Allowing Yourself To Be Taught: Meet Kevin F Burton

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Kevin F Burton, a 48-year-old single father, shares his career journey at GoDaddy. Despite lacking tech experience, he excelled in the Customer Development Team (CDT) with guidance from Care Supervisors Georgia Tucker and Mark Carpenter. Burton's proudest moments include contributing to the WOW Call Library and achieving Diamond Club status. He credits GoDaddy's supportive environment for his success, emphasizing the importance of being open to learning and personal drive. Burton's mantra is, 'Opportunity doesn't wait for the unprepared.' Follow GoDaddy Life on social media for more insights into their culture and careers.

Kevin F Burton, un padre single di 48 anni, condivide il suo percorso professionale in GoDaddy. Nonostante la mancanza di esperienza nel settore tecnologico, ha avuto successo nel Customer Development Team (CDT) grazie alla guida dei Supervisori Care Georgia Tucker e Mark Carpenter. I momenti di cui Burton è più orgoglioso includono il suo contributo alla WOW Call Library e il raggiungimento dello stato di Diamond Club. Ascrive il suo successo all'ambiente di supporto di GoDaddy, sottolineando l'importanza di essere aperti all'apprendimento e di avere una motivazione personale. Il mantra di Burton è: 'L'opportunità non aspetta i non preparati.' Segui GoDaddy Life sui social media per ulteriori spunti sulla loro cultura e carriere.

Kevin F Burton, un padre soltero de 48 años, comparte su trayectoria profesional en GoDaddy. A pesar de no tener experiencia técnica, se destacó en el Customer Development Team (CDT) con la orientación de los Supervisores de Atención Georgia Tucker y Mark Carpenter. Los momentos de mayor orgullo de Burton incluyen su contribución a la WOW Call Library y el logro del estatus de Diamond Club. Atribuye su éxito al entorno de apoyo de GoDaddy, enfatizando la importancia de estar abierto al aprendizaje y de tener iniciativa personal. El mantra de Burton es: 'La oportunidad no espera a los no preparados.' Sigue a GoDaddy Life en las redes sociales para obtener más información sobre su cultura y carreras.

48세의 싱글 아버지인 Kevin F Burton은 GoDaddy에서 자신의 경력 여정을 공유합니다. 기술 경험이 부족하지만, Care Supervisors인 Georgia Tucker와 Mark Carpenter의 안내를 받으며 Customer Development Team (CDT)에서 두각을 나타냈습니다. Burton이 가장 자랑스러워하는 순간에는 WOW Call Library에 기여하고 Diamond Club 등급에 도달한 것이 포함됩니다. 그는 GoDaddy의 지원 환경 덕분에 성공했다고 믿으며, 배움에 대한 개방성과 개인적인 추진력이 중요하다고 강조합니다. Burton의 좌우명은 '기회는 준비되지 않은 자를 기다리지 않는다.' GoDaddy Life의 소셜 미디어에서 더 많은 그들의 문화와 경력에 대한 통찰을 확인하세요.

Kevin F Burton, un père célibataire de 48 ans, partage son parcours professionnel chez GoDaddy. Bien qu'il n'ait pas d'expérience technique, il a excellé au sein de l'équipe Customer Development (CDT) grâce aux conseils des superviseurs de soin Georgia Tucker et Mark Carpenter. Les moments dont Burton est le plus fier incluent sa contribution à la WOW Call Library et l'obtention du statut de Diamond Club. Il attribue son succès à l'environnement de soutien de GoDaddy, en soulignant l'importance d'être ouvert à l'apprentissage et d'avoir une motivation personnelle. Le mantra de Burton est : 'L'opportunité n'attend pas les non préparés.' Suivez GoDaddy Life sur les réseaux sociaux pour en savoir plus sur leur culture et leurs carrières.

Kevin F Burton, ein 48-jähriger alleinstehender Vater, teilt seinen Karriereweg bei GoDaddy. Obwohl er keine technische Erfahrung hat, hat er im Customer Development Team (CDT) mit der Unterstützung von den Care Supervisors Georgia Tucker und Mark Carpenter hervorragende Leistungen erbracht. Burtons stolzeste Momente umfassen seine Beiträge zur WOW Call Library und den Erhalt des Diamond Club Status. Er führt seinen Erfolg auf das unterstützende Umfeld von GoDaddy zurück und betont die Bedeutung von Lernbereitschaft und Eigenmotivation. Burtons Mantra lautet: 'Die Gelegenheit wartet nicht auf die Unvorbereiteten.' Folge GoDaddy Life in den sozialen Medien für weitere Einblicke in ihre Kultur und Karrieren.

  • Kevin F Burton achieved Diamond Club status, recognizing top performers in the Sales Teams.
  • Burton contributed to the WOW Call Library, enhancing training resources for customer service.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 27, 2024 / GoDaddy

Originally published on GoDaddy Resource Library

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your career journey, here at GoDaddy.

My name is Kevin F Burton, I am 48 years old and a single father to two boys whom I am extremely proud of. I have a real passion for sports, people, and philanthropy.

My career journey has been an interesting ride. I was hired for a role on the Customer Development Team (CDT). Coming into GoDaddy, I didn't have any real tech experience. Though the process has been challenging, I have had confidence in myself to stay "locked in" and take advantage of the opportunity that God has blessed me with.

Initially, I was able to learn under the stewardship of Georgia Tucker, who is a Care Supervisor here at GoDaddy. She provided me with the understanding of the steps to take to become successful in my role. Georgia was able to connect the dots in ways that helped me relay the message and provide more understanding to our customers' needs. From there, I had the opportunity to partner with Mark Carpenter, another Care Supervisor. He has instilled more confidence in having high-level conversations based in and around the customer business goals.

What has been one of your proudest moments at GoDaddy?

One of my proudest moments here at GoDaddy was getting one of my calls into the WOW Call Library. The WOW Experience is a dynamic customer interaction process that equips all guides with a structured approach to delivering unparalleled customer service while seizing customer growth opportunities. The Call Library is a bank of recorded calls that other guides use as a training resource. Another proud moment at the organization is achieving Diamond Club status, which is an exclusive program to honor the champions of our Sales Teams.

How do you feel that the organization supports you to do things that are important to you?

The support I received here at GoDaddy is constant. My leaders allow for brainstorming sessions and promote everyone to speak up. It has fostered an environment to challenge yourself to be the absolute best version of you... which will ultimately benefit you and those that support you.

How do you keep yourself motivated and inspired in your work?

I have never worked for an organization that cared enough to make their employees well-rounded and wealthy... It comes down to how bad do you want it. This is a fantastic motivator for me.

What advice would you give to an individual who is starting their career within Care?

Flush your personal filter. Once you allow yourself to be taught (like really taught) coupled with your personal drive, then the sky truly is the limit.

What's your motto or personal mantra?

Opportunity doesn't wait for the unprepared. You never have to recover from a fast start.

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What are Kevin F Burton's proudest moments at GoDaddy?

Kevin F Burton's proudest moments include contributing to the WOW Call Library and achieving Diamond Club status.

How does GoDaddy support its employees' personal growth?

GoDaddy supports personal growth by fostering a brainstorming environment and encouraging employees to challenge themselves.

What advice does Kevin F Burton give to new Care team members at GoDaddy?

Kevin F Burton advises new Care team members to be open to learning and combine it with personal drive for success.

What is Kevin F Burton's personal mantra?

Kevin F Burton's personal mantra is, 'Opportunity doesn't wait for the unprepared.'

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