Gold Reserve Responds to CRA Reassessment Proposal
Gold Reserve (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) has issued a strong response to the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) November 14, 2024 proposal letter, contesting all proposed tax reassessments. The CRA seeks to reassess the company's tax returns for 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018, specifically targeting the September 2014 arbitral award and certain payments from the settlement agreement with Venezuela.
The company argues that many proposed adjustments were made after the expiration of the legal reassessment period under the Income Tax Act (Canada). Gold Reserve maintains that its tax returns were filed accurately and in compliance with Canadian law, highlighting significant flaws in the CRA's position regarding the inclusion of the arbitral award and related amounts in the company's income. The company has committed to vigorously defending its tax filing position.
Gold Reserve (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) ha risposto con fermezza alla lettera proposta della Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) del 14 novembre 2024, contestando tutte le proposte di riassestamento fiscale. La CRA cerca di rivedere le dichiarazioni dei redditi dell'azienda per gli anni 2014, 2016, 2017 e 2018, concentrandosi in particolare sul premio arbitrale del settembre 2014 e su certi pagamenti derivanti dall'accordo di risoluzione con il Venezuela.
L'azienda sostiene che molti degli aggiustamenti proposti sono stati fatti dopo la scadenza del periodo legale di riassestamento previsto dalla Income Tax Act (Canada). Gold Reserve afferma che le sue dichiarazioni fiscali sono state presentate in modo accurato e in conformità con la legge canadese, evidenziando importanti difetti nella posizione della CRA riguardo all'inclusione del premio arbitrale e degli importi correlati nel reddito dell'azienda. L'azienda si è impegnata a difendere con vigore la propria posizione fiscale.
Gold Reserve (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) ha emitido una fuerte respuesta a la carta propuesta de la Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) del 14 de noviembre de 2024, impugnando todas las reevaluaciones fiscales propuestas. La CRA busca reevaluar las declaraciones de impuestos de la empresa para 2014, 2016, 2017 y 2018, enfocándose específicamente en el laudo arbitral de septiembre de 2014 y ciertos pagos del acuerdo de conciliación con Venezuela.
La empresa argumenta que muchos de los ajustes propuestos se realizaron después de la expiración del período legal de reevaluación según la Income Tax Act (Canadá). Gold Reserve mantiene que sus declaraciones de impuestos fueron presentadas con precisión y en cumplimiento de la ley canadiense, destacando fallos significativos en la posición de la CRA respecto a la inclusión del laudo arbitral y montos relacionados en los ingresos de la empresa. La compañía se ha comprometido a defender enérgicamente su posición fiscal.
골드 리저브 (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF)는 2024년 11월 14일 캐나다 국세청(CRA)의 제안서에 강력히 대응하며 제안된 모든 세금 reassessments에 이의를 제기했습니다. CRA는 2014, 2016, 2017 및 2018년 회사 세금 신고서를 재조사하려 하고 있으며, 특히 2014년 9월의 중재 판결과 베네수엘라와의 합의 계약에 따른 특정 지급금을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
회사는 많은 제안된 조정이 소득세 법(캐나다) 아래의 법적 재조사 기간이 만료된 후에 이루어졌다고 주장합니다. 골드 리저브는 자사의 세금 신고가 정확하게 이루어졌으며 캐나다 법을 준수했다고 주장하며, 중재 판결 및 관련 수치를 회사의 소득에 포함하는 것과 관련하여 CRA의 입장에 중대한 결함이 있음을 강조합니다. 회사는 자신의 세금 신고 기준을 vigorously 방어하기로 약속했습니다.
Gold Reserve (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) a réagi fortement à la lettre de proposition de l'Agence du revenu du Canada (CRA) datée du 14 novembre 2024, contestent toutes les propositions de réévaluation fiscale. La CRA cherche à réévaluer les déclarations fiscales de l'entreprise pour les années 2014, 2016, 2017 et 2018, en ciblant spécifiquement la décision arbitrale de septembre 2014 et certains paiements issus de l'accord de règlement avec le Venezuela.
L'entreprise soutient que de nombreux ajustements proposés ont été effectués après l'expiration de la période légale de réévaluation prévue par la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (Canada). Gold Reserve maintient que ses déclarations fiscales ont été déposées avec précision et en conformité avec la loi canadienne, soulignant d'importants défauts dans la position de la CRA concernant l'inclusion de la décision arbitrale et des montants liés dans le revenu de l'entreprise. L'entreprise s'est engagée à défendre vigoureusement sa position fiscale.
Gold Reserve (TSX.V: GRZ) (OTCQX: GDRZF) hat auf das Vorschreiben der Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) vom 14. November 2024 stark reagiert und alle vorgeschlagenen Steuernachprüfungen angefochten. Die CRA plant, die Steuererklärungen des Unternehmens für 2014, 2016, 2017 und 2018 zu überprüfen, wobei der Schwerpunkt insbesondere auf dem Schiedsspruch von September 2014 und bestimmten Zahlungen aus dem Vergleichsvertrag mit Venezuela liegt.
Das Unternehmen argumentiert, dass viele der vorgeschlagenen Anpassungen nach Ablauf des gesetzlichen Nachprüfungszeitraums gemäß dem Einkommenssteuergesetz (Kanada) vorgenommen wurden. Gold Reserve ist der Ansicht, dass seine Steuererklärungen korrekt eingereicht und im Einklang mit dem kanadischen Recht waren und hebt bedeutende Mängel in der Position der CRA hinsichtlich der Berücksichtigung des Schiedsspruchs und verwandter Beträge in den Einkünften des Unternehmens hervor. Das Unternehmen hat sich verpflichtet, seine steuerliche Position energisch zu verteidigen.
- None.
- Potential tax liability risk from CRA reassessment of multiple tax years (2014, 2016-2018)
- Legal dispute with Canadian tax authorities over arbitral award and Venezuela settlement payments
- Possible financial impact if CRA's reassessment is upheld
Company contests all proposed adjustments
CRA proposed a reassessment of the company’s 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018 taxation years that would include, among other amounts, the September 2014 arbitral award and certain payments made under the settlement agreement with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Gold Reserve’s response argues that many of the proposed adjustments were brought after the expiry of the reassessment period established by the Income Tax Act (
Executive leadership contends that Gold Reserve has filed its tax returns accurately and in compliance with Canadian law, and the company intends to vigorously defend its tax filing position.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable
We caution that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other risks that may cause actual events, outcomes or results in Gold Reserve to be materially different from our estimated outcomes, results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, the impact of potential income tax liabilities (including the impact on the Company’s financial position and ability of the Company to continue as a going concern) if the Company is liable under the assessments either as proposed in the Proposal Letter or pursuant to a different basis of assessment, the Company’s response and position with respect to the Proposal Letter (including the Company’s intention to defend its tax filing position, including with respect to any potential reassessments if issued by CRA), any adjustments or deductions that may be available to the Company to reduce amounts payable under any reassessments, possible audits of other taxation years of the Company and the length of time it may take to resolve the issues raised in the Proposal Letter or any subsequent objection to or appeal of reassessment.
For a more detailed discussion of the risk factors affecting the Company’s business, see the Company’s management information circular dated August 20, 2024, the Company’s Management’s Discussion & Analysis for the 9-month period ended September 30, 2024, the Annual Information Form on Form 40-F and Management’s Discussion & Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023 and other reports that have been filed on SEDAR+ and are available under the Company’s profile at and which have been filed on EDGAR and are available under the Company’s profile at
Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to Gold Reserve or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. Gold Reserve disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking information or statements or the foregoing list of assumptions or factors, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, subject to its disclosure obligations under applicable rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and applicable Canadian provincial and territorial securities laws.
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For further information, please contact:
Paul Rivett
(800) 625-9550
Rosebank Centre, 5th Floor, 11 Bermudiana Road, Pembroke HM 08,
Source: Gold Reserve Ltd.