Frontier Donates High-Speed Fiber Internet to New Best Buy Teen Tech Center in Los Angeles County, California

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Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) has donated high-speed fiber internet to the new Best Buy Teen Tech Center at The Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club (AVBGC) in Los Angeles County, California. This donation, part of Frontier's Broadband for Good program, aims to support digital learning and development opportunities for underserved youth.

The center provides access to the latest technology, enabling young people to develop skills in video editing, photography, 3-D design, and audio engineering. It's part of the Los Angeles Community Impact Hub, a partnership to create up to 12 Best Buy Teen Tech Centers in the LA area.

This initiative aligns with Frontier's purpose of Building Gigabit America by connecting more people to the digital society through fiber technology. The donation ensures the center has the fastest, most reliable connection to power its learning programs.

Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) ha donato internet in fibra ad alta velocità al nuovo Best Buy Teen Tech Center presso l'Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club (AVBGC) nella contea di Los Angeles, California. Questa donazione, parte del programma Broadband for Good di Frontier, mira a sostenere l'apprendimento digitale e le opportunità di sviluppo per i giovani svantaggiati.

Il centro offre accesso alle ultime tecnologie, consentendo ai giovani di sviluppare competenze nel montaggio video, fotografia, design 3D e ingegneria del suono. Fa parte dell'Hub di impatto comunitario di Los Angeles, una partnership per creare fino a 12 Best Buy Teen Tech Centers nell'area di LA.

Questa iniziativa è in linea con lo scopo di Frontier di Building Gigabit America, connettendo un numero sempre maggiore di persone alla società digitale attraverso la tecnologia in fibra. La donazione garantisce che il centro disponga della connessione più veloce e affidabile per alimentare i suoi programmi di apprendimento.

Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) ha donado internet de fibra de alta velocidad al nuevo Best Buy Teen Tech Center en el Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club (AVBGC) en el condado de Los Ángeles, California. Esta donación, parte del programa Broadband for Good de Frontier, tiene como objetivo apoyar el aprendizaje digital y las oportunidades de desarrollo para los jóvenes desfavorecidos.

El centro proporciona acceso a la última tecnología, permitiendo a los jóvenes desarrollar habilidades en edición de video, fotografía, diseño 3D e ingeniería de audio. Es parte del Hub de Impacto Comunitario de Los Ángeles, una asociación para crear hasta 12 Best Buy Teen Tech Centers en el área de LA.

Esta iniciativa se alinea con el propósito de Frontier de Building Gigabit America conectando a más personas a la sociedad digital a través de la tecnología de fibra. La donación asegura que el centro tenga la conexión más rápida y confiable para potenciar sus programas de aprendizaje.

프론티어(NASDAQ: FYBR)는 캘리포니아주 로스앤젤레스 카운티의 앤텔롭 밸리 보이즈 & 걸스 클럽(AVBGC)에 있는 새로운 베스트 바이 틴 테크 센터에 초고속 섬유 인터넷을 기부했습니다. 이 기부는 프론티어의 Broadband for Good 프로그램의 일환으로, 소외된 청소년들을 위한 디지털 학습 및 개발 기회를 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 센터는 최신 기술에 대한 접근을 제공하며, 젊은이들이 비디오 편집, 사진 촬영, 3D 디자인 및 오디오 엔지니어링 기술을 개발할 수 있게 합니다. 이는 LA 지역에 최대 12개의 베스트 바이 틴 테크 센터를 만들기 위한 파트너십인 로스앤젤레스 커뮤니티 임팩트 허브의 일환입니다.

이 이니셔티브는 프론티어의 Building Gigabit America 목적에 부합하며, 더 많은 사람들이 섬유 기술을 통해 디지털 사회와 연결될 수 있도록 합니다. 이 기부는 센터가 학습 프로그램을 지원하기 위해 가장 빠르고 안정적인 연결을 보장합니다.

Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) a fait don d'Internet en fibre optique haut débit au nouveau Best Buy Teen Tech Center du Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club (AVBGC) dans le comté de Los Angeles, en Californie. Ce don, qui fait partie du programme Broadband for Good de Frontier, vise à soutenir l'apprentissage numérique et les opportunités de développement pour les jeunes défavorisés.

Le centre offre un accès aux dernières technologies, permettant aux jeunes de développer des compétences en montage vidéo, photographie, design 3D et ingénierie audio. Il fait partie du Hub d'Impact Communautaire de Los Angeles, un partenariat pour créer jusqu'à 12 Best Buy Teen Tech Centers dans la région de LA.

Cette initiative s'aligne avec l'objectif de Frontier de Building Gigabit America en connectant un plus grand nombre de personnes à la société numérique grâce à la technologie fibre. Le don garantit que le centre dispose de la connexion la plus rapide et la plus fiable pour alimenter ses programmes d'apprentissage.

Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) hat dem neuen Best Buy Teen Tech Center im Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club (AVBGC) im Los Angeles County, Kalifornien, Hochgeschwindigkeits-Glasfaser-Internet gespendet. Diese Spende, Teil von Frontier's Broadband for Good Programm, zielt darauf ab, digitale Lern- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für benachteiligte Jugendliche zu unterstützen.

Das Zentrum bietet Zugang zur neuesten Technologie, wodurch junge Menschen Fähigkeiten in Videobearbeitung, Fotografie, 3D-Design und Audioengineering entwickeln können. Es ist Teil des Los Angeles Community Impact Hub, einer Partnerschaft zur Schaffung von bis zu 12 Best Buy Teen Tech Centers im LA-Bereich.

Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit Frontier's Ziel, Building Gigabit America, indem mehr Menschen über Glasfasertechnologie mit der digitalen Gesellschaft verbunden werden. Die Spende stellt sicher, dass das Zentrum die schnellste und zuverlässigste Verbindung hat, um seine Lernprogramme zu unterstützen.

  • Frontier is supporting digital inclusion and community development through its Broadband for Good program
  • The donation aligns with Frontier's purpose of Building Gigabit America, potentially enhancing brand image and community relations
  • None.

Powering The Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club to support after-school learning for underserved youth in the community


What’s happening: Frontier donated high-speed fiber internet to the new Best Buy Teen Tech Center® at The Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club (AVBGC) through our Broadband for Good program. Our donation provides the center with fast, reliable connectivity to support digital learning and development opportunities for underserved youth in Los Angeles County, California.

What’s Broadband for Good: Broadband for Good is our commitment to advancing digital inclusion and strengthening the communities we serve. The program supports our purpose of Building Gigabit America by using our fiber technology and resources to connect more people to the digital society.

Why we chose the Best Buy Teen Tech Center at AVBGC: The new Best Buy Teen Tech Center at AVBGC provides underserved youth in Los Angeles County with access to the latest technology, supporting young people in developing skills in video editing, photography, 3-D design, audio engineering and more. The center is part of the Los Angeles Community Impact Hub, a partnership with the Annenberg Foundation and the Greater LA Education Foundation to create up to 12 Best Buy Teen Tech Centers in the Los Angeles area. We wanted to ensure the center had the fastest, most reliable connection available to power its learning.

Hear from Frontier: “We're proud to power the Best Buy Teen Tech Center with our high-speed fiber internet. This space enables young people to dive into the latest technology, expand their skills and unlock new opportunities—all supported by a connection they can count on,” said Erin Kurtz, Frontier’s Chief Communications Officer.

Hear from Best Buy: “We are excited Frontier is supporting the young people in the community with fast, reliable fiber internet access through the Best Buy Teen Tech Center at The Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club,” said Olivia Jefferson, Vice President, Social Impact at Best Buy. “Partners like Frontier are instrumental in our mission to inspire young people through technology and support youth as they pursue their dreams — now and in the future.”

Hear from The Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club: "Bringing high-speed internet to the Best Buy Teen Tech Center is more than just a connection—it's a lifeline for kids who might not have it at home. With the power of high-speed internet, we're unlocking doors to endless learning opportunities, enabling our kids to dive into educational resources, engage in hands-on learning experiences and connect with a global community of learners. Thanks to the support of Frontier’s Broadband for Good program, we're excited to watch the youth of the Antelope Valley thrive as they create their great futures,” said Sally Altobelli, Co-Executive Director, Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club.

About Frontier
Frontier is the largest pure-play fiber provider in the U.S. Driven by our purpose, Building Gigabit America®, we deliver blazing-fast broadband connectivity that unlocks the potential of millions of consumers and businesses. For more information, visit

About The Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club
The Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club (AVBGC) empowers young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. We serve our members across 35 locations and provide safe spaces, supportive relationships, and life-enhancing programs. Founded in 1991, AVBGC is the largest youth-serving agency in Antelope Valley, offering free and low-cost programs to ensure every child has the opportunity for a brighter future. For more information and registration, call (661) 267-2582 or visit our website at!

Best Buy Teen Tech Centers
Best Buy Teen Tech Centers®, a program of the Best Buy Foundation, are a network of creative, youth centered community hubs where teens can engage with the latest technology, learn real-world career skills, and interact with safe and supportive mentors. Each location provides access to cutting-edge technology including tools for film production, augmented and virtual reality, 3-D design, audio engineering, and so much more to make, create and innovate while also learning key tech skills that can be used in school, careers and beyond. Additionally, youth also have access to career training programs, internships, job opportunities, and scholarships for post-secondary education.

By investing in tech access, career training and vibrant communities, the Best Buy Foundation™ creates opportunities for young people to unlock their potential and pursue their dreams. For more information about the Best Buy Teen Tech Center program, visit here.

Media Contact

Chrissy Murray

VP, Corporate Communications

Source: Frontier Communications Parent, Inc.


What is Frontier's Broadband for Good program?

Broadband for Good is Frontier's commitment to advancing digital inclusion and strengthening communities by using fiber technology and resources to connect more people to the digital society.

Where did Frontier donate high-speed fiber internet?

Frontier donated high-speed fiber internet to the new Best Buy Teen Tech Center at The Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club in Los Angeles County, California.

How does Frontier's donation support underserved youth?

The donation provides fast, reliable connectivity to support digital learning and development opportunities for underserved youth, enabling them to access the latest technology and develop skills in various tech fields.

What is the Los Angeles Community Impact Hub?

The Los Angeles Community Impact Hub is a partnership with the Annenberg Foundation and the Greater LA Education Foundation to create up to 12 Best Buy Teen Tech Centers in the Los Angeles area.

Frontier Communications Parent, Inc.


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