Fuel Tech Reports 2024 Second Quarter Financial Results

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Fuel Tech (NASDAQ: FTEK) reported improved Q2 2024 financial results, with consolidated revenues rising 29% year-over-year to $7.0 million. This growth was driven by a 52% increase in FUEL CHEM® revenues and a 15% rise in APC revenues. The company's gross margin improved to 41.9% from 36.6% in Q2 2023. Despite higher SG&A expenses, the net loss narrowed to $(0.4) million, or $(0.01) per share, compared to $(1.0) million, or $(0.03) per share, in Q2 2023.

Fuel Tech maintains a strong financial position with $30.1 million in cash and investments and no long-term debt. The company is pursuing new customer demonstrations for its Dissolved Gas Infusion (DGI™) technology and expects to commence a demonstration at a U.S. fish hatchery in Q3 2024. Additionally, Fuel Tech reported $5.0 million in new APC contract bookings and anticipates closing several new APC orders during the remainder of the year.

Fuel Tech (NASDAQ: FTEK) ha riportato risultati finanziari migliorati per il secondo trimestre del 2024, con ricavi consolidati aumentati del 29% rispetto all’anno precedente, raggiungendo i 7,0 milioni di dollari. Questa crescita è stata alimentata da un aumento del 52% dei ricavi di FUEL CHEM® e un incremento del 15% dei ricavi dell'APC. Il margine lordo dell'azienda è migliorato, passando dal 36,6% del secondo trimestre 2023 al 41,9% attuale. Nonostante un aumento delle spese SG&A, la perdita netta si è ristretta a $(0,4) milioni, ovvero $(0,01) per azione, rispetto a $(1,0) milioni, o $(0,03) per azione, nel secondo trimestre 2023.

Fuel Tech mantiene una solida posizione finanziaria con 30,1 milioni di dollari in contante e investimenti e senza debito a lungo termine. L'azienda sta perseguendo nuove dimostrazioni per la sua tecnologia Dissolved Gas Infusion (DGI™) e prevede di avviare una dimostrazione in un incubatoio di pesci negli Stati Uniti nel terzo trimestre 2024. Inoltre, Fuel Tech ha riportato 5,0 milioni di dollari in nuove prenotazioni di contratti APC e prevede di chiudere diversi nuovi ordini APC nel resto dell’anno.

Fuel Tech (NASDAQ: FTEK) reportó resultados financieros mejorados para el segundo trimestre de 2024, con ingresos consolidados que aumentaron un 29% en comparación con el año anterior, alcanzando los 7.0 millones de dólares. Este crecimiento fue impulsado por un aumento del 52% en los ingresos de FUEL CHEM® y un incremento del 15% en los ingresos de APC. El margen bruto de la compañía mejoró al 41.9% desde el 36.6% en el segundo trimestre de 2023. A pesar de mayores gastos SG&A, la pérdida neta se redujo a $(0.4) millones, o $(0.01) por acción, en comparación con $(1.0) millones, o $(0.03) por acción, en el segundo trimestre de 2023.

Fuel Tech mantiene una sólida posición financiera con 30.1 millones de dólares en efectivo e inversiones, y sin deuda a largo plazo. La compañía está buscando nuevas demostraciones para su tecnología Dissolved Gas Infusion (DGI™) y espera comenzar una demostración en una incubadora de peces en EE. UU. durante el tercer trimestre de 2024. Además, Fuel Tech reportó 5.0 millones de dólares en nuevas contrataciones de contratos APC y anticipa cerrar varios nuevos pedidos de APC durante el resto del año.

퓨얼 테크(Fuel Tech, NASDAQ: FTEK)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과가 개선되었다고 보고했으며, 통합 수익은 전년 대비 29% 증가한 700만 달러에 달했습니다. 이러한 성장은 FUEL CHEM® 수익이 52% 증가하고 APC 수익이 15% 상승함에 의해 이끌어졌습니다. 회사의 총 마진은 2023년 2분기 36.6%에서 41.9%로 개선되었습니다. SG&A 비용이 증가했음에도 불구하고, 순손실은 40만 달러, 주당 0.01달러로 축소되었습니다, 2023년 2분기의 100만 달러, 주당 0.03달러와 비교하여.

퓨얼 테크는 3001만 달러의 현금 및 투자 자산을 보유하고 있으며, 장기 부채는 없습니다. 이 회사는 Dissolved Gas Infusion (DGI™) 기술에 대한 새로운 고객 시연을 추진 중이며, 2024년 3분기에 미국 어류 부화장에서 시연을 시작할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 또한, 퓨얼 테크는 500만 달러의 새로운 APC 계약을 체결했습니다와 함께 올해 남은 기간 동안 여러 개의 새로운 APC 주문을 마감할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

Fuel Tech (NASDAQ: FTEK) a annoncé des résultats financiers améliorés pour le deuxième trimestre 2024, avec des revenus consolidés en hausse de 29 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 7,0 millions de dollars. Cette croissance a été portée par une augmentation de 52 % des revenus de FUEL CHEM® et une hausse de 15 % des revenus d'APC. La marge brute de l'entreprise s'est améliorée, passant de 36,6 % au deuxième trimestre 2023 à 41,9 %. Malgré une augmentation des dépenses SG&A, la perte nette s'est réduite à $(0,4) million, soit $(0,01) par action, contre $(1,0) million, soit $(0,03) par action, au deuxième trimestre 2023.

Fuel Tech maintient une position financière solide avec 30,1 millions de dollars en liquidités et investissements, sans dettes à long terme. L'entreprise recherche des démonstrations pour sa technologie Dissolved Gas Infusion (DGI™) et prévoit de commencer une démonstration dans un élevage de poissons aux États-Unis au troisième trimestre 2024. De plus, Fuel Tech a signalé 5,0 millions de dollars de nouvelles commandes de contrats APC et anticipe de conclure plusieurs nouvelles commandes APC au cours de l'année restante.

Fuel Tech (NASDAQ: FTEK) hat verbesserte Finanzzahlen für das zweite Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht, mit konsolidierten Einnahmen, die im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 29% auf 7,0 Millionen Dollar gestiegen sind. Dieses Wachstum wurde durch einen 52%igen Anstieg der FUEL CHEM®-Einnahmen und einen 15%igen Anstieg der APC-Einnahmen unterstützt. Die Bruttomarge des Unternehmens verbesserte sich von 36,6% im zweiten Quartal 2023 auf 41,9%. Trotz höherer SG&A-Ausgaben verringerte sich der Nettoverlust auf $(0,4) Millionen, oder $(0,01) pro Aktie, verglichen mit $(1,0) Millionen, oder $(0,03) pro Aktie, im zweiten Quartal 2023.

Fuel Tech hält eine starke finanzielle Position mit 30,1 Millionen Dollar in Bar und Anlagen sowie keinerlei langfristige Schulden. Das Unternehmen strebt neue Kundendemonstrationen für seine Dissolved Gas Infusion (DGI™) Technologie an und erwartet, im dritten Quartal 2024 eine Demonstration in einem US-Fischzüchter zu beginnen. Darüber hinaus meldete Fuel Tech 5,0 Millionen Dollar an neuen APC-Verträgen und plant, im laufenden Jahr mehrere neue APC-Bestellungen abzuschließen.

  • Consolidated revenues increased 29% year-over-year to $7.0 million
  • FUEL CHEM® revenues grew 52% and APC revenues rose 15%
  • Gross margin improved to 41.9% from 36.6% in Q2 2023
  • Net loss narrowed to $(0.4) million from $(1.0) million in Q2 2023
  • Strong financial position with $30.1 million in cash and investments and no long-term debt
  • Reported $5.0 million in new APC contract bookings
  • SG&A expenses increased to $3.3 million from $2.9 million in Q2 2023
  • APC segment backlog decreased to $4.3 million from $7.5 million at December 31, 2023
  • Company still reported a net loss, albeit reduced

Fuel Tech's Q2 2024 results show notable improvement but still reflect challenges. The 29% revenue increase to $7.0 million is positive, driven by growth in both APC (15%) and FUEL CHEM (52%) segments. Gross margin improved to 41.9% from 36.6%, indicating better operational efficiency.

However, the company still reported a net loss of $(0.4) million, albeit narrower than the $(1.0) million loss in Q2 2023. The reduced APC backlog of $4.3 million (down from $7.5 million) is concerning, though partially offset by $5.0 million in new contracts. The strong balance sheet with $30.1 million in cash and investments provides stability for future growth initiatives.

The DGI technology demonstrations and potential new FUEL CHEM contracts present growth opportunities, but their impact remains uncertain. Investors should monitor the commercialization progress of these initiatives closely.

Fuel Tech's diversified portfolio in emissions control and water treatment positions it well in the growing environmental technology sector. The 52% revenue increase in FUEL CHEM suggests renewed interest in combustion optimization solutions, likely driven by increasing environmental regulations and energy efficiency demands.

The upcoming DGI demonstration for aquaculture applications is particularly intriguing. If successful, it could open a new market segment for Fuel Tech in the rapidly growing aquaculture industry, which faces significant challenges in water quality management. The potential integration into a customer's greenfield project specifications indicates promising commercial prospects.

However, the company's heavy reliance on coal-fired power plants for its FUEL CHEM business may pose long-term risks as the energy sector transitions towards cleaner alternatives. Fuel Tech's ability to adapt its technologies for renewable energy applications will be important for sustained growth.

WARRENVILLE, Ill., Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fuel Tech, Inc. (NASDAQ: FTEK), a technology company providing advanced engineering for the optimization of combustion systems, emissions control, and water treatment in utility and industrial applications, today reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024 (Q2 2024).

“As expected, our performance in the second quarter was much improved,” said Vincent J. Arnone, President and CEO. “Consolidated revenues rose by 29% compared to last year’s second quarter, driven by a 52% revenue increase in FUEL CHEM®   and a 15% rise in APC revenues. We maintained a lean expense profile, continued to invest in new technologies, and our losses narrowed significantly from the prior year period. We are also pursuing new and potentially significant customer demonstrations for our Dissolved Gas Infusion (DGI™) technology. Our financial position at June 30, 2024 was strong, with $30.1 million in cash and investments and no long-term debt.  

“Performance for our FUEL CHEM® business segment reflected several factors, including the return of two customers that had largely been dormant over the past two years that commenced utilizing our chemical technology to satisfy regional power demand and, to a lesser extent, contributions from a recently initiated demonstration of our chemical technology program at a new coal-fired unit. The annualized revenue potential at this new client, if it becomes commercial following the demonstration period, will be approximately $1.5 to $2.0 million dollars, and this revenue is expected to generate historic FUEL CHEM gross margins. The rebound in APC reflected the timing of successful project contract execution. Additionally, we were pleased to report the incremental $5.0 million of new APC contract bookings today.   Based on ongoing customer discussions, we expect to close several new APC orders during the remainder of the year.”  

Mr. Arnone concluded, “We are also very encouraged by ongoing business development initiatives related to our DGI technology. We expect to commence a demonstration at a U.S. fish hatchery to highlight the capabilities of DGI for this aquaculture application in the third quarter of 2024. Should this demonstration prove successful we would expect that DGI would be integrated into this customer’s greenfield project specifications. We are also pursuing additional product demonstrations in multiple end markets as part of our efforts to commercialize DGI as rapidly as possible.”     

Q2 2024 Consolidated Results Overview

Consolidated revenues for Q2 2024 rose 29% to $7.0 million from $5.5 million in the three months ended June 30, 2023 (Q2 2023), reflecting higher revenues for both APC and FUEL CHEM.   

Consolidated gross margin for Q2 2024 rose to 41.9% of revenues from 36.6% of revenues in Q2 2023, due to increases in operating segment gross margin for both APC and FUEL CHEM.

SG&A expenses increased to $3.3 million from $2.9 million in Q2 2023, primarily reflecting increases in employee compensation and benefit related costs and higher administrative expenses, partially offset by lower real estate taxes. As a percentage of revenues, SG&A expenses declined to 46.1% in Q2 2024 from 53.4% in Q2 2023.

Interest income was flat at $0.3 million. Interest income primarily related to interest received on the held-to-maturity debt securities and money market funds.

Net loss in Q2 2024 was $(0.4) million, or $(0.01) per share, compared to net loss of $(1.0) million, or $(0.03) per share, in Q2 2023.

Consolidated APC segment backlog at June 30, 2024 was $4.3 million compared to $7.5 million at December 31, 2023. Consolidated backlog at June 30, 2024 did not include the aforementioned $5.0 million of new APC contracts.

APC segment revenue improved to $3.9 million from $3.4 million in Q2 2023, primarily related to successful contract execution. APC gross margin rose to 39.1% from 31.4%, primarily due to the mix of APC projects and services executed during the quarter.

FUEL CHEM segment revenue rose to $3.1 million from $2.0 million in Q2 2023, due to the return of dormant customers and product demonstration revenues. Gross margin was 45.5% compared to 45.2%.

Adjusted EBITDA loss was $(0.5) million in Q2 2024 compared to Adjusted EBITDA loss of $(1.2) million in Q2 2023.

Financial Condition

At June 30, 2024, cash and cash equivalents were $10.4 million, short-term investments were $9.7 million, and long-term investments totaled $10.4 million. Stockholders’ equity at June 30, 2024 was $43.6 million, or $1.43 per share, and the Company had no debt.

Conference Call

Management will host a conference call on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 10:00 am ET / 9:00 am CT to discuss the results and business activities. Interested parties may participate in the call by dialing:

  • (877) 423-9820 (Domestic) or
  • (201) 493-6749 (International)

The conference call will also be accessible via the Upcoming Events section of the Company’s web site at Following management’s opening remarks, there will be a question-and-answer session. Questions may be asked during the live call, or alternatively, you may e-mail questions in advance to For those who cannot listen to the live broadcast, an online replay will be available at

About Fuel Tech

Fuel Tech develops and commercializes state-of-the-art proprietary technologies for air pollution control, process optimization, water treatment, and advanced engineering services. These technologies enable customers to operate in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. Fuel Tech is a leader in nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction and particulate control technologies and its solutions have been installed on over 1,300 utility, industrial and municipal units worldwide. The Company’s FUEL CHEM® technology improves the efficiency, reliability, fuel flexibility, boiler heat rate, and environmental status of combustion units by controlling slagging, fouling, corrosion and opacity. Water treatment technologies include DGI® Dissolved Gas Infusion Systems which utilize a patented channel injector to deliver supersaturated oxygen solutions and other gas-water combinations to target process applications or environmental issues. This infusion process has a variety of applications in the water and wastewater industries, including remediation, aeration, biological treatment and wastewater odor management. Many of Fuel Tech’s products and services rely heavily on the Company’s exceptional Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling capabilities, which are enhanced by internally developed, high-end visualization software. For more information, visit Fuel Tech’s web site at


This press release contains “forward-looking statements” as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and reflect Fuel Tech’s current expectations regarding future growth, results of operations, cash flows, performance and business prospects, and opportunities, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, our management. Fuel Tech has tried to identify forward-looking statements by using words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “plan,” “expect,” “estimate,” “intend,” “will,” and similar expressions, but these words are not the exclusive means of identifying forward-looking statements. These statements are based on information currently available to Fuel Tech and are subject to various risks, uncertainties, and other factors, including, but not limited to, those discussed in Fuel Tech’s Annual Report on Form 10-K in Item 1A under the caption “Risk Factors,” and subsequent filings under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which could cause Fuel Tech’s actual growth, results of operations, financial condition, cash flows, performance and business prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these statements. Fuel Tech undertakes no obligation to update such factors or to publicly announce the results of any of the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect future events, developments, or changed circumstances or for any other reason. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including those detailed in Fuel Tech’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(in thousands, except share and per share data)
  June 30,  December 31, 
  2024  2023 
Current assets:        
Cash and cash equivalents $10,404  $17,578 
Short-term investments  9,669   12,136 
Accounts receivable, less current expected credit loss of $106 and $111, respectively  8,651   6,729 
Inventories, net  462   439 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets  1,117   1,439 
Total current assets  30,303   38,321 
Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $18,823 and $18,703, respectively  4,571   4,539 
Goodwill  2,116   2,116 
Other intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization of $499 and $468, respectively  337   358 
Right-of-use operating lease assets, net  551   609 
Long-term investments  10,360   3,664 
Other assets  756   781 
Total assets $48,994  $50,388 
Current liabilities:        
Accounts payable $2,938  $2,421 
Accrued liabilities:        
Operating lease liabilities - current  94   81 
Employee compensation  731   1,252 
Other accrued liabilities  719   1,934 
Total current liabilities  4,482   5,688 
Operating lease liabilities - non-current  495   533 
Deferred income taxes, net  172   172 
Other liabilities  276   281 
Total liabilities  5,425   6,674 
Stockholders’ equity:        
Common stock, $.01 par value, 40,000,000 shares authorized, 31,767,329 and 31,361,303 shares issued, and 30,708,273 and 30,385,297 shares outstanding, respectively  317   313 
Additional paid-in capital  165,077   164,853 
Accumulated deficit  (117,669)  (117,529)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss  (1,886)  (1,748)
Nil coupon perpetual loan notes  76   76 
Treasury stock, at cost  (2,346)  (2,251)
Total stockholders’ equity  43,569   43,714 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $48,994  $50,388 

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands, except share and per-share data)
  Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended 
  June 30,  June 30, 
  2024  2023  2024  2023 
Revenues $7,042  $5,461  $11,999  $12,748 
Costs and expenses:                
Cost of sales  4,090   3,465   7,018   7,947 
Selling, general and administrative  3,245   2,915   6,590   6,160 
Research and development  422   413   798   631 
   7,757   6,793   14,406   14,738 
Operating loss  (715)  (1,332)  (2,407)  (1,990)
Interest expense     (5)     (10)
Interest income  334   307   645   646 
Other (expense) income, net  (34)  (14)  1,639   (104)
Loss before income taxes  (415)  (1,044)  (123)  (1,458)
Income tax expense  (6)     (17)   
Net loss $(421) $(1,044) $(140) $(1,458)
Net loss per common share:                
Basic net loss per common share $(0.01) $(0.03) $(0.00) $(0.05)
Diluted net loss per common share $(0.01) $(0.03) $(0.00) $(0.05)
Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding:                
Basic  30,482,000   30,324,000   30,434,000   30,310,000 
Diluted  30,482,000   30,324,000   30,434,000   30,310,000 

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands)
  Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended 
  June 30,  June 30, 
  2024  2023  2024  2023 
Net loss $(421) $(1,044) $(140) $(1,458)
Other comprehensive (loss) income:                
Foreign currency translation adjustments  5   (48)  (138)  38 
Comprehensive loss $(416) $(1,092) $(278) $(1,420)

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands)
  Six Months Ended 
  June 30, 
  2024  2023 
Operating Activities        
Net loss $(140) $(1,458)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash (used in) provided by operating activities:        
Depreciation  161   154 
Amortization  31   30 
Non-cash interest income on held-to-maturity securities  (72)  (203)
Stock-based compensation, net of forfeitures  228   187 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:        
Accounts receivable  (334)  966 
Employee retention credit receivable  (1,677)   
Inventory  (24)  (135)
Prepaid expenses, other current assets and other non-current assets  367   114 
Accounts payable  524   383 
Accrued liabilities and other non-current liabilities  (1,728)  (21)
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities  (2,664)  17 
Investing Activities        
Purchases of equipment and patents  (204)  (103)
Purchases of debt securities  (11,107)  (9,685)
Maturities of debt securities  7,000   1,500 
Net cash used in investing activities  (4,311)  (8,288)
Financing Activities        
Taxes paid on behalf of award participants  (95)   
Proceeds from exercise of stock options     42 
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities  (95)  42 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash  (104)  35 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents  (7,174)  (8,194)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period  17,578   23,328 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $10,404  $15,134 

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

Segment Data- Reporting Segments
(in thousands)
Information about reporting segment net sales and gross margin from operations is provided below: 
  Air Pollution  FUEL CHEM         
Three months ended June 30, 2024 Control Segment  Segment  Other  Total 
Revenues from external customers $3,949  $3,093  $  $7,042 
Cost of sales  (2,405)  (1,685)     (4,090)
Gross margin  1,544   1,408      2,952 
Selling, general and administrative        (3,245)  (3,245)
Research and development        (422)  (422)
Operating income (loss) from operations $1,544  $1,408  $(3,667) $(715)

  Air Pollution  FUEL CHEM         
Three months ended June 30, 2023 Control Segment  Segment  Other  Total 
Revenues from external customers $3,422  $2,039  $  $5,461 
Cost of sales  (2,347)  (1,118)     (3,465)
Gross margin  1,075   921      1,996 
Selling, general and administrative        (2,915)  (2,915)
Research and development        (413)  (413)
Operating income (loss) from operations $1,075  $921  $(3,328) $(1,332)

  Air Pollution  FUEL CHEM         
Six months ended June 30, 2024 Control Segment  Segment  Other  Total 
Revenues from external customers $6,267  $5,732  $  $11,999 
Cost of sales  (3,833)  (3,185)     (7,018)
Gross margin  2,434   2,547      4,981 
Selling, general and administrative        (6,590)  (6,590)
Research and development        (798)  (798)
Operating income (loss) from operations $2,434  $2,547  $(7,388) $(2,407)

  Air Pollution  FUEL CHEM         
Six months ended June 30, 2023 Control Segment  Segment  Other  Total 
Revenues from external customers $6,981  $5,767  $  $12,748 
Cost of sales  (4,941)  (3,006)     (7,947)
Gross margin  2,040   2,761      4,801 
Selling, general and administrative        (6,160)  (6,160)
Research and development $  $  $(631) $(631)
Operating income (loss) from operations $2,040  $2,761  $(6,791) $(1,990)

Geographic Segment Financial Data
(in thousands of dollars)
Information concerning our operations by geographic area is provided below. Revenues are attributed to countries based on the location of the end-user. Assets are those directly associated with operations of the geographic area. 
  Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended 
  June 30,  June 30, 
  2024  2023  2024  2023 
United States $4,471  $4,316  $8,066  $10,297 
Foreign  2,571   1,145   3,933   2,451 
  $7,042  $5,461  $11,999  $12,748 

  June 30,  December 31, 
  2024  2023 
United States $45,525  $46,487 
Foreign  3,469   3,901 
  $48,994  $50,388 

(in thousands)
  Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended 
  June 30,  June 30, 
  2024  2023  2024  2023 
Net Loss $(421) $(1,044) $(140) $(1,458)
Interest income  (334)  (302)  (645)  (636 
Income tax expense  6   -   17   - 
Depreciation expense  81   75   161   154 
Amortization expense  15   19   31   30 
EBITDA  (653)  (1,252)  (576)  (1,910)
Stock compensation expense  124   98   228   187 
Gain on employee retention credit  -   -   (1677)  - 
Adjusted EBITDA $(529) $(1,154) $(2,025) $(1,723)

Adjusted EBITDA

To supplement the Company's consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (GAAP), the Company has provided an Adjusted EBITDA disclosure as a measure of financial performance. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income (loss) before interest expense, income tax expense (benefit), depreciation expense, amortization expense, stock compensation expense and gain on employee retention credit. The Company's reference to these non-GAAP measures should be considered in addition to results prepared in accordance with GAAP standards, but are not a substitute for, or superior to, GAAP results.

Adjusted EBITDA is provided to enhance investors' overall understanding of the Company's current financial performance and ability to generate cash flow, which we believe is a meaningful measure for our investor and analyst communities. In many cases non-GAAP financial measures are utilized by these individuals to evaluate Company performance and ultimately determine a reasonable valuation for our common stock. A reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to the nearest GAAP measure of net income (loss) has been included in the above financial table.


Vince Arnone
President and CEO
(630) 845-4500

Devin Sullivan
Managing Director
The Equity Group Inc. 


What were Fuel Tech's (FTEK) Q2 2024 revenue and earnings results?

Fuel Tech reported Q2 2024 consolidated revenues of $7.0 million, a 29% increase year-over-year. The company reported a net loss of $(0.4) million, or $(0.01) per share, compared to a net loss of $(1.0) million, or $(0.03) per share, in Q2 2023.

How did Fuel Tech's (FTEK) FUEL CHEM® and APC segments perform in Q2 2024?

FUEL CHEM® revenues increased by 52% year-over-year, while APC revenues rose by 15%. The FUEL CHEM segment reported a gross margin of 45.5%, and the APC segment's gross margin improved to 39.1% from 31.4% in Q2 2023.

What is Fuel Tech's (FTEK) financial position as of June 30, 2024?

As of June 30, 2024, Fuel Tech had $30.1 million in cash and investments, with no long-term debt. The company's stockholders' equity was $43.6 million, or $1.43 per share.

What new business developments did Fuel Tech (FTEK) report for Q2 2024?

Fuel Tech reported $5.0 million in new APC contract bookings and expects to close several new APC orders during the remainder of the year. The company also plans to commence a demonstration of its DGI technology at a U.S. fish hatchery in Q3 2024.

Fuel Tech, Inc.


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Pollution & Treatment Controls
Industrial & Commercial Fans & Blowers & Air Purifing Equip
United States of America