GE HealthCare Accelerates Artificial Intelligence Adoption With New Offering to Advance Enterprise Imaging

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GE HealthCare (GEHC) is accelerating AI adoption in enterprise imaging by integrating Blackford's AI-enabled application orchestration feature into True PACS and Centricity PACS. This collaboration aims to help radiologists manage increased workloads and exam complexity, potentially leading to quicker diagnoses and treatments. The integration offers healthcare providers access to a catalog of third-party AI applications across various clinical areas.

The move addresses burnout among radiologists, with an RSNA survey reporting 49% experiencing burnout, primarily due to excessive bureaucratic tasks. GE HealthCare's solution aims to improve workflow efficiency, allowing clinicians to focus more on patient care. The company has received 80 FDA clearances or authorizations for AI-enabled medical devices in the US, highlighting its commitment to AI in healthcare.

GE HealthCare (GEHC) sta accelerando l'adozione dell'IA nell'imaging aziendale integrando la funzionalità di orchestrazione delle applicazioni abilitata all'IA di Blackford nel True PACS e nel Centricity PACS. Questa collaborazione mira ad aiutare i radiologi a gestire carichi di lavoro aumentati e la complessità degli esami, portando potenzialmente a diagnosi e trattamenti più rapidi. L'integrazione offre ai fornitori di assistenza sanitaria accesso a un catalogo di applicazioni IA di terze parti in vari ambiti clinici.

Questa mossa affronta il problema del burnout tra i radiologi, con un sondaggio dell'RSNA che riporta che il 49% di loro sperimenta burnout, principalmente a causa di compiti burocratici eccessivi. La soluzione di GE HealthCare punta a migliorare l'efficienza del flusso di lavoro, consentendo ai clinici di concentrarsi maggiormente sulla cura dei pazienti. L'azienda ha ricevuto 80 autorizzazioni o approvazioni dalla FDA per dispositivi medici abilitati all'IA negli Stati Uniti, evidenziando il suo impegno per l'IA nella sanità.

GE HealthCare (GEHC) está acelerando la adopción de IA en la imagen médica empresarial integrando la función de orquestación de aplicaciones habilitadas por IA de Blackford en True PACS y Centricity PACS. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo ayudar a los radiólogos a gestionar cargas de trabajo crecientes y la complejidad de los exámenes, lo que podría llevar a diagnósticos y tratamientos más rápidos. La integración ofrece a los proveedores de salud acceso a un catálogo de aplicaciones de IA de terceros en diversas áreas clínicas.

Este movimiento aborda el desgaste profesional entre los radiólogos, con una encuesta de RSNA que informa que el 49% experimenta agotamiento, principalmente debido a tareas burocráticas excesivas. La solución de GE HealthCare busca mejorar la eficiencia del flujo de trabajo, permitiendo a los clínicos centrarse más en la atención al paciente. La compañía ha recibido 80 autorizaciones o aprobaciones de la FDA para dispositivos médicos habilitados por IA en los Estados Unidos, destacando su compromiso con la IA en el cuidado de la salud.

GE 헬스케어 (GEHC)는 True PACS 및 Centricity PACS에 Blackford의 AI 지원 응용 프로그램 오케스트레이션 기능을 통합하여 기업 영상에서 AI 채택을 가속화하고 있습니다. 이 협업은 방사선 전문의들이 증가하는 업무량과 검사의 복잡성을 관리할 수 있도록 도와주며, 이는 보다 신속한 진단 및 치료로 이어질 수 있습니다. 통합은 의료 제공자에게 다양한 임상 분야의 제3자 AI 응용 프로그램 카탈로그에 대한 접근을 제공합니다.

이 조치는 방사선 전문의들 사이의 소진 문제를 해결하며, RSNA 설문 조사에서는 49%가 주로 지나치게 많은 관료적 업무로 인해 소진을 경험하고 있다고 보고했습니다. GE 헬스케어의 솔루션은 업무 효율성을 개선하여 임상의들이 환자 치료에 더욱 집중할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 회사는 미국에서 AI 지원 의료 기기에 대해 80개의 FDA 승인 또는 허가를 받았습니다, 이는 의료 분야에서 AI에 대한 의지를 강조합니다.

GE HealthCare (GEHC) accélère l'adoption de l'IA dans l'imagerie d'entreprise en intégrant la fonctionnalité d'orchestration des applications activées par l'IA de Blackford dans True PACS et Centricity PACS. Cette collaboration vise à aider les radiologues à gérer des charges de travail accrues et la complexité des examens, ce qui pourrait potentiellement conduire à des diagnostics et des traitements plus rapides. L'intégration offre aux prestataires de soins de santé un accès à un catalogue d'applications IA tierces dans divers domaines cliniques.

Cette initiative s'attaque au burnout parmi les radiologues, une enquête de l'RSNA rapportant que 49 % d'entre eux souffrent de burnout, principalement en raison de tâches bureaucratiques excessives. La solution de GE HealthCare vise à améliorer l'efficacité des flux de travail, permettant aux cliniciens de se concentrer davantage sur les soins aux patients. L'entreprise a reçu 80 autorisations ou approbations de la FDA pour des dispositifs médicaux activés par l'IA aux États-Unis, soulignant son engagement envers l'IA dans le secteur de la santé.

GE HealthCare (GEHC) beschleunigt die Einführung von KI im Unternehmensbild, indem die KI-gestützte Anwendungsorchestrierungsfunktion von Blackford in True PACS und Centricity PACS integriert wird. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Radiologen bei der Bewältigung steigender Arbeitsbelastungen und der Komplexität von Untersuchungen zu unterstützen, was potenziell zu schnelleren Diagnosen und Behandlungen führen kann. Die Integration bietet Gesundheitsdienstleistern Zugang zu einem Katalog von Drittanbieter-KI-Anwendungen in verschiedenen klinischen Bereichen.

Dieser Schritt zielt darauf ab, das Burnout-Problem unter Radiologen anzugehen, wobei eine Umfrage der RSNA berichtet, dass 49% von ihnen Burnout erleben, hauptsächlich aufgrund übermäßiger bürokratischer Aufgaben. Die Lösung von GE HealthCare soll die Effizienz der Arbeitsabläufe verbessern und es den Ärzten ermöglichen, sich mehr auf die Patientenversorgung zu konzentrieren. Das Unternehmen hat 80 FDA-Zulassungen oder -Genehmigungen für KI-gestützte medizinische Geräte in den USA erhalten, was sein Engagement für KI im Gesundheitswesen unterstreicht.

  • Integration of AI-enabled application orchestration feature into PACS systems
  • Potential for quicker diagnosis and treatment for patients
  • Access to a catalog of third-party AI applications across various clinical areas
  • 80 FDA clearances or authorizations for AI-enabled medical devices in the US
  • High burnout rate among radiologists (49%) may impact adoption and effectiveness


GE HealthCare's integration of AI-enabled decision support into their PACS systems is a significant development in the medical imaging industry. This collaboration with Blackford addresses critical issues facing radiologists, including burnout and excessive workloads. The AI orchestration platform offers access to a variety of clinical applications, potentially improving efficiency and accuracy in radiology services. With GE HealthCare leading in FDA-cleared AI-enabled medical devices, this move further solidifies their position in the market. The integration aligns with the growing trend of AI adoption in healthcare, with global spending on AI in Medical Imaging reaching $700 million in 2023. This strategic move could enhance GE HealthCare's competitive edge and potentially drive revenue growth in the enterprise imaging segment.

This development addresses a critical pain point in the healthcare industry - clinician burnout. With 49% of radiologists reporting burnout, GE HealthCare's AI integration could significantly improve workflow efficiency and job satisfaction. The AI-enabled platform's ability to handle various clinical use cases, from mammography to lung scans, demonstrates its versatility and potential wide-ranging impact. For investors, this signals GE HealthCare's commitment to innovation and market responsiveness. The collaboration with Blackford also highlights a strategic approach to leveraging partnerships for rapid advancement in AI capabilities. As healthcare providers increasingly view AI as a necessity rather than an option, GE HealthCare is positioning itself at the forefront of this transition, which could translate to increased market share and long-term growth potential.

Integrated feature from Blackford offers AI-enabled decision support to help radiologists adapt to higher workloads and increased exam complexity

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- GE HealthCare integrates third party artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled application orchestration feature into True PACS and Centricity PACS. 1 In collaboration with Blackford, the new AI-enabled offerings help radiologists with their workload which could help lead to quicker diagnosis and treatment for patients. The collaboration is intended to offer health care providers an AI-enabled platform with a catalogue of third-party AI applications that span across various clinical area use cases, ranging from mammography to lung scans. 2

Many clinicians are burnt out and actively considering leaving the healthcare industry. An RSNA survey of 13,000 radiologists last year found that 49% reported burnout and the top cause of burnout (60%) is excessive bureaucratic tasks. 3 One-third report excessive work hours and lack of autonomy over their life, while 28% report frustrations related to the use of medical records. 4 Based on these trends, GE HealthCare is developing solutions integrated with AI to help improve workflow efficiency so clinicians can spend more time with patients and focus more on the right care pathway.

“We are focused on providing enterprise imaging to enable precision care. The integration with Blackford’s AI-enabled solution will help radiologists access more insights when diagnosing patients. With so much unstructured data and radiologists overloaded on cases, they need a solution that can help increase their quality and diagnose faster,” said Ludovic d’Apréa, CEO of Solutions for Enterprise Imaging, GE HealthCare.

AI is central to GE HealthCare’s digital strategy, which focuses on its precision care framework that includes smart devices, targeted therapies, a disease-specific focus, and digital solutions. GE HealthCare has topped a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) list of artificial intelligence (AI) enabled medical devices with 80 listed 510(k) clearances or authorizations to date in the United States. 5 AI orchestration is an enterprise capability, designed to enable healthcare providers to access a curated selection of clinical imaging applications with minimal effort and overhead. It provides a single contact for sourcing a variety of clinical applications and a validated and easier process for integrating AI into your reading workflows. With this collaboration, GE HealthCare’s PACS and Centricity PACS users will gain fast and easy access to the industry’s growing portfolio of imaging AI-enabled solutions to support improved efficiency, accuracy, and quality of radiology services.

“Blackford is committed to delivering AI solutions that broaden clinical and operational AI usage and drive additional value for healthcare organizations and their patients,” said Ben Panter, CEO at Blackford. “The collaboration with GE HealthCare will help unlock the benefits a tailored AI platform approach can provide to more healthcare providers via a leading global healthcare provider.”

“AI investment is now a question of ‘when’ not ‘if’ for healthcare providers. With over 950 AI/ML products approved by the FDA (as of May 2024) and over $700m spent on AI in Medical Imaging in 2023 globally, supporting the integration of AI algorithms into the radiological workflows is critical for imaging IT vendors today,” said Amy Thompson, Research Manager at Signify Research.

Learn more about GE HealthCare’s True PACS & Centricity PACS here. The technology will also be showcased at the Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois from Dec 1-4.

1 True PACS is a solution which contains Universal Viewer, Enterprise Archive, Centricity Universal Viewer ZeroFootprint Client, Edison AI Orchestrator and 3rd party clinical AI apps.

2 All clinical application are not available in all countries.

3 RSNA survey:

4 Bailey, Christopher, Bailey, Allison M., et al. Understanding and Appreciating Burnout in Radiologists. RadioGraphics 2022 42:5, E137-E139.

5 FDA: AI/ML- Enabled Medical Devices, published on August 7, 2024

About GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.

GE HealthCare is a leading global medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, dedicated to providing integrated solutions, services, and data analytics to make hospitals more efficient, clinicians more effective, therapies more precise, and patients healthier and happier. Serving patients and providers for more than 125 years, GE HealthCare is advancing personalized, connected, and compassionate care, while simplifying the patient’s journey across the care pathway. Together our Imaging, Ultrasound, Patient Care Solutions, and Pharmaceutical Diagnostics businesses help improve patient care from diagnosis, to therapy, to monitoring. We are a $19.6 billion business with approximately 51,000 colleagues working to create a world where healthcare has no limits.

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Linh Dinh

Communications Director

M +408.275.5682

Source: GE HealthCare


What AI integration is GE HealthCare (GEHC) implementing in its PACS systems?

GE HealthCare is integrating Blackford's AI-enabled application orchestration feature into its True PACS and Centricity PACS systems to help radiologists manage increased workloads and exam complexity.

How many FDA clearances or authorizations has GE HealthCare (GEHC) received for AI-enabled medical devices?

GE HealthCare has received 80 FDA clearances or authorizations for AI-enabled medical devices in the United States.

What percentage of radiologists reported burnout according to the RSNA survey mentioned in the GE HealthCare (GEHC) press release?

According to the RSNA survey mentioned in the press release, 49% of radiologists reported experiencing burnout.

What is the main cause of burnout among radiologists according to the GE HealthCare (GEHC) press release?

The press release states that the top cause of burnout among radiologists (60%) is excessive bureaucratic tasks.

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