Dramatic Increase in Gold Recovery Significantly Improves the Business Options for Past-Producing High-Grade Gold Zinc Estrades Mine - Scoping Study to be Initiated

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Galway Metals reports significant improvements in metal recovery rates at its 100% owned Estrades property in Quebec's Abitibi region. The high-grade gold and zinc deposit shows a 31% increase in gold recovery, now reaching 86.6%. The updated Mineral Resource Estimate reveals a 17% increase in Indicated Resource and a 22% increase in Inferred Resource compared to 2018.

The property, which previously produced 174,946 tonnes grading 12.9% Zn, 6.4 g/t Au, 1.1% Cu, and 173.3 g/t Ag in 1990-91, now shows improved metallurgical results. Gold accounts for 48% of the total NSR of Indicated Resources and 41% for Inferred Resources. Copper concentrate quality has improved to 28% Cu with 95% recovery, up from previous results of 22% copper and 44% recovery.

Galway Metals riporta significativi miglioramenti nei tassi di recupero dei metalli nella sua proprietà Estrades, di cui detiene il 100% in Quebec, nella regione dell'Abitibi. Il deposito di oro e zinco ad alta gradazione mostra un aumento del 31% nel recupero dell'oro, ora raggiungendo l'86.6%. La stima aggiornata delle risorse minerali rivela un aumento del 17% nelle risorse indicate e un aumento del 22% nelle risorse presunte rispetto al 2018.

La proprietà, che in precedenza aveva prodotto 174.946 tonnellate con un grado di 12.9% Zn, 6.4 g/t Au, 1.1% Cu e 173.3 g/t Ag nel 1990-91, ora mostra risultati metallurgici migliorati. L'oro rappresenta il 48% del totale NSR delle risorse indicate e il 41% delle risorse presunte. La qualità del concentrato di rame è migliorata, raggiungendo il 28% di Cu con un recupero del 95%, rispetto ai risultati precedenti di 22% di rame e 44% di recupero.

Galway Metals informa sobre importantes mejoras en las tasas de recuperación de metales en su propiedad Estrades, de la que posee el 100% en la región de Abitibi, Quebec. El depósito de oro y zinc de alta ley muestra un aumento del 31% en la recuperación de oro, alcanzando ahora el 86.6%. La estimación de recursos minerales actualizada revela un aumento del 17% en los recursos indicados y un aumento del 22% en los recursos inferidos en comparación con 2018.

La propiedad, que previamente produjo 174,946 toneladas con un grado de 12.9% Zn, 6.4 g/t Au, 1.1% Cu y 173.3 g/t Ag entre 1990-91, ahora muestra resultados metalúrgicos mejorados. El oro representa el 48% del NSR total de los recursos indicados y el 41% de los recursos inferidos. La calidad del concentrado de cobre ha mejorado al 28% de Cu con un 95% de recuperación, en comparación con los resultados anteriores de 22% de cobre y 44% de recuperación.

갈웨이 메탈스는 퀘벡 아비티비 지역에 위치한 100% 소유의 에스트라데스(Estrades) 자산에서 금속 회수율이 크게 개선되었다고 보고했습니다. 고품위 금 및 아연 광상은 금 회수율이 31% 증가하여 현재 86.6%에 도달했습니다. 업데이트된 광물 자원 추정치는 2018년 대비 지표 자원 17% 증가추정 자원 22% 증가를 보여줍니다.

1990-91년에 12.9% Zn, 6.4 g/t Au, 1.1% Cu, 173.3 g/t Ag 등급으로 174,946톤을 생산했던 본 자산은 이제 개선된 야금 결과를 보이고 있습니다. 금은 지표 자원의 총 NSR 중 48%, 추정 자원의 41%를 차지합니다. 구리 농축물의 품질은 28% Cu로 개선되었고 회수율은 95%에 이르며, 이는 이전의 22% 구리 및 44% 회수율에서 향상된 것입니다.

Galway Metals fait état d'améliorations significatives des taux de récupération des métaux sur sa propriété Estrades, dont elle possède 100% dans la région de l'Abitibi au Québec. Le gisement de haute teneur en or et en zinc montre une augmentation de 31% de la récupération de l'or, atteignant désormais 86,6%. La mise à jour de l'estimation des ressources minérales révèle une augmentation de 17% des ressources indiquées et une augmentation de 22% des ressources inférées par rapport à 2018.

La propriété, qui avait précédemment produit 174 946 tonnes avec un grade de 12,9% Zn, 6,4 g/t Au, 1,1% Cu et 173,3 g/t Ag en 1990-91, montre maintenant des résultats métallurgiques améliorés. L'or représente 48% du NSR total des ressources indiquées et 41% des ressources inférées. La qualité du concentré de cuivre a amélioré à 28% Cu avec un taux de récupération de 95%, contre des résultats précédents de 22% de cuivre et 44% de récupération.

Galway Metals berichtet von signifikanten Verbesserungen der Metallrückgewinnungsraten auf seiner zu 100% eigenen Estrades-Liegenschaft in der Abitibi-Region von Quebec. Das hochgradige Gold- und Zinkvorkommen zeigt einen 31%igen Anstieg der Goldrückgewinnung, die nun 86,6% erreicht. Die aktualisierte Schätzung der Mineralressourcen zeigt einen 17%igen Anstieg der angezeigten Ressourcen und einen 22%igen Anstieg der abgeleiteten Ressourcen im Vergleich zu 2018.

Die Liegenschaft, die zuvor 174.946 Tonnen mit einem Gehalt von 12,9% Zn, 6,4 g/t Au, 1,1% Cu und 173,3 g/t Ag in den Jahren 1990-91 produzierte, zeigt nun verbesserte metallurgische Ergebnisse. Gold macht 48% des gesamten NSR der angezeigten Ressourcen und 41% der abgeleiteten Ressourcen aus. Die Qualität des Kupferkonzentrats hat sich auf 28% Cu mit einer Rückgewinnung von 95% verbessert, im Vergleich zu den vorherigen Ergebnissen von 22% Kupfer und 44% Rückgewinnung.

  • 31% increase in gold recovery to 86.6%
  • 17% increase in Indicated Resource tonnage
  • 22% increase in Inferred Resource tonnage
  • Copper concentrate quality improved to 28% Cu with 95% recovery
  • Gold now represents 48% of total NSR for Indicated Resources
  • 11-15% decrease in average grade for all metals
  • Central East material shows no amenability to ore sorting

TORONTO, ON / ACCESS Newswire / January 27, 2025 / Galway Metals Inc. (TSX-V:GWM)(OTCQB:GAYMF) (the "Company" or "Galway") is pleased to report an updated Mineral Resource Estimate prepared by SLR Consulting Ltd. and updated metallurgical testing performed at Base Metal Laboratories under the design and direction of Principal Metallurgist Mr. Ken Roberts on the Estrades property located in the northern Abitibi of Western Quebec, Canada. The 100% owned Estrades project, is a high-grade gold and zinc deposit. Historically, Breakwater Resources Ltd, spent CAD$20 million developing the precious metal rich VMS deposit which was previously mined via a 200-metre-deep ramp with production in 1990-91 totalling 174,946 tonnes grading 12.9% Zn, 6.4 g/t Au, 1.1% Cu, and 173.3 g/t Ag.

"We are extremely excited about 31% increase in gold recovery and its significant impact on the potential economics of the project. We had previously undertaken 2 internal Scoping Studies that indicated to us that absent a new discovery at the Estrades project, the next biggest improvement we could make at Estrades was increasing the gold recovery. Which is exactly what Galway accomplished as can be seen below, we also achieved improvements in copper, silver and lead recoveries." States Rob Hinchcliffe, President and CEO of Galway. Adding, "A positive Scoping Study would facilitate our quest to move the project forward by establishing a more relevant value in the marketplace. There are several operating mills in the area it is worth mentioning. The Clarence Stream gold project, located in southwest New Brunswick, remains our flagship project where the vast majority of the company's resources and attention is focused. We are currently drilling at Clarence Stream, and we remain quite bullish about the company's prospects as we look forward to 2025."

Metallurgical and Mineral Resource Estimate Highlights

  • Gold recoveries have improved by 31% and now stand at 86.6% with further room for additional improvement. Moreover, for Ag we find that recoveries stand at 45%, improving by just under 9%.

  • With strong precious metal prices gold now accounts for 48% of the total NSR (net smelter return) of Indicated Mineral Resources and 41% for the total NSR of Inferred Mineral Resources.

  • Open circuit testing produced marketable concentrates for copper that assayed 28% Cu with low lead and zinc content with 95% copper recovery vs previous results of 22% assayed copper and 44% recovered.

  • Strong Exploration Potential: With 31 kilometres of strike length on the Casa Berardi Fault for lode gold exploration and 17 km of the highly prospective Newiska Horizon for gold and polymetallic VMS exploration, we believe the upside potential for making new discoveries at Estrades is very high.

  • We see a modest increase in tonnage with the new mineral resource estimate with a 17% increase in Indicated Resource and a 22% increase in Inferred Resource compared to 2018 Estrade Resource Estimate conducted by SLR Consulting Inc. (at a $150/t NSR cutoff compared to $140/t used in 2018).

Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Estrades Deposit by SLR Consulting Inc., December 6, 2024



Cu (%)

Pb (%)

Zn (%)

Au (g/t)

Ag (g/t)
















  1. CIM (2014 definitions were followed for Mineral Resources.

  2. Mineral Resources are estimated at long-term metal prices (U$) as follows: Zn $1.30/lb, Cu $4.50/lb, Pb $1.00/lb, Au $2,000/oz, and Ag $25.00/oz.

  3. Mineral Resources are estimated using an average long-term foreign exchange rate of C$1: US$0.73.

  4. Mineral Resources are estimated at a Net Smelter Return (NSR) cut-off value of C$150/tonne. NSR values were calculated based on metal prices, metallurgical recoveries, and typical off-site charges applicable to concentrates. The cut-off value corresponds to the projected operating costs for a conceptual operating scenario.

  5. There are no Mineral Reserves estimated at the Estrades Project. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

  6. Numbers may not sum due to rounding.

Details of the Estrades Mineral Resource Update

The Mineral Resource update was done to reflect current metal prices, with the gold price having increased 38%, and to include in-fill drilling conducted since 2018. SLR's Mineral Resource update also includes a sensitivity analysis at the same $140/t NSR cutoff as used in 2018.

That apples-to-apples comparison at the same 2018 $140/t NSR cutoff shows that infill drilling and current metal prices resulted in the tonnage increase of 19% for Indicted and 25% for Inferred, with a decrease in average grade of 11 to 15% for all metals, resulting in a minimal net change in total metal content.

Metallurgical Improvements from Previous Work

Further metallurgical testing has been completed at Base Metallurgical laboratories (Base Met Labs, now Intertek) on the Estrades Project to determine if improvements could be made in both metal recoveries and upgrading of the concentrates. The previous work had been completed in 2007 and 2008. Highlights for the program are as follows.

The following are excerpts from the report "Metallurgical Update Study for the Estrades Project, by Base Met Labs, August 2, 2024:

  • "Testing compared Full Sequential vs. Bulk Cu/Pb Sequential Zn, the Bulk option was initially thought to produce higher copper and precious metal recoveries."

  • "Locked cycle testing on the Bulk flowsheet option generated recoveries to separate concentrates of 58% Cu, 44% Pb and 85% Zn. Precious metal recovery to Cu and Pb concentrates was demonstrated to be 86.6% Au and 45% Ag."

  • "Open circuit testing produced marketable concentrates for copper that assayed 28% Cu with low Pb and Zn content with 95% Copper recovery, the zinc concentrate assayed 54.6% Zn with 82% recovery."

  • "Precious metals recovered to the copper and lead concentrate (with additional recovered from solution) were 86% Au and 45% Ag".

Additional testing was recommended.

Locked Cycle Test Results (Base Met Labs, 2024)::

Ore Sorting Discussion

Ore sorting results suggested XRT based sensors were successful in rejecting dilution/waste for all material types except Central East which did not demonstrate an amenability to sorting. QEMSCAN analysis indicated that the ore is classified as ultra-fine textured massive sulphide polymetallic. The current program tested grind sizes down to a k80 of 13 μm. It is likely regrind sizes in the sub 5 μm range may be required to produce more favorable separations of the base metals, particularly the zinc. The (locked cycle copper concentrate contained too much zinc and). Future studies should evaluate finer regrind sizes in the sub k80 of 10 or even 5 μm size ranges to reduce the amount of zinc in the copper concentrate.

Qualified Persons

The Mineral Resource Estimate and other scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared and approved by independent qualified persons for purpose of NI 43-101: Reno Pressaco M.Sc.(A)., P.Geo., of SLR Consulting Inc., Principal Metallurgist Kenny Roberts of KJRoberts Metallurgical Services Inc., and from Principal Metallurgist Jake Lang B.E.Cs., of Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd.

About Galway Metals Inc.

Galway Metals is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company focused on advancing its 100%-owned, high-grade, open-pitable flagship Clarence Stream gold project in southwest New Brunswick. Clarence Stream is an emerging gold district with an exploration strike length of approximately 65 kilometres and the existing resource is open in virtually all directions. Galway Metals also has 100%-ownership in the Estrades project, a former producing high-grade, gold-rich polymetallic VMS mine in the northern Abitibi of western Quebec. Led by a management team with a proven track-record of creating shareholder value having sold Galway Resources for US$340 million, Galway Metals is focused on creating value for all its stakeholders.

For additional Information on Galway Metals Inc., Please contact:

Robert Hinchcliffe President & Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 1-800-771-0680
Look us up on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn

Cautionary Statement

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the Company's objectives, goals or future plans, information with respect to the OTCQB listing, DTC eligibility, and broadening U.S. institutional and retail investors. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to changes in economic conditions or financial markets, political and competitive developments, operation or exploration difficulties, changes in equity markets, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices capital, operating and reclamation costs varying significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, an inability to predict and counteract the effects of COVID-19 on the business of the Company, including but not limited to the effects of COVID-19 on the price of commodities, capital market conditions, restrictions on labour and international travel and supply chains, and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

SOURCE: Galway Metals Inc.

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


What are the new gold recovery rates for GAYMF's Estrades project in 2025?

The gold recovery rates at Galway Metals' Estrades project have increased by 31% to 86.6% as of January 2025.

How much did the Indicated and Inferred Resources increase at GAYMF's Estrades?

The Indicated Resource increased by 17% to 1,750,000 tonnes, while the Inferred Resource increased by 22% to 2,680,000 tonnes compared to the 2018 estimate.

What is the current copper concentrate grade and recovery at GAYMF's Estrades?

The copper concentrate now assays 28% Cu with 95% copper recovery, improved from previous results of 22% assayed copper and 44% recovery.

What percentage of GAYMF's Estrades NSR comes from gold?

Gold accounts for 48% of the total NSR for Indicated Mineral Resources and 41% for Inferred Mineral Resources.

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