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The Gabelli Utility Trust (NYSE:GUT) has approved the redemption of all outstanding 5.625% Series A Cumulative Preferred Shares. The redemption price is set at $25.00 per share, plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends. The specific redemption date will be announced later. Following this, dividends on the shares will cease, and the rights of shareholders regarding these preferred shares will terminate, except for the right to receive the redemption amount. The preferred shares, rated 'A1' by Moody's, have been traded since July 28, 2003, and yield an annual dividend of $1.40625 per share.
The Gabelli Global Small and Mid Cap Value Trust (NYSE:GGZ) has authorized the redemption of all outstanding 5.450% Series A Cumulative Preferred Shares, priced at $25.00 per share, plus any accumulated unpaid dividends. The exact redemption date will be announced later. Upon redemption, these shares will cease to be outstanding, and dividends will stop accumulating. The preferred shares are rated 'A2' by Moody's, with an annual dividend rate of $1.3625. Gabelli Funds, LLC manages the Trust, which focuses on long-term capital growth with $238 million in total net assets.
The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust (NYSE American: GLU) has confirmed its fixed monthly cash distributions for January, February, and March 2022, maintaining a $0.10 per share payout. The Fund's distribution policy, which targets a minimum annual distribution of 6% based on an initial price of $20.00 per share, will be reviewed quarterly by the Board of Trustees. If earnings do not cover distributions, the excess will be classified as a return of capital. The Fund has $177 million in net assets and is managed by Gabelli Funds, LLC.
The Gabelli Equity Trust Inc. (NYSE:GAB) announced a cash distribution of
The GDL Fund (NYSE:GDL) announced a cash distribution of $0.12 per share, payable on December 17, 2021, to shareholders of record as of December 10, 2021. The Fund emphasizes that this distribution rate should not be viewed as a definitive yield or total return. It may include return of capital components, which reduce shareholders' cost basis. The Fund's distributions will vary and depend on various factors, including investment income and capital gains.
As of now, the GDL Fund holds $182 million in total net assets, aiming for absolute returns while minimizing capital risk.
The Gabelli Healthcare & Wellness Trust (NYSE:GRX) announced a cash distribution of
The Gabelli Global Small and Mid Cap Value Trust (NYSE:GGZ) announced a quarterly cash distribution of $0.16 per share, payable on December 17, 2021, for shareholders on record by December 10, 2021. Additionally, the Board has authorized a year-end distribution to meet IRS minimum requirements, details of which will be disclosed later. The Fund, with total net assets of $238 million, aims for long-term capital growth by investing at least 80% of its assets in small and medium-sized companies. Tax treatments for distributions will vary and will be communicated to shareholders.
The Board of Trustees of The Gabelli Utility Trust (NYSE:GUT) has approved fixed monthly cash distributions of