Fluke Survey Reveals 79% of Manufacturers Will Leverage AI to Tackle High-Skilled Labour Shortage
Fluke Reliability's recent survey reveals a significant shift in AI adoption within manufacturing, with 79% of manufacturers focusing on using AI to address high-skilled labor shortages, compared to 37% for low-skill roles. The study, surveying over 600 senior decision-makers across the US, UK, and Germany, found that 90% of respondents have been impacted by the skills shortage, with 98% viewing AI as a viable solution.
The survey highlights that 21% of respondents believe AI and real-time data analytics will help bridge the skills gap and reduce workloads, while 40% of maintenance managers expect AI to drive positive efficiency transformations. Additionally, 37% of manufacturers acknowledge diversity-related talent shortages, with organizations implementing strategies such as improving employer branding (34%) and developing comprehensive training plans (33%) to address these challenges.
Il recente sondaggio di Fluke Reliability rivela un notevole cambiamento nell'adozione dell'IA nel settore manifatturiero, con il 79% dei produttori che si concentra sull'uso dell'IA per affrontare la carenza di manodopera altamente specializzata, rispetto al 37% per i ruoli a bassa abilità. Lo studio, che ha coinvolto oltre 600 decisori senior negli Stati Uniti, Regno Unito e Germania, ha rilevato che il 90% degli intervistati è stato colpito dalla carenza di competenze, con il 98% che vede l'IA come una soluzione valida.
Il sondaggio evidenzia che il 21% degli intervistati crede che l'IA e l'analisi dei dati in tempo reale contribuiranno a colmare il divario di competenze e a ridurre i carichi di lavoro, mentre il 40% dei responsabili della manutenzione prevede che l'IA porterà a trasformazioni positive in termini di efficienza. Inoltre, il 37% dei produttori riconosce carenze di talenti legate alla diversità, con le organizzazioni che implementano strategie come il miglioramento del branding aziendale (34%) e lo sviluppo di piani di formazione completi (33%) per affrontare queste sfide.
La reciente encuesta de Fluke Reliability revela un cambio significativo en la adopción de IA en la manufactura, con el 79% de los fabricantes enfocados en utilizar IA para abordar la escasez de mano de obra altamente calificada, en comparación con el 37% para roles de baja habilidad. El estudio, que encuestó a más de 600 tomadores de decisiones senior en EE. UU., Reino Unido y Alemania, encontró que el 90% de los encuestados ha sido impactado por la escasez de habilidades, con el 98% viendo la IA como una solución viable.
La encuesta destaca que el 21% de los encuestados cree que la IA y el análisis de datos en tiempo real ayudarán a cerrar la brecha de habilidades y a reducir las cargas de trabajo, mientras que el 40% de los gerentes de mantenimiento espera que la IA impulse transformaciones positivas en la eficiencia. Además, el 37% de los fabricantes reconoce escasez de talentos relacionados con la diversidad, con organizaciones implementando estrategias como mejorar la marca del empleador (34%) y desarrollar planes de capacitación comprensivos (33%) para enfrentar estos desafíos.
플루크 신뢰성의 최근 설문조사는 제조업에서 인공지능(AI) 도입의 중요한 변화를 드러내는데, 79%의 제조업체가 고숙련 노동력 부족 문제를 해결하기 위해 AI 사용에 집중하고 있으며, 저숙련 직종에는 37%가 해당하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 이 연구는 미국, 영국, 독일의 600명 이상의 고위 결정자를 조사한 결과 90%의 응답자가 기술 부족의 영향을 받았으며, 98%가 AI를 실행 가능한 솔루션으로 보고 있다고 밝혔습니다.
설문조사는 21%의 응답자가 AI와 실시간 데이터 분석이 기술 격차를 해소하고 업무량을 줄이는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 믿는 반면, 40%의 유지보수 관리자는 AI가 긍정적인 효율성 변화를 이끌 것으로 기대한다고 강조합니다. 또한, 37%의 제조업체는 다양성과 관련된 인재 부족을 인정하여, 기업들은 고용 브랜드 개선(34%) 및 포괄적인 교육 계획 개발(33%)과 같은 전략을 시행하여 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
Le récent sondage de Fluke Reliability révèle un changement significatif dans l'adoption de l'IA dans le secteur manufacturier, avec 79% des fabricants se concentrant sur l'utilisation de l'IA pour répondre aux pénuries de main-d'œuvre hautement qualifiée, contre 37% pour les postes peu qualifiés. L'étude, qui a interrogé plus de 600 décideurs seniors aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et en Allemagne, a constaté que 90% des répondants ont été affectés par la pénurie de compétences, et 98% considèrent l'IA comme une solution viable.
Le sondage souligne que 21% des répondants estiment que l'IA et l'analyse des données en temps réel contribueront à combler l'écart de compétences et à réduire les charges de travail, tandis que 40% des responsables de la maintenance s'attendent à ce que l'IA entraîne des transformations positives en matière d'efficacité. De plus, 37% des fabricants reconnaissent des pénuries de talents liées à la diversité, les organisations mettant en œuvre des stratégies telles que l'amélioration de la marque employeur (34%) et le développement de plans de formation complets (33%) pour relever ces défis.
Die kürzliche Umfrage von Fluke Reliability zeigt einen signifikanten Wandel in der Anwendung von KI in der Industrie, wobei 79% der Hersteller sich darauf konzentrieren, KI zur Bekämpfung des Mangels an hochqualifizierten Arbeitskräften einzusetzen, im Vergleich zu 37% für niedrigqualifizierte Tätigkeiten. Die Studie, bei der über 600 leitende Entscheidungsträger aus den USA, Großbritannien und Deutschland befragt wurden, ergab, dass 90% der Befragten von dem Fachkräftemangel betroffen sind, während 98% KI als eine praktikable Lösung betrachten.
Die Umfrage hebt hervor, dass 21% der Befragten glauben, dass KI und Echtzeitanalyse von Daten helfen werden, die Fertigkeitslücke zu schließen und die Arbeitslast zu reduzieren, während 40% der Wartungsleiter erwarten, dass KI positive Effizienztransformationen vorantreiben wird. Darüber hinaus erkennen 37% der Hersteller talentspezifische Diversitätsmängel an, wobei Organisationen Strategien wie die Verbesserung der Arbeitgebermarke (34%) und die Entwicklung umfassender Schulungspläne (33%) umsetzen, um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen.
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Implementation of AI set to augment and democratize high-skilled work amid persistent skills shortage
Everett, Washington, Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fluke Reliability today announced the results of a recent survey which shows that
The research, conducted by Censuswide, surveyed over 600 senior decision-makers and maintenance professionals in the U.S., the UK, and Germany. The findings reveal that
An overwhelming
AI is anticipated to play a crucial role in transforming manufacturers from a state of workforce deficiency to enhanced efficiency. Nearly one in four (
Uniquely, this agreement translates to the plant floor, where
Aaron Merkin, Chief Technology Officer, Fluke Reliability, said: “The shift our research shows is not so surprising. While moving beyond routine and low-skill automation has been on the cards for some time, only now has technology reached a level that allows broader adoption within industrial organizations. The evolution we are now observing, sees AI going beyond basic automation, elevating the worker experience and transforming operations for our customers.”
He continued, “For example, in vibration analysis, we’ve witnessed how an AI diagnostic engine like Azima DLI can make prescriptive fault predictions available to a machine operate, where previously an individual trained as a CAT 3 or 4 vibration analyst would have been required. By accelerating the decision-making process and amplifying human expertise AI enables fast, actionable interventions that redefine operational efficiency.”
Beyond alleviating pressure on high-skilled labor,
Top initiatives outlined to drive this change include improving their employer brand (
Jason Waxman, President of Fluke Corporation, said: “Our research has found widespread consensus that, with the right data foundation, AI tools will enable businesses to overcome their current skills shortage. Yet, the broader implications are even more profound. Integrating AI in manufacturing is not just about replacing low-skill labor with machines; it's also about strategically automating high-skill tasks while empowering the workforce to work more effectively with AI.”
“The industrial sector is undergoing a paradigm shift, in which AI is not merely a tool but a catalyst for advancing the quality and sophistication of human work. By augmenting human expertise, AI fosters more resilient, adaptable, and analytically driven operations. This alignment between human and machine intelligence will have long-lasting effects on creating a future-ready workforce.”
About Fluke Reliability
Fluke Reliability, an operating company of the Fluke Corporation, offers reliability and maintenance teams the tools, software, AI powered insights, and services they need to optimize asset performance. Home to powerful, iconic brands – PRUFTECHNIK, Azima DLI, and eMaint – Fluke Reliability enables customers to shift from reactive to predictive maintenance utilizing a connected approach to reliability. Fluke Reliability informs customers on the health of their assets with software and services that drive better maintenance decisions – improving productivity, driving uptime, boosting visibility, and reducing costs. For more information on Fluke Reliability's eMaint CMMS, visit https://www.emaint.com/ or LinkedIn.
Fluke Reliability is a registered trademark of Fluke Corporation. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, visit the Fluke website.