Gauzy Invited by Israel’s Minister of Economy and Industry to Participate in Prestigious Economic Forum Designed to Foster Collaboration Between Israeli and Indian Companies
Gauzy (Nasdaq: GAUZ), a leader in light and vision control technology, has been invited by Israel's Minister of Economy and Industry to participate in a prestigious economic forum in India. The three-day summit, scheduled for February 10-13, 2025, in New Delhi, aims to strengthen bilateral trade relations between Israel and India.
The company will have the opportunity to present its technology to key Indian decision-makers, including senior government officials, industry leaders, and top CEOs. This initiative aligns with Gauzy's expansion plans in India, which the IMF projects to become the world's third-largest economy by 2030, with expected GDP growth of 6.5% in 2025 and 2026.
Gauzy has already established a presence in India, with its Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology being implemented in various projects, including over 5,000 square feet in a New Delhi establishment and Indian Railways' vistadome coaches. The company appointed its first national sales manager in India in 2024 and has partnerships with five glass fabrication and window film installation partners serving multiple sectors.
Gauzy (Nasdaq: GAUZ), leader nella tecnologia di controllo della luce e della visione, è stata invitata dal Ministro dell'Economia e dell'Industria di Israele a partecipare a un prestigioso forum economico in India. Il summit di tre giorni, programmato dal 10 al 13 febbraio 2025 a Nuova Delhi, ha l'obiettivo di rafforzare i rapporti commerciali bilaterali tra Israele e India.
L'azienda avrà l'opportunità di presentare la sua tecnologia ai principali decisori indiani, tra cui funzionari governativi di alto livello, leader di settore e CEO di spicco. Questa iniziativa è in linea con i piani di espansione di Gauzy in India, che secondo l'FMI dovrebbe diventare la terza economia mondiale entro il 2030, con una crescita del PIL prevista del 6,5% nel 2025 e 2026.
Gauzy ha già stabilito una presenza in India, con la sua tecnologia Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) implementata in vari progetti, tra cui oltre 5.000 piedi quadrati in un'attività a Nuova Delhi e i coach vistadome delle Ferrovie Indiane. L'azienda ha nominato il suo primo direttore vendite nazionale in India nel 2024 e ha stretto partnership con cinque partner di fabbricazione del vetro e installazione di pellicole per finestre che servono diversi settori.
Gauzy (Nasdaq: GAUZ), un líder en tecnología de control de luz y visión, ha sido invitado por el Ministro de Economía e Industria de Israel a participar en un prestigioso foro económico en India. La cumbre de tres días, programada del 10 al 13 de febrero de 2025 en Nueva Delhi, tiene como objetivo fortalecer las relaciones comerciales bilaterales entre Israel e India.
La empresa tendrá la oportunidad de presentar su tecnología a los principales tomadores de decisiones indios, incluidos altos funcionarios gubernamentales, líderes de la industria y altos ejecutivos. Esta iniciativa se alinea con los planes de expansión de Gauzy en India, que el FMI proyecta que se convierta en la tercera economía más grande del mundo para 2030, con un crecimiento del PIB esperado del 6.5% en 2025 y 2026.
Gauzy ya ha establecido una presencia en India, con su tecnología de Cristal Líquido Disperso en Polímero (PDLC) implementada en varios proyectos, incluidos más de 5,000 pies cuadrados en un establecimiento de Nueva Delhi y los coches vistadome de Indian Railways. La empresa nombró a su primer gerente de ventas nacional en India en 2024 y tiene asociaciones con cinco socios de fabricación de vidrio e instalación de películas de ventanas que sirven a múltiples sectores.
Gauzy (Nasdaq: GAUZ)는 빛과 비전 제어 기술의 선두주자로, 이스라엘 경제 산업부 장관의 초청을 받아 인도의 권위 있는 경제 포럼에 참석하게 되었습니다. 2025년 2월 10일부터 13일까지 뉴델리에서 열리는 이 3일 간의 정상 회담은 이스라엘과 인도 간의 양자 무역 관계를 강화하는 데 목적을 두고 있습니다.
회사는 인도의 주요 의사 결정자들에게 기술을 소개할 기회를 갖게 되며, 여기에는 고위 정부 관리, 산업 리더 및 주요 CEO가 포함됩니다. 이번 이니셔티브는 IMF가 2030년까지 세계 3대 경제국이 될 것으로 전망하는 인도에서의 Gauzy의 확장 계획과 일치하며, 2025년과 2026년에는 6.5%의 GDP 성장이 예상됩니다.
Gauzy는 이미 인도에 존재감을 확립했으며, 폴리머 분산 액정(PDLC) 기술이 뉴델리의 한 사업장에서 5,000제곱피트 이상 및 인도의 철도 vistadome 객차 등 다양한 프로젝트에 적용되고 있습니다. 회사는 2024년에 인도에서 첫 번째 국가 판매 관리자를 임명했으며, 여러 산업에 서비스를 제공하는 유리 제작 및 창문 필름 설치 파트너와 협력하고 있습니다.
Gauzy (Nasdaq: GAUZ), un leader dans la technologie de contrôle de la lumière et de la vision, a été invité par le ministre israélien de l'Économie et de l'Industrie à participer à un prestigieux forum économique en Inde. Le sommet de trois jours, prévu du 10 au 13 février 2025 à New Delhi, vise à renforcer les relations commerciales bilatérales entre Israël et l'Inde.
L'entreprise aura l'opportunité de présenter sa technologie aux décideurs indiens clés, y compris des hauts fonctionnaires gouvernementaux, des leaders de l'industrie et des PDG de renom. Cette initiative est en phase avec les plans d'expansion de Gauzy en Inde, que le FMI prévoit de devenir la troisième économie mondiale d'ici 2030, avec une croissance du PIB de 6,5 % attendue en 2025 et 2026.
Gauzy a déjà établi une présence en Inde, sa technologie de Cristaux liquides dispersés dans un polymère (PDLC) étant mise en œuvre dans divers projets, dont plus de 5 000 pieds carrés dans un établissement de New Delhi et les voitures à vue panoramique des chemins de fer indiens. L'entreprise a nommé son premier directeur des ventes national en Inde en 2024 et a noué des partenariats avec cinq partenaires de fabrication de verre et d'installation de films pour fenêtres, servant plusieurs secteurs.
Gauzy (Nasdaq: GAUZ), ein führendes Unternehmen in der Technologie zur Steuerung von Licht und Sicht, wurde vom israelischen Minister für Wirtschaft und Industrie eingeladen, an einem prestigeträchtigen Wirtschaftsforum in Indien teilzunehmen. Der dreitägige Gipfel, der vom 10. bis 13. Februar 2025 in Neu-Delhi stattfinden soll, hat das Ziel, die bilateralen Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Israel und Indien zu stärken.
Das Unternehmen wird die Gelegenheit haben, seine Technologie wichtigen Entscheidungsträgern in Indien vorzustellen, darunter hochrangige Regierungsbeamte, Branchenführer und Top-CEOs. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit Gauzys Expansionsplänen in Indien, die laut dem IWF bis 2030 zur drittgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt werden sollen, mit einem erwarteten BIP-Wachstum von 6,5 % in 2025 und 2026.
Gauzy hat bereits eine Präsenz in Indien etabliert, wobei die Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC)-Technologie in verschiedenen Projekten umgesetzt wird, darunter über 5.000 Quadratfuß in einem Unternehmen in Neu-Delhi und die Vistadome-Wagen der Indischen Eisenbahn. Das Unternehmen ernannte 2024 seinen ersten nationalen Vertriebsleiter in Indien und hat Partnerschaften mit fünf Partnern für die Glasverarbeitung und Installation von Fensterfolien, die mehrere Sektoren bedienen.
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Enables Gauzy to cultivate existing relationships and foster new ones with high-profile senior government officials, heads of the economy, leading industrialists, top CEOs, and industry leaders
Positions Gauzy to accelerate its growth and sales pipeline throughout India, the fastest-growing major economy in the world according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Provides Gauzy opportunity to promote the many strategic benefits of light and vision control technology in a nation surging with investment
NEW YORK and TEL AVIV, Israel, Jan. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gauzy Ltd. (Nasdaq: GAUZ), a global leader in light and vision control technology, today announced that it received an invitation from Nir Barkat, Israel’s Minister of Economy and Industry, and will be participating in a prestigious economic forum being hosted by India to explore new business opportunities, foster collaboration, and strengthen bilateral trade relations between Israel and India. The three-day summit provides Gauzy the opportunity to present in front of and meet privately with key Indian decision-makers and influencers – including high-profile senior government officials, heads of the economy, leading industrialists, top CEOs, and industry leaders – to highlight the numerous strategic benefits of the light and vision control technology in which it specializes. Gauzy believes the new relationships it cultivates at the event as well as the existing relationships it deepens can position it to accelerate its growth and sales pipeline throughout India, the fastest-growing major economy in the world according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is on track to become the world’s third-largest economy by 2030 and grow its GDP at a robust
“It’s an honor to be invited by Minister Barkat to participate in the business forum between Israel and India, two strategic allies who are united in their quest to stimulate investment activity in this part of the world,” stated Eyal Peso, CEO of Gauzy. “Having the privilege to partake in this event is a testament to the significant impact we are making on society as a result of our innovative light and vision control technology. India presents a massive growth opportunity for us, and it is a strategic priority of ours to expedite our expansion in this region to take advantage of the major economic tailwinds that are fueling its success and prosperity. We believe this seminar can provide us with a pathway to do just that. We look forward to meeting with India’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal, and the rest of the honorable dignitaries and business community who will be in attendance."
Gauzy has been quickly ramping up its operations in India to capitalize on the robust economic growth occurring throughout the country as a result of an expanding middle class, a large and growing population under 30, rising consumer demand, and more than
Gauzy is one of a select number of Israeli companies that were given priority to attend the economic forum in New Delhi, which takes place on February 10 – 13, 2025. Several of India’s largest and most prestigious OEMs, financial institutions, manufacturers, real estate firms, technology companies, defense contractors, agriculture companies, and healthcare organizations will be in attendance, including Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Motors, Hinduja Group, Reliance Industries Limited, State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, ICICI Lombard, GMR, Larsen & Toubro, Tata Consultancy Services, DLF India, Prestige Group, Bagmane Group, Murugappa Group, Godrej Group, Shriram Group, TVS Group, and Zuari FarmHub Limited, amongst several others.
About Gauzy
Gauzy Ltd. is a fully-integrated light and vision control company, focused on the research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of vision and light control technologies that are developed to support safe, sustainable, comfortable, and agile user experiences across various industries. Headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, the company has additional subsidiaries and entities based in Germany, France, the United States, Canada, China, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates. Gauzy serves leading brands across aeronautics, automotive, and architecture in over 30 countries through direct fulfillment and a certified and trained distribution channel.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding Gauzy’s strategic and business plans, technology, relationships, objectives and expectations for its business, growth, the impact of trends on and interest in its business, intellectual property, products and its future results, operations and financial performance and condition and may be identified by the use of words such as “may,” “seek,” “will,” “consider,” “likely,” “assume,” “estimate,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “believe,” “do not believe,” “aim,” “predict,” “plan,” “project,” “continue,” “potential,” “guidance,” “objective,” “outlook,” “trends,” “future,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “target,” “on track” or their negatives or variations, and similar terminology and words of similar import, generally involve future or forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements reflect Gauzy’s current views, plans, or expectations with respect to future events and financial performance. They are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, and other risks, uncertainties, and contingencies. Forward-looking statements are based on Gauzy’s current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions that are difficult to predict including, without limitation, the following: Gauzy invests significant effort and capital seeking validation of its light and vision control products with OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers, mainly in the aeronautics and automobile markets, and there can be no assurance that it will win production models, which could adversely affect its future business, results of operations and financial condition; failure to make competitive technological advances will put Gauzy at a disadvantage and may lead to a negative operational and financial outcome; Gauzy being an early growth-stage company with a history of losses and its anticipation that it expects to continue to incur significant losses for the foreseeable future; its operating results and financial condition have fluctuated in the past and may fluctuate in the future; it is exposed to high repair and replacement costs; it may not be able to accurately estimate the future supply and demand for its light and vision control products, which could result in a variety of inefficiencies in its business and hinder its ability to generate revenue; if it fails to accurately predict its manufacturing requirements, it could incur additional costs or experience delays; the estimates and forecasts of market opportunity and market growth it provides may prove to be inaccurate, and it cannot assure that its business will grow at similar rates, or at all; it may be unable to adequately control the capital expenditures and costs associated with its business and operations; it may need to raise additional capital before it can expect to become profitable from sales of its light and vision control products, which such additional capital may not be available on acceptable terms, or at all, and failure to obtain this necessary capital when needed may force it to delay, limit or terminate its product development efforts or other operations; shortages in supply, price increases or deviations in the quality of the raw materials used to manufacture its products could adversely affect its sales and operating results; its business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected by disruptions in the global economy caused by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine; it is subject to, and must remain in compliance with, numerous laws and governmental regulations across various countries concerning the manufacturing, use, distribution and sale of its light and vision control products, and some of its customers also require that it complies with other unique requirements relating to these matters; if it is unable to obtain, maintain and protect effective intellectual property rights for its products throughout the world, it may not be able to compete effectively in the markets in which it operates; the market price of its ordinary shares may be volatile or may decline steeply or suddenly regardless of its operating performance, and it may not be able to meet investor or analyst expectations; its indebtedness could adversely affect its ability to raise additional capital to fund operations, limit its ability to react to changes in the economy or its industry and prevent it from meeting its financial obligations; it has limited operating experience as a publicly traded company in the United States; conditions in Israel could materially and adversely affect its business; and any other risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the risks and uncertainties in the Company’s reports filed from time to time with the SEC, including, but not limited to, the risks detailed in the Company’s prospectus (Registration No. 333-278675), dated June 5, 2024 and filed with the SEC. Further, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. The inclusion of forward-looking statements in this or any other communication should not be considered as a representation by Gauzy or any other person that current plans or expectations will be achieved. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and Gauzy undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise, except as otherwise required by law.
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What is the significance of Gauzy's (GAUZ) participation in the India-Israel economic forum 2025?
What are Gauzy's (GAUZ) current operations and projects in India as of 2024-2025?
When and where will the India-Israel economic forum featuring Gauzy (GAUZ) take place?
What is the projected GDP growth for India where Gauzy (GAUZ) is expanding operations?