FOX News Channel to Debut New Immersive Graphics Technology in Enhanced State-of-the-Art Studio During 2024 Election Coverage
FOX News Channel (FNC) announces the debut of new immersive graphics technology for its FOX News: Democracy 2024 coverage. The enhanced Studio M features augmented reality technology for the 'Bill'-board, virtual set technology, and new touchscreen applications for FOX News Voter Analysis. Key innovations include 3D interaction capabilities, voice-to-text triggers for AR graphics, and sophisticated presentation tools like the 'Path to 270' map and 'Top 5 Closest Races' tracker. The studio improvements include a bespoke 'super desk,' a two-story accent wall, and a 20-foot ultra-HD media wall. FNC remains the most-watched television news channel, attracting nearly 50% of cable news viewers.
FOX News Channel (FNC) annuncia il debutto di una nuova tecnologia grafica immersiva per la sua copertura di FOX News: Democracy 2024. Lo Studio M potenziato presenta tecnologia di realtà aumentata per il 'Bill'-board, tecnologia di set virtuale e nuove applicazioni touchscreen per l'Analisi degli Elettori di FOX News. Le innovazioni principali includono capacità di interazione 3D, attivazioni voice-to-text per le grafiche AR e strumenti di presentazione sofisticati come la mappa 'Path to 270' e il tracker 'Top 5 Closest Races'. I miglioramenti dello studio includono un 'super desk' su misura, un muro di accento di due piani e un muro media ultra-HD di 20 piedi. FNC rimane il canale di notizie televisive più visto, attirando quasi il 50% dei telespettatori delle notizie via cavo.
FOX News Channel (FNC) anuncia el debut de una nueva tecnología gráfica inmersiva para su cobertura de FOX News: Democracy 2024. El estudio M mejorado cuenta con tecnología de realidad aumentada para el 'Bill'-board, tecnología de set virtual y nuevas aplicaciones táctiles para el Análisis de Electores de FOX News. Las innovaciones clave incluyen capacidades de interacción 3D, activadores de voz a texto para gráficos AR y herramientas de presentación sofisticadas como el mapa 'Path to 270' y el rastreador 'Top 5 Closest Races'. Las mejoras en el estudio incluyen un 'super desk' hecho a medida, una pared de acento de dos pisos y una pared de medios ultra-HD de 20 pies. FNC sigue siendo el canal de noticias de televisión más visto, atrayendo casi el 50% de los espectadores de noticias por cable.
FOX 뉴스 채널 (FNC)은 FOX 뉴스: 민주주의 2024 보도를 위한 새로운 몰입형 그래픽 기술의 데뷔를 발표했습니다. 개선된 스튜디오 M은 'Bill'-board, 가상 세트 기술을 위한 증강 현실 기술과 FOX 뉴스 유권자 분석을 위한 새로운 터치스크린 애플리케이션을 갖추고 있습니다. 주요 혁신 요소에는 3D 상호 작용 기능, AR 그래픽을 위한 음성-텍스트 트리거, 'Path to 270' 맵 및 'Top 5 Closest Races' 추적기와 같은 정교한 프레젠테이션 도구가 포함됩니다. 스튜디오 개선 사항에는 맞춤형 '슈퍼 데스크', 2층 높이의 포인트 벽 및 20피트 초고화질 미디어 월이 포함됩니다. FNC는 여전히 가장 많이 시청되는 텔레비전 뉴스 채널로, 케이블 뉴스 시청자의 거의 50%를 끌어들이고 있습니다.
FOX News Channel (FNC) annonce le lancement d'une nouvelle technologie graphique immersive pour sa couverture de FOX News: Democracy 2024. Le Studio M amélioré propose une technologie de réalité augmentée pour le 'Bill'-board, une technologie de plateau virtuel et de nouvelles applications tactiles pour l'Analyse des Électeurs de FOX News. Les principales innovations incluent des capacités d'interaction en 3D, des déclencheurs voix-à-texte pour les graphiques AR, et des outils de présentation sophistiqués comme la carte 'Path to 270' et le tracker 'Top 5 Closest Races'. Les améliorations du studio comprennent un 'super desk' sur mesure, un mur d'accent de deux étages et un mur média ultra-HD de 20 pieds. FNC reste la chaîne d'information télévisée la plus regardée, attirant près de 50% des téléspectateurs d'information par câble.
FOX News Channel (FNC) gibt das Debüt einer neuen immersiven Grafiktechnologie für die Berichterstattung zu FOX News: Democracy 2024 bekannt. Das verbesserte Studio M verfügt über Augmented-Reality-Technologie für das 'Bill'-board, virtuelle Set-Technologie und neue Touchscreen-Anwendungen für die FOX News Wähleranalyse. Zu den Schlüsselinnovationen gehören 3D-Interaktionsmöglichkeiten, Sprach-zu-Text-Auslöser für AR-Grafiken und ausgeklügelte Präsentationstools wie die 'Path to 270'-Karte und den 'Top 5 Closest Races'-Tracker. Zu den Verbesserungen im Studio gehören ein maßgeschneiderter 'Superdesk', eine zweigeschossige Akzentwand und eine 20-Fuß-Ultra-HD-Mediamauer. FNC bleibt der meistgesehene Fernsehnachrichtensender und zieht fast 50% der Kabelnachrichtenzuschauer an.
- Leading market position with 50% of cable news viewing audience
- Most-watched television news channel for 22+ consecutive years
- Network of choice for Democrat and Independent viewers according to Nielsen/MRI Fusion
- Available in nearly 70 million homes
- None.
The upgraded Studio M represents a significant technological investment by FOX News, introducing cutting-edge AR capabilities and interactive data visualization tools. While these enhancements may improve viewer engagement and broadcast quality, they're unlikely to materially impact FOX's revenue or market position in the short term.
The new features, including the enhanced "Bill"-board and Path to 270 map, mainly serve to maintain competitive parity with other networks' election coverage capabilities. FOX's continued market leadership, capturing
The infrastructure investment signals FOX's commitment to technical innovation but represents standard capital expenditure for a major news network. The real value proposition will depend on how effectively these tools translate into viewer retention during the 2024 election cycle.
Debuting on election night, the newly developed “Bill”-board technology was enhanced to include augmented reality attributes and 3D interaction, enabling Hemmer to further drill into election data in real time. Hemmer will now be able to interact and telestrate in 3D space as the infrared sensors can track anchors and objects. Additionally, the 3D space is equipped with voice to text where natural language will trigger augmented reality graphics. These new tools will be visible in population maps, outstanding vote maps and battleground state historical voting charts.
FNC also created several sophisticated multimedia presentation concepts to enhance the viewers election experience, including a ‘Path to 270’ map, showcasing the presidential nominees’ potential line to the critical electoral votes needed through dynamic 3D interaction. News anchors can present various scenarios by moving virtual objects representing the electoral votes in the path to win the presidency. Additionally, the network developed a ‘Top 5 Closest Races’ tool which offers a snapshot of the races that are too close to call. This provides real-time updates on the candidates’ standings and the impact on the electoral landscape, allowing the audience to visualize the intensity and uncertainty of the closest battles for the presidency.
In addition to the technological enhancements, FNC also made several design improvements to its state-of-the-art Studio M which has served as America’s election headquarters over the last two presidential cycles. On election night, co-anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum as well as their panel will convene behind a bespoke “super desk,” designed for the anchors and their teams to use during special news coverage. Studio M also now features a two-story high accent feature wall and a 20 foot long ultra-high-definition media wall for showcasing video and photo elements during broadcast. Additionally, dimensional accent walls and extensive lighting placements were developed to create multiple presentation areas in the studio.
FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service and has been the number one network in basic cable for the last eight years and the most-watched television news channel for more than 22 consecutive years, currently attracting nearly
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