Glidelogic Corp. Announces Revolutionary AI-Generated Content Copyright Protection Solution

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

Glidelogic Corp. (USOTC: GDLG) has unveiled a groundbreaking AI-generated content copyright protection solution. The system integrates Glidelogic's patented technology with Propaganda GEM's industry resources to provide comprehensive copyright management for digital content creators and users. Key features include:

1. Secure copyrighted content for AI model training
2. Patented technology to encode content with user information, generating customized NFTs
3. First-ever copyright verification and blockchain integration for AI-generated works
4. Establishment of an on-site data center with 64 NVIDIA DGX H200 servers

CEO Yitian (Fred) Xue stated that this solution balances interests of IP holders, technology providers, and AI creators, potentially becoming an industry standard in the near future.

Glidelogic Corp. (USOTC: GDLG) ha presentato una rivoluzionaria soluzione di protezione del copyright per contenuti generati da AI. Il sistema integra la tecnologia brevettata di Glidelogic con le risorse del settore di Propaganda GEM per fornire una gestione completa dei diritti d'autore per i creatori di contenuti digitali e gli utenti. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Protezione sicura dei contenuti coperti da copyright per l'addestramento dei modelli AI
2. Tecnologia brevettata per codificare i contenuti con informazioni sugli utenti, generando NFT personalizzati
3. Prima verifica di copyright e integrazione della blockchain per opere generate da AI
4. Istituzione di un centro dati locale con 64 server NVIDIA DGX H200

Il CEO Yitian (Fred) Xue ha dichiarato che questa soluzione equilibra gli interessi dei titolari di diritti di IP, fornitori di tecnologia e creatori di AI, potenzialmente diventando uno standard del settore nel prossimo futuro.

Glidelogic Corp. (USOTC: GDLG) ha presentado una innovadora solución de protección de derechos de autor para contenido generado por IA. El sistema integra la tecnología patentada de Glidelogic con los recursos de la industria de Propaganda GEM para proporcionar una gestión integral de derechos de autor para creadores y usuarios de contenido digital. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Protección segura de contenido protegido por derechos de autor para el entrenamiento de modelos de IA
2. Tecnología patentada para codificar contenido con información del usuario, generando NFT personalizados
3. Primera verificación de derechos de autor e integración de blockchain para obras generadas por IA
4. Establecimiento de un centro de datos in situ con 64 servidores NVIDIA DGX H200

El CEO Yitian (Fred) Xue declaró que esta solución equilibra los intereses de los titulares de derechos de IP, proveedores de tecnología y creadores de IA, con el potencial de convertirse en un estándar de la industria en un futuro cercano.

Glidelogic Corp. (USOTC: GDLG)가 혁신적인 AI 생성 콘텐츠 저작권 보호 솔루션을 공개했습니다. 이 시스템은 Glidelogic의 특허 기술과 Propaganda GEM의 산업 자원을 통합하여 디지털 콘텐츠 제작자와 사용자에게 포괄적인 저작권 관리를 제공합니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. AI 모델 훈련을 위한 저작권 보호 콘텐츠 보안
2. 사용자 정보를 인코딩하여 맞춤형 NFT를 생성하는 특허 기술
3. AI 생성 작품을 위한 최초의 저작권 확인 및 블록체인 통합
4. 64대의 NVIDIA DGX H200 서버가 갖춰진 현장 데이터 센터 구축

CEO Yitian (Fred) Xue는 이 솔루션이 IP 보유자, 기술 제공자 및 AI 제작자의 이익을 균형 있게 조정하여 가까운 미래에 업계 표준이 될 가능성이 있다고 밝혔습니다.

Glidelogic Corp. (USOTC: GDLG) a dévoilé une solution de protection des droits d'auteur pour des contenus générés par IA révolutionnaire. Le système intègre la technologie brevetée de Glidelogic avec les ressources industrielles de Propaganda GEM pour offrir une gestion complète des droits d'auteur aux créateurs et utilisateurs de contenus numériques. Les principales caractéristiques comprennent :

1. Protection sécurisée des contenus protégés par des droits d'auteur pour l'entraînement des modèles d'IA
2. Technologie brevetée pour coder les contenus avec des informations utilisateur, générant des NFT personnalisés
3. Première vérification des droits d'auteur et intégration de la blockchain pour les œuvres générées par IA
4. Établissement d'un centre de données sur site avec 64 serveurs NVIDIA DGX H200

Le PDG Yitian (Fred) Xue a déclaré que cette solution équilibre les intérêts des titulaires de droits de propriété intellectuelle, des fournisseurs de technologie et des créateurs d'IA, devenant potentiellement une norme de l'industrie dans un avenir proche.

Glidelogic Corp. (USOTC: GDLG) hat eine bahnbrechende Urheberrechtsschutzlösung für KI-generierte Inhalte vorgestellt. Das System integriert die patentierte Technologie von Glidelogic mit den Branchenressourcen von Propaganda GEM, um umfassendes Urheberrechtsmanagement für digitale Inhaltsersteller und Benutzer anzubieten. Die Hauptmerkmale umfassen:

1. Sichere urheberrechtlich geschützte Inhalte für das Training von KI-Modellen
2. Patentierte Technologie zur Kodierung von Inhalten mit Benutzerinformationen, die personalisierte NFTs generiert
3. Erste Urheberrechtsüberprüfung und Blockchain-Integration für KI-generierte Werke
4. Einrichtung eines vor Ort befindlichen Rechenzentrums mit 64 NVIDIA DGX H200 Servern

CEO Yitian (Fred) Xue erklärte, dass diese Lösung die Interessen von IP-Inhabern, Technologieanbietern und KI-Erstellern in Einklang bringt und möglicherweise in naher Zukunft zum Branchenstandard werden könnte.

  • Unveiled groundbreaking AI-generated content copyright protection solution
  • Secured orders for 64 NVIDIA DGX H200 servers
  • Plans to establish an on-site data center at Culver City office
  • Aims to offer verifiable AI creation services within the year
  • Patented technology (US11909879B2) for generating customized NFTs
  • None.

CULVER CITY, Calif., July 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via IBN -- Glidelogic Corp. (USOTC: GDLG, "Glidelogic"), a diversified software development company specializing in artificial intelligence, fintech, and blockchain technology development and consulting, today has unveiled a groundbreaking solution for copyright protection of AI-generated content. This new solution integrates Glidelogic's patented technology with Propaganda GEM's industry resources to provide a comprehensive copyright management system for digital content creators and users.

Partnership Establishment

Propaganda GEM, led by Yitian (Fred) Xue and Dapeng (James) Ma, is a leading Hollywood entertainment marketing and IP licensing company. Leveraging these resources, Glidelogic secures copyrighted content for AI model training, ensuring all content is legal and compliant.

Technological Advancement

The patented technology, "Systems and Methods for Generating Customized Non-Fungible Tokens" (Patent No. US11909879B2), filed on May 19, 2021, and granted on February 20, 2024, uses a large model to encode copyrighted content with user information, generating customized NFTs. This process ensures the uniqueness of each work and provides a clear chain of copyright ownership. The training of the model is based entirely on copyrighted materials, ensuring the legality of all output content.

Practical Implications

This solution offers a comprehensive AI-generated content copyright protection system within the Web3.0 framework. It achieves the first-ever copyright verification and blockchain integration for AI-generated works, providing a transparent and legal system for content creators and IP holders. Additionally, this standard represents a significant step for Web3.0 in the digital entertainment sector, offering a viable solution for collaboration between traditional entertainment industries and digital creation.

Strategic Vision & Expansion:

Glidelogic Corp has successfully secured orders for 64 NVIDIA DGX H200 servers and plans to establish an on-site data center at its Culver City office. The company aims to collaborate with IP holders and AI creators to offer verifiable AI creation services within the year, further driving innovation and development in the industry.

CEO's Commentary

Glidelogic's CEO Mr. Yitian (Fred) Xue stated, "This innovative copyright protection solution links and balances the interests of IP holders, technology providers, and AI creators, establishing a feasible cooperation framework. By offering verifiable AI creation services, we not only protect the rights of content creators but also provide users with a more trustworthy and secure digital content experience. This technology is groundbreaking and will fundamentally change the digital content ecosystem, bringing unprecedented trust and security to IP holders, content creators, and users."

Glidelogic Corp's innovative initiative showcases its leadership in AI, blockchain, and digital content protection. The company's technical solutions offer creators and users a safer and more reliable digital content management system, laying a solid foundation for the industry's future development. Based on the exclusivity of the patent and the efficiency of IP acquisition backed up by Propaganda GEM, with progressive development and participation of multiple parties, this solution could very likely become an industry standard in the near future.

About the Company

Founded in December 2020 and headquartered in Culver City, California, Glidelogic Corp. is committed to developing AI-based software, fintech solutions, and blockchain technology, as well as providing related consulting services. Our mission is to leverage leading AI technology to offer forward-looking services to commercial clients, thereby enhancing productivity.

For additional information, please visit, or contact us at

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may also be included in other publicly available documents issued by the Company and in oral statements made by our officers and representatives from time to time. These forward-looking statements are intended to provide management's current expectations or plans for our future operating and financial performance, based on assumptions currently believed to be valid. They can be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "goal," "seek," "believe," "project," "estimate," "expect," "strategy," "future," "likely," "may," "should," "would," "could," "will" and other words of similar meaning in connection with a discussion of future operating or financial performance. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements relating to future sales, earnings, cash flows, results of operations, uses of cash and other measures of financial performance.

Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others such as, but not limited to, economic conditions, changes in the laws or regulations, demand for products and services of the Company, the effects of competition and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or represented in the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking information provided in this release should be considered with these factors in mind. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this report.

Contact Information

  • Name: Fred (Yitian) Xue
  • Position: CEO
  • Email:


What is Glidelogic Corp's new AI-generated content copyright protection solution?

Glidelogic Corp (GDLG) has developed a system that integrates their patented technology with Propaganda GEM's resources to provide comprehensive copyright management for digital content creators and users. It secures copyrighted content for AI model training and uses blockchain technology to generate customized NFTs for each work.

How does Glidelogic's (GDLG) patent contribute to their copyright protection solution?

Glidelogic's patent (US11909879B2) for 'Systems and Methods for Generating Customized Non-Fungible Tokens' uses a large model to encode copyrighted content with user information, generating unique NFTs. This ensures the uniqueness of each work and provides a clear chain of copyright ownership.

What hardware investments is Glidelogic Corp (GDLG) making to support their new technology?

Glidelogic Corp (GDLG) has secured orders for 64 NVIDIA DGX H200 servers and plans to establish an on-site data center at its Culver City office to support their new AI-generated content copyright protection solution.

When does Glidelogic Corp (GDLG) plan to offer verifiable AI creation services?

According to the press release, Glidelogic Corp (GDLG) aims to offer verifiable AI creation services within the year, collaborating with IP holders and AI creators to drive innovation in the industry.



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Software - Application
United States of America
Culver City