Fosun International Received HSI ESG Rating of AA- for Two Consecutive Years

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Fosun International (HKEX: 00656) has received an AA- HSI ESG Rating for two consecutive years, highlighting its strong sustainability performance. The company has been selected as a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for five consecutive years. Fosun outperformed 90% of global enterprises in four core areas: Corporate Governance, Environment, Consumer Issues, and Community Involvement and Development.

Fosun has established a robust ESG governance structure and management system, integrating sustainable development principles into its operations. The company has committed to peaking carbon emissions by 2028 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Fosun is the only conglomerate in Greater China rated AA by MSCI ESG Ratings and outperformed 94% of its global peers in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment. The company was also included in the FTSE4Good Index Series and ranked in the top 1% of S&P Global's Sustainability Yearbook 2024 (China Edition).

Fosun International (HKEX: 00656) ha ricevuto un AA- HSI ESG Rating per due anni consecutivi, evidenziando le sue solide prestazioni in materia di sostenibilità. L'azienda è stata selezionata come componente dell'Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index per cinque anni consecutivi. Fosun ha superato il 90% delle imprese globali in quattro aree chiave: Governance Aziendale, Ambiente, Questioni dei Consumatori e Coinvolgimento e Sviluppo della Comunità.

Fosun ha stabilito una robusta struttura di governance e un sistema di gestione ESG, integrando i principi di sviluppo sostenibile nelle sue operazioni. L'azienda si è impegnata a raggiungere il picco delle emissioni di carbonio entro il 2028 e a conseguire la neutralità carbonica entro il 2050. Fosun è l'unico conglomerato nella Grande Cina classificato AA da MSCI ESG Ratings e ha superato il 94% dei suoi pari globali nella valutazione di sostenibilità aziendale S&P Global. L'azienda è stata anche inclusa nella FTSE4Good Index Series ed è stata classificata nel top 1% del Sustainability Yearbook 2024 di S&P Global (Edizione Cina).

Fosun International (HKEX: 00656) ha recibido una calificación AA- HSI ESG durante dos años consecutivos, destacando su sólido desempeño en sostenibilidad. La empresa ha sido seleccionada como acción integrante del Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index durante cinco años consecutivos. Fosun superó al 90% de las empresas globales en cuatro áreas clave: Gobernanza Corporativa, Medio Ambiente, Problemas del Consumidor y Participación y Desarrollo Comunitario.

Fosun ha establecido una robusta estructura de gobernanza ESG y un sistema de gestión, integrando principios de desarrollo sostenible en sus operaciones. La empresa se ha comprometido a alcanzar el pico de emisiones de carbono para 2028 y lograr la neutralidad de carbono para 2050. Fosun es el único conglomerado en la Gran China con una calificación AA por MSCI ESG Ratings y superó al 94% de sus pares globales en la Evaluación de Sostenibilidad Corporativa de S&P Global. La empresa también fue incluida en el FTSE4Good Index Series y ocupó el top 1% del Sustainability Yearbook 2024 de S&P Global (Edición China).

포순 인터내셔널 (HKEX: 00656)은 두 해 연속으로 AA- HSI ESG 평가를 받았으며, 이는 입증된 지속 가능성 성과를 강조합니다. 이 회사는 다섯 해 연속으로 항셍 기업 지속 가능성 벤치마크 지수의 구성 종목으로 선정되었습니다. 포순은 네 가지 핵심 분야에서 전 세계 기업의 90%를 초과 성과를 보였습니다: 기업 거버넌스, 환경, 소비자 문제 및 지역 사회 참여 및 개발.

포순은 강력한 ESG 거버넌스 구조와 관리 시스템을 구축하여 지속 가능한 발전 원칙을 운영에 통합했습니다. 이 회사는 2028년까지 탄소 배출 정점을 찍고 2050년까지 탄소 중립을 달성할 것을 약속했습니다. 포순은 MSCI ESG Ratings에서 AA 등급을 받은 중국 본토의 유일한 대기업이며, S&P Global 기업 지속 가능성 평가에서 전 세계 동급 생별 기업의 94%를 초과했습니다. 이 회사는 또한 FTSE4Good Index Series에 포함되었으며 S&P Global의 2024 지속 가능성 연감(중국 에디션)에서 상위 1%에 순위에 올랐습니다.

Fosun International (HKEX: 00656) a reçu une note ESG AA- HSI pendant deux années consécutives, soulignant ainsi ses solides performances en matière de durabilité. L'entreprise a été sélectionnée comme action constitutive de l'index de référence sur la durabilité des entreprises Hang Seng pendant cinq années consécutives. Fosun a surpassé 90 % des entreprises mondiales dans quatre domaines clés : Gouvernance d'entreprise, Environnement, Problèmes de consommation et Engagement et développement communautaire.

Fosun a établi une structure de gouvernance ESG robuste et un système de gestion, intégrant les principes de développement durable dans ses opérations. L'entreprise s'est engagée à atteindre le pic des émissions de carbone d'ici 2028 et à devenir neutre en carbone d'ici 2050. Fosun est le seul conglomérat de la Grande Chine noté AA par les MSCI ESG Ratings et a surpassé 94 % de ses pairs mondiaux dans l'évaluation de durabilité des entreprises de S&P Global. L'entreprise a également été incluse dans la FTSE4Good Index Series et a été classée dans le top 1 % du Sustainability Yearbook 2024 de S&P Global (Édition Chine).

Fosun International (HKEX: 00656) hat zwei Jahre in Folge eine AA- HSI ESG-Bewertung erhalten, was seine starke Leistung im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit hervorhebt. Das Unternehmen wurde fünf Jahre in Folge als Bestandteil des Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index ausgewählt. Fosun übertraf 90% der globalen Unternehmen in vier Kernbereichen: Unternehmensführung, Umwelt, Verbraucherfragen sowie Gemeinschaftsbeteiligung und -entwicklung.

Fosun hat eine robuste ESG-Governance-Struktur und ein Managementsystem eingerichtet, das nachhaltige Entwicklungsprinzipien in seine Abläufe integriert. Das Unternehmen hat sich verpflichtet, die Kohlenstoffemissionen bis 2028 zu begrenzen und bis 2050 Kohlenstoffneutralität zu erreichen. Fosun ist das einzige Konglomerat in Großchina, das von MSCI ESG Ratings mit AA bewertet wurde und hat 94% seiner globalen Wettbewerber in der S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment übertroffen. Das Unternehmen wurde auch in die FTSE4Good Index Series aufgenommen und belegte im Sustainability Yearbook 2024 von S&P Global (China-Ausgabe) den ersten Platz.

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Selected as a Constituent Stock of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for Five Consecutive Years

HONG KONG, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hang Seng Indexes Company recently announced its latest Sustainability Ratings of listed companies. Fosun International Limited (HKEX stock code: 00656, "Fosun International") with its outstanding sustainability performance, has received its rating of AA- for two consecutive years, reflecting the high recognition of Fosun International's performance in the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) field by the market.

The Hang Seng Sustainability Rating utilizes the sustainability rating framework of the independent professional assessment body, the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) and selects outstanding companies in the field of sustainability by evaluating listed companies on seven core indicators, including corporate governance, environment, and fair operating practices.

Leveraging on years of continuous cultivation and efforts in the ESG field, Fosun International has received its rating of AA- for two consecutive years, boasting scores that outperformed 90% of global enterprises in four core areas: Corporate Governance, Environment, Consumer Issues, and Community Involvement and Development. Fosun International has also been selected as a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for five consecutive years.

Since its establishment, Fosun remains steadfast in upholding its core values of "Self-improvement, Teamwork, Performance and Contribution to Society", continually bolsters its ESG framework and investment. Fosun has established a sound ESG governance structure and management system and integrated the principles of sustainable development into every facet of its operations. Fosun actively responded to national strategies, ensured information security, promoted technology innovation, participated in public welfare, protected the rights and interests of employees to promote sustainable management and value creation. Additionally, Fosun has committed to society - "strive to peak carbon emissions by 2028 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050" and released the Climate Information Disclosures Report for two consecutive years, underscoring its commitment to climate action and rallying global cooperation towards carbon neutrality.

In recent years, Fosun has shown outstanding performance in various aspects of ESG. Presently, Fosun International is the only conglomerate in Greater China rated AA by MSCI ESG Ratings. Fosun International outperformed 94% of its global peers in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, and was included in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024 by S&P Global. Fosun International was also ranked top 1% in S&P Global's Sustainability Yearbook 2024 (China Edition) and recognized as an "Industry Mover". Furthermore, Fosun International's FTSE Russell ESG score was consistently higher than the global industry average and it has been continuously selected as a constituent stock of the FTSE4Good Index Series.

In the future, Fosun will continue to deepen its businesses, strengthen innovation and globalization, and continue to drive long-term and sustainable business development, thereby creating long-term value for all stakeholders and fulfilling its mission of "Creating Happier Lives for Families Worldwide".

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What ESG rating did Fosun International (FOSUY) receive from Hang Seng Indexes Company in 2024?

Fosun International received an AA- HSI ESG Rating for two consecutive years, including 2024.

How many years has Fosun International (FOSUY) been a constituent of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index?

Fosun International has been selected as a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for five consecutive years.

What are Fosun International's (FOSUY) carbon neutrality goals?

Fosun International has committed to peaking carbon emissions by 2028 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

How did Fosun International (FOSUY) perform in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment?

Fosun International outperformed 94% of its global peers in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment and was included in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024.

What recognition did Fosun International (FOSUY) receive in S&P Global's Sustainability Yearbook 2024 (China Edition)?

Fosun International was ranked in the top 1% in S&P Global's Sustainability Yearbook 2024 (China Edition) and recognized as an 'Industry Mover'.



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