Fortinet Expands Its Cloud-Native Security Offerings with the Introduction of Lacework FortiCNAPP

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Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) has announced the general availability of Lacework FortiCNAPP, a unified AI-driven platform for comprehensive cloud security. This new offering combines Lacework's cloud-native application protection platform with the Fortinet Security Fabric, providing enhanced visibility and protection across multi-cloud environments.

Key features of Lacework FortiCNAPP include:

  • A unified platform for full visibility from code to cloud
  • AI-based anomaly detection for identifying undefined attack patterns
  • Integrated code security
  • Composite alerts for detecting early signs of active attacks
  • Integrations with Fortinet solutions like FortiSOAR
  • Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)

The platform aims to simplify and strengthen cloud security, addressing challenges in cloud adoption such as cloud security knowledge and the proliferation of security products.

Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) ha annunciato la disponibilità generale di Lacework FortiCNAPP, una piattaforma unificata e guidata dall'AI per una sicurezza cloud completa. Questa nuova offerta combina la piattaforma di protezione delle applicazioni cloud-native di Lacework con il Fortinet Security Fabric, fornendo una visibilità e una protezione migliorate attraverso ambienti multi-cloud.

Le principali caratteristiche di Lacework FortiCNAPP includono:

  • Una piattaforma unificata per una visibilità completa dal codice al cloud
  • Rilevazione di anomalie basata su AI per identificare schemi di attacco indefiniti
  • Sicurezza del codice integrata
  • Avvisi compositi per rilevare segni precoci di attacchi attivi
  • Integrazioni con soluzioni Fortinet come FortiSOAR
  • Gestione dei diritti di accesso all'infrastruttura cloud (CIEM)

La piattaforma mira a semplificare e rafforzare la sicurezza cloud, affrontando le sfide nell'adozione del cloud come la conoscenza della sicurezza cloud e la proliferazione dei prodotti di sicurezza.

Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) ha anunciado la disponibilidad general de Lacework FortiCNAPP, una plataforma unificada impulsada por AI para una seguridad en la nube integral. Esta nueva oferta combina la plataforma de protección de aplicaciones nativas de la nube de Lacework con el Fortinet Security Fabric, proporcionando visibilidad y protección mejoradas en entornos multi-nube.

Las características clave de Lacework FortiCNAPP incluyen:

  • Una plataforma unificada para visibilidad completa desde el código hasta la nube
  • Detección de anomalías basada en AI para identificar patrones de ataque no definidos
  • Seguridad del código integrada
  • Alertas compuestas para detectar signos tempranos de ataques activos
  • Integraciones con soluciones de Fortinet como FortiSOAR
  • Gestión de derechos de infraestructura en la nube (CIEM)

La plataforma tiene como objetivo simplificar y fortalecer la seguridad en la nube, abordando los desafíos en la adopción de la nube, como el conocimiento de la seguridad en la nube y la proliferación de productos de seguridad.

Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT)는 포괄적인 클라우드 보안을 위한 통합 AI 기반 플랫폼 Lacework FortiCNAPP의 일반 사용 가능성을 발표했습니다. 이 새로운 솔루션은 Lacework의 클라우드 네이티브 애플리케이션 보호 플랫폼Fortinet Security Fabric을 결합하여 멀티 클라우드 환경 전반에 걸쳐 향상된 가시성과 보호를 제공합니다.

Lacework FortiCNAPP의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 코드에서 클라우드까지의 완전한 가시성을 위한 통합 플랫폼
  • 정의되지 않은 공격 패턴을 식별하기 위한 AI 기반 이상 감지
  • 통합 코드 보안
  • 활성 공격의 조기 징후를 감지하기 위한 복합 경고
  • Fortinet 솔루션(FortiSOAR 등)과의 통합
  • 클라우드 인프라 권한 관리 (CIEM)

이 플랫폼은 클라우드 보안을 간소화하고 강화하는 것을 목표로 하며, 클라우드 채택에서의 도전 과제인 클라우드 보안 지식 부족 및 보안 제품의 확산 문제를 해결하고자 합니다.

Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) a annoncé la disponibilité générale de Lacework FortiCNAPP, une plateforme unifiée et pilotée par l'IA pour une sécurité cloud complète. Cette nouvelle offre combine la plateforme de protection des applications cloud-native de Lacework avec le Fortinet Security Fabric, offrant une visibilité et une protection améliorées dans des environnements multi-cloud.

Les principales caractéristiques de Lacework FortiCNAPP incluent :

  • Une plateforme unifiée pour une visibilité totale du code au cloud
  • Détection d'anomalies basée sur l'IA pour identifier les modèles d'attaque indéfinis
  • Sécurité du code intégrée
  • Alerte composite pour détecter les signes précoces d'attaques actives
  • Intégrations avec des solutions Fortinet comme FortiSOAR
  • Gestion des droits d'infrastructure cloud (CIEM)

Cette plateforme vise à simplifier et renforcer la sécurité cloud, en s'attaquant aux défis liés à l'adoption du cloud, comme la connaissance de la sécurité cloud et la prolifération des produits de sécurité.

Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) hat die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit von Lacework FortiCNAPP angekündigt, einer einheitlichen, KI-gesteuerten Plattform für umfassende Cloud-Sicherheit. Dieses neue Angebot kombiniert die Cloud-native Anwendungs-Schutzplattform von Lacework mit dem Fortinet Security Fabric und bietet verbesserte Sichtbarkeit und Schutz in Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen.

Schlüsselfunktionen von Lacework FortiCNAPP umfassen:

  • Eine einheitliche Plattform für vollständige Sichtbarkeit vom Code bis zur Cloud
  • KI-gestützte Anomalieerkennung zur Identifizierung undefinierter Angriffsverfahren
  • Integrität der Codesicherheit
  • Zusammengesetzte Warnungen zur Erkennung früher Anzeichen aktiver Angriffe
  • Integration mit Fortinet-Lösungen wie FortiSOAR
  • Cloud-Infrastruktur-Berechtigungsmanagement (CIEM)

Die Plattform zielt darauf ab, die Cloud-Sicherheit zu vereinfachen und zu stärken, indem sie Herausforderungen bei der Cloud-Adoption angeht, wie z. B. unzureichendes Wissen über Cloud-Sicherheit und die Verbreitung von Sicherheitsprodukten.

  • Introduction of Lacework FortiCNAPP, a comprehensive cloud security platform
  • Integration with Fortinet Security Fabric for enhanced visibility and protection
  • AI-based anomaly detection for identifying undefined attack patterns
  • Automated remediation and blocking of active runtime threats
  • Enhanced visibility into FortiGuard Outbreak Alerts
  • Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) capabilities
  • None.


Fortinet's launch of Lacework FortiCNAPP marks a significant advancement in cloud-native security. This unified platform addresses critical challenges in multi-cloud environments, offering AI-driven threat detection and automated remediation. Key features include:

  • Integration with Fortinet Security Fabric for enhanced threat response
  • AI-based anomaly detection for identifying evolving attack patterns
  • Composite alerts correlating multiple signals for high-confidence threat detection
  • Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) for identity risk assessment

The platform's ability to provide full-stack visibility from code to cloud sets it apart in the rapidly growing CNAPP market. For investors, this positions Fortinet to capture a larger share of the cloud security market, potentially driving revenue growth and strengthening its competitive edge against pure-play cloud security providers.

The introduction of Lacework FortiCNAPP is a strategic move for Fortinet, expanding its cloud-native security portfolio. This launch addresses the $8.4 billion CNAPP market, which is projected to grow at a CAGR of 25.7% through 2028. The integration of Lacework's technology with Fortinet's existing Security Fabric creates a compelling value proposition for enterprises struggling with cloud security complexities.

Financially, this product could drive:

  • Increased recurring revenue through subscription-based pricing
  • Higher customer retention rates due to platform stickiness
  • Potential for upselling existing Fortinet customers

While the immediate revenue impact may be gradual, the long-term potential is significant, potentially boosting Fortinet's market share in the rapidly growing cloud security segment.

Combining Lacework’s leading cloud-native application protection platform with the Fortinet Security Fabric delivers unmatched visibility and protection across multi-cloud environments

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

News Summary
Fortinet® (NASDAQ: FTNT), the global cybersecurity leader driving the convergence of networking and security, today announced the general availability of Lacework FortiCNAPP, a single unified, AI-driven platform to secure everything from code to cloud all from a single vendor.

“Lacework FortiCNAPP is based on Lacework’s proven cloud-native application protection platform with tight integration with the Fortinet Security Fabric,” said John Maddison, Chief Marketing Officer at Fortinet. “We’re pleased to expand our cloud-native security offerings and provide the industry’s most comprehensive, full-stack cloud security platform that empowers teams to seamlessly eliminate risk across their multi-cloud environments.”

The introduction of Lacework FortiCNAPP offers additional benefits that extend beyond Lacework’s leading offering, such as automated remediation and blocking of active runtime threats, as well as enhanced visibility into FortiGuard Outbreak Alerts, which provide key information about new and emerging threats and the risk they pose within an organization’s environment.

Challenges Disrupting Cloud Adoption
As customers continue to adopt cloud infrastructure and services, they are quickly realizing that traditional security tools simply lack the native capabilities required to address the scale, velocity, and dynamic nature of the cloud. Security teams are fundamentally challenged by the lack of time to address cloud security at scale due to limited cloud security knowledge, a proliferation of cloud security products that do little to help customers resolve issues, and an overwhelming number of security and compliance alerts.

Fortinet Helps Accelerate Customers’ Cloud Journeys
With Lacework FortiCNAPP, Fortinet simplifies and strengthens cloud security with a unified platform from a single vendor that brings together multiple tools to significantly cut down the time to detect, prioritize, investigate, and respond to cloud-native threats. Lacework FortiCNAPP introduces a unique AI approach that never stops learning, maximizing cloud security with minimal time and effort for development, operations, and security teams by automatically connecting risk insights with runtime threat data, and ensuring that the most critical issues are prioritized and addressed.

Fortinet enables customers to address all their cloud security needs by delivering key features such as:

  • A unified platform: Fragmented tools create complex, expensive, and limited protection. As a platform, Lacework FortiCNAPP provides full visibility from code to cloud and correlates build and runtime risk and threat data to prioritize what matters most.
  • AI-based anomaly detection: Given that cloud threats evolve as quickly as the cloud itself, creating rules for every potential attack scenario is nearly impossible. Lacework FortiCNAPP’s AI-based anomaly detection allows security analysts to detect previously undefined attack patterns that traditional rules-based systems cannot accomplish.
  • Integrated code security: Code security integrated with cloud security empowers teams to address issues at the earliest and most cost-effective stage in the application life cycle. By offering code security as an integral capability within the platform, customers can save time and money by fixing security issues, and reduce the risk of vulnerable applications and infrastructure while maintaining developer productivity and innovation velocity.
  • Composite alerts: Lacework FortiCNAPP is unique in detecting early signs of active attacks by automatically correlating various signals into a single, high-confidence composite alert. The platform uses behavioral analytics, anomaly detection, in-house threat intelligence, and insights from cloud service provider activity logs and threat services to identify active attacks, including compromised credentials, ransomware, and cryptojacking.
  • Integrations with the Fortinet Security Fabric: Integrations with Fortinet solutions such as FortiSOAR enable customers to streamline their response to active runtime threats, such as compromised hosts and compromised access keys, through automated remediation playbooks. Additionally, its integration with FortiGuard Outbreak Alerts helps teams understand how Lacework FortiCNAPP delivers enhanced visibility and deeper insights into the latest threats and where the solution can disrupt potential attacks.
  • Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM): Lacework FortiCNAPP provides CIEM for complete visibility into cloud identities and their permissions. It automatically discovers identities, assesses net-effective permissions, and highlights excessive ones by comparing granted versus used permissions. Each identity is assigned a risk score based on more than 30 factors, helping prioritize high-risk identities. Lacework FortiCNAPP also offers automated remediation guidance for right-sizing permissions, ensuring least-privileged access.

Third-Party Validation

Lacework FortiCNAPP is based on the industry-recognized technology from Lacework, which is consistently recognized as a leader and Representative Vendor in CNAPP and Cloud Workload Security by leading analyst firms, including Frost and Sullivan, Gartner®, GigaOm, and KuppingerCole.

Supporting Quotes

“Lacework FortiCNAPP helped us deal with the massive amount of information that we were getting out of all the different systems, from the native security tools and logging and alerting tools that came from cloud providers to third-party tools that we had purchased to help solve these problems.”
- John Turner, Senior Security Architect, LendingTree

“Lacework FortiCNAPP automatically discovers and catalogs users, services, security groups, and secrets that are active within LawnStarter’s AWS environment and compares them against industry frameworks and compliance requirements. LawnStarter can quickly pull customized reports created by Lacework FortiCNAPP to see which resources are compliant. As a result, LawnStarter has seen a 75% decrease in compliance violations over the past year, saving the company significant time and money. LawnStarter now has a robust compliance practice that is essential to earning and maintaining trust with customers, providers, investors, and advisors.”
- Alberto Silveira, Head of Engineering, LawnStarter

Additional Resources

*Gartner, Gartner Market Guide for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms, Dale Koeppen, Charlie Winckless, Neil MacDonald, Esraa ElTahawy, 22 July 2024

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About Fortinet
Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) is a driving force in the evolution of cybersecurity and the convergence of networking and security. Our mission is to secure people, devices, and data everywhere, and today we deliver cybersecurity everywhere you need it with the largest integrated portfolio of over 50 enterprise-grade products. Well over half a million customers trust Fortinet's solutions, which are among the most deployed, most patented, and most validated in the industry. The Fortinet Training Institute, one of the largest and broadest training programs in the industry, is dedicated to making cybersecurity training and new career opportunities available to everyone. Collaboration with esteemed organizations from both the public and private sectors, including CERTs, government entities, and academia, is a fundamental aspect of Fortinet’s commitment to enhance cyber resilience globally. FortiGuard Labs, Fortinet’s elite threat intelligence and research organization, develops and utilizes leading-edge machine learning and AI technologies to provide customers with timely and consistently top-rated protection and actionable threat intelligence. Learn more at, the Fortinet Blog, and FortiGuard Labs. 

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Media Contact:Investor Contact:Analyst Contact:
Elena Fuhrmann
Fortinet, Inc.

Aaron Ovadia
Fortinet, Inc.
Brian Greenberg
Fortinet, Inc.


What is Lacework FortiCNAPP and when was it released by Fortinet (FTNT)?

Lacework FortiCNAPP is a unified AI-driven platform for comprehensive cloud security, combining Lacework's cloud-native application protection platform with the Fortinet Security Fabric. It was announced for general availability by Fortinet (FTNT) on October 8, 2024.

What are the key features of Fortinet's (FTNT) Lacework FortiCNAPP?

Key features of Lacework FortiCNAPP include a unified platform for full visibility, AI-based anomaly detection, integrated code security, composite alerts for detecting active attacks, integrations with Fortinet solutions, and Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM).

How does Lacework FortiCNAPP address cloud security challenges for Fortinet (FTNT) customers?

Lacework FortiCNAPP addresses cloud security challenges by providing a unified platform that simplifies and strengthens cloud security, offering AI-based anomaly detection, automated remediation, and enhanced visibility into threats, helping customers with cloud security knowledge and reducing the need for multiple security products.

What integration capabilities does Fortinet's (FTNT) Lacework FortiCNAPP offer?

Lacework FortiCNAPP integrates with Fortinet Security Fabric solutions such as FortiSOAR, enabling automated remediation playbooks for active runtime threats. It also integrates with FortiGuard Outbreak Alerts to provide enhanced visibility and insights into the latest threats.

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