Resilience Pays Off: 75% of Microbusiness Owners Relaunch After Setbacks, GoDaddy Reports
GoDaddy's 2024 Annual Venture Forward report reveals strong resilience among microbusiness owners, with 75% relaunching after closures and 39% becoming their household's main income. While only 39% express confidence in the national economy, 74% remain optimistic about their business prospects.
The report highlights significant impact of microbusinesses, with each entrepreneur creating an average of seven jobs at the county level, up from two in 2020. Notable progress in diversity shows women now own 51% of microbusinesses, up from 41% in 2019, with nearly a third serving as household breadwinners. 34% of these ventures begin as side hustles, and over 70% maintain an online presence for growth.
Il rapporto Annual Venture Forward 2024 di GoDaddy rivela una forte resilienza tra i proprietari di microimprese, con il 75% che riprendono le loro attività dopo le chiusure e il 39% che diventano la principale fonte di reddito della famiglia. Sebbene solo il 39% esprima fiducia nell'economia nazionale, il 74% rimangono ottimisti riguardo alle prospettive della loro attività.
Il rapporto evidenzia l'impatto significativo delle microimprese, con ogni imprenditore che crea in media sette posti di lavoro a livello di contea, rispetto ai due del 2020. Un progresso notevole nella diversità mostra che le donne ora possiedono il 51% delle microimprese, rispetto al 41% nel 2019, con quasi un terzo che funge da principale fonte di reddito familiare. Il 34% di queste iniziative inizia come lavoro secondario e oltre il 70% mantiene una presenza online per la crescita.
El informe Anual Venture Forward 2024 de GoDaddy revela una fuerte resiliencia entre los propietarios de microempresas, con el 75% relanzando después de los cierres y el 39% convirtiéndose en el principal ingreso del hogar. Mientras que solo el 39% expresa confianza en la economía nacional, el 74% se mantiene optimista sobre las perspectivas de su negocio.
El informe destaca el impacto significativo de las microempresas, con cada emprendedor creando un promedio de siete empleos a nivel del condado, en comparación con dos en 2020. Un progreso notable en diversidad muestra que las mujeres poseen ahora el 51% de las microempresas, frente al 41% en 2019, con casi un tercio actuando como principales sustentadoras del hogar. El 34% de estas iniciativas comienza como un ingreso adicional y más del 70% mantiene una presencia en línea para el crecimiento.
GoDaddy의 2024 연례 Venture Forward 보고서는 마이크로비즈니스 소유자들 사이의 강한 회복력을 보여주며, 75%가 폐업 후 다시 시작하고 39%는 가계의 주요 소득원이 되고 있음을 나타냅니다. 전체적으로 39%만이 국가 경제에 대한 확신을 보이는 반면, 74%는 비즈니스 전망에 대해 긍정적으로 생각하고 있습니다.
보고서는 마이크로비즈니스의 중요한 영향을 강조하며 각 기업가가 카운티 수준에서 평균 일곱 개의 일자리를 창출하고 있음을 보여주며, 이는 2020년의 두 개에서 증가한 수치입니다. 다양성 측면에서도 눈에 띄는 진전을 보이는데, 현재 여성은 마이크로비즈니스의 51%를 소유하고 있으며, 이는 2019년의 41%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 거의 3분의 1은 가계의 주 수입원이 됩니다. 34%의 이러한 사업은 부업으로 시작되고 있으며 70% 이상은 성장을 위해 온라인 존재를 유지하고 있습니다.
Le rapport annuel Venture Forward 2024 de GoDaddy révèle une forte résilience parmi les propriétaires de microentreprises, avec 75% qui relancent après des fermetures et 39% devenant le principal revenu du ménage. Alors que seulement 39% expriment une confiance dans l'économie nationale, 74% demeurent optimistes quant à leurs perspectives commerciales.
Le rapport souligne l'impact significatif des microentreprises, chaque entrepreneur créant en moyenne sept emplois au niveau du comté, contre deux en 2020. Un progrès notable en matière de diversité montre que les femmes possèdent désormais 51% des microentreprises, contre 41% en 2019, avec près d'un tiers qui assurent le revenu principal du foyer. 34% de ces initiatives débutent comme des projets secondaires, et plus de 70% conservent une présence en ligne pour croître.
GoDaddy's Jahresbericht 2024 'Venture Forward' zeigt eine starke Resilienz unter den Eigentümern von Mikrounternehmen, wobei 75% nach Schließungen neu starten und 39% das Haupteinkommen des Haushalts werden. Nur 39% sind zuversichtlich in die nationale Wirtschaft, doch 74% bleiben optimistisch hinsichtlich ihrer Geschäftsaussichten.
Der Bericht hebt die signifikante Auswirkung von Mikrounternehmen hervor, da jeder Unternehmer durchschnittlich sieben Arbeitsplätze auf Kreisebene schafft, im Vergleich zu zwei im Jahr 2020. Ein bemerkenswerter Fortschritt in der Vielfalt zeigt, dass Frauen nun 51% der Mikrounternehmen besitzen, gegenüber 41% im Jahr 2019, wobei fast ein Drittel als Haupteinkommensquelle fungiert. 34% dieser Unternehmungen beginnen als Nebenjobs, und über 70% haben eine Online-Präsenz zur Förderung des Wachstums.
- 75% of microbusiness owners relaunch after closure, showing strong resilience
- Each entrepreneur creates average of 7 jobs at county level, up from 2 in 2020
- 74% of owners optimistic about business prospects despite economic uncertainty
- Women ownership increased to 51% from 41% in 2019
- 39% of relaunched businesses become main household income
- Only 39% of owners express confidence in national economy
Originally published on GoDaddy
TEMPE, AZ / ACCESSWIRE / December 6, 2024 / For many microbusiness owners, closing one venture is not the end-it's the beginning of something new.
According to GoDaddy's 2024 Annual Venture Forward report,
Resilience Powers Microbusinesses
Microbusiness owners are placing greater confidence in themselves. They are less swayed by uncertainty in the economy. Only
Microbusinesses, Macro Impact
Microbusinesses are a cornerstone of the U.S. economy. Many start small, with
GoDaddy's Venture Forward research highlights that, at the county level, each entrepreneur creates an average of seven jobs - up from just two in 2020. Also,
Progress in Equity and Representation
The face of microbusiness ownership is evolving. Women now own
"Setbacks often lead to fresh starts and new opportunities," said Alexandra Rosen, Global Head of GoDaddy Venture Forward. "These entrepreneurs are showing how perseverance can translate into profit and impact, not just for their households but for their communities.
"Microbusinesses remain essential to local economies and are the heartbeat of neighbourhoods," Rosen added. "At GoDaddy, we're proud to share these data-driven insights and to provide the tools and support that help these businesses succeed. Microbusinesses might be small, but they're mighty."
About GoDaddy Venture Forward
GoDaddy's Venture Forward research initiative analyzes more than 20 million online businesses with a digital presence (measured by a unique domain and an active website). Most of these businesses employ fewer than ten people, categorizing each as a microbusiness. Since 2018, Venture Forward has surveyed more than 50,000 entrepreneurs with a digital presence, making it the source for microbusiness data and insights. To find out more about GoDaddy's Venture Forward research, visit
About GoDaddy
GoDaddy helps millions of entrepreneurs globally start and scale their businesses. People come to GoDaddy to name their idea, build a website and logo, sell their products and services, and accept payments. GoDaddy Airo™, the company's AI-powered experience, makes growing a small business faster and easier by helping them to get their idea online in minutes, drive traffic and boost sales. GoDaddy's expert guides are available 24/7 to provide assistance. To learn more about the company, visit
Source: GoDaddy Inc.
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What percentage of microbusiness owners relaunch after closing according to GoDaddy (GDDY) 2024 report?
How many jobs does each microbusiness entrepreneur create according to GoDaddy's (GDDY) 2024 report?
What percentage of microbusinesses are women-owned in 2024 according to GoDaddy (GDDY)?