Entrepreneurship Doesn’t Require Four-Year Degree, Says GoDaddy

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GoDaddy's Venture Forward research reveals that entrepreneurship doesn't require a four-year degree. Data shows that microbusiness owners with and without college degrees contribute similarly to household income. Notably, 34% of women and 47% of men without degrees earn over $100k pre-tax from their microbusinesses.

While degree attainment is declining, entrepreneurship is on the rise. Since 2019, there's been an 8% decrease in men and 2% decrease in women earning degrees, while self-employment has increased by 0.7%. Women without degrees appear more entrepreneurial, with 26% starting businesses due to long-term dreams compared to 20% of degree holders. They're also 6% more likely to start businesses to be their own boss.

GoDaddy's Venture Forward initiative analyzes over 20 million online businesses, mostly microbusinesses with fewer than ten employees. Since 2018, it has surveyed more than 50,000 entrepreneurs with a digital presence.

La ricerca Venture Forward di GoDaddy rivela che l'imprenditorialità non richiede una laurea quadriennale. I dati mostrano che i proprietari di microimprese, indipendentemente dal possesso di una laurea, contribuiscono in modo simile al reddito familiare. In particolare, il 34% delle donne e il 47% degli uomini senza laurea guadagnano oltre 100.000 dollari pre-tasse dalle loro microimprese.

Mentre il conseguimento di una laurea è in declino, l'imprenditorialità è in aumento. Dal 2019, c'è stata una diminuzione dell'8% degli uomini e del 2% delle donne che conseguono lauree, mentre l'autoimprenditorialità è aumentata dello 0,7%. Le donne senza laurea sembrano essere più imprenditoriali, con il 26% che avviano attività a causa di sogni a lungo termine rispetto al 20% dei laureati. Inoltre, hanno anche il 6% di probabilità in più di avviare un'attività per essere il proprio capo.

L'iniziativa Venture Forward di GoDaddy analizza oltre 20 milioni di imprese online, per lo più microimprese con meno di dieci dipendenti. Dal 2018, ha intervistato più di 50.000 imprenditori con una presenza digitale.

La investigación Venture Forward de GoDaddy revela que el emprendimiento no requiere un título de cuatro años. Los datos muestran que los propietarios de microempresas, con y sin títulos universitarios, contribuyen de manera similar a los ingresos del hogar. Notablemente, el 34% de las mujeres y el 47% de los hombres sin títulos ganan más de 100,000 dólares antes de impuestos de sus microempresas.

Mientras que la obtención de títulos está disminuyendo, el emprendimiento está en aumento. Desde 2019, ha habido una disminución del 8% en hombres y del 2% en mujeres que obtienen títulos, mientras que el autoempleo ha aumentado un 0.7%. Las mujeres sin títulos parecen ser más emprendedoras, con un 26% iniciando negocios debido a sueños a largo plazo en comparación con el 20% de los titulados. También tienen un 6% más de probabilidad de iniciar negocios para ser sus propios jefes.

La iniciativa Venture Forward de GoDaddy analiza más de 20 millones de negocios en línea, en su mayoría microempresas con menos de diez empleados. Desde 2018, ha encuestado a más de 50,000 emprendedores con presencia digital.

GoDaddy의 Venture Forward 연구에 따르면 기업가 정신은 4년제 학위를 필요로 하지 않는다고 합니다. 데이터에 따르면 학위가 있든 없든 마이크로 비즈니스 소유자는 가계 소득에 유사하게 기여하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 특히, 학위가 없는 여성의 34%와 남성의 47%가 마이크로 비즈니스에서 세전 10만 달러 이상을 벌고 있다고 합니다.

학위를 취득하는 비율이 감소하는 반면, 기업가 정신은 증가하고 있습니다. 2019년 이래로 남성의 학위 취득률은 8% 감소했고, 여성의 경우 2% 감소했으며, 자영업은 0.7% 증가했습니다. 학위가 없는 여성들은 더 많은 기업가정신을 보이며, 26%가 오랜 꿈 때문에 사업을 시작하는데, 이는 학위를 가진 경우의 20%에 비해 높은 수치입니다. 또한, 그들은 스스로 사장이 되기 위해 사업을 시작할 확률이 6% 더 높습니다.

GoDaddy의 Venture Forward 이니셔티브는 주로 10명 미만의 직원을 가진 마이크로 비즈니스로, 2천만 개 이상의 온라인 비즈니스를 분석하고 있습니다. 2018년 이후로 5만 명 이상의 디지털 존재를 가진 기업가를 조사했습니다.

La recherche Venture Forward de GoDaddy révèle que l'entrepreneuriat ne nécessite pas de diplôme de quatre ans. Les données montrent que les propriétaires de microentreprises, avec ou sans diplôme universitaire, contribuent de manière similaire aux revenus des ménages. Il convient de noter que 34 % des femmes et 47 % des hommes sans diplôme gagnent plus de 100 000 dollars avant impôts grâce à leurs microentreprises.

Alors que l'obtention de diplômes est en baisse, l'entrepreneuriat est en plein essor. Depuis 2019, il y a eu une diminution de 8 % chez les hommes et de 2 % chez les femmes obtenant des diplômes, tandis que l'auto-emploi a augmenté de 0,7 %. Les femmes sans diplôme semblent être plus entrepreneuriales, 26 % créant des entreprises en raison de rêves à long terme contre 20 % des diplômés. Elles sont également 6 % plus susceptibles de créer une entreprise pour être leur propre patron.

L'initiative Venture Forward de GoDaddy analyse plus de 20 millions d'entreprises en ligne, principalement des microentreprises comptant moins de dix employés. Depuis 2018, elle a interrogé plus de 50 000 entrepreneurs ayant une présence numérique.

Die Venture Forward-Forschung von GoDaddy zeigt, dass Unternehmertum keinen vierjährigen Abschluss erfordert. Daten zeigen, dass Inhaber von Mikrounternehmen mit und ohne Hochschulabschluss ähnlich zum Haushaltseinkommen beitragen. Besonders bemerkenswert ist, dass 34% der Frauen und 47% der Männer ohne Abschluss über 100.000 Dollar vor Steuern mit ihren Mikrounternehmen verdienen.

Während die Erlangung von Abschlüssen zurückgeht, nimmt das Unternehmertum zu. Seit 2019 gab es einen Rückgang von 8% bei Männern und 2% bei Frauen, die Abschlüsse erwerben, während die Selbstständigkeit um 0,7% gestiegen ist. Frauen ohne Abschluss scheinen unternehmerischer zu sein, da 26% ihr Geschäft aus langfristigen Träumen heraus gründen, verglichen mit 20% der Abschlussträger. Sie sind auch 6% wahrscheinlicher, ein Unternehmen zu gründen, um ihr eigener Chef zu sein.

Die Venture Forward-Initiative von GoDaddy analysiert über 20 Millionen Online-Unternehmen, hauptsächlich Mikrounternehmen mit weniger als zehn Mitarbeitern. Seit 2018 wurden mehr als 50.000 Unternehmer mit digitaler Präsenz befragt.

  • 34% of women and 47% of men without college degrees earn over $100k pre-tax from their microbusinesses
  • Self-employment in the US increased by 0.7% from 2019 to 2022
  • Women without college degrees show higher entrepreneurial tendencies
  • GoDaddy's Venture Forward initiative provides extensive data on microbusinesses
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 14, 2024 / GoDaddy

Originally published on GoDaddy Resource Library

The big fact

A four-year degree isn't required for successful entrepreneurship. GoDaddy Venture Forward data shows that microbusiness owners with a college degree and those without contribute similar amounts of income to their household.

Digging deeper

A significant portion of microbusiness owners without a college degree make a six-figure income, regardless of gender. Over one-third (34%) of women without a college degree and almost half of men (47%) without one make over $100k pre-tax from their microbusiness.

Degrees are down, entrepreneurship is up

Fewer people are earning degrees these days, but entrepreneurship is increasing. Since 2019, 8% less men and 2% less women are earning degrees. At the same time, the number of self-employed Americans rose .7% from 2019 to 2022, according to Harvard Business Review.

Moreover, those with college degrees may be more corporate-minded and less entrepreneurial according to The New York Times. This is also reflected in Venture Forward data, which suggests that women without a college degree may be more entrepreneurial.

  • Women without college degrees have more long-term dreams. They are more likely to have started their business because they always dreamed of doing so (26%), compared to women with college degrees (20%). Women without college degrees are also 6% more likely to have started because they wanted to be their own boss.

  • Women with college degrees are more community-oriented. They are more likely to have started their business to contribute to their community (24%), compared to women without a college degree (19%).

The research

GoDaddy's Venture Forward research initiative analyzes more than 20 million online businesses with a digital presence (measured by a unique domain and an active website). Most of these businesses employ fewer than ten people, categorizing each as a microbusiness. While these microbusinesses may be small, their impact on economies is outsized even though they are often too informal or too new to show up in traditional government statistics.

Since 2018, Venture Forward surveyed more than 50,000 entrepreneurs with a digital presence, making it the source for microbusiness data and insights.

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What percentage of microbusiness owners without a college degree earn over $100k according to GoDaddy's GDDY research?

According to GoDaddy's Venture Forward data, 34% of women and 47% of men without a college degree earn over $100k pre-tax from their microbusinesses.

How has the trend in degree attainment changed since 2019 according to GoDaddy GDDY?

Since 2019, there has been an 8% decrease in men and a 2% decrease in women earning degrees, according to GoDaddy's Venture Forward research.

What percentage of women without college degrees started their business because of long-term dreams, as per GoDaddy GDDY data?

According to GoDaddy's Venture Forward data, 26% of women without college degrees started their business because they always dreamed of doing so, compared to 20% of women with college degrees.

How many online businesses does GoDaddy's GDDY Venture Forward initiative analyze?

GoDaddy's Venture Forward research initiative analyzes more than 20 million online businesses with a digital presence.

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