Fortune Minerals Provides NICO Project Commodity Update
Fortune Minerals (OTCQB: FTMDF) reports significant developments for its NICO cobalt-gold-bismuth-copper critical minerals project in Canada. The project contains 33.1 million metric tonnes of reserves, including 1.1 million ounces of gold, 82.3 million pounds of cobalt, 102.1 million pounds of bismuth, and 27.2 million pounds of copper, supporting a 20-year mine life.
Recent market developments include:
- Gold trading at historic highs exceeding US$2,900 per ounce
- Bismuth prices tripling to over US$20 per pound, reaching a 17-year high
- Democratic Republic of Congo announcing a four-month suspension of cobalt exports
The NICO Project comprises a planned open pit and underground mine in Northwest Territories and a hydrometallurgical facility in Alberta, designed to produce cobalt sulphate, gold doré, bismuth ingots, and copper cement for North American supply chains.
Fortune Minerals (OTCQB: FTMDF) riporta sviluppi significativi per il suo progetto di minerali critici NICO, che comprende cobalto, oro, bismuto e rame in Canada. Il progetto contiene 33,1 milioni di tonnellate metriche di riserve, inclusi 1,1 milioni di once d'oro, 82,3 milioni di libbre di cobalto, 102,1 milioni di libbre di bismuto e 27,2 milioni di libbre di rame, supportando una vita mineraria di 20 anni.
Sviluppi recenti del mercato includono:
- Il prezzo dell'oro che scambia a livelli storici superiori a 2.900 dollari USA per oncia
- I prezzi del bismuto che triplicano a oltre 20 dollari USA per libbra, raggiungendo un massimo di 17 anni
- La Repubblica Democratica del Congo che annuncia una sospensione di quattro mesi delle esportazioni di cobalto
Il Progetto NICO comprende una miniera a cielo aperto e sotterranea nelle Territori del Nord-Ovest e un impianto idrometallurgico in Alberta, progettato per produrre solfato di cobalto, doré d'oro, lingotti di bismuto e cemento di rame per le catene di approvvigionamento nordamericane.
Fortune Minerals (OTCQB: FTMDF) informa sobre desarrollos significativos en su proyecto de minerales críticos NICO de cobalto-oro-bismuto-cobre en Canadá. El proyecto contiene 33,1 millones de toneladas métricas de reservas, incluyendo 1,1 millones de onzas de oro, 82,3 millones de libras de cobalto, 102,1 millones de libras de bismuto y 27,2 millones de libras de cobre, respaldando una vida útil de la mina de 20 años.
Los desarrollos recientes del mercado incluyen:
- El oro cotizando a máximos históricos que superan 2.900 dólares estadounidenses por onza
- Los precios del bismuto que se triplican a más de 20 dólares estadounidenses por libra, alcanzando un máximo de 17 años
- La República Democrática del Congo anunciando una suspensión de cuatro meses en las exportaciones de cobalto
El Proyecto NICO comprende una mina a cielo abierto y subterránea en los Territorios del Noroeste y una instalación hidrometalúrgica en Alberta, diseñada para producir sulfato de cobalto, doré de oro, lingotes de bismuto y cemento de cobre para las cadenas de suministro de América del Norte.
Fortune Minerals (OTCQB: FTMDF)는 캐나다의 니코 코발트-금-비스무트-구리 주요 광물 프로젝트에 대한 중요한 발전을 보고합니다. 이 프로젝트는 3,310만 미터톤의 매장량을 포함하고 있으며, 여기에는 110만 온스의 금, 8230만 파운드의 코발트, 1021만 파운드의 비스무트, 272만 파운드의 구리가 포함되어 있어 20년의 광산 수명을 지원합니다.
최근 시장 발전 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 금이 온스당 2,900달러 이상의 역사적 최고가로 거래되고 있습니다.
- 비스무트 가격이 파운드당 20달러 이상로 세 배 상승하며 17년 최고치를 기록했습니다.
- 콩고 민주 공화국이 코발트 수출을 4개월간 중단한다고 발표했습니다.
니코 프로젝트는 북서 지역에 계획된 노천 및 지하 광산과 알버타에 있는 수화화학 시설로 구성되어 있으며, 북미 공급망을 위해 코발트 황산염, 금 도레, 비스무트 주괴 및 구리 시멘트를 생산하도록 설계되었습니다.
Fortune Minerals (OTCQB: FTMDF) fait état de développements significatifs pour son projet de minéraux critiques NICO, qui comprend le cobalt, l'or, le bismuth et le cuivre au Canada. Le projet contient 33,1 millions de tonnes métriques de réserves, y compris 1,1 million d'onces d'or, 82,3 millions de livres de cobalt, 102,1 millions de livres de bismuth et 27,2 millions de livres de cuivre, soutenant une durée de vie de mine de 20 ans.
Les développements récents du marché incluent :
- L'or se négociant à des niveaux historiques dépassant 2 900 dollars américains par once
- Les prix du bismuth triplant à plus de 20 dollars américains par livre, atteignant un sommet de 17 ans
- La République Démocratique du Congo annonçant une suspension de quatre mois des exportations de cobalt
Le projet NICO comprend une mine à ciel ouvert et souterraine dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest et une installation hydrométallurgique en Alberta, conçue pour produire du sulfate de cobalt, du doré d'or, des lingots de bismuth et du ciment de cuivre pour les chaînes d'approvisionnement nord-américaines.
Fortune Minerals (OTCQB: FTMDF) berichtet über bedeutende Entwicklungen für sein NICO-Projekt für kritische Mineralien, das Kobalt, Gold, Bismut und Kupfer in Kanada umfasst. Das Projekt enthält 33,1 Millionen metrische Tonnen an Reserven, darunter 1,1 Millionen Unzen Gold, 82,3 Millionen Pfund Kobalt, 102,1 Millionen Pfund Bismut und 27,2 Millionen Pfund Kupfer, was eine Lebensdauer der Mine von 20 Jahren unterstützt.
Zu den jüngsten Entwicklungen auf dem Markt gehören:
- Gold, das zu historischen Höchstständen von über 2.900 US-Dollar pro Unze gehandelt wird
- Bismutpreise, die auf über 20 US-Dollar pro Pfund steigen und einen 17-Jahres-Hoch erreichen
- Die Demokratische Republik Kongo kündigt ein viermonatiges Exportverbot für Kobalt an
Das NICO-Projekt umfasst eine geplante Tagebau- und Untertagebau-Mine in den Nordwest-Territorien sowie eine hydrometallurgische Anlage in Alberta, die darauf ausgelegt ist, Kobaltsulfat, Golddoré, Bismutbarren und Kupferzement für nordamerikanische Lieferketten zu produzieren.
- Project contains 12% of global bismuth reserves
- Bismuth prices tripled to US$20/lb, 17-year high
- Gold prices at historic high of US$2,900/oz
- DRC's cobalt export suspension likely to support prices
- Vertically integrated operation reduces third-party dependencies
- Project still in development stage
- Current cobalt prices at inflation-adjusted lows of US$10/lb
- 90% of refined bismuth supply controlled by China
Bismuth prices have tripled in recent weeks, gold prices are at an all-time high, and the Congo has placed a moratorium on the export of cobalt to support higher prices
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The Mineral Reserves for the NICO Deposit are 33.1 million metric tonnes containing 1.1 million ounces of gold, 82.3 million pounds of cobalt, 102.1 million pounds of bismuth (
Gold price approaching
Recent geopolitical issues and trade disputes are inflationary, resulting in higher demand for safe haven assets like gold. Gold has been trading at historic all-time high prices of more than
Bismuth price up more than
The projected revenues from the NICO Project have historically been primarily from cobalt and gold but NICO is also the largest deposit of bismuth in the world with
Bismuth is consumed in the automotive industry for glass and steel coatings, paint and brake pads. It is also used to make low melting temperature and dimensionally stable alloys, fire depressant systems, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Bismuth consumption is increasing as an environmentally safe and non-toxic replacement for lead in brass, solder, free machining steel and aluminum, glass, radiation shielding, ceramic glazes and ammunition. Bismuth-tin alloy is used to make environmentally safe plugs to properly seal and decommission oil and gas wells. Bismuth is also used to make manganese-bismuth magnets, semi-conductors, coolants and components used in some nuclear reactor designs, rocket propellants, and alloys used to align jet engine and power turbine blades.
Cobalt export moratorium in the
On February 22, 2025, the
Cobalt is primarily used to make lithium-ion batteries to store energy for electric-vehicles, portable electronics and stationary storage cells. Cobalt is also used in superalloys for the aerospace industry, cutting tools, cemented carbides, magnets, catalysts and pigments.
NICO Project
NICO is a polymetallic IOCG-type deposit with four payable metals, reducing exposure to the price of any individual metal and help insulate the project from price manipulation. As a vertically integrated development, the NICO Project is also not beholden to third-party owned downstream process plants. Development of the NICO Project would provide a vertically integrated domestic supply of three critical minerals with supply chain transparency and custody control over the contained metals from ores through to the production of value-added products and help mitigate security of supply issues from foreign entities of concern.
PDAC 2025
Fortune is participating at the 2025 annual Prospectors and Developers Association Convention (“PDAC”) being held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre between March 2 and March 5, 2025. Please visit the Company’s booth #2837 in the Investor Exchange to meet with management and discuss the Company’s progress and outlook.
President and CEO, Robin Goad, will present the NICO Project at the Canada Investment Forum hosted by Natural Resources Canada, Invest in
For more detailed information about the NICO Mineral Reserves and certain technical information in this news release, please refer to the Technical Report on the NICO Project, entitled "Technical Report on the Feasibility Study for the NICO-Gold-Cobalt-Bismuth-Copper Project,
The disclosure of scientific and technical information contained in this news release have been approved by Robin Goad, M.Sc., P.Geo., President and Chief Executive Officer of Fortune and Alex Mezei, M.Sc., P.Eng. Fortune’s Chief Metallurgist, who are "Qualified Persons" under National Instrument 43-101.
About Fortune Minerals
Fortune is a Canadian mining company focused on developing the NICO cobalt-gold-bismuth-copper project in the
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This press release contains forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. This forward-looking information includes statements with respect to, among other things, the exercise of the option by the Company and the purchase of the JFSL site in order to construct the proposed Hydrometallurgical Facility at the JFSL site, the potential for expansion of the NICO Deposit and the Company’s plans to develop the NICO Project. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management as well as certain assumptions at the date the information is given (including, in respect of the forward-looking information contained in this press release, assumptions regarding: the successful completion of the Company’s due diligence investigations on the JFSL site, the Company’s ability to secure the necessary financing to fund the exercise of the option and complete the purchase of the JFSL site, the Company’s ability to complete construction of a NICO Project Hydrometallurgical Facility; the Company’s ability to arrange the necessary financing to continue operations and develop the NICO Project; the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals for the construction and operation of the NICO Project and the related Hydrometallurgical Facility and the timing thereof; growth in the demand for cobalt; the time required to construct the NICO Project; and the economic environment in which the Company will operate in the future, including the price of gold, cobalt, bismuth, and other by-products, anticipated costs and the volumes of metals to be produced at the NICO Project). However, such forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. These factors include the risks that the Company may not be able to complete the purchase of the JFSL site and secure a site for the construction of a Hydrometallurgical Facility, the Company may not be able to finance and develop NICO on favourable terms or at all, uncertainties with respect to the receipt or timing of required permits, approvals and agreements for the development of the NICO Project, including the related Hydrometallurgical Facility, the construction of the NICO Project may take longer than anticipated, the Company may not be able to secure offtake agreements for the metals to be produced at the NICO Project, the Sue-Dianne Property may not be developed to the point where it can provide mill feed to the NICO Project, the inherent risks involved in the exploration and development of mineral properties and in the mining industry in general, the market for products that use cobalt or bismuth may not grow to the extent anticipated, the future supply of cobalt and bismuth may not be as limited as anticipated, the risk of decreases in the market prices of cobalt, bismuth and other metals to be produced by the NICO Project, discrepancies between actual and estimated Mineral Resources or between actual and estimated metallurgical recoveries, uncertainties associated with estimating Mineral Resources and Reserves and the risk that even if such Mineral Resources prove accurate the risk that such Mineral Resources may not be converted into Mineral Reserves once economic conditions are applied, the Company’s production of cobalt, bismuth and other metals may be less than anticipated and other operational and development risks, market risks and regulatory risks. Readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information because it is possible that predictions, forecasts, projections and other forms of forward-looking information will not be achieved by the Company. The forward-looking information contained herein is made as of the date hereof and the Company assumes no responsibility to update or revise it to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.
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For further information please contact:
Fortune Minerals Limited
Troy Nazarewicz
Investor Relations Manager
Tel: (519) 858-8188
Source: Fortune Minerals Limited
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