Glucotrack’s Innovative Blood Glucose Monitoring Concept Resonates with Patients with Diabetes, According to New Survey Presented at Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) 2024 Annual Conference

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Glucotrack Inc. (Nasdaq: GCTK) presented new findings at the ADCES 2024 Annual Conference, revealing strong interest in their innovative Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor (CBGM) concept. The market research study showed that over 50% of surveyed diabetes patients are open to adopting this new technology.

Key features attracting interest include:

  • Long-term sensor life (up to 3 years)
  • No wearable component
  • Real-time blood glucose readings

The study included 757 respondents with intensive insulin therapy, comprising current CGM users (67%), non-users (25%), and ex-users (8%). Glucotrack's CBGM concept aims to address unmet needs in diabetes management, offering a more convenient and less intrusive monitoring solution. The company has made significant clinical progress, completing successful preclinical studies and planning to initiate human clinical trials later this year.

Glucotrack Inc. (Nasdaq: GCTK) ha presentato nuove scoperte durante l'ADCES 2024 Annual Conference, rivelando un forte interesse per il loro innovativo concetto di Monitoraggio Continuo della Glicemia (CBGM). Lo studio di ricerca di mercato ha mostrato che oltre il 50% dei pazienti diabetici intervistati è aperto all'adozione di questa nuova tecnologia.

Le caratteristiche chiave che suscitano interesse includono:

  • Durata del sensore a lungo termine (fino a 3 anni)
  • Nessun componente indossabile
  • Misurazioni della glicemia in tempo reale

Lo studio ha incluso 757 rispondenti in terapia insulinica intensiva, comprendendo attuali utilizzatori di CGM (67%), non utilizzatori (25%) e ex-utilizzatori (8%). Il concetto di CBGM di Glucotrack mira a soddisfare le esigenze insoddisfatte nella gestione del diabete, offrendo una soluzione di monitoraggio più conveniente e meno invasiva. L'azienda ha compiuto progressi clinici significativi, completando studi preclinici di successo e pianificando di avviare studi clinici su esseri umani entro la fine di quest'anno.

Glucotrack Inc. (Nasdaq: GCTK) presentó nuevos hallazgos en la Conferencia Anual ADCES 2024, revelando un fuerte interés en su innovador concepto de Monitor de Glucosa en Sangre Continuo (CBGM). El estudio de investigación de mercado mostró que más del 50% de los pacientes diabéticos encuestados están dispuestos a adoptar esta nueva tecnología.

Las características clave que atraen el interés incluyen:

  • Larga vida útil del sensor (hasta 3 años)
  • Sin componente portátil
  • Lecturas de glucosa en sangre en tiempo real

El estudio incluyó 757 encuestados con terapia de insulina intensiva, comprendiendo a actuales usuarios de CGM (67%), no usuarios (25%) y ex-usuarios (8%). El concepto de CBGM de Glucotrack tiene como objetivo abordar las necesidades no satisfechas en la gestión de la diabetes, ofreciendo una solución de monitoreo más conveniente y menos invasiva. La empresa ha logrado avances clínicos significativos, completando estudios preclínicos exitosos y planeando iniciar ensayos clínicos en seres humanos a finales de este año.

글루코트랙 주식회사 (Nasdaq: GCTK)가 ADCES 2024 연례 회의에서 새로운 연구 결과를 발표하며, 혁신적인 혈당 모니터링 기술(CBGM)에 대한 강한 관심을 드러냈습니다. 시장 조사 연구에 따르면, 설문에 응답한 당뇨병 환자의 50% 이상이 이 새로운 기술을 채택할 의향이 있다고 합니다.

관심을 끄는 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 장기 센서 수명 (최대 3년)
  • 착용할 필요 없는 구성요소
  • 실시간 혈당 측정

이 연구는 집중 인슐린 치료를 받고 있는 757명의 응답자를 포함하였으며, 현재 CGM 사용자(67%), 비사용자(25%) 및 전 사용자(8%)로 구성되었습니다. 글루코트랙의 CBGM 개념은 당뇨병 관리에서 충족되지 않은 니즈를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하며, 보다 편리하고 덜 침습적인 모니터링 솔루션을 제공합니다. 이 회사는 성공적인 전임상 연구를 완료하고 올해 말에 인체 임상 시험을 시작할 계획입니다.

Glucotrack Inc. (Nasdaq: GCTK) a présenté de nouvelles découvertes lors de la Conférence Annuelle ADCES 2024, révélant un fort intérêt pour leur concept innovant de Moniteur Continu de Glucose Sanguin (CBGM). L'étude de marché a montré que plus de 50 % des patients diabétiques interrogés sont ouverts à l'adoption de cette nouvelle technologie.

Les caractéristiques clés qui suscitent l'intérêt comprennent :

  • Durée de vie prolongée du capteur (jusqu'à 3 ans)
  • Pas de composant portable
  • Mesures de glucose sanguin en temps réel

L'étude a inclus 757 répondants ayant une thérapie insulinique intensive, comprenant des utilisateurs actuels de CGM (67 %), des non-utilisateurs (25 %) et des anciens utilisateurs (8 %). Le concept de CBGM de Glucotrack vise à répondre à des besoins non satisfaits dans la gestion du diabète, offrant une solution de surveillance plus pratique et moins invasive. L'entreprise a réalisé des progrès cliniques significatifs, ayant achevé des études précliniques réussies et prévoyant de commencer des essais cliniques sur des humains plus tard cette année.

Glucotrack Inc. (Nasdaq: GCTK) stellte auf der ADCES 2024 Jahreskonferenz neue Erkenntnisse vor und zeigte ein starkes Interesse an ihrem innovativen Konzept des kontinuierlichen Blutzucker-Monitors (CBGM). Die Marktforschungsstudie ergab, dass über 50% der befragten Diabetespatienten bereit sind, diese neue Technologie zu übernehmen.

Zu den Hauptmerkmalen, die Interesse wecken, gehören:

  • Langfristige Sensorlebensdauer (bis zu 3 Jahre)
  • Kein tragbares Teil
  • Echtzeit-Blutzuckerwerte

Die Studie umfasste 757 Teilnehmer, die eine intensive Insulintherapie durchlaufen, darunter aktuelle CGM-Nutzer (67 %), Nicht-Nutzer (25 %) und Ex-Nutzer (8 %). Das CBGM-Konzept von Glucotrack zielt darauf ab, unerfüllte Bedarfe im Diabetes-Management zu adressieren und bietet eine bequemere und weniger invasive Monitoring-Lösung. Das Unternehmen hat bedeutende klinische Fortschritte erzielt, erfolgreiche präklinische Studien abgeschlossen und plant, noch in diesem Jahr mit klinischen Studien am Menschen zu beginnen.

  • None.
  • None.

Glucotrack ADCES poster highlights over 50% of surveyed diabetes patients are open to new Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor concept

Rutherford, NJ, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Glucotrack, Inc. (Nasdaq: GCTK) (“Glucotrack” or the “Company”), a medical technology innovator focused on the design, development, and commercialization of novel technologies for people with diabetes, today announced new findings from a recent market research study evaluating the acceptance of its new Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor (CBGM) concept among people with insulin-requiring diabetes. The poster was presented at the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) 2024 Annual Conference held Aug. 9-12, 2024, in New Orleans.

The study, conducted with a diverse group of participants, revealed that over 50% of respondents are open to adopting Glucotrack’s new CBGM concept – a small device placed under the skin. This technology is designed to offer continuous, accurate blood glucose monitoring for up to 3 years without the calibration, comfort and wearability challenges associated with traditional Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) approaches.

Key features that garnered the most interest include the long-term sensor life (2-year sensor-life was tested during the study), the absence of a wearable component, and the provision of real-time blood glucose readings. These top three appealing aspects were consistent across all segments of respondents.

The study included 757 respondents with intensive insulin therapy (49% type 1 diabetes and 51% type 2 diabetes), comprised of current CGM users (67%), non-users (25%) and ex-users (8%). Respondents used various insulin delivery methods: multiple daily injections (60%) and insulin pump (40%, including 21% automated insulin delivery or AID and 19% non-AID).

“This market research shows us that there is clear need for innovation in continuous glucose monitoring and that Glucotrack’s innovative approach has tremendous market potential as it addresses unmet needs,” said Paul Goode, President & CEO at Glucotrack. “Our goal has always been to develop innovative solutions that improve the quality of life for people with diabetes. The insights gained from this study will be invaluable as we continue to refine our CBGM technology to better meet the needs of our users.”

The new CBGM concept represents a significant advancement in diabetes management, offering a more convenient and less intrusive way for individuals to monitor their blood glucose levels. Glucotrack remains committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to empower people with diabetes to live healthier, more independent lives.

Glucotrack, Inc. has recently made significant strides in its clinical progress. The company successfully completed a 60-day long-term preclinical study of its implantable CGM, demonstrating the feasibility of glucose monitoring in the epidural space. Additionally, a 90-day preclinical study confirmed the sustained accuracy of its CBGM, with a mean absolute relative difference of 4.7%, which is considered highly accurate for a continuous glucose monitor. These advancements pave the way for upcoming human clinical trials that the company plans to initiate later this year, marking a crucial step towards providing a more convenient and discreet glucose monitoring solution for people with diabetes.

For more information about Glucotrack’s CBGM, visit

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About Glucotrack, Inc.

Glucotrack, Inc. (NASDAQ: GCTK) is focused on the design, development, and commercialization of novel technologies for people with diabetes. The Company is currently developing a long-term implantable continuous blood glucose monitoring system for people living with diabetes.

Glucotrack’s CBGM is a long-term, implantable system that continually measures blood glucose levels with a sensor longevity of 2+ years, no on-body wearable component and with minimal calibration. For more information, please visit

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This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements contained in this news release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as “believe”, “expect”, “plan” and “will” are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of management, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, management. These statements relate only to events as of the date on which the statements are made, and Glucotrack undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. All of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements, and there can be no assurance that the actual results anticipated by Glucotrack will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences to or effects on us or our business or operations. Readers are cautioned that certain important factors may affect Glucotrack’s actual results and could cause such results to differ materially from any forward-looking statements that may be made in this news release. Factors that may affect Glucotrack’s results include, but are not limited to, the ability of Glucotrack to raise additional capital to finance its operations (whether through public or private equity offerings, debt financings, strategic collaborations or otherwise); risks relating to the receipt (and timing) of regulatory approvals (including U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval); risks relating to enrollment of patients in, and the conduct of, clinical trials; risks relating to Glucotrack’s future distribution agreements; risks relating to its ability to hire and retain qualified personnel, including sales and distribution personnel; and the additional risk factors described in Glucotrack’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 as filed with the SEC on March 28, 2024.


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What is Glucotrack's new Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor (CBGM) concept?

Glucotrack's CBGM concept is a small device placed under the skin, designed to offer continuous, accurate blood glucose monitoring for up to 3 years without the calibration, comfort, and wearability challenges associated with traditional CGM approaches.

How many diabetes patients are open to adopting Glucotrack's CBGM concept?

According to the survey presented at ADCES 2024, over 50% of respondents with insulin-requiring diabetes are open to adopting Glucotrack's new CBGM concept.

What are the key features of Glucotrack's CBGM that attracted interest?

The top three appealing aspects of Glucotrack's CBGM are its long-term sensor life (up to 3 years), the absence of a wearable component, and the provision of real-time blood glucose readings.

When does Glucotrack (GCTK) plan to start human clinical trials for its CBGM?

Glucotrack plans to initiate human clinical trials for its Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor (CBGM) later in 2024, following successful preclinical studies.

What were the results of Glucotrack's preclinical studies for its CBGM?

Glucotrack completed a 60-day long-term preclinical study demonstrating the feasibility of glucose monitoring in the epidural space, and a 90-day study confirmed sustained accuracy with a mean absolute relative difference of 4.7%, considered highly accurate for a continuous glucose monitor.

GlucoTrack, Inc.


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