Fosun successfully concluded 2024 sustainability-linked syndicated loan through greenshoe, final facility size reaching USD888 million with 25 participating banks

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Fosun International has successfully completed a USD888 million sustainability-linked syndicated loan, one of the largest of its kind for a Chinese privately-owned enterprise in 2024. The loan, initially launched in May with a first close of USD603 million, was followed by Greenshoe accessions. 25 banks participated in the syndicate, including both long-term partners and new lenders from various countries.

This loan is part of Fosun's flagship financing platform, continuing its annual tradition of 3-year syndicated loans since 2017, with sustainability-linked features incorporated since 2023. The successful completion demonstrates Fosun's strong support from both Chinese and foreign banks, as well as its commitment to ESG initiatives.

Fosun aims to continue implementing its core business-focused strategy, improve operating capabilities in advantageous industries, and optimize its debt structure and liquidity management for steady future development.

Fosun International ha completato con successo un prestito syndacato collegato alla sostenibilità di 888 milioni di USD, uno dei più grandi nel suo genere per un'impresa cinese a proprietà privata nel 2024. Il prestito, inizialmente lanciato a maggio con una chiusura iniziale di 603 milioni di USD, è stato seguito da adesioni Greenshoe. 25 banche hanno partecipato al sindacato, comprese sia partner a lungo termine che nuovi finanziatori provenienti da vari paesi.

Questo prestito fa parte della piattaforma di finanziamento di punta di Fosun, continuando la sua tradizione annuale di prestiti sindacati triennali dal 2017, con caratteristiche collegate alla sostenibilità incorporate dal 2023. Il completamento con successo dimostra il forte supporto di Fosun da parte di banche cinesi e straniere, così come il suo impegno verso iniziative ESG.

Fosun mira a continuare a implementare la propria strategia focalizzata sul core business, migliorare le capacità operative in settori vantaggiosi e ottimizzare la sua struttura del debito e la gestione della liquidità per uno sviluppo futuro costante.

Fosun International ha completado con éxito un préstamo sindicado vinculado a la sostenibilidad de 888 millones de USD, uno de los más grandes de su tipo para una empresa privada china en 2024. El préstamo, lanzado inicialmente en mayo con un cierre inicial de 603 millones de USD, fue seguido por adhesiones de Greenshoe. 25 bancos participaron en el sindicato, incluyendo tanto socios a largo plazo como nuevos prestamistas de varios países.

Este préstamo es parte de la plataforma de financiamiento insignia de Fosun, continuando su tradición anual de préstamos sindicados a 3 años desde 2017, con características vinculadas a la sostenibilidad incorporadas desde 2023. La finalización exitosa demuestra el fuerte apoyo de Fosun tanto de bancos chinos como extranjeros, así como su compromiso con iniciativas ESG.

Fosun busca seguir implementando su estrategia centrada en el negocio principal, mejorar las capacidades operativas en industrias ventajosas y optimizar su estructura de deuda y gestión de liquidez para un desarrollo futuro constante.

포순 인터내셔널은 2024년 중국 민간 기업 중 가장 큰 규모 중 하나인 8억 8천8백만 달러 규모의 지속 가능성 연계 신디케이트 대출을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 대출은 5월에 처음 발표되었으며 초기 마감 금액은 6억 3백만 달러였으며, 이후 Greenshoe 증액이 있었습니다. 25개 은행이 참여했습니다 이 신디케이트에는 장기 파트너와 다양한 국가의 신규 대출자가 포함됩니다.

이 대출은 포순의 주요 자금 조달 플랫폼의 일환으로, 2017년부터 매년 3년 만기의 신디케이트 대출을 지속하고 있으며, 2023년부터는 지속 가능성 연계 기능이 포함되었습니다. 이 성공적인 완료는 포순이 중국 및 외국 은행들로부터 강력한 지지를 받고 있음을 보여주며, ESG 이니셔티브에 대한 헌신을 잘 나타냅니다.

포순은 핵심 사업 중심 전략을 계속 실행하고, 유리한 산업에서 운영 능력을 향상시키며, 안정적인 미래 발전을 위한 부채 구조 및 유동성 관리를 최적화할 계획입니다.

Fosun International a réussi à finaliser un prêt syndiqué lié à la durabilité de 888 millions de USD, l'un des plus importants de son genre pour une entreprise privée chinoise en 2024. Le prêt, lancé initialement en mai avec une première clôture de 603 millions de USD, a été suivi de souscriptions Greenshoe. 25 banques ont participé au syndicat, y compris des partenaires à long terme et de nouveaux prêteurs de divers pays.

Ce prêt fait partie de la plateforme de financement phare de Fosun, poursuivant sa tradition annuelle de prêts syndicats de 3 ans depuis 2017, avec des caractéristiques liées à la durabilité intégrées depuis 2023. L'achèvement réussi démontre le fort soutien de Fosun de la part de banques chinoises et étrangères, ainsi que son engagement envers les initiatives ESG.

Fosun vise à continuer à mettre en œuvre sa stratégie axée sur le cœur de métier, à améliorer ses capacités opérationnelles dans des secteurs avantageux et à optimiser sa structure de dette et sa gestion de liquidité pour un développement futur stable.

Fosun International hat erfolgreich ein nachhaltigkeitsgebundenes syndiziertes Darlehen über 888 Millionen USD abgeschlossen, eines der größten seiner Art für ein chinesisches privat geführtes Unternehmen im Jahr 2024. Das Darlehen wurde ursprünglich im Mai mit einem ersten Abschluss von 603 Millionen USD aufgelegt und erhielt durch Greenshoe-Zugänge zusätzliche Mittel. 25 Banken haben teilgenommen an dem Syndikat, darunter sowohl langfristige Partner als auch neue Kreditgeber aus verschiedenen Ländern.

Dieses Darlehen ist Teil von Fosuns führender Finanzierungsplattform, die seit 2017 jährlich 3-jährige syndizierte Darlehen anbietet, wobei seit 2023 auch nachhaltigkeitsgebundene Merkmale integriert sind. Der erfolgreiche Abschluss zeigt Fosuns starke Unterstützung von sowohl chinesischen als auch ausländischen Banken sowie sein Engagement für ESG-Initiativen.

Fosun hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, seine kerngeschäftsorientierte Strategie weiter umzusetzen, die Betriebskapazitäten in vorteilhaften Branchen zu verbessern und seine Schuldenstruktur sowie das Liquiditätsmanagement für eine stetige zukünftige Entwicklung zu optimieren.

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HONG KONG, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fosun International Limited (HKEX stock code: 00656, "Fosun International", "Fosun" or "the Company") has successfully completed a sustainability-linked syndicated loan amounting to USD888 million. The loan was initially launched earlier this year in May with first close of USD603 million, followed by Greenshoe accessions. The final size represents one of the largest of its kind in the market so far this year for a Chinese privately-owned enterprise.

The syndicate of banks involve in arranging the loan includes Bank of China (Macau), Bank of China (Shanghai), Banco Comercial Portugues, Bank of East Asia, BNP Paribas, Commerzbank, Hang Seng Bank, HSBC, Natixis, Qatar National Bank, Shanghai Commercial Bank and Standard Chartered Bank, with participation from a consortium of reputable financial institutions. HSBC, Natixis and Standard Chartered Bank are designated as ESG Coordinators for the loan.

The syndicated loan is part of Fosun's flagship financing platform. The Company has successfully completed one such 3-year syndicated loan each year since 2017, with sustainability-linked features incorporated since 2023 to advance its ESG initiatives. These loan facilities are not only participated by the long-term banking partners of Fosun, but also attract new banks to establishing relationships with the Company. The newly completed syndicated loan has attracted new lenders from China, Italy, Luxembourg, Japan, France, Thailand, Brunei and United Arab Emirates, with Bank of Beijing, Intesa Sanpaolo, MUFG and Societe Generale among the notable new participants. It is a testament to the strong support the Company received from both Chinese and foreign banks.

Fosun has established diversified financing channels, well-recognized financing capabilities and prudent financial policies, and has been proactively managing its debt duration and yield curve. Looking ahead, Fosun will continue to implement its core business-focused strategy and improve its operating capabilities in advantageous industries. It will continue to optimize its debt structure and strengthen liquidity management to prepare for the next phase of steady development.

About Fosun

Fosun was founded in 1992. After more than 30 years of development, Fosun has become a global innovation-driven consumer group. Adhering to the mission of creating happier lives for families worldwide, Fosun is committed to creating a global happiness ecosystem fulfilling the needs of one billion families in health, happiness and wealth. In 2007, Fosun International Limited was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX stock code: 00656). As of 30 June 2024, Fosun International's total assets amounted to RMB821.9 billion; it received an AA MSCI ESG rating and was the only conglomerate in Greater China with such rating.

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What is the size of Fosun's 2024 sustainability-linked syndicated loan?

Fosun's 2024 sustainability-linked syndicated loan reached a final facility size of USD888 million.

How many banks participated in Fosun's 2024 syndicated loan?

25 banks participated in Fosun's 2024 sustainability-linked syndicated loan.

When did Fosun (FOSUY) start incorporating sustainability-linked features in its syndicated loans?

Fosun began incorporating sustainability-linked features in its syndicated loans in 2023.

What was the initial close amount for Fosun's 2024 syndicated loan?

The initial close for Fosun's 2024 syndicated loan was USD603 million, launched in May.

How often does Fosun (FOSUY) complete these syndicated loans?

Fosun has successfully completed one 3-year syndicated loan each year since 2017.



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