Guo Guangchang: Fosun Emphasizes Strategic Advancement and Exits, Focuses on Core Businesses, and Leverages Operational Capabilities to Participate in Global Markets

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Fosun International Chairman Guo Guangchang addressed the 25th Annual Conference of Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum, emphasizing that private enterprises thrive with fair competition opportunities and commitment to product excellence. Despite economic challenges, Fosun has seen positive consumer response across its portfolio, with high occupancy at Atlantis Sanya, strong sales growth for Shede Spirits, and successful tourism ventures.

Over the past two years, Fosun has strategically divested over RMB80 billion in non-core assets, significantly reducing debt and successfully navigating its "maturity wall." The company is now focusing on its core advantages in health, tourism, and consumption sectors. Recent initiatives include establishing a RMB5.0 billion biomedical industry fund with Shenzhen Municipal Government and advancing tourism projects.

Fosun's global presence spans 35 countries and regions, with notable success in biopharmaceuticals through Shanghai Henlius, which recently launched its PD-1 monoclonal antibody in the European Union. The company is actively integrating AI technology across its business sectors to enhance efficiency and drive innovation.

Guo Guangchang, presidente di Fosun International, ha aperto la 25ª Conferenza Annuale del Forum degli Imprenditori di Yabuli in Cina, sottolineando che le imprese private prosperano grazie a opportunità di concorrenza leale e a un impegno per l'eccellenza dei prodotti. Nonostante le sfide economiche, Fosun ha ricevuto una risposta positiva dai consumatori in tutto il suo portafoglio, con un'alta occupazione all'Atlantis Sanya, una forte crescita delle vendite per gli Spiriti Shede e iniziative turistiche di successo.

Negli ultimi due anni, Fosun ha strategicamente disinvestito oltre 80 miliardi di RMB in attività non core, riducendo significativamente il debito e affrontando con successo il suo "muro di maturità". L'azienda si sta ora concentrando sui suoi vantaggi principali nei settori di salute, turismo e consumo. Le iniziative recenti includono la creazione di un fondo per l'industria biomedica da 5,0 miliardi di RMB con il governo municipale di Shenzhen e l'avanzamento di progetti turistici.

La presenza globale di Fosun si estende a 35 paesi e regioni, con un notevole successo nei biopharmaceuticals attraverso Shanghai Henlius, che ha recentemente lanciato il suo anticorpo monoclonale PD-1 nell'Unione Europea. L'azienda sta attivamente integrando la tecnologia AI in tutti i suoi settori per migliorare l'efficienza e promuovere l'innovazione.

Guo Guangchang, presidente de Fosun International, se dirigió a la 25ª Conferencia Anual del Foro de Empresarios de Yabuli en China, enfatizando que las empresas privadas prosperan con oportunidades de competencia justa y un compromiso con la excelencia del producto. A pesar de los desafíos económicos, Fosun ha visto una respuesta positiva de los consumidores en su portafolio, con alta ocupación en Atlantis Sanya, un fuerte crecimiento en las ventas de Shede Spirits y exitosas iniciativas turísticas.

En los últimos dos años, Fosun ha desinvertido estratégicamente más de 80 mil millones de RMB en activos no esenciales, reduciendo significativamente la deuda y navegando con éxito su "muro de madurez". La empresa ahora se enfoca en sus ventajas clave en los sectores de salud, turismo y consumo. Las iniciativas recientes incluyen el establecimiento de un fondo de industria biomédica de 5.0 mil millones de RMB con el Gobierno Municipal de Shenzhen y el avance de proyectos turísticos.

La presencia global de Fosun abarca 35 países y regiones, con un notable éxito en biofarmacéuticos a través de Shanghai Henlius, que recientemente lanzó su anticuerpo monoclonal PD-1 en la Unión Europea. La empresa está integrando activamente la tecnología de IA en sus sectores comerciales para mejorar la eficiencia y fomentar la innovación.

Guo Guangchang 회장이 Fosun International의 회장으로서 중국 야부리 기업가 포럼 제25회 연례 회의에서 발언하며, 민간 기업은 공정한 경쟁 기회와 제품 우수성에 대한 헌신으로 번창한다고 강조했습니다. 경제적 도전에도 불구하고, Fosun은 아틀란티스 산야에서 높은 점유율, Shede Spirits의 강력한 판매 성장 및 성공적인 관광 사업을 통해 포트폴리오 전반에 걸쳐 긍정적인 소비자 반응을 얻었습니다.

지난 2년 동안, Fosun은 비핵심 자산에서 800억 위안 이상을 전략적으로 매각하여 부채를 크게 줄이고 "성숙의 벽"을 성공적으로 넘겼습니다. 현재 회사는 건강, 관광 및 소비 분야의 핵심 강점에 집중하고 있습니다. 최근 이니셔티브로는 심천시 정부와 함께 50억 위안 규모의 생물의약 산업 펀드를 설립하고 관광 프로젝트를 추진하는 것이 포함됩니다.

Fosun의 글로벌 존재는 35개국 및 지역에 걸쳐 있으며, 상하이 헨리우스를 통해 생물제약 분야에서 주목할 만한 성공을 거두고 있습니다. 최근에는 유럽연합에서 PD-1 단클론 항체를 출시하였습니다. 회사는 효율성을 높이고 혁신을 촉진하기 위해 모든 사업 분야에 AI 기술을 적극적으로 통합하고 있습니다.

Guo Guangchang, président de Fosun International, a pris la parole lors de la 25e Conférence Annuelle du Forum des Entrepreneurs de Yabuli en Chine, soulignant que les entreprises privées prospèrent grâce à des opportunités de concurrence équitable et à un engagement envers l'excellence des produits. Malgré les défis économiques, Fosun a reçu une réponse positive des consommateurs à travers son portefeuille, avec un taux d'occupation élevé à l'Atlantis Sanya, une forte croissance des ventes pour Shede Spirits et des initiatives touristiques réussies.

Au cours des deux dernières années, Fosun a désinvesti stratégiquement plus de 80 milliards de RMB en actifs non essentiels, réduisant ainsi considérablement sa dette et naviguant avec succès à travers son "mur de maturité". L'entreprise se concentre désormais sur ses avantages clés dans les secteurs de la santé, du tourisme et de la consommation. Les initiatives récentes incluent la création d'un fonds pour l'industrie biomédicale de 5,0 milliards de RMB avec le gouvernement municipal de Shenzhen et l'avancement de projets touristiques.

La présence mondiale de Fosun s'étend à 35 pays et régions, avec un succès notable dans le domaine des biopharmaceutiques grâce à Shanghai Henlius, qui a récemment lancé son anticorps monoclonal PD-1 dans l'Union Européenne. L'entreprise intègre activement la technologie IA dans ses secteurs d'activité pour améliorer l'efficacité et stimuler l'innovation.

Guo Guangchang, Vorsitzender von Fosun International, sprach auf der 25. Jahrestagung des Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum und betonte, dass private Unternehmen durch faire Wettbewerbsbedingungen und Engagement für Produktqualität gedeihen. Trotz wirtschaftlicher Herausforderungen hat Fosun eine positive Verbraucherreaktion in seinem Portfolio erfahren, mit hoher Auslastung im Atlantis Sanya, starkem Umsatzwachstum bei Shede Spirits und erfolgreichen Tourismusprojekten.

In den letzten zwei Jahren hat Fosun strategisch über 80 Milliarden RMB in nicht-kernaktiven Vermögenswerten verkauft, wodurch die Schulden erheblich reduziert wurden und das Unternehmen erfolgreich seine "Reifegrenze" überwunden hat. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich nun auf seine Kernvorteile in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Tourismus und Konsum. Zu den jüngsten Initiativen gehört die Gründung eines 5,0 Milliarden RMB großen Fonds für die biomedizinische Industrie mit der Stadtregierung von Shenzhen und die Förderung von Tourismusprojekten.

Fosuns globale Präsenz erstreckt sich über 35 Länder und Regionen, mit bemerkenswertem Erfolg im Bereich der Biopharmazeutika durch Shanghai Henlius, das kürzlich seinen PD-1-Monoklonalen Antikörper in der Europäischen Union eingeführt hat. Das Unternehmen integriert aktiv KI-Technologie in seine Geschäftsbereiche, um die Effizienz zu steigern und Innovationen voranzutreiben.

  • None.
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HONG KONG, Feb. 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- On 21 February, Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun International spoke at the 25th Annual Conference of Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum 2025, stating that private enterprises are not afraid of competition as long as there are fair opportunities for participation. A strong commitment to product excellence will certainly lead to market opportunities.

The annual conference, themed "Cultivating New Productivity and Empowering High-Quality Development", was held in Yabuli, Heilongjiang from 21 to 23 February. Guo Guangchang said in his keynote speech that over the past two decades of globalization, Chinese private enterprises have never shied away from competition. While competition is fierce, it has fostered competitiveness and core technologies, enabling these enterprises to compete globally.

Guo Guangchang pointed out that, although the overall economy has not yet fully recovered, several positive signs have emerged. During this year's Spring Festival, the occupancy rate at Atlantis Sanya, a resort under Fosun, exceeded 98%; sales of Shede Spirits' T68 baijiu surged over 80% year-on-year; the Yuyuan Garden Lantern Festival in Shanghai attracted nearly 4 million visitors; and accommodation at the ski resorts in Yabuli, China and Hokkaido, Japan was in high demand. These achievements indicate that consumers are still willing to pay for high-quality products and services, emphasizing that product competitiveness is the key to business success. A strong commitment to product excellence will certainly lead to market opportunities.

Globalization was a hot topic at this year's conference. As one of the private enterprises that went global early and has established a profound industrial presence in 35 countries and regions, Fosun's biopharmaceutical subsidiary, Shanghai Henlius, has achieved significant milestones in its 15 years. It has not only become the first Hong Kong-listed "18A" first-in-class pharmaceutical company to turn a profit through product sales, but it has also made significant breakthroughs in globalization. Notably, its independently developed PD-1 monoclonal antibody, HANSIZHUANG (serplulimab), was successfully launched in the European Union this month, making it the first PD-1 monoclonal antibody approved for first-line treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer. In addition, HANQUYOU (trastuzumab), commenced commercial supply globally, and HANBEITAI (bevacizumab) received approval for overseas sales, with several products poised for substantial revenue.

Addressing the concerns of private entrepreneurs regarding the business environment, Guo Guangchang pointed out that the rule of law constitutes the best business environment and provides entrepreneurs with a sense of security. The fairness of law enforcement is as important as the outcome itself, ensuring that clear standards and expectations are established for all business activities.

In recent years, Fosun's divestment from several non-core assets has garnered significant market attention. Guo Guangchang revealed that, in response to economic and consumer pressures over the past few years, Fosun has actively pursued a business streamlining and core business-focused strategy by divesting from several non-core assets. For example, the divestment of its private banking operations from HAL, a 220-year-old private bank in Germany, not only generated over EUR700 million but also helped ABN AMRO Bank, a Dutch bank, secure a position among the top three in wealth management in Germany. Meanwhile, Fosun retained HAL's asset servicing business, which manages assets totaling EUR200 billion, achieving win-win outcomes with its partners.

Statistics show that over the past two years, Fosun has strategically divested assets worth over RMB80 billion, significantly reducing both onshore and offshore public debts and successfully navigating the "maturity wall".

Guo Guangchang believes that given the current circumstances, opportunities to start afresh in a new industry are becoming more limited. Therefore, it is essential to concentrate on advantageous sectors and deepen their development. For Fosun, the focus will remain on advantageous industries such as health, tourism, and consumption, leveraging its operational capabilities to generate profits. By embracing innovation and globalization, Fosun will continue to penetrate both domestic and global markets, fully integrating AI to enhance efficiency.

Recently, Fosun has made significant moves across various sectors. In the health segment, it partnered with the Shenzhen Municipal Government to establish a RMB5.0 billion biomedical industry fund. In the tourism sector, it signed the Taicang Alps Resort phase II project, and commenced the ULTRAMED Hainan project, alongside a privatization plan for Fosun Tourism Group aimed at accelerating its development with greater flexibility.

In response to the AI wave, Guo Guangchang said that Fosun is actively incorporating AI across its industries. For example, Fosun is integrating AI elements into project planning for ULTRAMED Hainan and China Mall in Chongqing. Fosun Pharma has recently launched the PharmAID decision intelligence platform, which is the first self-developed AI decision intelligence platform in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the medical aesthetics platform Sisram is using AI to analyze skin conditions. "Looking ahead, I am particularly optimistic about two areas: first, leveraging AI to empower vertical industries for reconstruction and upgrading; second, the revolutionary changes in productivity and production relationships brought about by the integration of physical and virtual AI."

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What assets has FOSUY divested in its strategic restructuring?

Fosun (FOSUY) has divested over RMB80 billion in non-core assets over the past two years, including its private banking operations from HAL in Germany, which generated over EUR700 million while retaining HAL's asset servicing business that manages EUR200 billion.

How is FOSUY performing in the tourism sector despite economic challenges?

Despite economic challenges, FOSUY's tourism assets are performing well, with Atlantis Sanya exceeding 98% occupancy during Spring Festival, Yuyuan Garden Lantern Festival attracting nearly 4 million visitors, and high demand at ski resorts in Yabuli, China and Hokkaido, Japan.

What are FOSUY's core business sectors after its strategic realignment?

Following its strategic realignment, FOSUY is focusing on three core business sectors: health, tourism, and consumption, where the company has established competitive advantages and is deepening its development through operational capabilities.

What recent pharmaceutical breakthrough has FOSUY's subsidiary Shanghai Henlius achieved?

Shanghai Henlius recently launched HANSIZHUANG (serplulimab), its independently developed PD-1 monoclonal antibody, in the European Union. This is the first PD-1 monoclonal antibody approved for first-line treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer.

How is FOSUY incorporating AI technology into its business operations?

FOSUY is integrating AI across its portfolio by incorporating AI elements into ULTRAMED Hainan and China Mall projects, launching PharmAID (the first self-developed AI decision intelligence platform in pharmaceuticals), and using AI for skin condition analysis in its Sisram medical aesthetics platform.

What is FOSUY's plan for Fosun Tourism Group as mentioned in the announcement?

FOSUY has announced a privatization plan for Fosun Tourism Group, aiming to accelerate its development with greater flexibility, alongside other tourism initiatives including the Taicang Alps Resort phase II project and the ULTRAMED Hainan project.

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