Gatos Silver Reports South-East Deeps Drilling Results at Cerro Los Gatos and Announces Executive Appointment

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Gatos Silver provides drilling results at Cerro Los Gatos and appoints Chad Yuhasz as Vice President. The SE Deeps zone shows high-grade mineralization. The Greenfields exploration in LGD advances with potential for further mineralization. The appointment of Chad Yuhasz brings over 20 years of experience in the resource industry.
Gatos Silver comunica i risultati delle perforazioni a Cerro Los Gatos e nomina Chad Yuhasz come Vicepresidente. La zona SE Deeps evidenzia una mineralizzazione di alto grado. L'esplorazione nelle aree Greenfields di LGD procede con prospettive di ulteriore mineralizzazione. La nomina di Chad Yuhasz apporta oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel settore delle risorse.
Gatos Silver proporciona los resultados de perforación en Cerro Los Gatos y nombra a Chad Yuhasz como Vicepresidente. La zona SE Deeps muestra una mineralización de alta calidad. La exploración de Greenfields en LGD avanza con potencial para más mineralización. El nombramiento de Chad Yuhasz aporta más de 20 años de experiencia en la industria de recursos.
Gatos Silver는 Cerro Los Gatos에서의 시추 결과를 발표하고 Chad Yuhasz를 부사장으로 임명했습니다. SE Deeps 지역은 고급 광물이 풍부합니다. LGD의 Greenfields 탐사는 추가적인 광물 징후와 함께 진행되고 있습니다. Chad Yuhasz의 임명은 자원 산업에서 20년 이상의 경험을 가져옵니다.
Gatos Silver a fourni les résultats de forage à Cerro Los Gatos et a nommé Chad Yuhasz comme vice-président. La zone SE Deeps révèle une minéralisation de haute qualité. L'exploration des Greenfields à LGD progresse avec un potentiel pour une minéralisation supplémentaire. La nomination de Chad Yuhasz apporte plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie des ressources.
Gatos Silver liefert Bohrergebnisse von Cerro Los Gatos und ernennt Chad Yuhasz zum Vizepräsidenten. Die SE Deeps Zone zeigt eine hochgradige Mineralisierung. Die Greenfields-Exploration in LGD macht Fortschritte mit Potenzial für weitere Mineralisierung. Die Ernennung von Chad Yuhasz bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Ressourcenindustrie ein.
  • None.
  • None.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gatos Silver, Inc. (NYSE/TSX: GATO) (“Gatos Silver” or the “Company”) today provided an update on the drilling and exploration programs in the Los Gatos district (“LGD”) in Mexico. The update includes new intercepts of mineralization in the South-East Deeps (“SE Deeps”) zone of its 70%-owned Cerro Los Gatos (“CLG”) mine. The Company also announced the appointment of Chad Yuhasz as Vice President, Exploration and Technical Services.

“These latest results will add to the potential of the South-East Deeps zone for the next update of our Reserve and Resource estimates, which we continue to expect to complete in the third quarter of 2024,” said Dale Andres, CEO of Gatos Silver. “As our work on the Greenfields drilling increases over the coming months it is great to have Chad Yuhasz joining our team to guide our exploration activities.”

Q1 2024 Highlights

  • Resource definition drilling in the SE Deeps zone of CLG intercepted additional high-grade mineralization below the existing mineral reserve (see Table 1 for complete intercept details)
    • 3.0m (2.6m estimated true width, or “ETW”) at 85 g/t Ag, 8.77% Zn, 3.60% Pb, 0.13 g/t Au and 0.23% Cu (SE-568)
    • 1.5m (1.2m ETW) at 157 g/t Ag, 3.30% Zn, 13.45% Pb, 0.13 g/t Au and 0.23% Cu (SE-581)
    • 5.7m (4.7m ETW) at 81 g/t Ag, 8.62% Zn, 6.65% Pb, 1.83 g/t Au and 0.23% Cu (SE-582)
    • 8.9m (6.0m ETW) at 338 g/t Ag, 8.15% Zn, 4.18% Pb, 0.29 g/t Au and 0.87% Cu (SE-590)
    • 2.0m (1.7m ETW) at 594 g/t Ag, 5.47% Zn, 14.50% Pb, 0.16 g/t Au and 0.04% Cu (SE-592)
  • Greenfields exploration work in the LGD continues to advance in preparation for increased drilling starting in Q2 2024
    • Two holes were completed at Portigueño that both intercepted veining and alteration with anomalous grades of silver, gold, zinc and lead but low copper. The metal composition intercepted is consistent with a location high in the profile indicating potential for further mineralization deeper in the zone (see Table 2 for complete intercept details). The drill rigs have currently stepped south along the Dragon fault to test the Tule and Roja fault zones within the Portigueño area.
    • Detailed mapping and rock geochemistry was completed at the San Luis, Lince, Portigueño, San Agustin, and La Paula areas to support drill target generation

Executive Appointment of Chad Yuhasz as Vice President, Exploration and Technical Services

Mr. Yuhasz has more than 20 years of geoscience experience in the resource industry spanning operations, exploration, resource modelling and corporate development. Most recently he held an executive position at Barrick Gold, serving as the Head of Mineral Resource Management for the Latin America and Asia Pacific regions, responsible for overseeing brownfields exploration, operational geology, mine planning, feasibility studies and M&A growth. In this role, he successfully replaced annual production and increased the resource base in the regions. He also previously played a key technical role as a Director of Evaluations with Barrick in the successful 2019 Barrick-Randgold merger. Prior to joining Barrick in 2016, Mr Yuhasz held various geoscience and exploration roles with consulting firm SRK, private equity group Waterton Global, and mining companies, Teck Resources Limited and Claude Resources.

CLG South-East Deeps Resource Definition Drilling

The SE Deeps mineralization extends approximately 1km laterally and 400m vertically, which adjoins the existing SE mineral reserve and remains open along strike. Since Q2 2023 drilling has focused on infilling the higher-grade areas of the SE Deeps zone to 50m spacing. We have completed 66,300m of diamond drilling since the cutoff date for the 2023 Reserve and Resource Update, which has demonstrated excellent potential for a multi-year mine life extension. The additional drilling data will be used in the mineral reserve and mineral resource update planned for the third quarter of 2024. Preparation for this update has commenced with the database cutoff at the end of the first quarter.

As expected, the tighter drill spacing has shown that variability within the zone exists, with higher grade in some areas and lower grade in other areas. On average, silver grades are lower than the Central and North-West zones and base metals including copper, represent a higher proportion of the in-situ value.

Figure 1: Long section of CLG1 showing SE resource definition drilling intercepts (drilled width) received since our press release dated January 25, 2024. See Table 1 for complete intercept details including true width estimates.2

Long section of CLG showing SE resource definition drilling intercepts (drilled width) received since our press release dated January 25, 2024. See Table 1 for complete intercept details including true width estimates.
Long section of CLG showing SE resource definition drilling intercepts (drilled width) received since our press release dated January 25, 2024. See Table 1 for complete intercept details including true width estimates

1 The 2023 Mineral Reserve and 2023 Mineral Resource is disclosed in the Technical Report Summary dated October 20, 2023 (the “Los Gatos Technical Report”) which is filed with the SEC and available on the Company’s website ( A corresponding technical report has also been filed on SEDAR+.

2 See press releases dated July 18, 2023, October 23, 2023 and January 25, 2024 for further information relating to the other previously reported SE Deeps drill intercepts received since the 2023 resource database cutoff date of March 31, 2023.

Figure 2: Cross-section through SE Deeps at drillhole SE-591 showing intercepts (drilled width)

Cross-section through SE Deeps at drillhole SE-591 showing intercepts (drilled width)

Los Gatos District Exploration Update: Current Near-mine Focus Plus District Scale Potential

The LGD is comprised of a large land package covering over 103,000 hectares with an established pipeline of prospects and more than 50 targets identified to date. In conjunction with initiating increased drilling in Q2 2024, we are continuing to advance with detailed mapping and drill testing of the highest priority known targets. We are also advancing with district mapping and geophysics to identify additional targets.

During the first quarter of 2024 we progressed with mapping at five prospective areas: San Luis, Lince, La Paula, San Agustin and Portigueño.

Two drillholes were finalized during the quarter at Portigueño, PO-02 and PO-03.

The Portigueño area is located approximately 2km southeast of CLG. Drillholes PO-02 and PO-03 were completed along strike to the south-east of CLG. The drillholes intercepted good widths of brecciation, alteration and veining, with the veining predominantly calcite. Both drill holes intercepted anomalous silver, gold, lead and zinc grades, as shown in Table 2. The structure is interpreted to continue along strike to the south-east into the basin. The next drillholes in the Portigueño area are planned to be further south on the Dragon, Tule and Roja fault structures. There are currently two drill rigs operating on these targets.

Figure 3: Cross-section through Portigueño at drillhole PO-03 showing intercepts (drilled width)

Cross-section through Portigueño at drillhole PO-03 showing intercepts (drilled width)

The San Luis area, located approximately 5km northwest of CLG along the Los Gatos fault, continues to be an important target area for our greenfields exploration crew. A large width of quartz-calcite veining exists in the area with indications of multiple pulses of fluid flow, similar to what is observed in the South-East zone at CLG. Mapping and historic core relogging has taken place and drilling is expected to start during the second quarter of 2024.  

Detailed mapping and rock geochemistry has been completed in the Lince area, approximately 22km northwest of CLG. This mapping has identified multiple veins with small scale artisanal workings, prospective alteration and anomalous silver in rock samples. Drilling is planned in the area later in the year.

Analysis and interpretation of the magneto-telluric geophysical survey information captured in late 2023 is ongoing. Drone air photography work is currently being completed along the Los Gatos fault between CLG and Esperanza. Drone air photography is expected to occur in the Los Veranos area during May and June.

Figure 4: Plan view of near-mine prospects, select high-priority drill targets and drillholes PO-02 and PO-03

Plan view of near-mine prospects, select high-priority drill targets and drillholes PO-02 and PO-03

Figure 5: Plan view of the Los Gatos district with select prospects and high priority drill targets

Plan view of the Los Gatos district with select prospects and high priority drill targets

Table 1: Resource Definition Drilling Results1

DHID FromToDrill WidthETWAgZnPb Au Cu
GA-SE-DV-568 802.0805.03.02.6858.773.600.130.23
GA-SE-574 717.0723.06.05.2492.661.730.140.13
GA-SE-575   NSV      
GA-SE-576 659.0663.04.03.3542.841.600.120.08
GA-SE-578 703.0704.51.51.31390.290.680.032.43
GA-SE-579 855.0858.03.02.51102.172.640.280.45
GA-SE-580   NSV      
GA-SE-581 650.0652.02.01.6333.230.640.150.22
GA-SE-582 761.0768.77.76.3676.825.041.360.30
GA-SE-583 924925.51.51.2392.841.030.200.31
GA-SE-DV-585 809.5817.17.66.7471.820.730.080.23
GA-SE-586 715.2717.01.81.61221.810.120.150.02
GA-SE-587 757.8763.65.84.91133.173.350.340.41
GA-SE-DV-588 858.0860.02.01.61210.970.280.130.01
GA-SE-589 800.0803.83.83.21190.620.170.020.01
GA-SE-590 780.3791.28.96.03388.
GA-SE-591 724.5728.03.53.0345.511.370.550.21
GA-SE-592 865.8867.82.01.75945.4714.500.160.04
GA-SE-593 865.6867.62.01.5790.640.520.130.51
GA-SE-596 790.3792.01.81.3655.501.000.180.12

1 Received since our press release dated January 25, 2024. Results from drillholes GA-SE-570 to GA-SE-573 were reported previously (see the Company’s press release dated January 25, 2024), drillhole GA-SE-DV-569 and GA-SE-DV-577 were abandoned due to drilling/wedging difficulties and drillholes GA-SE-594 and GA-SE-595 are pending assays.

Table 2: Greenfield Exploration Drilling Results1

DHID FromToDrill WidthETWAgZnPbAuCu
DDH-PO-02 684.0685.11.10.630.
DDH-PO-03 724.2725.71.51.01180.

1 Intercepts shown are anomalous and geologically significant but are below current NSR x thickness cutoff for CLG.

Table 3: Drillhole Locations

DrillholeTargetEastingNorthingElevationAzimuthDipHole Depth
DDH-PO-03Greenfields  370,229 3,047,175 1,584 220-55 937

About Gatos Silver

Gatos Silver is a silver dominant exploration, development and production company that discovered a new silver and zinc-rich mineral district in southern Chihuahua State, Mexico. As a 70% owner of the Los Gatos Joint Venture, the Company is primarily focused on operating the Cerro Los Gatos mine and on growth and development of the Los Gatos district. The LGJV consists of approximately 103,000 hectares of mineral rights, representing a highly prospective and under-explored district with numerous silver-zinc-lead epithermal mineralized zones identified as priority targets.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

The half core samples from the LGJV’s surface exploration drillholes are shipped directly in sealed bags to the ALS Limited (“ALS”) preparation facilities in Chihuahua City, Mexico. After sample preparation in Chihuahua, sample pulps are shipped to ALS in North Vancouver, Canada for analysis. The remaining half core is retained on site. Samples sent for analysis are sawn half-core NQ or HQ in diameter and normally 2m in length but varied based on geological contacts. Samples are prepared using a method whereby the entire sample is crushed, and a subset is pulverized. Samples are analyzed for base metals and silver using inductively coupled plasma methods. Gold and overlimit silver are assayed using fire assay techniques. Sample batches include intermittent blanks, duplicates, and certified standards. The results of the assaying of the QA/QC material included in each batch are tracked to ensure the integrity of the assay data. ALS is a third-party independent laboratory.

Qualified Person

Scientific and technical disclosure in this press release was approved by Anthony (Tony) Scott, P.Geo., Senior Vice President of Corporate Development and Technical Services of Gatos Silver who is a “Qualified Person” as defined in S-K 1300 and NI 43-101.

Qualification Regarding Exploration and Drilling Results

Any statements herein regarding ranges of potential tonnage and grade or quality of any exploration target are conceptual in nature, there has been insufficient exploration of the relevant properties to estimate a mineral resource; it is uncertain whether further exploration will result in the estimation of a mineral resource; and any exploration target therefore does not represent, and should not be construed to be, an estimate of a mineral resource or mineral reserve (mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates are stated exclusively in the Los Gatos Technical Report).

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains statements that constitute “forward looking information” and “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of U.S. and Canadian securities laws. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, including statements regarding exploration or development programs at the CLG mine or in the Los Gatos district, potential of the SE Deeps zone, timing of the updated Reserve and Resource estimate, mine life extension potential, resource conversion and expansion and timing thereof, prospects for potential development, future drilling, new high priority targets or zones, economic potential of drilling results, and interpretations of mapping, or of geological, geophysical or geochemical indicators are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on management’s beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements, and such other risks and uncertainties described in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Canadian securities commissions. Gatos Silver expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update the forward-looking statements contained in this press release to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which such statements are based unless required to do so by applicable law. No assurance can be given that such future results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release.

Investors and Media Contact

André van Niekerk
Chief Financial Officer 
(604) 424-0984 

Figures accompanying this announcement are available at:


What update did Gatos Silver provide about its drilling and exploration programs in the Los Gatos district?

Gatos Silver provided an update on the drilling and exploration programs in the Los Gatos district, specifically new intercepts of mineralization in the South-East Deeps zone of its 70%-owned Cerro Los Gatos mine.

Who was appointed as Vice President, Exploration and Technical Services at Gatos Silver?

Chad Yuhasz was appointed as Vice President, Exploration and Technical Services at Gatos Silver.

What highlights were mentioned for Q1 2024 in the press release?

In Q1 2024, resource definition drilling in the SE Deeps zone of CLG intercepted additional high-grade mineralization below the existing mineral reserve, and greenfields exploration work in the LGD continues to advance.

What is the significance of the appointment of Chad Yuhasz?

Chad Yuhasz brings over 20 years of geoscience experience in the resource industry to Gatos Silver, enhancing their exploration and technical services capabilities.

Where is the Portigueño area located in relation to CLG?

The Portigueño area is located approximately 2km southeast of CLG.

Gatos Silver


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