Fosun International Awarded TVB's Highest Honor "Outstanding ESG Award"

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Fosun International has been awarded the prestigious 'Outstanding ESG Award' along with 'Best in ESG Practices' and 'Best in ESG Report' at the TVB ESG Awards ceremony held on December 13, 2024, in Hong Kong. The company, which operates in over 35 countries across healthcare, tourism, consumption, and insurance sectors, was recognized for its comprehensive ESG management system and sustainable development initiatives.

Notable achievements include their commitment to peak carbon emissions by 2028 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the establishment of a Carbon Neutrality Committee, and significant healthcare innovations. Their pharmaceutical division has made breakthrough developments, including Yi Kai Da, the first CAR-T cell therapy approved in mainland China, and artesunate injections that have treated over 72 million severe malaria patients globally.

The company has implemented its 'Create IMPACT' sustainable development strategy, focusing on innovation, mindful operation, people-oriented approach, advanced governance, climate positivity, and transparency.

Fosun International ha ricevuto il prestigioso 'Outstanding ESG Award' insieme ai premi 'Best in ESG Practices' e 'Best in ESG Report' durante la cerimonia dei TVB ESG Awards tenutasi il 13 dicembre 2024 a Hong Kong. L'azienda, che opera in oltre 35 paesi nei settori della salute, del turismo, del consumo e delle assicurazioni, è stata riconosciuta per il suo sistema di gestione ESG completo e le iniziative di sviluppo sostenibile.

Tra i risultati notevoli figura l'impegno a raggiungere il picco di emissioni di carbonio entro il 2028 e a raggiungere la neutralità carbonica entro il 2050, la creazione di un Comitato per la Neutralità Carbonica e significative innovazioni nel settore sanitario. La loro divisione farmaceutica ha realizzato sviluppi rivoluzionari, tra cui Yi Kai Da, la prima terapia con cellule CAR-T approvata nella Cina continentale, e iniezioni di artesunato che hanno trattato oltre 72 milioni di pazienti affetti da malaria grave in tutto il mondo.

L'azienda ha implementato la sua strategia di sviluppo sostenibile 'Create IMPACT', che si concentra su innovazione, operazioni consapevoli, approccio orientato alla persona, governance avanzata, positività climatica e trasparenza.

Fosun International ha sido galardonada con el prestigioso 'Outstanding ESG Award', así como los premios 'Best in ESG Practices' y 'Best in ESG Report' en la ceremonia de los TVB ESG Awards celebrada el 13 de diciembre de 2024 en Hong Kong. La empresa, que opera en más de 35 países en los sectores de salud, turismo, consumo y seguros, fue reconocida por su sistema integral de gestión ESG y sus iniciativas de desarrollo sostenible.

Entre los logros notables se encuentra su compromiso de alcanzar el pico de emisiones de carbono para 2028 y lograr la neutralidad de carbono para 2050, la creación de un Comité de Neutralidad de Carbono y significativas innovaciones en salud. Su división farmacéutica ha realizado desarrollos innovadores, incluyendo Yi Kai Da, la primera terapia con células CAR-T aprobada en la China continental, y las inyecciones de artesunato que han tratado a más de 72 millones de pacientes con malaria severa a nivel mundial.

La empresa ha implementado su estrategia de desarrollo sostenible 'Create IMPACT', centrada en la innovación, la operación consciente, un enfoque centrado en las personas, la gobernanza avanzada, la positividad climática y la transparencia.

포순 인터내셔널이 홍콩에서 열린 TVB ESG 어워드 시상식에서 'Outstanding ESG Award'와 함께 'Best in ESG Practices', 'Best in ESG Report'를 수상했습니다. 이 회사는 헬스케어, 관광, 소비, 보험 부문에서 35개국 이상에서 운영되며, 포괄적인 ESG 관리 시스템과 지속 가능한 개발 이니셔티브로 인정받았습니다.

특별한 성과로는 2028년까지 탄소 배출 정점을 찍고, 2050년까지 탄소 중립을 달성하겠다는 Commitment, 탄소 중립 위원회 설립, 그리고 중요한 헬스케어 혁신이 포함됩니다. 이들의 제약 부문은 중국 본토에서 승인된 첫 CAR-T 세포 치료제인 이 카이다(Yi Kai Da)와 7200만명 이상의 중증 말라리아 환자를 치료한 아르테수네이트 주사제를 포함한 혁신적인 발전을 이루었습니다.

회사는 혁신, 배려하는 운영, 사람 중심 접근법, 진보된 거버넌스, 기후 긍정, 투명성에 중점을 둔 'Create IMPACT' 지속 가능한 개발 전략을 구현했습니다.

Fosun International a été honoré du prestigieux 'Outstanding ESG Award', ainsi que des prix 'Best in ESG Practices' et 'Best in ESG Report' lors de la cérémonie des TVB ESG Awards qui s'est tenue le 13 décembre 2024 à Hong Kong. L'entreprise, qui opère dans plus de 35 pays dans les secteurs de la santé, du tourisme, de la consommation et des assurances, a été reconnue pour son système de gestion ESG complet et ses initiatives de développement durable.

Parmi les réalisations remarquables, on retrouve son engagement à atteindre le pic des émissions de carbone d'ici 2028 et à parvenir à la neutralité carbone d'ici 2050, la création d'un Comité pour la Neutralité Carbone, ainsi que des innovations significatives dans le domaine de la santé. Sa division pharmaceutique a réalisé des avancées révolutionnaires, notamment Yi Kai Da, la première thérapie CAR-T approuvée en Chine continentale, et des injections d'artésunate qui ont traité plus de 72 millions de patients souffrant de paludisme sévère dans le monde entier.

L'entreprise a mis en œuvre sa stratégie de développement durable 'Create IMPACT', axée sur l'innovation, l'exploitation réfléchie, une approche centrée sur l'humain, une gouvernance avancée, la positivité climatique et la transparence.

Fosun International wurde bei der TVB ESG Awards-Zeremonie am 13. Dezember 2024 in Hongkong mit dem angesehenen 'Outstanding ESG Award' sowie den Auszeichnungen 'Best in ESG Practices' und 'Best in ESG Report' ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen, das in über 35 Ländern in den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, Tourismus, Konsum und Versicherung tätig ist, wurde für sein umfassendes ESG-Managementsystem und seine Initiativen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung anerkannt.

Zu den bemerkenswerten Erfolgen gehört das Engagement, die Kohlenstoffemissionen bis 2028 zu maximieren und die Kohlenstoffneutralität bis 2050 zu erreichen, die Gründung eines Kohlenstoffneutralitätskomitees und bedeutende Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen. Der Pharmabereich hat bahnbrechende Entwicklungen erzielt, darunter Yi Kai Da, die erste CAR-T-Zelltherapie, die in Festlandchina zugelassen wurde, sowie Artesunat-Injektionen, die mehr als 72 Millionen Patienten mit schwerer Malaria weltweit behandelt haben.

Das Unternehmen hat seine nachhaltige Entwicklungsstrategie 'Create IMPACT' umgesetzt, die sich auf Innovation, achtsame Betriebsabläufe, einen menschenorientierten Ansatz, fortschrittliche Governance, klimafreundliche Maßnahmen und Transparenz konzentriert.

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HONG KONG, Dec. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On 13 December 2024, the "TVB ESG Awards" ceremony, hosted by Television Broadcasts Limited (hereinafter referred to as "TVB"), was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Fosun International was honored with the highest accolade, the "Outstanding ESG Award", as well as awards for "Best in ESG Practices" and "Best in ESG Report".

Officiating guests at the awards ceremony included Mr. Wong Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP, Deputy Financial Secretary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Mr. Chan Ho Lim, Joseph, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, Mr. Wong Chuen Fai, JP, Commissioner for Climate Change, Environment and Ecology Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, and Mr. Siu Sai Wo, General Manager (Business Operations) of TVB, who jointly presented the "Outstanding ESG Award" to Fosun International.

TVB pointed out that Fosun International's recognition with the "Outstanding ESG Award", "Best in ESG Practices" and "Best in ESG Report" is well-deserved. After 30 years of development, Fosun has developed into a large globalized company with operations spanning healthcare, tourism, consumption, and insurance. With a robust global industrial ecosystem, Fosun operates responsibly in over 35 countries and regions, actively contributing to public welfare and creating sustainable value worldwide.

Looking back on the past, Fosun has always paid attention to the reform and development of the global policies in the field of sustainable development. It has established a comprehensive ESG management system, integrated ESG management requirements into business management over the years, actively responded to national and global strategies in relation to sustainable development, ensured information security, promoted technology innovation, implemented "dual carbon" goals, protected the rights and interests of employees to promote sustainable management and value creation.

This year, a total of five organizations received the prestigious "Outstanding ESG Award" from TVB, all of which have demonstrated excellence in ESG. These include government agency, major public utility, and well-known enterprises: the Drainage Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Chinachem Group, and Crystal International Group.

The companies awarded "Best in ESG Practices" and "Best in ESG Report" are all prominent firms in Hong Kong, including MTR Corporation, Henderson Land Development, Sino Land, and NWS Holdings.

After accepting the "Outstanding ESG Award", Angel Sze, Company Secretary and Head of the ESG Management Committee of Fosun International, took part in a discussion with representatives from other award-winning organizations to share Fosun's ESG achievements.

Actively giving back to society through innovation

During the discussion, Angel Sze remarked, "Since its establishment, Fosun has remained dedicated to its original aspiration of 'Contribution to Society' and strives to create a positive impact through business. For instance, in our pharmaceutical business, we focus on technology innovation and have made significant breakthroughs in cancer treatment. The CAR-T cell therapy product Yi Kai Da (ejilunsai injection), developed by Fosun Kite, is the first CAR-T cell therapy approved for marketing in the Chinese mainland, bringing lymphoma patients more treatment options and hope for recovery."

Thanks to the long-term accumulated technology innovation capabilities, Fosun has continued to realize the "world's first" and "China's first" achievements. Fosun Pharma's self-developed artesunate for injection saved more than 72 million patients with severe malaria around the world as of the first half of 2024. Its second-generation artesunate for injection (Argesun®) is the first injectable artesunate presented with a single solvent system to receive prequalification from the World Health Organization (WHO-PQ) for the treatment of malaria.

Voluntarily releasing Climate Information Disclosures Report, calling for joint efforts towards carbon neutrality

In 2021, Fosun made a commitment to society – "strive to peak carbon emissions by 2028 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050". Fosun has formulated strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation to align with the 1.5°C temperature control target set in the Paris Agreement. In order to achieve Fosun's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, the Group has established a Carbon Neutrality Committee and a Carbon Neutrality Working Group to actively promote further implementation and enforcement of carbon-neutral management within the Group.

In April this year, in the face of increasingly severe global climate change challenges, Fosun released its second Climate Information Disclosures Report with reference to the disclosure requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures, demonstrating its commitment of climate action to international community and calling on all sectors to jointly promote carbon neutrality.

In terms of climate action, the Group and its member companies actively promote energy conservation and carbon reduction. Fidelidade, Fosun's insurance company in Portugal, has recently established the Impact Center For Climate Change (ICCC), a knowledge center dedicated to climate change research. Through collaborations with external entities, including universities, research centers, and public institutions, it provides scientific insights on the impacts of climate change on society, particularly in the insurance industry. In addition, The Group's Atlantis Sanya obtained the highest level of green building certification in China and other leading environmental certifications in the global tourism industry. The Bund Finance Center (BFC), Fosun's base in Shanghai and landmark in Shanghai, was awarded the LEED Platinum certification, which is hailed as the "Oscar Award" in the green building industry, with a score of 97 points to set a new world record.

Fosun is committed to "globalization" and "innovation", striving to build a more responsible, inclusive and sustainable future

This year, Fosun has formulated its sustainable development strategy: "Create IMPACT", which stands for I: Innovation-driven, M: Mindful Operation, P: People and Partner Oriented, A: Advanced Governance, C: Climate and Planet Positive and T: Transparency. This strategy continues Fosun's original aspiration of "Self-improvement, Teamwork, Performance and Contribution to Society", and serves as a foundation for long-term ESG practices.

Rooted in China, Fosun has been developing globally and has long adhered to the two core growth drivers of "globalization" and "innovation". As one of the few Chinese companies with established global operational and investment capabilities, Fosun has cultivated profound expertise in technology and innovation. With an increasingly sophisticated global business presence, Fosun operates responsibly in more than 35 countries and regions, actively contributing to public welfare and creating sustainable value worldwide.

Looking ahead, Fosun remains dedicated to advancing its social responsibility through innovation and responsible global operations. Guided by its "Create Impact" sustainable development strategy, Fosun will intensify its efforts to build a more responsible, inclusive and sustainable future.

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What major ESG awards did Fosun International (FOSUY) win at the 2024 TVB ceremony?

Fosun International won three awards: the highest honor 'Outstanding ESG Award', along with 'Best in ESG Practices' and 'Best in ESG Report' at the TVB ESG Awards ceremony on December 13, 2024.

What are Fosun International's (FOSUY) carbon neutrality targets?

Fosun International aims to peak carbon emissions by 2028 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, aligning with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C temperature control target.

How many patients has Fosun's artesunate injection treated globally as of 2024?

Fosun Pharma's artesunate injection has saved more than 72 million patients with severe malaria worldwide as of the first half of 2024.

What is Fosun International's (FOSUY) new sustainable development strategy?

Fosun's new strategy is called 'Create IMPACT', representing Innovation-driven, Mindful Operation, People and Partner Oriented, Advanced Governance, Climate and Planet Positive, and Transparency.

What significant healthcare innovation has Fosun achieved in CAR-T cell therapy?

Fosun developed Yi Kai Da (ejilunsai injection), which is the first CAR-T cell therapy approved for marketing in mainland China for lymphoma treatment.

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