Frontier Awarded More Than $23M in Grants to Expand Fiber Broadband Service to Unserved and Underserved Communities in California

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Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) has been awarded over $23 million in Federal Funding Account grants to expand high-speed fiber broadband service in California. The grants, provided by the California Public Utility Commission, will enable Frontier to extend its fiber-optic network in San Bernardino and Riverside counties, bringing fast and reliable connectivity to thousands of unserved and underserved homes and businesses. This expansion aligns with Frontier's commitment to bridging the digital divide and supports California's Broadband For All objectives.

The project aims to boost economic and educational opportunities for county residents by providing access to critical digital infrastructure. CPUC President Alice Reynolds emphasized the importance of these broadband projects in bolstering the economy, building durable infrastructure, and generating quality jobs.

Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) ha ricevuto oltre 23 milioni di dollari in finanziamenti federali per espandere il servizio di banda larga in fibra ad alta velocità in California. I finanziamenti, forniti dalla California Public Utility Commission, permetteranno a Frontier di estendere la propria rete in fibra ottica nei contee di San Bernardino e Riverside, offrendo connettività veloce e affidabile a migliaia di abitazioni e aziende non servite e sottoservite. Questa espansione è in linea con l'impegno di Frontier a colmare il divario digitale e supporta gli obiettivi del programma 'Broadband For All' della California.

Il progetto ha l'obiettivo di migliorare le opportunità economiche e educative per i residenti della contea, fornendo accesso a infrastrutture digitali critiche. La presidente della CPUC, Alice Reynolds, ha sottolineato l'importanza di questi progetti di banda larga per rafforzare l'economia, costruire infrastrutture durature e generare posti di lavoro di qualità.

Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) ha recibido más de 23 millones de dólares en subvenciones de fondos federales para expandir el servicio de internet de fibra óptica de alta velocidad en California. Las subvenciones, proporcionadas por la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California, permitirán a Frontier extender su red de fibra óptica en los condados de San Bernardino y Riverside, llevando conectividad rápida y confiable a miles de hogares y negocios desatendidos y mal atendidos. Esta expansión está alineada con el compromiso de Frontier de cerrar la brecha digital y apoya los objetivos de 'Broadband For All' de California.

El proyecto tiene como objetivo aumentar las oportunidades económicas y educativas para los residentes del condado al proporcionar acceso a infraestructura digital crítica. La presidenta de la CPUC, Alice Reynolds, enfatizó la importancia de estos proyectos de banda ancha para fortalecer la economía, construir infraestructura duradera y generar empleos de calidad.

프론티어(NASDAQ: FYBR)는 2300만 달러 이상의 연방 지원금을 받아 캘리포니아에서 고속 섬유 브로드밴드 서비스 확대를 위해 사용됩니다. 이 지원금은 캘리포니아 공공유틸리티 위원회에서 제공하며, 프론티어는 샌버나디노와 리버사이드 카운티에 섬유 광물래도를 확장하여, 수천 가구와 사업체에 신뢰할 수 있는 빠른 연결성을 제공합니다. 이번 확장은 디지털 격차 해소를 위한 프론티어의 노력을 반영하며, 캘리포니아의 모든 사람을 위한 브로드밴드 목표를 지지합니다.

이 프로젝트는 카운티 주민들에게 중요한 디지털 인프라에 접근할 수 있도록 하여 경제적 및 교육적 기회를 증진하는 것을 목표로 합니다. CPUC 회장인 앨리스 레이놀즈는 경제를 강화하고, 내구성 있는 인프라를 구축하며, 양질의 일자리를 창출하는 브로드밴드 프로젝트의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) a reçu plus de 23 millions de dollars en subventions fédérales pour étendre le service de fibre optique haut débit en Californie. Les subventions, fournies par la California Public Utility Commission, permettront à Frontier d'étendre son réseau en fibre optique dans les comtés de San Bernardino et Riverside, offrant une connectivité rapide et fiable à des milliers de foyers et d'entreprises non desservis et mal desservis. Cette expansion s'inscrit dans l'engagement de Frontier à combler la fracture numérique et soutient les objectifs du programme 'Broadband For All' de Californie.

Le projet vise à améliorer les opportunités économiques et éducatives pour les résidents du comté en fournissant un accès à une infrastructure numérique critique. La présidente de la CPUC, Alice Reynolds, a souligné l'importance de ces projets de haut débit pour renforcer l'économie, construire des infrastructures durables et générer des emplois de qualité.

Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) hat über 23 Millionen Dollar an Bundesmittel in Form von Zuschüssen erhalten, um den Hochgeschwindigkeits-Glasfaser-Breitbanddienst in Kalifornien auszubauen. Die Zuschüsse, die von der California Public Utility Commission bereitgestellt werden, ermöglichen es Frontier, sein Glasfasernetz in den Bezirken San Bernardino und Riverside auszubauen und zehntausenden von nicht versorgten und unterversorgten Haushalten und Unternehmen schnelle und zuverlässige Konnektivität zu bieten. Diese Erweiterung steht im Einklang mit dem Engagement von Frontier, die digitale Kluft zu überbrücken, und unterstützt die Ziele des 'Broadband For All'-Programms in Kalifornien.

Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die wirtschaftlichen und bildungspolitischen Chancen für die Bewohner des Landkreises zu verbessern, indem es den Zugang zu kritischer digitaler Infrastruktur ermöglicht. CPUC-Präsidentin Alice Reynolds betonte die Bedeutung dieser Breitbandprojekte zur Stärkung der Wirtschaft, zum Aufbau dauerhafter Infrastrukturen und zur Schaffung von qualifizierten Arbeitsplätzen.

  • Secured over $23 million in grants for fiber broadband expansion
  • Expanding network coverage in San Bernardino and Riverside counties
  • Aligns with company's commitment to serve unserved and underserved communities
  • Potential for increased customer base and revenue in new areas
  • None.

Frontier's $23 million grant win is a positive development for the company's expansion strategy. This funding will allow Frontier to extend its fiber network in California, potentially increasing its customer base and revenue streams. However, the impact on the company's overall financials may be , considering Frontier's $5.79 billion revenue in 2022. The grants demonstrate Frontier's ability to secure government funding, which could be a competitive advantage in future expansion efforts. Investors should monitor how efficiently Frontier utilizes these funds and the resulting subscriber growth in the targeted areas. While this news is encouraging, it's important to consider it in the context of Frontier's broader financial performance and market position.

This grant allocation signifies a strategic win for Frontier in the competitive telecom landscape. By expanding fiber infrastructure in underserved areas, Frontier is positioning itself to capture market share in previously untapped regions. The focus on fiber optics aligns with industry trends towards high-speed, reliable connectivity. This move could help Frontier differentiate itself from competitors still relying on older technologies. However, the real test will be in the execution - timely deployment and quality of service will be crucial. Investors should watch for potential challenges in rural deployments and any impact on Frontier's operational efficiency as it expands into these new areas.

The $23 million grant represents a strategic opportunity for Frontier to expand its market presence in California. By targeting underserved communities, Frontier is tapping into a growth market with potentially lower competition. This aligns with the broader trend of bridging the digital divide, which could enhance Frontier's brand image and social responsibility profile. The expansion could lead to increased subscriber numbers and revenue in the medium to long term. However, investors should consider the potential challenges in rural deployments, including higher costs per subscriber and possible delays. It's important to monitor the project's progress and its impact on Frontier's market share in these regions compared to established competitors.

Company will bring fast, reliable connectivity to thousands of homes and businesses in Riverside and San Bernardino counties


What happened? Frontier secured more than $23 million in Federal Funding Account grants to expand high-speed fiber broadband service to unserved and underserved homes and businesses in California. The three grants from the California Public Utility Commission will enable us to expand our fiber-optic network in San Bernardino and Riverside counties.

Why it matters: With these grants, we will bring fast, reliable connectivity to homes and businesses in the San Bernardino and Riverside areas, boosting economic and educational opportunities for county residents. This work strengthens our commitment to bringing high-speed fiber internet to unserved and underserved communities.

Handy quote: “We are thrilled to receive grant funding that supports our commitment to building the critical digital infrastructure California needs to succeed,” said Veronica Bloodworth, Chief Network Officer. “These grants will help us expand access to our high-speed fiber internet to unserved and underserved communities in the state. That means more Californians will be able to benefit from all the opportunities that our fast, reliable fiber connectivity offers.”

Why is this important for California?

“These broadband projects put state and federal funds to work, bolstering our economy, building durable infrastructure, and generating quality jobs,” said CPUC President Alice Reynolds. “This infrastructure will meet the work, education, healthcare, public safety, and social needs of Californians well into the future, bringing us closer to achieving our Broadband For All objectives.”

“These Federal Funding Account grants are an important step to help close the digital divide in rural and urban communities who do not have access or have substandard access to fast and reliable broadband service,” said CPUC Commissioner Darcie L. Houck. “I am excited to support these grants as we take another critical step to ensure broadband for all Californians so everyone can participate in work, school, and daily life.”

About Frontier

Frontier is the largest pure-play fiber provider in the U.S. Driven by our purpose, Building Gigabit America®, we deliver blazing-fast broadband connectivity that unlocks the potential of millions of consumers and businesses. For more information, visit


Chrissy Murray

VP, Corporate Communications

Source: Frontier Communications Parent, Inc.


How much grant funding did Frontier (FYBR) receive for broadband expansion in California?

Frontier (FYBR) received more than $23 million in Federal Funding Account grants from the California Public Utility Commission for broadband expansion in California.

Which California counties will benefit from Frontier's (FYBR) fiber broadband expansion?

Frontier's (FYBR) fiber broadband expansion will benefit San Bernardino and Riverside counties in California.

What is the purpose of the grants awarded to Frontier (FYBR) in California?

The grants awarded to Frontier (FYBR) are intended to expand high-speed fiber broadband service to unserved and underserved homes and businesses in California, supporting the state's Broadband For All objectives.

How will Frontier's (FYBR) broadband expansion impact California communities?

Frontier's (FYBR) broadband expansion is expected to boost economic and educational opportunities for residents in the affected counties by providing fast, reliable connectivity and access to critical digital infrastructure.

Frontier Communications Parent, Inc.


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