Franklin Limited Duration Income Trust (“FTF” or the “Fund”) Announces Notification of Sources of Distributions

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Franklin Duration Income Trust (NYSE American: FTF) has announced its distribution sources for September 2024 and fiscal year 2024 to date. The Fund's September monthly distribution of $0.0615 per share consists of 71% net investment income, 4% net realized short-term capital gains, and 25% return of capital. For the fiscal year-to-date, the cumulative distribution of $0.4920 per share comprises 64% net investment income, 4% net realized short-term capital gains, and 32% return of capital.

The Fund has experienced a cumulative loss of $1.6354 per share in undistributed net realized and unrealized capital gains and losses, with $0.4783 per share representing unrealized depreciation of portfolio securities. FTF's average annual total return over the past 5 years is 2.97%, with a current annualized distribution rate of 10.39%. The Fund operates under a managed distribution plan, aiming to provide consistent monthly distributions and narrow the discount between market price and NAV.

Franklin Duration Income Trust (NYSE American: FTF) ha annunciato le sue fonti di distribuzione per settembre 2024 e per l'anno fiscale 2024 fino ad oggi. La distribuzione mensile di settembre del Fondo di $0,0615 per azione è composta dal 71% di reddito da investimento netto, dal 4% di guadagni in conto capitale realizzati a breve termine e dal 25% di rimborso di capitale. Fino ad oggi, la distribuzione cumulativa di $0,4920 per azione è costituita dal 64% di reddito da investimento netto, dal 4% di guadagni in conto capitale realizzati a breve termine e dal 32% di rimborso di capitale.

Il Fondo ha registrato una perdita cumulativa di $1,6354 per azione in guadagni e perdite in conto capitale netti non distribuiti e non realizzati, con $0,4783 per azione che rappresenta la svalutazione non realizzata dei titoli di portafoglio. Il ritorno totale medio annuale di FTF negli ultimi 5 anni è del 2,97%, con un tasso di distribuzione annualizzato attuale del 10,39%. Il Fondo opera sotto un piano di distribuzione gestita, con l'obiettivo di offrire distribuzioni mensili costanti e ridurre il divario tra il prezzo di mercato e il NAV.

Franklin Duration Income Trust (NYSE American: FTF) ha anunciado sus fuentes de distribución para septiembre de 2024 y el año fiscal 2024 hasta la fecha. La distribución mensual de septiembre del Fondo de $0.0615 por acción consiste en un 71% de ingreso neto de inversiones, un 4% de ganancias de capital a corto plazo realizadas y un 25% de retorno de capital. Hasta la fecha, la distribución acumulada de $0.4920 por acción se compone de un 64% de ingreso neto de inversiones, un 4% de ganancias de capital a corto plazo realizadas y un 32% de retorno de capital.

El Fondo ha experimentado una pérdida acumulada de $1.6354 por acción en ganancias y pérdidas de capital netas no distribuidas y no realizadas, siendo $0.4783 por acción la depreciación no realizada de los valores de la cartera. El retorno total anual promedio de FTF en los últimos 5 años es del 2.97%, con una tasa de distribución anualizada actual del 10.39%. El Fondo opera bajo un plan de distribución gestionada, con el objetivo de proporcionar distribuciones mensuales consistentes y reducir la diferencia entre el precio de mercado y el NAV.

프랭클린 듀레이션 인컴 트러스트 (NYSE American: FTF)는 2024년 9월 및 2024 회계연도 현재 분배 출처를 발표했습니다. 9월 한달간의 펀드 배당금인 $0.0615 per 주식은 71%의 순투자소득, 4%의 단기 자본 이익 실현 및 25%의 자본 반환으로 구성되어 있습니다. 회계연도 누계로 $0.4920 per 주식의 누적 배당금은 64%의 순투자소득, 4%의 단기 자본 이익 실현 및 32%의 자본 반환으로 이루어져 있습니다.

펀드는 누적 $1.6354 per 주식의 미분배 순 실현 및 미실현 자본 이익 및 손실에서 손실을 경험했으며, $0.4783 per 주식이 포트폴리오 증권의 미실현 감가상각을 나타냅니다. FTF의 지난 5년간 평균 연간 총 수익률은 2.97%이며, 현재 연간화 배당률은 10.39%입니다. 이 펀드는 관리 분배 계획을 따라 운영되며, 일관된 월별 배당금을 제공하고 시장 가격과 NAV 간의 차이를 줄이는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Franklin Duration Income Trust (NYSE American: FTF) a annoncé ses sources de distribution pour septembre 2024 et l'exercice fiscal 2024 à ce jour. La distribution mensuelle du fonds pour septembre de 0,0615 $ par action se compose de 71% de revenus nets d'investissement, de 4% de gains en capital réalisés à court terme et de 25% de retour de capital. Pour l'exercice jusqu'à présent, la distribution cumulée de 0,4920 $ par action représente 64% de revenus nets d'investissement, 4% de gains en capital réalisés à court terme et 32% de retour de capital.

Le fonds a subi une perte cumulative de 1,6354 $ par action en gains et pertes en capital nets non distribués et non réalisés, les 0,4783 $ par action représentant la dépréciation non réalisée des titres du portefeuille. Le rendement total annuel moyen de FTF au cours des 5 dernières années est de 2,97%, avec un taux de distribution annualisé actuel de 10,39%. Le fonds fonctionne selon un plan de distribution géré, visant à offrir des distributions mensuelles constantes et à réduire l'écart entre le prix du marché et la NAV.

Franklin Duration Income Trust (NYSE American: FTF) hat seine Verteilungsquellen für September 2024 und das laufende Geschäftsjahr 2024 bekannt gegeben. Die monatliche Verteilung des Fonds für September beträgt 0,0615 $ pro Aktie und setzt sich aus 71% Nettokapitaleinkommen, 4% realisierten kurzfristigen Kapitalgewinnen und 25% Rückzahlung von Kapital zusammen. Bis zum heutigen Tag umfasst die kumulative Verteilung von 0,4920 $ pro Aktie 64% Nettokapitaleinkommen, 4% realisierte kurzfristige Kapitalgewinne und 32% Rückzahlung von Kapital.

Der Fonds hat einen kumulierten Verlust von 1,6354 $ pro Aktie in nicht realisierten und nicht ausgeschütteten Nettokapitalgewinnen und -verlusten erlitten, wobei 0,4783 $ pro Aktie die nicht realisierte Abwertung der Portfoliowertpapiere darstellt. Der durchschnittliche jährliche Gesamtrendite von FTF in den letzten 5 Jahren beträgt 2,97%, wobei die aktuelle annualisierte Ausschüttungsrate bei 10,39% liegt. Der Fonds arbeitet unter einem verwalteten Verteilungsplan, der darauf abzielt, konsistente monatliche Ausschüttungen bereitzustellen und die Differenz zwischen dem Marktpreis und dem NAV zu verringern.

  • Monthly distribution of $0.0615 per share maintained
  • Annualized distribution rate of 10.39% as of August 31, 2024
  • Cumulative total return of 5.95% for the fiscal period through August 31, 2024
  • Cumulative loss of $1.6354 per share in undistributed net realized and unrealized capital gains and losses
  • 25% of September distribution and 32% of year-to-date distribution classified as return of capital
  • Average annual total return of only 2.97% over the past 5 years


This distribution announcement from Franklin Duration Income Trust (FTF) provides key insights for investors. The fund is maintaining its monthly distribution of $0.0615 per share, with 71% coming from net investment income for September. However, 25% is classified as return of capital, which could be concerning.

The fund's 5-year average annual total return of 2.97% is relatively low, while its annualized distribution rate of 10.39% seems high in comparison. This discrepancy suggests the distribution may not be sustainable long-term without eroding the fund's asset base.

Investors should note the fund has experienced a cumulative loss in undistributed net realized and unrealized capital gains and losses of $1.6354 per share, with $0.4783 per share representing unrealized depreciation. This indicates challenges in generating capital gains to support distributions.

The managed distribution plan aims to narrow the discount between market price and NAV, but its effectiveness remains uncertain. Investors should monitor the fund's performance closely and consider the potential impact of return of capital on their investment over time.


Franklin Limited Duration Income Trust [NYSE American: FTF]:

Notification of Sources of Distributions

Pursuant to Section 19(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940

The Fund’s estimated sources of the distribution to be paid on September 30, 2024 and for the fiscal year 2024 year-to-date are as follows:

Estimated Allocations for September Monthly Distribution as of August 31, 2024:


Per Share

Net Investment


Net Realized

Short-Term Capital


Net Realized

Long-Term Capital Gains

Return of Capital


$0.0437 (71%)

$0.0025 (4%)

$0.00 (0%)

$0.0153 (25%)

Cumulative Estimated Allocations fiscal year-to-date as of August 31, 2024, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024:


Per Share

Net Investment


Net Realized

Short-Term Capital


Net Realized

Long-Term Capital


Return of Capital


$0.3155 (64%)

$0.0170 (4%)

$0.00 (0%)

$0.1595 (32%)






The Fund has experienced a cumulative loss in undistributed net realized and unrealized capital gains and losses totaling $1.6354 per share. Of that amount, $0.4783 per share represents unrealized depreciation of portfolio securities.

Shareholders should not draw any conclusions about the Fund’s investment performance from the amount of the current distribution or from the terms of the Fund’s Plan. FTF estimates that it has distributed more than its income and net realized capital gains; therefore, a portion of the FTF distribution to shareholders may be a return of capital. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the money that a shareholder invested in a Fund is paid back to them. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect FTF’s investment performance and should not be confused with ‘yield’ or ‘income’. The amounts and sources of distributions reported herein are only estimates and are not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources of the amounts for tax reporting purposes will depend upon the Fund’s investment experience during the remainder of its fiscal year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. The Fund will send a Form 1099-DIV to shareholders for the calendar year that will describe how to report the Fund’s distributions for federal income tax purposes.

Average Annual Total Return (in relation to the change in net asset value (NAV) for the 5-year period ended on 8/31/2024)1

Annualized Distribution Rate (as a percentage of NAV for the current fiscal period through 8/31/2024)2

Cumulative Total Return (in relation to the change in NAV for the fiscal period through 8/31/2024)3

Cumulative Fiscal Year-To-Date Distribution Rate (as a percentage of NAV as of 8/31/2024)4





Fund Performance and Distribution Rate Information:

  1. Average Annual Total Return in relation to NAV represents the compound average of the Annual NAV Total Returns of the Fund for the five-year period ended through August 31, 2024. Annual NAV Total Return is the percentage change in the Fund’s NAV over a year, assuming reinvestment of distributions paid.
  2. The Annualized Distribution Rate is the current fiscal period’s distribution rate annualized as a percentage of the Fund’s NAV through August 31, 2024.
  3. Cumulative Total Return is the percentage change in the Fund’s NAV from December 31, 2023 through August 31, 2024, assuming reinvestment of distributions paid.
  4. The Cumulative Fiscal Year-To-Date Distribution Rate is the dollar value of distributions for the fiscal period (December 31, 2023 through August 31, 2024), as a percentage of the Fund’s NAV as of August 31, 2024.

The Fund’s Board of Trustees (the “Board”) has authorized a managed distribution plan (the “Plan”) pursuant to which the Fund makes monthly distributions to shareholders at the fixed rate of $0.0615 per share. The Plan is intended to provide shareholders with consistent distributions each month and is intended to narrow the discount between the market price and the net asset value (“NAV”) of the Fund’s common shares, but there can be no assurance that the Plan will be successful in doing so. The Fund is managed with a goal of generating as much of the distribution as possible from net ordinary income and short-term capital gains, that is consistent with the Fund’s investment strategy and risk profile. To the extent that sufficient distributable income is not available on a monthly basis, the Fund will distribute long-term capital gains and/or return of capital in order to maintain its managed distribution rate. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the money that was invested in the Fund is paid back to shareholders. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect the Fund’s investment performance and should not be confused with “yield” or “income”. Even though the Fund may realize current year capital gains, such gains may be offset, in whole or in part, by the Fund’s capital loss carryovers from prior years.

The Board may amend the terms of the Plan or terminate the Plan at any time without prior notice to the Fund’s shareholders. The amendment or termination of the Plan could have an adverse effect on the market price of the Fund’s common shares. The Plan will be subject to the periodic review by the Board, including a yearly review of the fixed rate to determine if an adjustment should be made.

For further information on Franklin Limited Duration Income Trust, please visit our web site at:

Franklin Resources, Inc. is a global investment management organization with subsidiaries operating as Franklin Templeton and serving clients in over 150 countries. Franklin Templeton’s mission is to help clients achieve better outcomes through investment management expertise, wealth management and technology solutions. Through its specialist investment managers, the company offers specialization on a global scale, bringing extensive capabilities in fixed income, equity, alternatives and multi-asset solutions. With more than 1,500 investment professionals, and offices in major financial markets around the world, the California-based company has over 75 years of investment experience and over $1.6 trillion in assets under management as of August 31, 2024. For more information, please visit

For more information, please contact Franklin Templeton at 1-800-342-5236

Source: Franklin Templeton


What is the September 2024 distribution amount for Franklin Duration Income Trust (FTF)?

The September 2024 distribution for Franklin Duration Income Trust (FTF) is $0.0615 per share.

How much of FTF's September 2024 distribution is classified as return of capital?

25% of FTF's September 2024 distribution is classified as return of capital.

What is the cumulative fiscal year-to-date distribution for FTF as of August 31, 2024?

The cumulative fiscal year-to-date distribution for FTF as of August 31, 2024, is $0.4920 per share.

What is FTF's average annual total return for the 5-year period ended August 31, 2024?

FTF's average annual total return for the 5-year period ended August 31, 2024, is 2.97%.

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