The GDL Fund Declares Third Quarter Distribution of $0.12 Per Share
The GDL Fund (NYSE:GDL) has announced a $0.12 per share cash distribution for the third quarter, payable on September 23, 2024, to shareholders of record on September 16, 2024. The Fund's Board of Trustees will continue monitoring the distribution level, considering factors such as net asset value and market conditions.
Key points:
- The Fund makes annual distributions of realized net long-term capital gains and quarterly distributions of investment company taxable income.
- The current distribution breakdown is approximately 35% from net investment income, 10% from net capital gains, and 55% deemed a return of capital.
- Distributions may include more than the entire amount of income earned in a period to maintain stability.
- Final determination of distribution sources will be made after year-end, with shareholders receiving Form 1099-DIV in early 2025 for tax reporting purposes.
Il GDL Fund (NYSE:GDL) ha annunciato una distribuzione in contante di $0.12 per azione per il terzo trimestre, pagabile il 23 settembre 2024, agli azionisti registrati il 16 settembre 2024. Il Consiglio di Amministrazione del Fondo continuerà a monitorare il livello di distribuzione, considerando fattori come il valore netto degli attivi e le condizioni di mercato.
Punti chiave:
- Il Fondo effettua distribuzioni annuali di guadagni in conto capitale a lungo termine realizzati e distribuzioni trimestrali di reddito imponibile delle società d'investimento.
- La suddivisione attuale delle distribuzioni è approssimativamente del 35% da reddito da investimenti netti, 10% da guadagni in conto capitale netti, e 55% considerato come restituzione di capitale.
- Le distribuzioni possono includere più dell'intero importo del reddito guadagnato in un periodo per mantenere la stabilità.
- La determinazione finale delle fonti di distribuzione sarà effettuata dopo la fine dell'anno, con gli azionisti che riceveranno il Modulo 1099-DIV all'inizio del 2025 per fini di reportistica fiscale.
El GDL Fund (NYSE:GDL) ha anunciado una distribución en efectivo de $0.12 por acción para el tercer trimestre, pagadera el 23 de septiembre de 2024, a los accionistas registrados el 16 de septiembre de 2024. La Junta del Fondo seguirá monitoreando el nivel de distribución, considerando factores como el valor neto de los activos y las condiciones del mercado.
Puntos clave:
- El Fondo realiza distribuciones anuales de ganancias de capital a largo plazo realizadas y distribuciones trimestrales de ingresos imponibles de las compañías de inversión.
- La desagregación actual de las distribuciones es aproximadamente 35% de ingresos por inversiones netas, 10% de ganancias de capital netas y 55% considerado como retorno de capital.
- Las distribuciones pueden incluir más que la totalidad del ingreso ganado en un período para mantener la estabilidad.
- La determinación final de las fuentes de distribución se llevará a cabo después del cierre del año, y los accionistas recibirán el Formulario 1099-DIV a principios de 2025 para fines de declaración fiscal.
GDL 펀드 (NYSE:GDL)는 2024년 9월 23일에 지급될 주당 $0.12 현금 분배를 발표했습니다. 이 분배금은 2024년 9월 16일 기준의 주주에게 지급됩니다. 펀드의 이사회는 순자산 가치 및 시장 조건과 같은 요인을 고려하여 분배 수준을 계속 모니터링할 것입니다.
주요 사항:
- 펀드는 실현된 장기 자본 이익의 연간 분배와 투자 회사의 과세 소득의 분기를 분배합니다.
- 현재 분배의 비율은 약 35%가 순 투자 소득에서, 10%가 순 자본 이익에서, 55%가 자본 환급으로 간주됩니다.
- 안정성을 유지하기 위해 분배에는 기간 동안 발생한 전체 소득보다 더 많은 금액이 포함될 수 있습니다.
- 분배 출처에 대한 최종 결정은 연말 이후에 이루어지며, 주주는 2025년 초에 세금 신고를 위해 1099-DIV 양식을 받게 됩니다.
Le GDL Fund (NYSE:GDL) a annoncé une distribution en espèces de 0,12 $ par action pour le troisième trimestre, payable le 23 septembre 2024, aux actionnaires enregistrés le 16 septembre 2024. Le Conseil d'Administration du Fonds continuera à surveiller le niveau de distribution, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que la valeur nette des actifs et les conditions du marché.
Points clés :
- Le Fonds effectue des distributions annuelles de gains en capital à long terme réalisés et des distributions trimestrielles de revenus imposables des sociétés d'investissement.
- La répartition actuelle des distributions est d'environ 35 % provenant des revenus d'investissement nets, 10 % des gains en capital nets et 55 % considérés comme un retour de capital.
- Les distributions peuvent inclure plus que le montant total des revenus gagnés sur une période pour maintenir la stabilité.
- La détermination finale des sources de distribution sera faite après la fin de l'année, les actionnaires recevant le formulaire 1099-DIV au début de 2025 à des fins de déclaration fiscale.
Der GDL Fund (NYSE:GDL) hat eine Barauszahlung von $0,12 pro Aktie für das dritte Quartal angekündigt, die am 23. September 2024 an die am 16. September 2024 registrierten Aktionäre ausgezahlt wird. Der Vorstand des Fonds wird das Verteilniveau weiterhin überwachen, wobei Faktoren wie den Nettovermögenswert und die Marktbedingungen berücksichtigt werden.
Wichtige Punkte:
- Der Fonds führt jährliche Ausschüttungen von realisierten Netto-Langfristkapitalgewinnen und vierteljährliche Ausschüttungen von besteuerbarem Einkommen der Investmentgesellschaften durch.
- Die derzeitige Verteilungssituation setzt sich aus ca. 35% aus Nettoerträgen, 10% aus Netto-Kapitalgewinnen und 55% als Kapitalrückzahlung zusammen.
- Die Ausschüttungen können mehr als den gesamten in einer Periode erzielten Betrag an Einkommen umfassen, um Stabilität zu gewährleisten.
- Die endgültige Festlegung der Verteilungsquellen erfolgt nach Jahresende, wobei die Aktionäre Anfang 2025 das Formular 1099-DIV zu Steuerberichterstattungszwecken erhalten.
- None.
- None.
RYE, N.Y., Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of Trustees of The GDL Fund (NYSE:GDL) (the “Fund”) declared a
The Board of Trustees will continue to monitor the Fund’s distribution level, taking into consideration the Fund’s net asset value and the financial market environment. The distribution rate should not be considered the dividend yield or total return on an investment in the Fund.
The Fund makes annual distributions of its realized net long-term capital gains and quarterly cash distributions of all or a portion of its investment company taxable income to common shareholders. A portion of the distribution may be a return of capital and various factors will affect the level of the Fund’s income, such as its asset mix and use of merger arbitrage strategies. To permit the Fund to maintain more stable distributions, the Fund may distribute more than the entire amount of income earned in a particular period. Because the Fund’s current quarterly distributions are subject to modification by the Board of Trustees at any time and the Fund’s income will fluctuate, there can be no assurance that the Fund will pay distributions at a particular rate or frequency.
If the Fund does not generate sufficient earnings (dividends and interest income, less expenses, and realized net capital gain) equal to or in excess of the aggregate distributions paid by the Fund in a given year, then the amount distributed in excess of the Fund’s earnings would be deemed a return of capital. Since this would be considered a return of a portion of a shareholder’s original investment, it is generally not taxable and would be treated as a reduction in the shareholder’s cost basis.
Short-term capital gains, qualified dividend income, investment company taxable income, and return of capital, if any, will be allocated on a pro-rata basis to all distributions to common shareholders for the year. Long-term capital gains, if any, are distributed in the final distribution of the year. Based on the accounting records of the Fund currently available, each of the distributions paid to common shareholders in 2024 would include approximately
Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Fund before investing. For more information regarding the Fund’s distribution policy and other information about the Fund, call:
Laurissa Martire
(914) 921-5399
About The GDL Fund
The GDL Fund is a diversified, closed-end management investment company with
CUSIP – 361570104
Investor Relations Contact:
Laurissa Martire
(914) 921-5399