First Pacific Bank Honored With 2024 Great Company Culture Award for Fostering Outstanding Workplace Culture and Engagement

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First Pacific Bank, a subsidiary of First Pacific Bancorp (OTC Pink: FPBC), has been awarded the 2024 Great Company Culture Award by CultureID. This recognition is based on employee feedback from the 2024 Employee Engagement Survey, placing First Pacific Bank in the top third of participating organizations.

The award highlights the bank's commitment to fostering a positive, inclusive, and dynamic workplace. Employees reported strong relationships, high accountability, clear alignment, consistent communication, and full capability to perform at their best. Nathan Rogge, President and CEO, emphasized that this recognition reflects the team's dedication to building a supportive and inspiring workplace aligned with the bank's core values.

First Pacific Bank, una filiale di First Pacific Bancorp (OTC Pink: FPBC), ha ricevuto il 2024 Great Company Culture Award da CultureID. Questo riconoscimento si basa sul feedback dei dipendenti proveniente dal 2024 Employee Engagement Survey, collocando First Pacific Bank nel terzo superiore delle organizzazioni partecipanti.

Il premio evidenzia l'impegno della banca nel promuovere un ambiente di lavoro positivo, inclusivo e dinamico. I dipendenti hanno riportato forti relazioni, elevata responsabilità, chiara allineamento, comunicazione costante e piena capacità di esprimere il loro massimo potenziale. Nathan Rogge, Presidente e CEO, ha sottolineato che questo riconoscimento riflette la dedizione del team nel costruire un ambiente di lavoro supportivo e ispiratore, allineato con i valori fondamentali della banca.

First Pacific Bank, una subsidiaria de First Pacific Bancorp (OTC Pink: FPBC), ha sido galardonada con el 2024 Great Company Culture Award por CultureID. Este reconocimiento se basa en los comentarios de los empleados del 2024 Employee Engagement Survey, colocando a First Pacific Bank en el tercio superior de las organizaciones participantes.

El premio destaca el compromiso del banco con la creación de un ambiente de trabajo positivo, inclusivo y dinámico. Los empleados informaron sobre relaciones sólidas, alta responsabilidad, alineación clara, comunicación constante y plena capacidad para rendir al máximo. Nathan Rogge, Presidente y CEO, enfatizó que este reconocimiento refleja la dedicación del equipo para construir un lugar de trabajo solidario e inspirador que esté alineado con los valores fundamentales del banco.

퍼시픽은행(First Pacific Bank)은 퍼시픽뱅콥(First Pacific Bancorp)(OTC Pink: FPBC)의 자회사로, CultureID로부터 2024 올해의 기업 문화상을 수상했습니다. 이 인식은 2024 직원 참여 설문조사의 직원 피드백을 기반으로 하여 퍼시픽은행이 참여 조직의 상위 3분의 1에 위치하고 있음을 보여줍니다.

이 상은 은행이 긍정적이고 포괄적이며 역동적인 직장을 조성하기 위한 노력을 강조합니다. 직원들은 강한 관계, 높은 책임감, 명확한 정렬, 일관된 커뮤니케이션 및 최선을 다할 수 있는 완전한 능력을 보고했습니다. 네이선 로그(Nathan Rogge) 회장 겸 CEO는 이 인식이 은행의 핵심 가치와 일치하는 지원적이고 영감을 주는 직장을 만드는 팀의 헌신을 반영한다고 강조했습니다.

First Pacific Bank, une filiale de First Pacific Bancorp (OTC Pink: FPBC), a été récompensée par le 2024 Great Company Culture Award par CultureID. Cette reconnaissance est basée sur les retours des employés issus de l'enquête d'engagement des employés 2024, plaçant First Pacific Bank dans le tiers supérieur des organisations participantes.

Ce prix met en avant l'engagement de la banque à promouvoir un environnement de travail positif, inclusif et dynamique. Les employés ont signalé des relations solides, une grande responsabilisation, un alignement clair, une communication cohérente et une pleine capacité d'exceller. Nathan Rogge, président-directeur général, a souligné que cette reconnaissance reflète le dévouement de l'équipe à construire un environnement de travail soutenant et inspirant, aligné avec les valeurs fondamentales de la banque.

Die First Pacific Bank, eine Tochtergesellschaft von First Pacific Bancorp (OTC Pink: FPBC), wurde von CultureID mit dem 2024 Great Company Culture Award ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnung basiert auf dem Feedback der Mitarbeiter aus der 2024 Employee Engagement Survey, das die First Pacific Bank im oberen Drittel der teilnehmenden Organisationen platziert.

Der Preis hebt das Engagement der Bank hervor, ein positives, integratives und dynamisches Arbeitsumfeld zu fördern. Die Mitarbeiter berichteten von starken Beziehungen, hoher Verantwortung, klarer Ausrichtung, konsistenter Kommunikation und der vollen Fähigkeit, ihr Bestes zu geben. Nathan Rogge, Präsident und CEO, betonte, dass diese Auszeichnung das Engagement des Teams widerspiegelt, einen unterstützenden und inspirierenden Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, der mit den Grundwerten der Bank übereinstimmt.

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WHITTIER, Calif., Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Pacific Bank, the wholly owned subsidiary of First Pacific Bancorp (OTC Pink: FPBC), is proud to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Great Company Culture Award. This honor, presented by CultureID, highlights the Bank's unwavering commitment to fostering a positive, inclusive, and dynamic workplace environment.

This recognition is a direct result of employee feedback received from the 2024 Employee Engagement Survey and is awarded to companies that achieve strong participation and a high overall engagement score, placing First Pacific Bank in the top third of participating organizations. As a result of intentional leadership across the organization, employees have indicated that they have strong relationships, high accountability, clear alignment, consistent communication, and full capability to work and perform at their best, resulting in a healthy culture.

"We are honored to receive the Great Company Culture Award highlighting our ongoing efforts to build a workplace that not only meets the needs of its employees but also aligns with First Pacific Bank's core values," said Nathan Rogge, President and Chief Executive Officer of First Pacific Bank. "This recognition reflects the dedication and hard work of our entire team in building a workplace where employees feel supported and inspired. We believe that a strong company culture is the foundation of our success, and this award motivates us to continue investing in our people and our values."

To learn more about First Pacific Bank's award-winning culture visit


First Pacific Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of First Pacific Bancorp (OTC Pink: FPBC) and is a growing community bank catering to individuals, professionals, and small-to-medium sized businesses throughout Southern California. With a history that spans 17 years, the Bank offers a personalized approach, access to decision makers, a broad range of solutions, and a commitment to delivering an exceptional customer experience. First Pacific Bank operates locations in Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Diego County, and the Inland Empire. For more information, visit or call 888.BNK.AT.FPB.

Investor Relations ContactMedia Relations Contact
Jim BurgessAmanda Conover


What award did First Pacific Bank receive in 2024?

First Pacific Bank received the 2024 Great Company Culture Award from CultureID, recognizing its outstanding workplace culture and employee engagement.

How was First Pacific Bank selected for the 2024 Great Company Culture Award?

The selection was based on employee feedback from the 2024 Employee Engagement Survey, with First Pacific Bank achieving strong participation and a high overall engagement score.

What aspects of First Pacific Bank's culture were highlighted by the award?

The award highlighted strong employee relationships, high accountability, clear alignment, consistent communication, and employees' capability to work and perform at their best.

Who is the President and CEO of First Pacific Bank (FPBC)?

Nathan Rogge is the President and Chief Executive Officer of First Pacific Bank.

What is the stock symbol for First Pacific Bancorp?

First Pacific Bancorp trades under the stock symbol FPBC on the OTC Pink market.



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