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Galaxy Next Generation (OTCQB: GAXY) announced a revenue of approximately $500,000 from the Lamar County School System following the successful delivery and installation of G2 Interactive Panels. This order was part of a purchase initiated in September 2022. CEO Gary LeCroy emphasized the company's fruitful partnership with the school system, which has continued since 2019, reflecting strong customer retention and growth potential. Galaxy specializes in interactive learning technology solutions, with about 90% of sales in the K-12 education sector, supported by a network of 22+ resellers across the U.S.
Galaxy Next Generation, Inc. (OTCQB:GAXY) announced new orders totaling approximately $100,000 from two new partners in Louisiana and Virginia. CEO Gary LeCroy noted that these successful installations mark progress in resolving supply chain issues and reflect a strategic shift towards partner-focused sales. The orders, received and shipped in March, have contributed to recognized revenue. Galaxy specializes in interactive learning technology solutions, with a strong focus on the K-12 education market, which accounts for nearly 90% of its sales.
Galaxy Next Generation, Inc. (OTCQB:GAXY) announced the launch of G2 Activator, a mobile application designed to enhance school security communication. This app integrates with existing G2 Secure and Communicator offerings, enabling users to send alerts, make intercom calls, and chat with first responders from their mobile devices. G2 Activator aligns with state security laws, including Alyssa's Law, providing flexibility during emergencies. Key features include G2 Visual Alerts and Active Chat functionalities, improving real-time communication in crisis situations. The company primarily serves the K-12 education sector, accounting for about 90% of its sales.
Galaxy Next Generation (OTCQB:GAXY) reported its Q2 FY 2023 financial results, showing a revenue increase to $1.06 million from $1.04 million year-over-year. The company has enhanced its reseller network, notably onboarding Bluum, which recorded a 500% growth last year. Accounts receivable rose to approximately $900,000, indicating increased interest in G2 products. Gross profit increased by $40,000. The company reduced G&A expenses by $100,000 and strengthened its balance sheet, raising assets by $200,000. The management anticipates significant growth as supply chain issues improve and plans to report Q3 results in mid-May.
Galaxy Next Generation, Inc. (OTCQB:GAXY) has partnered with Sturgeon Electric, Inc., a top-ranked electrical contractor in Colorado, to enhance its market presence in the Mountain States Region. Sturgeon Electric, recognized as the #1 contractor in Colorado for 20 consecutive years, brings a strong reputation and extensive experience in electrical construction services. This partnership aims to expand Galaxy's distribution network, focusing primarily on the K-12 education sector, which constitutes nearly 90% of Galaxy's sales. The collaboration is expected to strengthen Galaxy's growth strategy in the region.