GivBux, Inc. Has Filed SEC Form 10 and All Required Documents to Qualify as a Fully-Reporting OTCQB Corporation
GivBux, Inc. (OTC: GBUX) has filed SEC Form 10 and all required documents to qualify as a fully-reporting OTCQB This milestone includes completion of a 2-year independent audit, an SEC attorney opinion letter, and a 200+ page SEC Form 10 filing. The company anticipates the shareholder update to be effective within 30 days, pending OTC Markets review.
GivBux is a Super App and charitable giving platform that offers cash back on purchases from over 100 national retailers and local merchants. Users can direct a portion of their cash back to charities. The app is free and available on Google Play and Apple App Store, with ongoing enhancements including social networking, e-commerce, banking, messaging, food delivery, and transportation features.
GivBux, Inc. (OTC: GBUX) ha presentato il modulo SEC 10 e tutta la documentazione necessaria per qualificarsi come OTCQB totalmente riportante. Questo traguardo include il completamento di un audit indipendente di 2 anni, una lettera di opinione legale da parte di un avvocato SEC e un modulo SEC 10 di oltre 200 pagine. La società si aspetta che l'aggiornamento per gli azionisti diventi efficace entro 30 giorni, in attesa della revisione da parte di OTC Markets.
GivBux è una Super App e piattaforma di donazioni caritatevoli che offre cashback sugli acquisti effettuati presso oltre 100 rivenditori nazionali e commercianti locali. Gli utenti possono destinare una parte del loro cashback a enti di beneficenza. L'app è gratuita e disponibile su Google Play e Apple App Store, con miglioramenti continui che includono funzionalità di social networking, e-commerce, banking, messaggistica, consegna di cibo e trasporti.
GivBux, Inc. (OTC: GBUX) ha presentado el formulario SEC 10 y toda la documentación requerida para calificar como OTCQB totalmente informada. Este hito incluye la finalización de una auditoría independiente de 2 años, una carta de opinión legal de un abogado de la SEC y un formulario SEC 10 de más de 200 páginas. La empresa anticipa que la actualización para los accionistas será efectiva dentro de 30 días, a la espera de la revisión de OTC Markets.
GivBux es una Super App y plataforma de donaciones caritativas que ofrece devolución de dinero en compras realizadas en más de 100 minoristas nacionales y comerciantes locales. Los usuarios pueden destinar una parte de su devolución a organizaciones benéficas. La app es gratuita y está disponible en Google Play y Apple App Store, con mejoras continuas que incluyen funciones de redes sociales, comercio electrónico, banca, mensajería, entrega de alimentos y transporte.
GivBux, Inc. (OTC: GBUX)는 완전 보고 OTCQB 자격을 확보하기 위해 SEC 양식 10 및 모든 요구 문서를 제출했습니다. 이 이정표에는 2년간의 독립 감사 완료, SEC 변호사 의견서 및 200페이지 이상의 SEC 양식 10 제출이 포함됩니다. 회사는 OTC Markets의 검토를 기다리면서 주주 업데이트가 30일 이내에 효력이 발생할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
GivBux는 슈퍼 앱 및 자선 기부 플랫폼으로, 100개 이상의 전국 소매업체와 지역 상점에서 구매 시 캐시백을 제공합니다. 사용자는 자신의 캐시백의 일부를 자선 단체에 기부할 수 있습니다. 이 앱은 무료로 제공되며 Google Play와 Apple App Store에서 사용할 수 있으며, 소셜 네트워킹, 전자 상거래, 뱅킹, 메시징, 음식 배달 및 교통 기능을 포함한 지속적인 개선이 이루어지고 있습니다.
GivBux, Inc. (OTC: GBUX) a déposé le formulaire SEC 10 et tous les documents nécessaires pour se qualifier en tant qu'OTCQB à rapport complet. Cette étape importante comprend l'achèvement d'un audit indépendant de 2 ans, une lettre d'avis d'un avocat de la SEC et un dossier SEC 10 de plus de 200 pages. L'entreprise anticipe que la mise à jour des actionnaires sera effective dans les 30 jours, en attente de l'examen par OTC Markets.
GivBux est une Super App et plateforme de dons caritatifs qui offre un cashback sur les achats effectués auprès de plus de 100 détaillants nationaux et commerçants locaux. Les utilisateurs peuvent diriger une partie de leur cashback vers des œuvres caritatives. L'application est gratuite et disponible sur Google Play et l'App Store d'Apple, avec des améliorations continues qui incluent le réseautage social, le commerce électronique, la banque, la messagerie, la livraison de nourriture et des fonctionnalités de transport.
GivBux, Inc. (OTC: GBUX) hat die SEC-Formular 10 und alle erforderlichen Dokumente eingereicht, um sich als vollständig berichtendes OTCQB zu qualifizieren. Dieser Meilenstein umfasst den Abschluss einer 2-jährigen unabhängigen Prüfung, ein Rechtsgutachten eines SEC-Anwalts und die Einreichung eines über 200-seitigen SEC-Formulars 10. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass das Aktionärsupdate innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach der Überprüfung durch die OTC Markets wirksam wird.
GivBux ist eine Super App und Spendenplattform, die Cashback auf Einkäufe bei über 100 nationalen Einzelhändlern und lokalen Händlern bietet. Nutzer können einen Teil ihres Cashbacks an wohltätige Organisationen weiterleiten. Die App ist kostenlos und verfügbar im Google Play und Apple App Store, mit fortlaufenden Verbesserungen, die soziale Netzwerke, E-Commerce, Banking, Messaging, Essenslieferung und Transportfunktionen umfassen.
- Filed SEC Form 10 to qualify as a fully-reporting OTCQB
- Completed 2-year independent audit
- Expanding roster of local merchants in addition to 100+ national retailers
- Offers cash back on every purchase with option to donate to charity
- Continuous app enhancements including e-commerce, banking, and food delivery features
- 30-day pending period for shareholder update effectiveness
- Time-consuming process to prepare extensive documentation for filing
Newport Beach, CA, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GivBux, Inc. (OTC: GBUX), a publicly-traded Super App and charitable giving platform, announced today that the company has submitted its SEC Form 10 and all accompanying documents required to qualify as a fully-reporting Required OTCQB Corporation.
In conjunction with this announcement, GivBux President Umesh Tim Singh stated, “We are very excited to announce this major milestone in the evolution of our corporation. I want to commend our executive team for their hard work and diligence in accomplishing this task in such a relatively short period of time. This has been a time-consuming process that required the completion of an intensive 2-year independent audit, a thorough accompanying opinion letter prepared by our SEC attorney, and the preparation and EDGARization of an exhaustive 200+ page SEC Form 10 filing with both the SEC and OTC Markets. Upon completion of these filings, GivBux has now submitted all documentation required to qualify as a fully-reporting OTCQB corporation pursuant to Section 12(b) or (g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. We anticipate the accompanying shareholder update to be effective within 30 days of the filing, pending final review and acceptance by OTC Markets. The upgrading of our status to fully-reporting OTCQB opens the doors to exciting new opportunities, and we will be releasing more news and updates about these in the coming weeks and months.”
The GivBux Super App revolutionizes shopping by offering a user-friendly tool to make purchases swiftly and easily at over 100 national retailers, along with an expanding roster of local merchants. Users earn cash back on every purchase, a portion of which can be directed towards a charity of their choice, embodying GivBux Inc.’s commitment to "give back."
The GivBux Super App is free to use and available now at Google Play Store (Android) and the Apple App Store (IOS).. The GivBux Super App is constantly evolving and adding new enhancements and functionalities, including social networking, e-commerce, banking, messaging, food delivery and transportation.
GivBux is forging a new path in ecommerce and charitable giving and aspires to build the largest community of givers, first in the United States and eventually worldwide. For more details and regular updates, visit
This press release contains “forward-looking statements.” Although the forward-looking statements in this release reflect the good faith judgment of management, forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to be materially different from those discussed in these forward-looking statements. Readers are urged to carefully review and consider the various disclosures made by GivBux, Inc. in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the risk factors that attempt to advise interested parties of the risks that may affect our business, financial condition, results of operation and cash flows. If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or if the underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results may vary materially from those expected or projected. Readers are urged not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this release. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect any event or circumstance that may arise after the date of this release. The Company intends that all statements included herein, including those referring to future revenues and earnings, be subject to the "Safe Harbors" provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Umesh Singh, President
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