Fastly Research: Bad Bots Cost Organizations Millions

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Fastly (NYSE: FSLY) has unveiled its latest survey, “Bot Wars: How Bad Bots are Hurting Businesses,” highlighting the surge and financial impact of malicious bots on organizations. The survey shows that 59% of IT professionals reported an increase in bot attacks over the past year, with significant incidents costing companies an average of $2.9 million. A substantial 76% of respondents faced at least one bot attack, with 43% experiencing multiple attacks. Common threats included malware distribution (49%), web scrapers and click fraud bots (both at 44%), and DDoS and spam bots (both at 41%).

Additionally, 73% of technical staff noted a rise in attacks, compared to only 53% of senior management. Concerns centered on data breaches (48%), financial loss (41%), and business disruption (39%). Furthermore, 47% of respondents felt their organizations could do more to prepare for bot attacks. AI is also perceived as a risk, with 45% believing it will increase attack frequency, and 27% stating it will intensify attack severity.

Fastly (NYSE: FSLY) ha presentato il suo ultimo sondaggio, “Bot Wars: Come i Bot Maligni Stanno Danneggiando le Aziende”, evidenziando l'aumento e l'impatto finanziario dei bot malevoli sulle organizzazioni. Il sondaggio mostra che il 59% dei professionisti IT ha segnalato un aumento degli attacchi dei bot nell'ultimo anno, con incidenti significativi che costano alle aziende una media di 2,9 milioni di dollari. Una percentuale sostanziale del 76% dei rispondenti ha affrontato almeno un attacco di bot, con il 43% che ha subito attacchi multipli. Le minacce comuni includevano la distribuzione di malware (49%), scraper web e bot per frodi clic (entrambi al 44%) e bot DDoS e spam (entrambi al 41%).

Inoltre, il 73% del personale tecnico ha notato un aumento degli attacchi, rispetto al solo 53% della dirigenza senior. Le preoccupazioni erano concentrate su violazioni dei dati (48%), perdite finanziarie (41%) e interruzioni dell'attività (39%). Inoltre, il 47% dei rispondenti ha ritenuto che le proprie organizzazioni potessero fare di più per prepararsi agli attacchi dei bot. L'IA è percepita anche come un rischio, con il 45% che crede che aumenterà la frequenza degli attacchi e il 27% che afferma che ne intensificherà la gravità.

Fastly (NYSE: FSLY) ha presentado su última encuesta, “Guerras de Bots: Cómo los Bots Maliciosos Están Dañando a las Empresas,” destacando el aumento y el impacto financiero de los bots maliciosos en las organizaciones. La encuesta revela que el 59% de los profesionales de IT informaron un incremento en los ataques de bots durante el último año, con incidentes significativos que costaron a las empresas un promedio de 2.9 millones de dólares. Un 76% sustancial de los encuestados enfrentó al menos un ataque de bots, con el 43% experimentando múltiples ataques. Las amenazas comunes incluían la distribución de malware (49%), scrapers web y bots de fraude por clic (ambos al 44%), y bots DDoS y de spam (ambos al 41%).

Adicionalmente, el 73% del personal técnico notó un aumento en los ataques, en comparación con solo el 53% de la alta dirección. Las preocupaciones se centraban en violaciones de datos (48%), pérdidas financieras (41%) y interrupciones comerciales (39%). Además, el 47% de los encuestados sintió que sus organizaciones podrían hacer más para prepararse contra los ataques de bots. La IA también se percibe como un riesgo, con el 45% creyendo que aumentará la frecuencia de los ataques, y el 27% afirmando que intensificará la gravedad de los ataques.

Fastly (NYSE: FSLY)는 최신 설문조사인 “봇 전쟁: 악성 봇이 기업에 미치는 피해”를 발표하며 조직에 대한 악성 봇의 증가 및 재정적 영향을 강조했습니다. 설문조사에 따르면 IT 전문가의 59%가 지난 1년 동안 봇 공격이 증가했다고 보고했으며, 주요 사건은 기업에 평균 290만 달러의 비용을 초래했습니다. 응답자의 76%가 최소한 하나의 봇 공격을 경험했으며, 43%는 여러 번 공격을 당했습니다. 일반적인 위협으로는 악성 코드 배포(49%), 웹 스크래퍼 및 클릭 사기 봇(각각 44%), DDoS 및 스팸 봇(각각 41%)이 포함되었습니다.

추가로, 73%의 기술 직원이 공격 증가를 noted했으며, 고위 경영진은 53%만이 이에 해당했습니다. 우려 사항으로는 데이터 유출(48%), 재정 손실(41%), 비즈니스 중단(39%)이 있었습니다. 또한, 응답자의 47%는 조직이 봇 공격에 대비하기 위해 더 많은 노력을 기울일 수 있다고 느꼈습니다. AI는 또한 위험으로 인식되며, 45%는 AI로 인해 공격 빈도가 증가할 것이라고 믿고, 27%는 공격의 심각성이 증가할 것이라고 응답했습니다.

Fastly (NYSE: FSLY) a dévoilé son dernier sondage, “Guerres de Bots : Comment les Bots Malveillants Nuient aux Entreprises,” mettant en lumière la montée et l'impact financier des bots malveillants sur les organisations. L'enquête montre que 59% des professionnels de l'IT ont signalé une augmentation des attaques de bots au cours de l'année dernière, avec des incidents significatifs coûtant en moyenne 2,9 millions de dollars aux entreprises. Une proportion substantielle de 76% des répondants a été confrontée à au moins une attaque de bots, 43% ayant subi plusieurs attaques. Les menaces courantes comprenaient la distribution de malware (49%), les web scrapers et les bots de fraude par clic (tous deux à 44%) ainsi que les bots DDoS et de spam (tous deux à 41%).

De plus, 73% du personnel technique a noté une augmentation des attaques, par rapport à seulement 53% de la direction senior. Les préoccupations se concentraient sur les violations de données (48%), les pertes financières (41%) et les interruptions d'activité (39%). En outre, 47% des répondants ont estimé que leurs organisations pourraient faire davantage pour se préparer aux attaques de bots. L'IA est également perçue comme un risque, 45% estimant qu'elle augmentera la fréquence des attaques, et 27% affirmant qu'elle intensifiera la gravité des attaques.

Fastly (NYSE: FSLY) hat seine neueste Umfrage mit dem Titel “Bot Kriege: Wie Böse Bots Unternehmen Schädigen” veröffentlicht, die den Anstieg und die finanziellen Auswirkungen bösartiger Bots auf Organisationen hervorhebt. Die Umfrage zeigt, dass 59% der IT-Profis im vergangenen Jahr einen Anstieg der Bot-Angriffe berichteten, wobei erhebliche Vorfälle Unternehmen im Durchschnitt 2,9 Millionen US-Dollar kosteten. Eine beträchtliche Mehrheit von 76% der Befragten sah sich mindestens einem Bot-Angriff gegenüber, wobei 43% mehrere Angriffe erlebten. Zu den häufigsten Bedrohungen gehörten die Verbreitung von Malware (49%), Web-Scraper und Klickbetrugs-Bots (beide bei 44%) sowie DDoS- und Spam-Bots (beide bei 41%).

Darüber hinaus bemerkten 73% des technischen Personals einen Anstieg der Angriffe, verglichen mit nur 53% des oberen Managements. Die Anliegen konzentrierten sich auf Datenverletzungen (48%), finanzielle Verluste (41%) und Geschäftsunterbrechungen (39%). Darüber hinaus fühlten 47% der Befragten, dass ihre Organisationen mehr tun könnten, um sich auf Bot-Angriffe vorzubereiten. KI wird ebenfalls als Risiko wahrgenommen, wobei 45% glauben, dass sie die Angriffsfrequenz erhöhen wird, und 27% angeben, dass sie die Schwere der Angriffe verstärken wird.

  • None.
  • Bot attacks have increased, costing companies an average of $2.9 million per significant incident.
  • 76% of respondents faced at least one bot attack in the past year.
  • Malware distribution bots affected 49% of organizations.
  • 43% of organizations experienced multiple bot attacks.
  • Only 53% of senior management acknowledged the rise in bot attacks, indicating a potential disconnect within organizations.
  • 47% of respondents believe their organization could do more to prepare for bot attacks.
  • AI is expected to increase the number of bot attacks (45%) and amplify their severity (27%).


The surge in bot attacks, costing companies an average of $2.9 million per significant incident, underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures. With 76% of organizations facing at least one bot attack in the past year, it's clear that this threat is pervasive across industries. The prevalence of malware distribution bots (49%) is particularly concerning, as these can lead to widespread system compromises and data breaches.

The disconnect between technical staff and senior management regarding the rise in bot attacks (73% vs 53%) highlights a important communication gap that could hinder effective defense strategies. Organizations must prioritize educating leadership about these evolving threats to ensure adequate resources are allocated for protection. The potential use of AI to amplify bot attacks adds another layer of complexity, necessitating more sophisticated and adaptive security solutions.

The financial implications of bot attacks are staggering, with significant incidents costing an average of $2.9 million. This represents a substantial risk to companies' bottom lines and shareholder value. The fact that 41% of respondents are most concerned about financial loss from these attacks indicates a growing awareness of the economic threat.

For investors, this trend could signal increased cybersecurity spending across various sectors, potentially boosting the cybersecurity industry. However, it also implies higher operational costs and risks for companies in vulnerable industries like e-commerce, financial services and telecommunications. The 47% of respondents believing their organization could do more to prepare for bot attacks suggests a likely increase in cybersecurity investments, which could impact short-term profitability but enhance long-term resilience and customer trust.

The rise of bot attacks represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the tech industry. With 91% of respondents believing automated bot attacks are now the norm for e-commerce organizations, we're seeing a shift in how businesses approach online security. This trend is likely to drive innovation in bot detection and prevention technologies, creating new market opportunities for cybersecurity firms and cloud service providers like Fastly.

The variety of bot attacks reported, including web scrapers, click fraud and DDoS attacks, indicates a need for comprehensive, multi-layered security solutions. The potential use of AI in bot attacks adds urgency to developing advanced, AI-powered defense mechanisms. Companies that can offer effective, scalable solutions to combat these evolving threats are likely to see significant growth in the coming years, as businesses across sectors scramble to protect their digital assets and maintain customer trust.

New survey data reveals the rise and financial impact of malicious bots on businesses

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Fastly, Inc. (NYSE: FSLY), a leader in global edge cloud platforms, today released the results of its new survey, “Bot Wars: How Bad Bots are Hurting Businesses,” which revealed 59% of IT professionals reported an increase in bot attacks over the past year, with significant incidents costing companies an average of $2.9 million.

“Bots are a double-edged sword: they can streamline tasks, but in the wrong hands they become powerful tools for cybercrime, costing businesses millions and eroding customer trust,” said Fastly Security Product Manager Daniel Corbett. “Our new research reveals the impact and scale of these attacks, and underscores the urgent need for robust bot defenses at organizations.”

More than three-fourths (76%) of respondents from organizations across a wide range of industries, including financial services, retail, IT and telecommunications, faced at least one bot attack in the past year, with 43% experiencing multiple bot attacks. Respondents endured an array of bot attacks including malware distribution, click fraud and DDoS attacks. In fact, 91% of respondents believe automated bot attacks are now the “norm for ecommerce organizations.”

Among the survey’s key findings:

  • Malware distribution bots were the most common reported threat, affecting 49% of organizations, followed by web scrapers and click fraud bots (tied at 44%), DDoS bots, and spam bots (tied at 41%)
  • While 73% of technical staff that deal with security incidents on a daily basis have seen a rise in bot attacks in past year, only 53% of senior management believe that bot attacks are on the rise at their organizations
  • Respondents organizations were most concerned about data breaches (48%), financial loss (41%) and business/service disruption (39%) resulting from bot attacks
  • 47% of respondents believe their organization could do more to prepare for a bot attack

In addition to these findings, the survey examined the potential use of AI by adversaries to accelerate bot attacks: 45% of survey respondents believed AI would significantly increase the number of bot attacks, while 27% think it will amplify the severity of bot attacks.

To learn more about how malicious bots are impacting organizations and the steps they can take to help defend against bot attacks, visit

About Bot Wars: How Bad Bots are Hurting Businesses

The research was conducted online by independent market research agency Vanson Bourne on behalf of Fastly which surveyed 500 IT and security decision makers in the United States and United Kingdom from organizations with at least 250 employees. The survey was conducted between April 10 - April 18, 2024.

About Fastly, Inc.

Fastly’s powerful and programmable edge cloud platform helps the world’s top brands deliver online experiences that are fast, safe, and engaging through edge compute, delivery, security, and observability offerings that improve site performance, enhance security, and empower innovation at global scale. Compared to other providers, Fastly’s powerful, high-performance, and modern platform architecture empowers developers to deliver secure websites and apps with rapid time-to-market and demonstrated, industry-leading cost savings. Organizations around the world trust Fastly to help them upgrade the internet experience, including Reddit, Neiman Marcus, Universal Music Group, and SeatGeek. Learn more about Fastly at, and follow us @fastly.

Source: Fastly, Inc.

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Spring Harris

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Vernon Essi, Jr.

Source: Fastly, Inc.


What did Fastly's survey reveal about the financial impact of bot attacks?

Fastly's survey revealed that bot attacks have significant financial impacts, costing companies an average of $2.9 million per incident.

How many organizations faced bot attacks according to Fastly's survey?

According to Fastly's survey, 76% of organizations faced at least one bot attack in the past year.

What types of bot attacks were most common in the Fastly survey?

The most common bot attacks reported were malware distribution (49%), web scrapers and click fraud bots (both at 44%), and DDoS and spam bots (both at 41%).

What percentage of IT professionals reported an increase in bot attacks?

59% of IT professionals reported an increase in bot attacks over the past year.

How do organizations view the role of AI in bot attacks?

45% of survey respondents believe AI will significantly increase the number of bot attacks, and 27% think it will amplify the severity of these attacks.



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