Technology Becoming More Accessible: Meet Jacob Rodriguez

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Jacob Rodriguez, a Training Facilitator at GoDaddy, shares his experiences and perspectives in this employee spotlight. Originally from Phoenix, Arizona, Jacob started at GoDaddy in April 2021 and moved to his current role in February 2022. He emphasizes the importance of work-life balance and flexibility at GoDaddy, which allows him to dedicate time to family and personal care.

As a member of the Employee Resource Group, GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT), Jacob values learning from others and connecting with colleagues who share similar cultural backgrounds. He views Hispanic Heritage Month as a time for reflection and re-centering. Looking ahead, Jacob envisions growth in LatinX representation in technology, with more opportunities becoming accessible as technology evolves.

The article highlights GoDaddy's commitment to diversity and inclusion, showcasing how the company supports employees in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and encourages participation in cultural initiatives.

Jacob Rodriguez, un formatore presso GoDaddy, condivide le sue esperienze e prospettive in questo riflettore sugli impiegati. Originario di Phoenix, Arizona, Jacob è entrato in GoDaddy nell'aprile 2021 e si è trasferito nel suo ruolo attuale nel febbraio 2022. Sottolinea l'importanza dell'equilibrio tra vita lavorativa e vita privata e della flessibilità offerta da GoDaddy, che gli consente di dedicare tempo alla famiglia e alla cura personale.

Come membro del Gruppo di Risorse per i Dipendenti, GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT), Jacob dà valore all'apprendimento dagli altri e alla connessione con colleghi che condividono esperienze culturali simili. Considera il Mes de la Herencia Hispana come un momento di riflessione e di ri-centrazione. Guardando al futuro, Jacob immagina una crescita della rappresentanza LatinX nella tecnologia, con maggiori opportunità che diventeranno accessibili man mano che la tecnologia evolve.

L'articolo evidenzia l'impegno di GoDaddy verso la diversità e l'inclusione, mostrando come l'azienda supporta i propri dipendenti nel mantenere un sano equilibrio tra vita lavorativa e vita privata e incoraggia la partecipazione ad iniziative culturali.

Jacob Rodriguez, un facilitador de capacitación en GoDaddy, comparte sus experiencias y perspectivas en este enfoque del empleado. Originario de Phoenix, Arizona, Jacob comenzó en GoDaddy en abril de 2021 y se trasladó a su rol actual en febrero de 2022. Enfatiza la importancia del equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal, así como la flexibilidad en GoDaddy, lo que le permite dedicar tiempo a la familia y al cuidado personal.

Como miembro del Grupo de Recursos para Empleados, GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT), Jacob valora aprender de los demás y conectar con colegas que comparten antecedentes culturales similares. Ve el Mes de la Herencia Hispana como un momento para reflexionar y reorientarse. De cara al futuro, Jacob imagina un crecimiento en la representación LatinX en tecnología, con más oportunidades que se volverán accesibles a medida que la tecnología evoluciona.

El artículo destaca el compromiso de GoDaddy con la diversidad y la inclusión, mostrando cómo la empresa apoya a sus empleados en mantener un equilibrio saludable entre la vida laboral y personal y fomenta la participación en iniciativas culturales.

제이콥 로드리게스는 GoDaddy의 교육 Facilitator로서 이 직원 조명에서 자신의 경험과 관점을 공유합니다. 애리조나 주 피닉스 출신인 제이콥은 2021년 4월에 GoDaddy에 입사했으며, 2022년 2월에 현재 직책으로 이동했습니다. 그는 GoDaddy에서의 일과 삶의 균형 및 유연성의 중요성을 강조하며, 이를 통해 가족과 개인적인 돌봄에 시간을 할애할 수 있게 됩니다.

직원 자원 그룹인 GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT)의 일원으로서, 제이콥은 다른 사람들로부터 배우고 유사한 문화적 배경을 공유하는 동료들과 연결하는 것을 소중히 여깁니다. 그는 히스패닉 유산의 달을 반성과 재조정을 위한 시간으로 보고 있습니다. 미래를 내다보며, 제이콥은 기술 분야에서 LatinX의 대표성이 증가하고, 기술 발전에 따라 더 많은 기회가 열릴 것으로 구상하고 있습니다.

이 기사는 GoDaddy의 다양성과 포용에 대한 약속을 강조하며, 회사가 직원들이 건강한 일과 삶의 균형을 유지하도록 지원하고 문화 이니셔티브에 참여하도록 장려하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

Jacob Rodriguez, un formateur chez GoDaddy, partage ses expériences et perspectives dans ce portrait d'employé. Originaire de Phoenix, Arizona, Jacob a commencé chez GoDaddy en avril 2021 et a pris son poste actuel en février 2022. Il souligne l'importance de l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle, ainsi que de la flexibilité chez GoDaddy, ce qui lui permet de consacrer du temps à sa famille et à son bien-être personnel.

En tant que membre du Groupe de Ressources pour les Employés, GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT), Jacob accorde une grande valeur à l'apprentissage des autres et à la connexion avec des collègues partageant des antécédents culturels similaires. Il considère le Mois du Patrimoine Hispanique comme un moment de réflexion et de recentrage. En regardant vers l'avenir, Jacob envisage une augmentation de la représentation LatinX dans le domaine de la technologie, avec davantage d'opportunités devenant accessibles à mesure que la technologie évolue.

L'article souligne l'engagement de GoDaddy en faveur de la diversité et de l'inclusion, montrant comment l'entreprise soutient ses employés dans le maintien d'un équilibre sain entre travail et vie personnelle et encourage la participation à des initiatives culturelles.

Jacob Rodriguez, ein Ausbildungskursleiter bei GoDaddy, teilt seine Erfahrungen und Perspektiven in diesem Mitarbeiter-Spotlight. Ursprünglich aus Phoenix, Arizona, begann Jacob im April 2021 bei GoDaddy und wechselte im Februar 2022 in seine aktuelle Rolle. Er betont die Bedeutung von Work-Life-Balance und Flexibilität bei GoDaddy, die es ihm ermöglicht, Zeit für Familie und persönliche Pflege zu widmen.

Als Mitglied der Mitarbeiter-Ressourcengruppe, GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT), schätzt Jacob das Lernen von anderen und den Kontakt zu Kollegen mit ähnlichem kulturellen Hintergrund. Er sieht den Monat des hispanischen Erbes als eine Zeit der Reflexion und Neuausrichtung. Für die Zukunft stellt sich Jacob ein Wachstum der LatinX-Repräsentation in der Technologie vor, mit zunehmenden Möglichkeiten, die verfügbar werden, während sich die Technologie weiterentwickelt.

Der Artikel hebt GoDaddys Engagement für Vielfalt und Inklusion hervor und zeigt, wie das Unternehmen seine Mitarbeiter unterstützt, ein gesundes Gleichgewicht zwischen Berufs- und Privatleben zu halten, sowie die Teilnahme an kulturellen Initiativen fördert.

  • GoDaddy provides good work-life balance and flexibility for employees
  • The company supports Employee Resource Groups like GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT)
  • GoDaddy encourages employee growth and development
  • None.

Originally published on GoDaddy Resource Library

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your career at GoDaddy.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / Hi - my name is Jacob Rodriguez and I am originally from Phoenix, Arizona. My dad and grandparents are from Tamaulipas, Mexico. While I have never visited, seeing the motherland is on my bucket list!

Outside of my typical work day, I like to keep things simple. I love spending time with my wife. We've been married for almost four years now! We have three cats who are essentially are children, and they act like it.

I started working at GoDaddy in April of 2021 within the Website Design Services team. From there, I was fortunate to move into my current role as a Training Facilitator in February of 2022. I primarily work with new hires in both classroom and on-job-training settings. When I am not in class, I am either doing Guide workshops for continued education, or professional development to continue to grow my own skills.

I am a member of our Employee Resource Group, GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT), where I am slowly getting out of my comfort zone to be a more active member. I am a huge proponent in learning from others - something I do constantly in my role. I believe that learning from those around you is the fastest path to growth; and I feel fortunate to have a space to connect with other employees who have similar cultural backgrounds.

How do you feel that GoDaddy supports you to do things that are important to you?

I have great work-life balance here at GoDaddy. I believe that if I were anywhere else but GoDaddy, I wouldn't have that flexibility to dedicate quality time to my family and for myself. A big part of what's important to me outside of work is my own health and personal care. Without the time off and flexibility I have here at GoDaddy, life outside would be a lot more stressful and chaotic than it already is!

How do you embrace change or innovation in your work?

Naturally, I am not afraid of change. I have never been one who likes a certain consistency, especially if it involves repetitive actions. Knowing and seeing the positive changes that are made on my team helps to not only have less fear, but to happily welcome the changes, and look to see how we can elevate our work.

What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you, and why do you think it's important to recognize it?

I think it's important for everyone to just stop and take a moment to re-center - get back to their roots and reflect on where they came from and where they're going. Without this reflection, we lose sight of who we are as people and forget to remember the why; the motivation behind why we're doing what we're doing. To many people, myself included, Hispanic Heritage Month is a time of reflection.

What does LatinX In Technology look like in 10 years?

I see growth; and not just in members! I see more Latinos and Latinas working for organizations such as GoDaddy because the opportunities have not only been presented, but more individuals are open to taking advantage of them. As technology evolves and becomes accessible to individuals, I can see more opportunities presented to those who do not have them present state.

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What is Jacob Rodriguez's current role at GoDaddy (GDDY)?

Jacob Rodriguez currently works as a Training Facilitator at GoDaddy, primarily working with new hires in classroom and on-job-training settings.

When did Jacob Rodriguez start working at GoDaddy (GDDY)?

Jacob Rodriguez started working at GoDaddy in April 2021 within the Website Design Services team.

How does GoDaddy (GDDY) support work-life balance according to Jacob Rodriguez?

According to Jacob, GoDaddy provides great work-life balance and flexibility, allowing him to dedicate quality time to family and personal care.

What Employee Resource Group is Jacob Rodriguez a member of at GoDaddy (GDDY)?

Jacob Rodriguez is a member of GoDaddy LatinX (GDLIT), an Employee Resource Group at GoDaddy.

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