Guo Guangchang: Fosun Firmly Advances its Globalization Strategy

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Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun International, reaffirmed the company's commitment to its globalization strategy at the 2024 Semi-Annual Working Meeting. Fosun, with a 17-year history of global expansion, now operates in over 35 countries. In 2023, overseas revenue reached RMB89.2 billion, accounting for 45% of total revenue, with a 10-year CAGR of 55%.

Key global successes include Club Med, a major revenue source for Fosun Tourism Group, and Fosun Pharma's expansion into African markets. Shanghai Henlius, a Fosun Pharma subsidiary, has gained international recognition for innovative drugs. Fidelidade, an overseas member company, increased its premium percentage in overseas markets from 6% in 2017 to 33% in 2023.

Guo Guangchang, Presidente di Fosun International, ha riaffermato l'impegno dell'azienda verso la sua strategia di globalizzazione durante la Riunione di Lavoro Semi-Annuale del 2024. Fosun, con 17 anni di storia di espansione globale, opera ora in oltre 35 paesi. Nel 2023, il fatturato estero ha raggiunto 89,2 miliardi di RMB, rappresentando il 45% del fatturato totale, con un tasso di crescita annuo composto (CAGR) del 55% negli ultimi dieci anni.

I principali successi globali includono Club Med, una significativa fonte di entrate per Fosun Tourism Group, e l'espansione di Fosun Pharma nei mercati africani. Shanghai Henlius, una filiale di Fosun Pharma, ha ottenuto riconoscimenti internazionali per i farmaci innovativi. Fidelidade, un'azienda associata all'estero, ha aumentato la sua percentuale di premi nei mercati esteri dal 6% nel 2017 al 33% nel 2023.

Guo Guangchang, Presidente de Fosun International, reafirmó el compromiso de la empresa con su estrategia de globalización en la Reunión de Trabajo Semestral de 2024. Fosun, con 17 años de historia en expansión global, opera ahora en más de 35 países. En 2023, los ingresos en el extranjero alcanzaron los 89,2 mil millones de RMB, representando el 45% de los ingresos totales, con una tasa de crecimiento anual compuesta (CAGR) del 55% en los últimos diez años.

Los principales éxitos globales incluyen Club Med, una fuente importante de ingresos para Fosun Tourism Group, y la expansión de Fosun Pharma en los mercados africanos. Shanghai Henlius, una filial de Fosun Pharma, ha ganado reconocimiento internacional por sus medicamentos innovadores. Fidelidade, una empresa asociada en el extranjero, incrementó su porcentaje de primas en mercados extranjeros del 6% en 2017 al 33% en 2023.

Guo Guangchang, Fosun International의 회장,은 2024년 반기 작업 회의에서 회사의 글로벌화 전략에 대한 비전을 재확인했습니다. Fosun은 17년의 글로벌 확장 역사를 가지고 있으며 현재 35개국 이상에서 운영되고 있습니다. 2023년에는 해외 수익이 892억 RMB에 이르렀으며, 이는 총 수익의 45%를 차지하고 10년 복합 연평균 성장률(CAGR)은 55%에 달합니다.

주요 글로벌 성공 사례로는 Club Med가 있으며, 이는 Fosun Tourism Group의 주요 수익원입니다. Fosun Pharma는 아프리카 시장으로의 확장을 이루었습니다. Shanghai Henlius, Fosun Pharma의 자회사는 혁신적인 약물로 국제적 인정을 받았습니다. Fidelidade는 해외 자회사로, 해외 시장에서의 보험료 비율을 2017년 6%에서 2023년 33%로 증가시켰습니다.

Guo Guangchang, Président de Fosun International, a réaffirmé l'engagement de l'entreprise envers sa stratégie de mondialisation lors de la Réunion de Travail Semestrielle de 2024. Fosun, avec 17 ans d'histoire d'expansion mondiale, opère désormais dans plus de 35 pays. En 2023, le chiffre d'affaires à l'étranger a atteint 89,2 milliards de RMB, représentant 45% du chiffre d'affaires total, avec un taux de croissance annuel composé (CAGR) de 55% sur les dix dernières années.

Les principaux succès mondiaux incluent Club Med, une source de revenus majeure pour Fosun Tourism Group, ainsi que l'expansion de Fosun Pharma sur les marchés africains. Shanghai Henlius, une filiale de Fosun Pharma, a obtenu une reconnaissance internationale pour ses médicaments innovants. Fidelidade, une entreprise membre à l'étranger, a augmenté son pourcentage de primes sur les marchés étrangers de 6% en 2017 à 33% en 2023.

Guo Guangchang, Vorsitzender von Fosun International, bekräftigte das Engagement des Unternehmens für seine Globalisierungsstrategie während des Halbjahrestreffens 2024. Fosun, mit einer 17-jährigen Geschichte globaler Expansion, ist jetzt in über 35 Ländern tätig. Im Jahr 2023 erreichten die Einnahmen aus dem Ausland 89,2 Milliarden RMB, was 45% des Gesamtergebnisses ausmacht, bei einer jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 55% über die letzten zehn Jahre.

Zu den wichtigsten globalen Erfolgen gehören Club Med, eine bedeutende Einnahmequelle für die Fosun Tourism Group, und die Expansion von Fosun Pharma in afrikanische Märkte. Shanghai Henlius, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Fosun Pharma, hat internationale Anerkennung für innovative Medikamente erlangt. Fidelidade, ein ausländisches Mitgliedsunternehmen, hat seinen Prämienanteil auf ausländischen Märkten von 6% im Jahr 2017 auf 33% im Jahr 2023 erhöht.

  • Overseas revenue reached RMB89.2 billion in 2023, accounting for 45% of total revenue
  • 10-year compound annual growth rate of 55% for overseas revenue
  • Club Med has become a major revenue and profit source for Fosun Tourism Group
  • Shanghai Henlius achieved annual net profit of RMB546 million in 2023
  • Fidelidade increased premium percentage in overseas markets from 6% in 2017 to 33% in 2023
  • Fidelidade achieved a net profit of EUR180 million in 2023
  • None.

HONG KONG, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "In the future, Fosun will continue to firmly advance its globalization strategy, transforming its globalization capability into sustained profit growth." Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun International, said at the 2024 Fosun Semi-Annual Working Meeting on 20 July 2024. "Fosun's globalization is not a strategy which commences today, but has been going on for a very long period of time. We have become one of the few Chinese enterprises rooted in China with the capability to operate globally, that we are particularly proud of it."

Fosun has developed along the path of globalization for nearly 17 years. Fosun International started its globalization journey in 2007 when it was listed in Hong Kong.  In the following decade, Fosun seized opportunities, continuously allocated global high-quality assets, expanded its diversified businesses, strengthened its industrial chain, and gradually built a global industrial ecosystem in line with its development logic. Today, Fosun has a profound business presence in more than 35 countries and regions around the world. In 2023, Fosun's overseas revenue reached RMB89.2 billion, accounting for 45% of its total revenue, with a 10-year compound annual growth rate of 55%.

With Fosun's businesses spread across the globe, how can it further integrate different industries and resources in various countries and regions, enhance the global operation capabilities of its member companies, and tap into potential values?

Guo Guangchang believes that the most important thing is to transform globalization capabilities into dividends and profit growth. "The extent of global layout and globalization capability differ with our member companies and business units. We would like to see each business doing equally well. Besides the conventional overseas markets, it is hoped that competency would also be developed in the Middle East, Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa."

Club Med, the French-born global "premium all-inclusive" holiday resort brand officially joined Fosun in 2015. Guo Guangchang said Fosun's successful acquisition of Club Med is an important milestone to the Group's globalization. With nearly ten years of profound operation through continuous development of the global market, Club Med has now become one of the most important sources of revenue and profit for its parent company Fosun Tourism Group.

After years of development, the gene of globalization has been deeply rooted in all of Fosun's business segments. Fosun Pharma is one of the earliest representatives of Fosun's member companies to "go global".  As early as 2007, Fosun Pharma entered the African market as a leading developer and manufacturer of antimalarial drugs. Today, its sales network covers more than 30 African countries and regions. Empowered by Fosun under the global ecosystem, Fosun Pharma's world-engaging integrated innovative model is maturing progressively.

In June this year, Fosun Pharma announced its plan to privatise its subsidiary Shanghai Henlius. As an outstanding representative of domestically developed innovative drugs, Shanghai Henlius has developed a number of innovative drugs such as HANQUYOU and HANSIZHUANG, and its capabilities of manufacturing and commercializing self-developed innovative drugs to meet the needs of patients in different regions have gained high market recognition. For instance, HLX02 (trastuzumab, trade name: HANQUYOU in China, HERCESSI™ in the U.S. and Zercepac® in Europe) is the first "China-made" monoclonal biosimilar approved in China, European Union, and U.S. and was approved to be marketed in more than 40 countries and regions around the world. In 2023, Shanghai Henlius became the first profit-making Hong Kong-listed "18A" biopharmaceutical company, achieving annual net profit of RMB546 million.

"Globalization must also be pursued by our overseas companies, Fidelidade is doing very good in this aspect." At the meeting on 20 July, Guo Guangchang included Fidelidade as one of the "honor companies" and encouraged more Fosun overseas member companies to expand their global businesses. Data shows that the global operation capability of Fidelidade remarkably enhanced after it has joined Fosun. Besides maintaining its leadership in Portugal, Fidelidade's premium percentage in overseas markets also increased from 6% in 2017 to 33% in 2023. With the steady expansion of its business scale, Fidelidade has continuously improved its profitability, achieving a net profit of EUR180 million in 2023.

In response to repeated appeals for deglobalization recent years, Guo Guangchang said: "The main trend of opening up integration of globalization will remain unchanged in the long term, we believe Fosun has been persistently in doing the right thing and will continue to do so."

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What was Fosun's overseas revenue in 2023?

Fosun's overseas revenue reached RMB89.2 billion in 2023, accounting for 45% of its total revenue.

When did Fosun International (FOSUY) start its globalization journey?

Fosun International started its globalization journey in 2007 when it was listed in Hong Kong.

How many countries and regions does Fosun (FOSUY) have a business presence in?

Fosun has a profound business presence in more than 35 countries and regions around the world.

What was the net profit of Shanghai Henlius, a Fosun Pharma subsidiary, in 2023?

Shanghai Henlius achieved an annual net profit of RMB546 million in 2023.

How has Fidelidade's overseas premium percentage changed since joining Fosun (FOSUY)?

Fidelidade's premium percentage in overseas markets increased from 6% in 2017 to 33% in 2023 after joining Fosun.



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