Fortinet Announces Progress Toward its Mission to Tackle the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage

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Fortinet, a global cybersecurity leader, has announced significant progress in its mission to address the cybersecurity skills shortage through its Training Institute programs. The company pledged to train 1 million people in cybersecurity by the end of 2026, and has already trained more than half a million individuals, putting them on track to meet their goal.

Key initiatives and achievements include:

  • Winning the 2024 SC Awards for Best Professional Certification Program
  • Enhancing the Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) Certification program
  • Pledging to offer free cybersecurity training to 75,000 individuals in Europe
  • Partnering with organizations in India to offer 100,000 virtual internships
  • Hosting cybersecurity bootcamps and workshops globally
  • Collaborating with various partners to upskill and reskill veterans

These efforts aim to address the estimated need for 4.8 million cybersecurity professionals to fill the industry's workforce gap.

Fortinet, un leader globale nella cybersecurity, ha annunciato significativi progressi nella sua missione di affrontare la carenza di competenze nel settore della cybersecurity attraverso i programmi del suo Training Institute. L'azienda si è impegnata a formare 1 milione di persone nel settore della cybersecurity entro la fine del 2026 e ha già formato più di mezzo milione di individui, mantenendosi sulla buona strada per raggiungere il suo obiettivo.

Le principali iniziative e risultati includono:

  • Vittoria ai SC Awards 2024 per il Miglior Programma di Certificazione Professionale
  • Miglioramento del programma di Certificazione Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE)
  • Impegno a offrire formazione gratuita sulla cybersecurity a 75.000 individui in Europa
  • Collaborazione con organizzazioni in India per offrire 100.000 tirocini virtuali
  • Organizzazione di bootcamp e workshop sulla cybersecurity a livello globale
  • Collaborazione con vari partner per aggiornare e riqualificare i veterani

Questi sforzi mirano a soddisfare il fabbisogno stimato di 4,8 milioni di professionisti della cybersecurity per colmare il divario di forza lavoro nel settore.

Fortinet, un líder global en ciberseguridad, ha anunciado avances significativos en su misión de abordar la escasez de habilidades en ciberseguridad a través de los programas de su Instituto de Capacitación. La empresa se comprometió a capacitar a 1 millón de personas en ciberseguridad para finales de 2026 y ya ha capacitado a más de medio millón de individuos, manteniéndose en camino para cumplir su objetivo.

Las iniciativas y logros clave incluyen:

  • Ganar los Premios SC 2024 por el Mejor Programa de Certificación Profesional
  • Mejorar el programa de Certificación de Experto en Seguridad de Red de Fortinet (NSE)
  • Compromiso de ofrecer capacitación gratuita en ciberseguridad a 75,000 personas en Europa
  • Asociarse con organizaciones en India para ofrecer 100,000 pasantías virtuales
  • Organizar bootcamps y talleres de ciberseguridad a nivel global
  • Colaborar con varios socios para actualizar y recalificar a veteranos

Estos esfuerzos tienen como objetivo abordar la necesidad estimada de 4.8 millones de profesionales en ciberseguridad para llenar la brecha de fuerza laboral de la industria.

포티넷(Fortinet), 세계적인 사이버 보안 리더가 사이버 보안 기술 인력 부족 문제를 해결하기 위해 Training Institute 프로그램을 통해 눈에 띄는 진전을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2026년 말까지 사이버 보안 분야에서 100만 명을 교육하겠다고 약속했으며, 현재 50만 명 이상을 교육하여 목표 달성을 위한 궤도에 올라 있습니다.

주요 이니셔티브 및 성과에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 2024 SC Awards에서 최고의 전문 인증 프로그램 수상
  • Fortinet 네트워크 보안 전문가(NSE) 인증 프로그램 개선
  • 유럽에서 75,000명에게 무료 사이버 보안 교육 제공 약속
  • 인도 내 조직과 협력하여 100,000개의 가상 인턴십 제공
  • 전 세계적으로 사이버 보안 부트캠프 및 워크숍 개최
  • 여러 파트너와 협력하여 재향군인 재교육 및 기술 향상

이러한 노력은 산업의 인력 부족을 메우기 위해 필요한 사이버 보안 전문가가 약 480만 명이라는 추정치를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Fortinet, un leader mondial en cybersécurité, a annoncé des progrès significatifs dans sa mission de répondre à la pénurie de compétences en cybersécurité grâce à ses programmes de l'Institut de formation. L'entreprise s'est engagée à former 1 million de personnes dans le domaine de la cybersécurité d'ici fin 2026 et a déjà formé plus de 500 000 individus, la mettant en bonne voie pour atteindre son objectif.

Les initiatives et réalisations clés incluent :

  • Remporter les SC Awards 2024 pour le Meilleur Programme de Certification Professionnelle
  • Amélioration du programme de Certification Expert en Sécurité Réseau de Fortinet (NSE)
  • Engagement à offrir une formation gratuite en cybersécurité à 75 000 personnes en Europe
  • Partenariat avec des organisations en Inde pour offrir 100 000 stages virtuels
  • Organisation de bootcamps et d'ateliers de cybersécurité à l'échelle mondiale
  • Collaboration avec plusieurs partenaires pour requalifier et former les vétérans

Ces efforts visent à répondre au besoin estimé de 4,8 millions de professionnels de la cybersécurité pour combler le fossé de main-d'œuvre dans l'industrie.

Fortinet, ein globaler Marktführer im Bereich Cybersicherheit, hat bedeutende Fortschritte bei seiner Mission angekündigt, dem Mangel an Fachkräften im Bereich Cybersicherheit durch seine Programme des Training Institute entgegenzuwirken. Das Unternehmen hat sich verpflichtet, bis Ende 2026 1 Million Menschen im Bereich Cybersicherheit auszubilden, und hat bereits mehr als eine halbe Million Personen ausgebildet, was es auf dem richtigen Weg zu seinem Ziel hält.

Wichtige Initiativen und Erfolge umfassen:

  • Gewinn des 2024 SC Awards für das Beste Professionelle Zertifizierungsprogramm
  • Verbesserung des Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) Zertifizierungsprogramms
  • Versprechen, kostenlosen Cybersecurity-Training für 75.000 Personen in Europa anzubieten
  • Partnerschaft mit Organisationen in Indien zur Bereitstellung von 100.000 virtuellen Praktika
  • Durchführung von Cybersecurity-Bootcamps und Workshops weltweit
  • Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Partnern zur Förderung der Weiterbildung und Umschulung von Veteranen

Diese Bemühungen zielen darauf ab, den geschätzten Bedarf von 4,8 Millionen Cybersicherheitsexperten zu decken, um die Lücke in der Branchenbelegschaft zu schließen.

  • Fortinet has trained over 500,000 people in cybersecurity, on track to meet its 1 million goal by 2026
  • Won the 2024 SC Awards for Best Professional Certification Program
  • Pledged to offer free cybersecurity training to 75,000 individuals in Europe
  • Partnering to offer 100,000 virtual internships in cybersecurity across India
  • None.

At the halfway mark of its 5-year pledge to train 1 million individuals in cybersecurity by the end of 2026, Fortinet is on track to reach this milestone, having trained more than half a million people to address the skills gap

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

John Maddison, Chief Marketing Officer at Fortinet
“Through our longstanding investments to address the cyber talent shortage, Fortinet continues to grow and expand our programs and strategic partnerships by delivering an award-winning cybersecurity training and certification program. Addressing the cyber skills gap is vital to enhancing our society’s collective cyber resiliency and we are committed to developing the current and future cyber workforce through the Fortinet Training Institute. As part of this effort, we remain focused on our pledge to train 1 million individuals in cyber by 2026.”

News Summary  
Fortinet® (NASDAQ: FTNT), the global cybersecurity leader driving the convergence of networking and security, today announced significant progress in its mission to address the cybersecurity skills shortage through its Training Institute programs. As part of the company’s commitment to closing the cyber workforce gap, Fortinet pledged to train 1 million people in cybersecurity by the end of 2026 and through the Fortinet Training Institute programs has achieved significant strides toward this goal. With more than half a million people having been trained since the 5-year span pledge was announced, Fortinet is on track to meet this commitment by the end of 2026.

As the cybersecurity landscape grows increasingly complex, the demand for skilled professionals continues to grow with an estimated 4.8 million cybersecurity professionals required to address the industry’s workforce gap. At the same time, Fortinet’s 2024 Global Cybersecurity Skills Gap Report reveals that 70% of organizations believe the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals is increasing risks to their security.

Fortinet is at the forefront of working to address the skills gap by providing award-winning training and certification curriculum designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to better mitigate cyber risks. Additional recent key initiatives and achievements include:

  • Award-Winning Cybersecurity Curriculum: Fortinet’s most recent industry acknowledgement includes winning the 2024 SC Awards for Best Professional Certification Program. In the fall of 2023, Fortinet introduced enhancements to the Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) Certification program, providing multiple certification options focused on role-based training – such as administrator, analyst, architect – as well as a foundational certification level. Fortinet has also been honored with Gold for best cybersecurity training and Gold for best security awareness program from the Cybersecurity Excellence Awards; Gold for cyber and education and training and security awareness and training from the Globee 2024 Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards; and Most Innovative in cybersecurity training and certification, and security awareness and training service from the Global Infosec Awards, among others.
  • European Commission’s Cybersecurity Skills Academy Initiative Pledge: Earlier this year, Fortinet pledged to offer its award-winning cybersecurity training and security awareness curriculum to up to 75,000 individuals for free in Europe over the next three years. Since joining this initiative, Fortinet is offering its Certification program curriculum through the Cybersecurity Skills Academy and expanding learning opportunities for individuals across all 27 countries of the European Union, helping develop critical cyber skills in the region.
  • All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and EduSkills Foundation Partnership: Fortinet is partnering with the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and EduSkills Foundation to offer 100,000 virtual internships in the field of cybersecurity across India, as well as providing our Certification program free of cost.
  • Fortinet Cyber Bootcamps Help Develop the Future Cyber Workforce: Fortinet is partnering with organizations across the world to host cybersecurity and networking bootcamps to further increase access to its training curriculum. Earlier this year, Fortinet hosted a threat hunting workshop for participants of the MITRE Embedded Capture the Flag (eCTF) competition, which included students from around the world. Attendees of the Fortinet workshop gained hands-on cybersecurity experience, assuming the role of a security analyst to identify adversarial behaviors using renowned frameworks and procedures.
  • Continuing to Drive a Diverse Cyber Workforce through Partnerships: Through the Education Outreach program and Veterans program, Fortinet cultivates partnerships to drive a skilled, inclusive and diverse cyber workforce. More recently, Fortinet partnered with the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Cyber Catalyst Talent Solutions, and Tech Vets Canada, among others, on an in-person bootcamp specifically for veterans interested in gaining technical and hands-on expertise in cyber. Fortinet also collaborated with several Fortinet Veteran program and Education Outreach program partners earlier this year – including Cerco, Helping Heroes, Hire Heroes USA, Onward 2 Opportunity, TechVets, and VetSec – to offer a nine-week Networking Fundamentals Bootcamp this year to further upskill and reskill veterans. Additionally, Fortinet is continuing to partner with Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) to offer members a Networking Fundamentals Bootcamp designed as an entry point for those wanting to pursue a career in cybersecurity.

Building on Fortinet’s Longstanding Commitment to Close the Global Cyber Skills Gap
These initiatives build on Fortinet’s longstanding commitment to address the cybersecurity skills gap worldwide. The Fortinet Training Institute delivers training and certifications to IT and security professionals, students and educators, and underserved communities, through its various programs. The ecosystem supporting these programs – including the Education Outreach program, the Veterans program and the Academic Partner program – is comprised of more than 700 partners across more than 100 countries globally.

To further help advance this work, Fortinet is a part of various public-private partnerships, including participating in the White House’s National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy commitments by introducing free security awareness training for primary and secondary school educators and students globally including school districts across the United States, United KingdomCanadaAustralia and Brazil. All these efforts contribute toward Fortinet’s goal to train 1 million people globally in cyber by 2026.

Additional Resources

About Fortinet 
Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) is a driving force in the evolution of cybersecurity and the convergence of networking and security. Our mission is to secure people, devices, and data everywhere, and today we deliver cybersecurity everywhere you need it with the largest integrated portfolio of over 50 enterprise-grade products. Well over half a million customers trust Fortinet's solutions, which are among the most deployed, most patented, and most validated in the industry. The Fortinet Training Institute, one of the largest and broadest training programs in the industry, is dedicated to making cybersecurity training and new career opportunities available to everyone. Collaboration with esteemed organizations from both the public and private sectors, including CERTs, government entities, and academia, is a fundamental aspect of Fortinet’s commitment to enhance cyber resilience globally. FortiGuard Labs, Fortinet’s elite threat intelligence and research organization, develops and utilizes leading-edge machine learning and AI technologies to provide customers with timely and consistently top-rated protection and actionable threat intelligence. Learn more at, the Fortinet Blog, and FortiGuard Labs.    

Media Contact: Investor Contact: Analyst Contact: 
Stephanie Lira
Fortinet, Inc. 
Aaron Ovadia 
Fortinet, Inc.  
Brian Greenberg  
Fortinet, Inc. 


How many people has Fortinet trained in cybersecurity so far?

Fortinet has trained more than half a million people in cybersecurity, which is over 50% of their 1 million goal by 2026.

What award did Fortinet win for its cybersecurity training program in 2024?

Fortinet won the 2024 SC Awards for Best Professional Certification Program.

How many virtual internships is Fortinet offering in India for cybersecurity?

Fortinet is partnering to offer 100,000 virtual internships in the field of cybersecurity across India.

What is Fortinet's (FTNT) commitment to addressing the cybersecurity skills gap?

Fortinet (FTNT) has pledged to train 1 million people in cybersecurity by the end of 2026 to address the global cybersecurity skills shortage.

Fortinet, Inc.


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