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Global Consumer Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: GACQU, GACQ, GACQW) has extended its period to complete a business combination by three months, now until December 11, 2022. The Sponsor deposited $1,826,300 into the trust account, aiming to facilitate the merger with industry leaders GP Global and Luminex. This extension will allow GACQ more time to finalize the acquisition of companies with strong market positions in Air Care and Personal Care sectors while providing significant synergies and growth potential.
Global Consumer Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: GACQU, GACQ, GACQW) announced an extension of its business combination deadline to December 11, 2022. This extension allows the company additional time to finalize its proposed merger with GP Global Limited and Luminex Home Décor & Fragrance Holding Corporation. The sponsor will deposit $1,826,300 into GACQ’s trust account as part of this process. Both GP Global and Luminex are industry leaders in Air Care and Personal Care, which could enhance GACQ’s market presence and product offerings.
Global Consumer Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: GACQU, GACQ, GACQW) has extended the timeframe for its business combination by three months, depositing $1,826,300 into its trust account. This decision, made on June 13, 2022, allows GACQ to pursue its merger with GP Global and Luminex Home Décor & Fragrance Holding Corporation. GP Global and Luminex are leaders in the Air Care and Personal Care sectors, respectively. GACQ's sponsor issued a promissory note to cover the deposit, which can be converted into shares upon a successful merger.