il CEO Peter Arduini ha sottolineato la forte crescita degli ordini negli Stati Uniti e gli investimenti continui nel futuro nonostante le sfide nel mercato cinese. L'azienda ha anche annunciato diverse collaborazioni e acquisizioni strategiche per avanzare nelle tecnologie sanitarie.
GE HealthCare (GEHC) informó sus resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024, con ingresos estables de 4.8 mil millones de dólares en comparación con el año anterior y un crecimiento orgánico de ingresos del 1%. El margen de ingreso neto aumentó ligeramente al 8.9% desde el 8.7%, y el margen EBIT ajustado subió al 15.3% desde el 14.8%. El EPS diluido mejoró a 0.93 dólares desde 0.91 dólares, mientras que el EPS ajustado creció a 1.00 dólar desde 0.92 dólares. Sin embargo, la compañía experimentó una disminución en el flujo de efectivo de las actividades operativas a (119) millones de dólares desde (67) millones de dólares y flujo de efectivo libre a (182) millones de dólares desde (136) millones de dólares.
El rendimiento por segmento varió, con ingresos de Imaging en caída del 1%, Ultrasound en caída del 2%, Soluciones de Cuidado del Paciente estables y Diagnósticos Farmacéuticos en aumento del 12%. GE HealthCare revisó su guía anual, reduciendo el crecimiento orgánico de ingresos al 1-2% desde aproximadamente el 4%, pero aumentando el margen EBIT ajustado al 15.7-16.0% desde el 15.6-15.9%.
El CEO Peter Arduini destacó el fuerte crecimiento de pedidos en EE. UU. y las inversiones continuas en el crecimiento futuro a pesar de los desafíos en el mercado chino. La empresa también anunció varias colaboraciones y adquisiciones estratégicas para avanzar en tecnologías de atención médica.
GE 헬스케어 (GEHC)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표했으며, 연도 대비 수익이 48억 달러로 정체되고 1%의 유기적 수익 성장률을 기록했습니다. 순이익률은 8.9%로 소폭 증가했으며, 조정된 EBIT 마진은 14.8%에서 15.3%로 올랐습니다. 희석주당순이익은 0.93달러에서 0.91달러로 개선되었고, 조정된 EPS는 0.92달러에서 1.00달러로 성장했습니다. 그러나, 운영 활동으로 인한 현금 흐름은 (67)백만 달러에서 (119)백만 달러로 감소했으며, 자유 현금 흐름 또한 (136)백만 달러에서 (182)백만 달러로 줄어들었습니다.
세그먼트 성과는 다양했으며, 이미징 수익은 1% 감소했고, 초음파는 2% 감소했으며, 환자 관리 솔루션은 정체 상태였고, 의약품 진단은 12% 증가했습니다. GE 헬스케어는 연간 가이던스를 수정하여 유기적 수익 성장률을 약 4%에서 1-2%로 낮췄으나, 조정된 EBIT 마진을 15.6-15.9%에서 15.7-16.0%로 증가시켰습니다.
CEO 피터 아르두이니는 미국에서의 강력한 주문 증가와 중국 시장의 어려움에도 불구하고 미래 성장을 위한 지속적인 투자를 강조했습니다. 회사는 의료 기술을 발전시키기 위한 여러 전략적 협력과 인수도 발표했습니다.
GE HealthCare (GEHC) a publié ses résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre 2024, avec des revenus stables à 4,8 milliards de dollars par rapport à l'année précédente et une croissance organique des revenus de 1 %. La marge bénéficiaire nette a légèrement augmenté à 8,9 % contre 8,7 %, tandis que la marge EBIT ajustée a augmenté à 15,3 % contre 14,8 %. Le BPA dilué s'est amélioré à 0,93 dollar contre 0,91 dollar, tandis que le BPA ajusté a augmenté à 1,00 dollar contre 0,92 dollar. Cependant, la société a enregistré une diminution des flux de trésorerie liés aux activités d'exploitation à (119) millions de dollars contre (67) millions de dollars et un flux de trésorerie libre à (182) millions de dollars contre (136) millions de dollars.
La performance par segment a varié, avec des revenus d'imagerie en baisse de 1 %, d'échographie en baisse de 2 %, des solutions de soins aux patients stables et des diagnostics pharmaceutiques en hausse de 12 %. GE HealthCare a revu ses prévisions annuelles, abaissant la croissance organique des revenus à 1-2 % contre environ 4 %, mais augmentant la marge EBIT ajustée à 15,7-16,0 % contre 15,6-15,9 %.
Le PDG Peter Arduini a souligné la forte croissance des commandes aux États-Unis et les investissements continus dans la croissance future malgré les défis du marché chinois. L'entreprise a également annoncé plusieurs collaborations stratégiques et acquisitions pour faire progresser les technologies de la santé.
GE HealthCare (GEHC) hat seine finanziellen Ergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht, mit stabilen Einnahmen von 4,8 Milliarden Dollar im Vergleich zum Vorjahr und einem organischen Umsatzwachstum von 1%. Die Nettogewinnmarge stieg leicht auf 8,9% von 8,7%, und die angepasste EBIT-Marge erhöhte sich auf 15,3% von 14,8%. Der verwässerte Gewinn pro Aktie verbesserte sich auf 0,93 Dollar von 0,91 Dollar, während der angepasste Gewinn pro Aktie auf 1,00 Dollar von 0,92 Dollar stieg. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete jedoch einen Rückgang des Cashflows aus der betrieblichen Tätigkeit auf (119) Millionen Dollar von (67) Millionen Dollar und einen Rückgang des freien Cashflows auf (182) Millionen Dollar von (136) Millionen Dollar.
Die Segmentleistung variierte, wobei die Einnahmen aus der Bildgebung um 1% zurückgingen, der Ultraschall um 2% fiel, die Lösungen für die Patientenversorgung stabil blieben und die pharmazeutischen Diagnosen um 12% stiegen. GE HealthCare hat seine Jahresprognose angepasst, das organische Umsatzwachstum auf 1-2% von etwa 4% gesenkt, aber die angepasste EBIT-Marge auf 15,7-16,0% von 15,6-15,9% angehoben.
CEO Peter Arduini hob das starke Auftragswachstum in den USA und die fortlaufenden Investitionen in zukünftiges Wachstum trotz der Herausforderungen auf dem chinesischen Markt hervor. Das Unternehmen gab auch mehrere strategische Kooperationen und Übernahmen bekannt, um die Gesundheitstechnologien voranzubringen.
- Net income margin increased to 8.9% from 8.7%.
- Adjusted EBIT margin rose to 15.3% from 14.8%.
- Diluted EPS improved to $0.93 from $0.91.
- Adjusted EPS grew to $1.00 from $0.92.
- Pharmaceutical Diagnostics revenue increased by 12%.
- Full-year adjusted EBIT margin guidance increased to 15.7-16.0% from 15.6-15.9%.
- Revenues were flat year-over-year.
- Cash flow from operating activities declined to $(119) million from $(67) million.
- Free cash flow fell to $(182) million from $(136) million.
- Organic revenue growth guidance lowered to 1-2% from approximately 4%.
- Ultrasound segment revenue decreased by 2%.
GE HealthCare's Q2 results show mixed performance, with some positive signs but also challenges. The company delivered flat year-over-year revenue and 1% organic revenue growth, which fell short of expectations. However, profitability metrics improved, with Adjusted EBIT margin expanding 60 basis points to 15.3% and Adjusted EPS growing 9% to $1.00.
The company's order growth of 3% organically is encouraging, particularly the strength in the U.S. market. This suggests healthcare systems are continuing to invest in new technologies despite economic uncertainties. However, headwinds in the China market are concerning and contributed to the company lowering its full-year organic revenue growth guidance from ~4% to 1-2%.
Cash flow remains an area of weakness, with negative free cash flow of
The updated guidance reflects caution on top-line growth but maintained profitability targets. The Adjusted EBIT margin guidance of 15.7-16.0% and Adjusted EPS guidance of
Overall, while facing some near-term challenges, GE HealthCare appears to be making progress on its margin goals and maintaining a solid order book. The focus will be on navigating China headwinds and improving cash generation in the coming quarters.
GE HealthCare's Q2 results highlight both opportunities and challenges in the medical technology sector. The strong performance in Pharmaceutical Diagnostics, with 14% organic revenue growth, is particularly noteworthy. This suggests growing demand for precision diagnostics and could be driven by increased adoption of targeted therapies and personalized medicine approaches.
The company's collaboration with AWS on generative AI for healthcare transformation is an exciting development. This aligns with the broader trend of AI integration in medical imaging and diagnostics, potentially leading to improved accuracy, efficiency and patient outcomes.
The acquisition of Intelligent Ultrasound's clinical AI business further reinforces GE HealthCare's commitment to AI-driven innovation. This could enhance the company's ultrasound offerings, although the segment faced challenges this quarter with a 1% organic revenue decline.
The installation of the first Allia IGS Pulse electrophysiology lab in the U.S. and the augmented reality interventional suite demonstrate GE HealthCare's focus on advanced, minimally invasive procedures. These innovations could drive future growth as healthcare providers seek to improve procedural outcomes and efficiency.
The potential positive impact of the CMS reimbursement proposal on PET/SPECT scanners and radiopharmaceuticals is significant. This could accelerate adoption of advanced imaging technologies for cancer, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, benefiting both patients and GE HealthCare's imaging and pharmaceutical diagnostics segments.
While near-term challenges exist, particularly in China, GE HealthCare's innovation pipeline and strategic focus on high-growth areas position it well for long-term success in the evolving healthcare technology landscape.
Revenues were flat year-over-year; Organic revenue growth* was
1% -
Net income margin was
8.9% versus8.7% for the prior year; Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) margin* was15.3% versus14.8% -
Diluted earnings per share (EPS) were
versus$0.93 for the prior year; Adjusted EPS* was$0.91 versus$1.00 $0.92 -
Cash flow from operating activities was
versus$(119) million for the prior year; Free cash flow* was$(67) million versus$(182) million $(136) million - Company updates full-year guidance for Organic revenue growth* and Adjusted EBIT margin*
GE HealthCare President and CEO Peter Arduini said, “In the second quarter, we delivered year-over-year sales growth and margin expansion despite headwinds in the
Second quarter 2024 total company financial performance
Revenues of
were flat as reported and up$4.8 billion 1% on an Organic* basis year-over-year, with positive price and volume -
Total company book-to-bill, defined as Total orders divided by Total revenues, was solid at 1.06 times. Total company orders increased
3% organically year-over-year. -
Net income attributable to GE HealthCare was
versus$428 million for the prior year, and Adjusted EBIT* was$418 million versus$742 million $711 million -
Net income margin was
8.9% versus8.7% for the prior year, up 20 basis points (bps). Adjusted EBIT margin* was15.3% versus14.8% , up 60 bps as both measures saw benefits from productivity and price. -
Diluted EPS was
versus$0.93 , up$0.91 from the prior year. Adjusted EPS* was$0.02 versus$1.00 , up$0.92 from the prior year as both measures saw improved EBIT and lower interest expense.$0.09 -
Cash flow from operating activities was
, down$(119) million year-over-year. Free cash flow* was$52 million , down$(182) million year-over-year.$46 million
Second quarter 2024 segment financial performance (Unaudited)
Segment ($ in millions) |
Imaging |
Ultrasound |
Patient Care Solutions |
Pharmaceutical Diagnostics |
Segment Revenues |
YoY % change |
(1)% |
(2)% |
—% |
YoY % Organic* change |
—% |
(1)% |
Segment EBIT |
YoY % change |
(7)% |
(8)% |
Segment EBIT Margin |
YoY change |
40 bps |
(120) bps |
(90) bps |
450 bps |
YoY refers to year-over-year comparison |
Growth and innovation
Mr. Arduini continued, “The recent Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reimbursement proposal has the potential to benefit patients in the
Recent innovation and commercial highlights
- GE HealthCare and AWS announce strategic collaboration to accelerate healthcare transformation with generative AI
- GE HealthCare announces agreement to acquire clinical artificial intelligence business from Intelligent Ultrasound
- GE HealthCare’s MIM Software introduces MIM Symphony HDR Prostate for MR Image guidance during procedures
Heart Hospital of
New Mexico at Lovelace Medical Center and GE HealthCare collaborate to install the first Allia IGS Pulse electrophysiology lab inthe United States - GE HealthCare and Mediview announce the world’s first installation and clinical use of augmented reality interventional suite that aims to transform the practice of interventional radiology
GE HealthCare and Salud Digna extend collaboration aimed at improving patient care in
Mexico - GE HealthCare announces changes in strategic leadership and key segments to better serve patients and customers
- GE HealthCare increases access to precision care tools, encouraging the continued adoption and practice of more personalized medicine around the world
GE HealthCare study demonstrates adding breast oncology PET tracer to standard workup of patients with metastatic or recurrent breast cancer may yield beneficial clinical and economic outcomes, potentially saving
over five years in$142M the United States -
GE HealthCare and Tampa General Hospital expand long-term partnership to benefit patients and clinicians across the state of
Florida - Pushing the boundaries of neuroscience with GE HealthCare’s SIGNA MAGNUS
2024 guidance
Today, the Company updates full-year 2024 guidance for Organic revenue growth* and Adjusted EBIT margin* and reaffirms other metrics as follows:
Organic revenue growth* in the range of
1% to2% year-over-year versus the prior guide of approximately4% , due toChina market headwinds -
Adjusted EBIT margin* in the range of
15.7% to16.0% , reflecting an expansion of 60 to 90 basis points versus 2023 Adjusted EBIT margin* of15.1% ; this compares to prior guidance of15.6% to15.9% -
Adjusted effective tax rate (ETR)* in the range of
23% to25% -
Adjusted EPS* in the range of
to$4.20 , representing$4.35 7% to11% growth versus Adjusted EPS* of for 2023$3.93 -
Free cash flow* of approximately
$1.8 billion
The Company provides its outlook on a non-GAAP basis. Refer to the Non-GAAP Financial Measures in Outlook section below for more details.
Financial rounding
Certain columns and rows in this document may not sum due to the use of rounded numbers. Percentages presented are calculated from the underlying whole-dollar amounts.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited) |
For the three months ended June 30 |
For the six months ended June 30 |
(In millions, except per share amounts) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Sales of products |
$ |
3,207 |
$ |
3,213 |
$ |
6,253 |
$ |
6,344 |
Sales of services |
1,632 |
1,604 |
3,237 |
3,180 |
Total revenues |
4,839 |
4,817 |
9,489 |
9,524 |
Cost of products |
2,045 |
2,084 |
4,012 |
4,121 |
Cost of services |
792 |
793 |
1,574 |
1,572 |
Gross profit |
2,002 |
1,940 |
3,904 |
3,831 |
Selling, general, and administrative |
1,067 |
1,072 |
2,105 |
2,134 |
Research and development |
327 |
298 |
651 |
568 |
Total operating expenses |
1,395 |
1,370 |
2,756 |
2,702 |
Operating income |
608 |
570 |
1,148 |
1,129 |
Interest and other financial charges – net |
131 |
137 |
254 |
273 |
Non-operating benefit (income) costs |
(101 |
) |
(123 |
) |
(204 |
) |
(238 |
) |
Other (income) expense – net |
(1 |
) |
(14 |
) |
8 |
(22 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
578 |
570 |
1,090 |
1,116 |
Benefit (provision) for income taxes |
(143 |
) |
(137 |
) |
(267 |
) |
(300 |
) |
Net income |
435 |
433 |
823 |
816 |
Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests |
(7 |
) |
(15 |
) |
(21 |
) |
(26 |
) |
Net income attributable to GE HealthCare |
428 |
418 |
802 |
790 |
Deemed preferred stock dividend of redeemable noncontrolling interest |
— |
— |
— |
(183 |
) |
Net income attributable to GE HealthCare common stockholders |
$ |
428 |
$ |
418 |
$ |
802 |
$ |
607 |
Earnings per share attributable to GE HealthCare common stockholders: |
Basic |
$ |
0.94 |
$ |
0.92 |
$ |
1.76 |
$ |
1.34 |
Diluted |
$ |
0.93 |
$ |
0.91 |
$ |
1.75 |
$ |
1.33 |
Weighted-average number of shares outstanding: |
Basic |
457 |
455 |
456 |
455 |
Diluted |
459 |
458 |
459 |
458 |
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Position (Unaudited) |
As of |
(In millions, except share and per share amounts) |
June 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash |
$ |
2,015 |
$ |
2,504 |
Receivables – net of allowances of |
3,343 |
3,525 |
Due from related parties |
11 |
32 |
Inventories |
2,023 |
1,960 |
Contract and other deferred assets |
977 |
1,000 |
All other current assets |
437 |
389 |
Current assets |
8,806 |
9,410 |
Property, plant, and equipment – net |
2,458 |
2,500 |
Goodwill |
13,116 |
12,936 |
Other intangible assets – net |
1,195 |
1,253 |
Deferred income taxes |
4,365 |
4,474 |
All other non-current assets |
1,913 |
1,881 |
Total assets |
$ |
31,852 |
$ |
32,454 |
Short-term borrowings |
$ |
1,007 |
$ |
1,006 |
Accounts payable |
2,824 |
2,947 |
Due to related parties |
27 |
99 |
Contract liabilities |
1,876 |
1,918 |
Current compensation and benefits |
1,235 |
1,518 |
All other current liabilities |
1,348 |
1,493 |
Current liabilities |
8,318 |
8,981 |
Long-term borrowings |
8,233 |
8,436 |
Non-current compensation and benefits |
5,455 |
5,782 |
Deferred income taxes |
55 |
68 |
All other non-current liabilities |
1,796 |
1,877 |
Total liabilities |
23,858 |
25,144 |
Commitments and contingencies |
Redeemable noncontrolling interests |
177 |
165 |
Common stock, par value |
5 |
5 |
Additional paid-in capital |
6,540 |
6,493 |
Retained earnings |
2,101 |
1,326 |
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) – net |
(845 |
) |
(691 |
) |
Total equity attributable to GE HealthCare |
7,801 |
7,133 |
Noncontrolling interests |
16 |
12 |
Total equity |
7,817 |
7,145 |
Total liabilities, redeemable noncontrolling interests, and equity |
$ |
31,852 |
$ |
32,454 |
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) |
For the six months ended June 30 |
(In millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income |
$ |
823 |
$ |
816 |
Adjustments to reconcile Net income to Cash from (used for) operating activities |
Depreciation of property, plant, and equipment |
137 |
124 |
Amortization of intangible assets |
160 |
189 |
Gain on fair value remeasurement of contingent consideration |
(10 |
) |
(3 |
) |
Net periodic postretirement benefit plan (income) expense |
(180 |
) |
(207 |
) |
Postretirement plan contributions |
(170 |
) |
(180 |
) |
Share-based compensation |
70 |
52 |
Provision for income taxes |
267 |
300 |
Cash paid during the year for income taxes |
(287 |
) |
(271 |
) |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities, excluding the effects of acquisitions: |
Receivables |
112 |
(32 |
) |
Due from related parties |
19 |
10 |
Inventories |
(116 |
) |
(172 |
) |
Contract and other deferred assets |
12 |
(64 |
) |
Accounts payable |
(41 |
) |
(40 |
) |
Due to related parties |
(57 |
) |
(11 |
) |
Contract liabilities |
(20 |
) |
111 |
Current compensation and benefits |
(266 |
) |
(114 |
) |
All other operating activities - net |
(155 |
) |
(107 |
) |
Cash from (used for) operating activities |
300 |
401 |
Cash flows – investing activities |
Additions to property, plant and equipment and internal-use software |
(209 |
) |
(213 |
) |
Dispositions of property, plant, and equipment |
— |
1 |
Purchases of businesses, net of cash acquired |
(259 |
) |
(147 |
) |
All other investing activities - net |
(69 |
) |
9 |
Cash from (used for) investing activities |
(537 |
) |
(350 |
) |
Cash flows – financing activities |
Net increase (decrease) in borrowings (maturities of 90 days or less) |
— |
(12 |
) |
Newly issued debt, net of debt issuance costs (maturities longer than 90 days) |
1 |
2,000 |
Repayments and other reductions (maturities longer than 90 days) |
(156 |
) |
(6 |
) |
Dividends paid to stockholders |
(28 |
) |
(14 |
) |
Redemption of noncontrolling interests |
— |
(211 |
) |
Net transfers (to) from GE |
— |
(1,317 |
) |
All other financing activities - net |
(27 |
) |
6 |
Cash from (used for) financing activities |
(210 |
) |
446 |
Effect of foreign currency rate changes on cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash |
(41 |
) |
(3 |
) |
Increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash |
(488 |
) |
494 |
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at beginning of year |
2,506 |
1,451 |
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash as of June 30 |
$ |
2,018 |
$ |
1,945 |
Supplemental disclosure of cash flows information |
Cash paid during the year for interest |
$ |
(274 |
) |
$ |
(250 |
) |
Non-cash investing activities |
Acquired but unpaid property, plant, and equipment |
$ |
76 |
$ |
70 |
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
The non-GAAP financial measures presented in this press release are supplemental measures of GE HealthCare’s performance and its liquidity that the Company believes will help investors understand its financial condition, cash flows, and operating results, and assess its future prospects. When read in conjunction with the Company’s
The Company reports Organic revenue and Organic revenue growth rate to provide management and investors with additional understanding and visibility into the underlying revenue trends of the Company’s established, ongoing operations, as well as provide insights into overall demand for its products and services. To calculate these measures, the Company excludes the effect of acquisitions, dispositions, and foreign currency rate fluctuations.
The Company reports EBIT, Adjusted EBIT, Adjusted EBIT margin, Adjusted net income, Adjusted net income margin, and Adjusted earnings per share to provide management and investors with additional understanding of its business by highlighting the results from ongoing operations and the underlying profitability factors, on a normalized basis. To calculate these measures the Company excludes, and reflects in the detailed reconciliations below, the following adjustments as applicable: Interest and other financial charges - net, Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests, Non-operating benefit (income) costs, Benefit (provision) for income taxes and certain tax related adjustments, and certain non-recurring and/or non-cash items. GE HealthCare may from time to time consider excluding other non-recurring items to enhance comparability between periods. Adjusted EBIT margin and Adjusted net income margin are calculated by taking Adjusted EBIT, or Adjusted net income, divided by Total revenues for the same period.
The Company reports Adjusted tax expense and Adjusted effective tax rate to provide investors with a better understanding of the normalized tax rate applicable to the business and provide more consistent comparability across periods. Adjusted tax expense excludes the income tax related to the pre-tax income adjustments included as part of Adjusted net income and certain income tax adjustments, such as adjustments to deferred tax assets or liabilities. The Company may from time to time consider excluding other non-recurring tax items to enhance comparability between periods. Adjusted effective tax rate is Adjusted tax expense divided by Income before income taxes less the pre-tax income adjustments referenced above.
The Company reports Free cash flow and Free cash flow conversion to provide management and investors with an important measure of the ability to generate cash on a normalized basis and provide insight into the Company’s flexibility to allocate capital. Free cash flow is Cash from (used for) operating activities including cash flows related to the additions and dispositions of property, plant, and equipment (“PP&E”) and additions of internal-use software. Free cash flow does not represent residual cash flows available for discretionary expenditures, due to the fact that the measure does not deduct the capital required for debt repayments. Free cash flow conversion is calculated by taking Free cash flow divided by Adjusted net income.
Management recognizes that these non-GAAP financial measures have limitations, including that they may be calculated differently by other companies or may be used under different circumstances or for different purposes. In order to compensate for the discussed limitations, management does not consider these measures in isolation from or as alternatives to the comparable financial measures determined in accordance with
Non-GAAP Financial Reconciliations
Organic Revenue* |
Unaudited |
For the three months ended June 30 |
For the six months ended June 30 |
($ In millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
% change |
2024 |
2023 |
% change |
Imaging revenues |
$ |
2,596 |
$ |
2,620 |
(1 |
)% |
$ |
5,062 |
$ |
5,116 |
(1 |
)% |
Less: Acquisitions(1) |
13 |
— |
13 |
— |
Less: Dispositions(2) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Foreign currency exchange |
(37 |
) |
— |
(64 |
) |
— |
Imaging Organic revenue* |
$ |
2,620 |
$ |
2,620 |
— |
% |
$ |
5,113 |
$ |
5,116 |
— |
% |
Ultrasound revenues |
$ |
823 |
$ |
839 |
(2 |
)% |
$ |
1,647 |
$ |
1,698 |
(3 |
)% |
Less: Acquisitions(1) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Dispositions(2) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Foreign currency exchange |
(8 |
) |
— |
(13 |
) |
— |
Ultrasound Organic revenue* |
$ |
831 |
$ |
839 |
(1 |
)% |
$ |
1,659 |
$ |
1,698 |
(2 |
)% |
PCS revenues |
$ |
772 |
$ |
770 |
— |
% |
$ |
1,519 |
$ |
1,551 |
(2 |
)% |
Less: Acquisitions(1) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Dispositions(2) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Foreign currency exchange |
(2 |
) |
— |
(4 |
) |
— |
PCS Organic revenue* |
$ |
775 |
$ |
770 |
1 |
% |
$ |
1,523 |
$ |
1,551 |
(2 |
)% |
PDx revenues |
$ |
639 |
$ |
568 |
12 |
% |
$ |
1,238 |
$ |
1,126 |
10 |
% |
Less: Acquisitions(1) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Dispositions(2) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Foreign currency exchange |
(7 |
) |
— |
(8 |
) |
— |
PDx Organic revenue* |
$ |
646 |
$ |
568 |
14 |
% |
$ |
1,246 |
$ |
1,126 |
11 |
% |
Other revenues |
$ |
9 |
$ |
20 |
(53 |
)% |
$ |
24 |
$ |
33 |
(27 |
)% |
Less: Acquisitions(1) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Dispositions(2) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Foreign currency exchange |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Other Organic revenue* |
$ |
9 |
$ |
20 |
(53 |
)% |
$ |
24 |
$ |
33 |
(27 |
)% |
Total revenues |
$ |
4,839 |
$ |
4,817 |
— |
% |
$ |
9,489 |
$ |
9,524 |
— |
% |
Less: Acquisitions(1) |
13 |
— |
14 |
— |
Less: Dispositions(2) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Less: Foreign currency exchange |
(54 |
) |
— |
(89 |
) |
— |
Organic revenue* |
$ |
4,881 |
$ |
4,817 |
1 |
% |
$ |
9,565 |
$ |
9,524 |
— |
% |
(1) |
Represents revenues attributable to acquisitions from the date the Company completed the transaction through the end of four quarters following the transaction. |
(2) |
Represents revenues attributable to dispositions for the four quarters preceding the disposition date. |
Adjusted EBIT* |
Unaudited |
For the three months ended June 30 |
For the six months ended June 30 |
($ In millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
% change |
2024 |
2023 |
% change |
Net income attributable to GE HealthCare |
$ |
428 |
$ |
418 |
2 |
% |
$ |
802 |
$ |
790 |
2 |
% |
Add: Interest and other financial charges – net |
131 |
137 |
254 |
273 |
Add: Non-operating benefit (income) costs |
(101 |
) |
(123 |
) |
(204 |
) |
(238 |
) |
Less: Benefit (provision) for income taxes |
(143 |
) |
(137 |
) |
(267 |
) |
(300 |
) |
Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests |
(7 |
) |
(15 |
) |
(21 |
) |
(26 |
) |
$ |
608 |
$ |
584 |
4 |
% |
$ |
1,140 |
$ |
1,151 |
(1 |
)% |
Add: Restructuring costs(1) |
29 |
19 |
68 |
31 |
Add: Acquisition and disposition-related charges (benefits)(2) |
(3 |
) |
(2 |
) |
(3 |
) |
(1 |
) |
Add: Spin-Off and separation costs(3) |
67 |
72 |
126 |
130 |
Add: (Gain) loss on business and asset dispositions(4) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Add: Amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets |
35 |
32 |
66 |
63 |
Add: Investment revaluation (gain) loss(5) |
6 |
6 |
26 |
1 |
Adjusted EBIT* |
$ |
742 |
$ |
711 |
4 |
% |
$ |
1,423 |
$ |
1,375 |
3 |
% |
Net income margin |
8.9 |
% |
8.7 |
% |
20 bps |
8.5 |
% |
8.3 |
% |
20 bps |
Adjusted EBIT margin* |
15.3 |
% |
14.8 |
% |
60 bps |
15.0 |
% |
14.4 |
% |
60 bps |
(1) |
Consists of severance, facility closures, and other charges associated with restructuring programs. |
(2) |
Consists of legal, consulting, and other transaction and integration fees, and adjustments to contingent consideration, as well as other purchase accounting related charges and other costs directly related to the transactions. |
(3) |
Costs incurred in the Spin-Off and separation from GE, including system implementations, audit and advisory fees, legal entity separation, Founders Grant equity awards, separation agreements with GE, and other one-time costs. |
(4) |
Consists of gains and losses resulting from the sale of assets and investments. |
(5) |
Primarily relates to valuation adjustments for equity investments. |
Adjusted Net Income* |
Unaudited |
For the three months ended June 30 |
For the six months ended June 30 |
($ In millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
% change |
2024 |
2023 |
% change |
Net income attributable to GE HealthCare |
$ |
428 |
$ |
418 |
2 |
% |
$ |
802 |
$ |
790 |
2 |
% |
Add: Non-operating benefit (income) costs |
(101 |
) |
(123 |
) |
(204 |
) |
(238 |
) |
Add: Restructuring costs(1) |
29 |
19 |
68 |
31 |
Add: Acquisition and disposition-related charges (benefits)(2) |
(3 |
) |
(2 |
) |
(3 |
) |
(1 |
) |
Add: Spin-Off and separation costs(3) |
67 |
72 |
126 |
130 |
Add: (Gain) loss on business and asset dispositions(4) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Add: Amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets |
35 |
32 |
66 |
63 |
Add: Investment revaluation (gain) loss(5) |
6 |
6 |
26 |
1 |
Add: Tax effect of reconciling items |
(1 |
) |
(3 |
) |
(10 |
) |
1 |
Add: Certain tax adjustments(6) |
— |
— |
— |
30 |
Adjusted net income* |
$ |
459 |
$ |
419 |
10 |
% |
$ |
872 |
$ |
807 |
8 |
% |
Adjusted net income margin* |
9.5 |
% |
8.7 |
% |
80 bps |
9.2 |
% |
8.5 |
% |
70 bps |
(1) |
Consists of severance, facility closures, and other charges associated with restructuring programs. |
(2) |
Consists of legal, consulting, and other transaction and integration fees, and adjustments to contingent consideration, as well as other purchase accounting related charges and other costs directly related to the transactions. |
(3) |
Costs incurred in the Spin-Off and separation from GE, including system implementations, audit and advisory fees, legal entity separation, Founders Grant equity awards, separation agreements with GE, and other one-time costs. |
(4) |
Consists of gains and losses resulting from the sale of assets and investments. |
(5) |
Primarily relates to valuation adjustments for equity investments. |
(6) |
Consists of certain income tax adjustments, including the accrual of a deferred tax liability on the prior period earnings of certain of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries for which the Company is no longer permanently reinvested and the impact of adjusting deferred tax assets and liabilities to stand-alone GE HealthCare tax rates. |
Adjusted Earnings Per Share* |
Unaudited |
For the three months ended June 30 |
For the six months ended June 30 |
(In dollars, except shares outstanding presented in millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
$ change |
2024 |
2023 |
$ change |
Diluted earnings per share |
$ |
0.93 |
$ |
0.91 |
$ |
0.02 |
$ |
1.75 |
$ |
1.33 |
$ |
0.42 |
Add: Deemed preferred stock dividend of redeemable noncontrolling interest |
— |
— |
— |
0.40 |
Add: Non-operating benefit (income) costs |
(0.22 |
) |
(0.27 |
) |
(0.44 |
) |
(0.52 |
) |
Add: Restructuring costs(1) |
0.06 |
0.04 |
0.15 |
0.07 |
Add: Acquisition and disposition-related charges (benefits)(2) |
(0.01 |
) |
(0.00 |
) |
(0.01 |
) |
(0.00 |
) |
Add: Spin-Off and separation costs(3) |
0.15 |
0.16 |
0.28 |
0.28 |
Add: (Gain) loss on business and asset dispositions(4) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Add: Amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets |
0.08 |
0.07 |
0.14 |
0.14 |
Add: Investment revaluation (gain) loss(5) |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.06 |
0.00 |
Add: Tax effect of reconciling items |
(0.00 |
) |
(0.01 |
) |
(0.02 |
) |
0.00 |
Add: Certain tax adjustments(6) |
— |
— |
— |
0.07 |
Adjusted earnings per share* |
$ |
1.00 |
$ |
0.92 |
$ |
0.09 |
$ |
1.90 |
$ |
1.76 |
$ |
0.14 |
Diluted weighted-average shares outstanding |
459 |
458 |
459 |
458 |
(1) |
Consists of severance, facility closures, and other charges associated with restructuring programs. |
(2) |
Consists of legal, consulting, and other transaction and integration fees, and adjustments to contingent consideration, as well as other purchase accounting related charges and other costs directly related to the transactions. |
(3) |
Costs incurred in the Spin-Off and separation from GE, including system implementations, audit and advisory fees, legal entity separation, Founders Grant equity awards, separation agreements with GE, and other one-time costs. |
(4) |
Consists of gains and losses resulting from the sale of assets and investments. |
(5) |
Primarily relates to valuation adjustments for equity investments. |
(6) |
Consists of certain income tax adjustments, including the accrual of a deferred tax liability on the prior period earnings of certain of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries for which the Company is no longer permanently reinvested and the impact of adjusting deferred tax assets and liabilities to stand-alone GE HealthCare tax rates. |
Adjusted Tax Expense* and Adjusted ETR* |
Unaudited |
For the three months ended June 30 |
For the six months ended June 30 |
($ In millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Benefit (provision) for income taxes |
$ |
(143 |
) |
$ |
(137 |
) |
$ |
(267 |
) |
$ |
(300 |
) |
Add: Tax effect of reconciling items |
(1 |
) |
(3 |
) |
(10 |
) |
1 |
Add: Certain tax adjustments(1) |
— |
— |
— |
30 |
Adjusted tax expense* |
$ |
(144 |
) |
$ |
(140 |
) |
$ |
(277 |
) |
$ |
(269 |
) |
Effective tax rate |
24.7 |
% |
24.0 |
% |
24.5 |
% |
26.9 |
% |
Adjusted effective tax rate* |
23.6 |
% |
24.4 |
% |
23.7 |
% |
24.4 |
% |
(1) |
Consists of certain income tax adjustments, including the accrual of a deferred tax liability on the prior period earnings of certain of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries for which the Company is no longer permanently reinvested and the impact of adjusting deferred tax assets and liabilities to stand-alone GE HealthCare tax rates. |
Free Cash Flow* |
Unaudited |
For the three months ended June 30 |
For the six months ended June 30 |
($ In millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
% change |
2024 |
2023 |
% change |
Cash from (used for) operating activities |
$ |
(119 |
) |
$ |
(67 |
) |
(77 |
)% |
$ |
300 |
$ |
401 |
(25 |
)% |
Add: Additions to PP&E and internal-use software |
(63 |
) |
(70 |
) |
(209 |
) |
(213 |
) |
Add: Dispositions of PP&E |
— |
1 |
— |
1 |
Free cash flow* |
$ |
(182 |
) |
$ |
(136 |
) |
(34 |
)% |
$ |
92 |
$ |
189 |
(51 |
)% |
Non-GAAP Financial Measures in Outlook
GE HealthCare calculates forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures, including Organic revenue growth, Adjusted EBIT margin, Adjusted ETR, Adjusted EPS, and Free cash flow based on internal forecasts that omit certain amounts that would be included in GAAP financial measures. GE HealthCare does not provide reconciliations of these forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures to the respective GAAP metrics as it is unable to predict with reasonable certainty and without unreasonable effort certain items such as the impact of changes in currency exchange rates, impacts associated with business acquisitions or dispositions, timing and magnitude of restructuring activities, and revaluation of strategic investments, amongst other items. The timing and amounts of these items are uncertain and could have a substantial impact on GE HealthCare’s results in accordance with GAAP.
Key Performance Indicators
Management uses the following metrics to provide a leading indicator of current business demand from customers for products and services.
- Organic orders growth: Rate of change period-over-period of contractual commitments with customers to provide specified goods or services for an agreed upon price, and excluding the effects of: (1) recent acquisitions and dispositions with less than a full year of comparable orders; and (2) foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations in order to present orders on a constant currency basis.
- Book-to-bill: Total orders divided by Total revenues within a given financial period (e.g., quarter or FY).
Conference Call and Webcast Information
GE HealthCare will discuss its results during its live earnings call today, July 31, 2024 at 8:30am ET. The webcast and accompanying slide presentation containing financial information can be accessed by visiting the investor section of the website at An archived version of the webcast will be available on the website after the call.
Forward-looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements might be identified by words, and variations of words, such as “will,” “expect,” “may,” “would,” “could,” “plan,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “estimate,” “potential,” “position,” “forecast,” “target,” “guidance,” “outlook,” and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements about our business and expected financial performance, financial condition, and results of operations, including revenue, revenue growth, profit, taxes, earnings per share, and cash flows, and the Company’s outlook; and the Company’s strategy, innovation, and investments. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s control. Factors that could cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from those described in its forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, operating in highly competitive markets; the Company’s ability to successfully complete strategic transactions; the actions or inactions of third parties with whom the Company partners and the various collaboration, licensing, and other partnerships and alliances the Company has with third parties; demand for the Company’s products, services, or solutions and factors that affect that demand; management of the Company’s supply chain and the Company’s ability to cost-effectively secure the materials it needs to operate its business; disruptions in the Company’s operations; changes in third-party and government reimbursement processes, rates, contractual relationships, and mix of public and private payers, including related to government shutdowns; the delayed
About GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.
GE HealthCare is a leading global medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, dedicated to providing integrated solutions, services, and data analytics to make hospitals more efficient, clinicians more effective, therapies more precise, and patients healthier and happier. Serving patients and providers for more than 125 years, GE HealthCare is advancing personalized, connected, and compassionate care, while simplifying the patient’s journey across the care pathway. Together our Imaging, Ultrasound, Patient Care Solutions, and Pharmaceutical Diagnostics businesses help improve patient care from diagnosis, to therapy, to monitoring. We are a
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* Non-GAAP financial measure.
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Investor Relations Contact:
Carolynne Borders
Media Contact:
Jennifer Fox
Source: GE HealthCare