Fossil Group (NASDAQ: FOSL) has appointed Randy Greben as Chief Financial Officer, effective March 17, replacing Interim CFO Andrew Skobe. Greben will lead the company's global financial strategy, focusing on financial turnaround and business transformation.
Greben brings over 20 years of financial leadership experience, most recently serving as CFO and COO at Casper Sleep, where he strengthened the balance sheet and reduced costs. His previous roles include CFO positions at Blue Apron, ANN Inc., and Quidsi (an Amazon subsidiary).
The appointment aligns with Fossil's commitment to building its leadership team for long-term profitable growth, with CEO Franco Fogliato highlighting Greben's expertise as a proven leader and change agent in driving value creation for stakeholders.
Fossil Group (NASDAQ: FOSL) ha nominato Randy Greben come Chief Financial Officer, a partire dal 17 marzo, sostituendo l'Interim CFO Andrew Skobe. Greben guiderà la strategia finanziaria globale dell'azienda, concentrandosi sul recupero finanziario e sulla trasformazione aziendale.
Greben porta con sé oltre 20 anni di esperienza nella leadership finanziaria, avendo recentemente ricoperto il ruolo di CFO e COO presso Casper Sleep, dove ha rafforzato il bilancio e ridotto i costi. Le sue precedenti esperienze includono posizioni di CFO presso Blue Apron, ANN Inc. e Quidsi (una sussidiaria di Amazon).
La nomina è in linea con l'impegno di Fossil a costruire il proprio team di leadership per una crescita profittevole a lungo termine, con il CEO Franco Fogliato che sottolinea l'expertise di Greben come leader affermato e agente di cambiamento nel creare valore per gli stakeholder.
Fossil Group (NASDAQ: FOSL) ha nombrado a Randy Greben como Director Financiero, con efecto a partir del 17 de marzo, reemplazando al CFO interino Andrew Skobe. Greben liderará la estrategia financiera global de la empresa, enfocándose en la recuperación financiera y la transformación del negocio.
Greben aporta más de 20 años de experiencia en liderazgo financiero, habiendo servido más recientemente como CFO y COO en Casper Sleep, donde fortaleció el balance y redujo costos. Sus roles anteriores incluyen posiciones de CFO en Blue Apron, ANN Inc. y Quidsi (una filial de Amazon).
La designación se alinea con el compromiso de Fossil de construir su equipo de liderazgo para un crecimiento rentable a largo plazo, con el CEO Franco Fogliato destacando la experiencia de Greben como un líder probado y agente de cambio en la creación de valor para los interesados.
화석 그룹 (NASDAQ: FOSL)은 랜디 그레벤을 3월 17일부터 CFO로 임명하고, 임시 CFO인 앤드류 스코브를 대체한다고 발표했습니다. 그레벤은 회사의 글로벌 재무 전략을 이끌며, 재정 회복과 비즈니스 변환에 집중할 것입니다.
그레벤은 20년 이상의 재무 리더십 경험을 보유하고 있으며, 최근에는 캐스퍼 슬립에서 CFO 및 COO로 근무하면서 재무 상태를 강화하고 비용을 절감했습니다. 그의 이전 경력에는 블루 에이프런, ANN Inc. 및 아마존 자회사인 퀴드시의 CFO 직책이 포함됩니다.
이번 임명은 화석이 장기적인 수익성 있는 성장을 위한 리더십 팀을 구축하겠다는 의지와 일치하며, CEO 프란코 포글리아토는 그레벤의 전문성을 가치 창출을 위한 입증된 리더이자 변화의 주체로 강조하고 있습니다.
Fossil Group (NASDAQ: FOSL) a nommé Randy Greben au poste de Directeur Financier, à compter du 17 mars, remplaçant ainsi le CFO intérimaire Andrew Skobe. Greben dirigera la stratégie financière mondiale de l'entreprise, en se concentrant sur la redressement financier et la transformation des affaires.
Greben apporte plus de 20 ans d'expérience en leadership financier, ayant récemment été CFO et COO chez Casper Sleep, où il a renforcé le bilan et réduit les coûts. Ses précédents postes incluent des fonctions de CFO chez Blue Apron, ANN Inc. et Quidsi (une filiale d'Amazon).
La nomination s'inscrit dans l'engagement de Fossil à constituer son équipe de direction pour une croissance rentable à long terme, le PDG Franco Fogliato soulignant l'expertise de Greben en tant que leader éprouvé et agent de changement dans la création de valeur pour les parties prenantes.
Fossil Group (NASDAQ: FOSL) hat Randy Greben zum Chief Financial Officer ernannt, mit Wirkung zum 17. März, und ersetzt damit den interimistischen CFO Andrew Skobe. Greben wird die globale Finanzstrategie des Unternehmens leiten und sich auf die finanzielle Erholung und die Transformation des Geschäfts konzentrieren.
Greben bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der finanziellen Führung mit, zuletzt als CFO und COO bei Casper Sleep, wo er die Bilanz stärkte und Kosten senkte. Zu seinen früheren Positionen gehören CFO-Positionen bei Blue Apron, ANN Inc. und Quidsi (eine Tochtergesellschaft von Amazon).
Die Ernennung steht im Einklang mit Fossils Engagement, sein Führungsteam für ein langfristiges profitables Wachstum aufzubauen, wobei CEO Franco Fogliato Grebens Expertise als bewährter Führer und Veränderungsagent zur Schaffung von Werten für die Stakeholder hervorhebt.
- Appointment of experienced CFO with over 20 years of financial leadership
- New CFO has strong track record in business transformations and turnarounds
- Previous success in strengthening balance sheets and cost reduction initiatives
- Extensive experience in consumer brands and retail sector
- Company explicitly acknowledges need for financial turnaround
- Current interim CFO being replaced suggests potential leadership instability
Greben will oversee Fossil Group's global financial strategy, focusing on leading the organization's financial turnaround and business transformation. With more than two decades of financial leadership experience, Greben brings a strong track record of business transformations – ranging from deep turnarounds to high-growth strategies for a number of leading consumer brands.
"For decades, Fossil Group and its iconic global brands have been part of the consumer experience," said Greben. "I am thrilled to join the team at this pivotal time in the company's turnaround to help advance their strategies and build long-term shareholder value."
Greben most recently served as Chief Financial and Operating Officer at Casper Sleep, Inc., where he strengthened the balance sheet, led a successful sale process of the company's
"We are thrilled to welcome Randy, who brings deep financial acumen and operating expertise to the Company," said Chief Executive Officer Franco Fogliato. "Randy is a proven leader and change agent. His appointment will add tremendous value to our team as we pursue our turnaround plan and focus on value creation for all our stakeholders."
About Fossil Group, Inc.
Fossil Group, Inc. is a global design, marketing, distribution and innovation company specializing in lifestyle accessories. Under a diverse portfolio of owned and licensed brands, our offerings include watches, jewelry, handbags, small leather goods, belts, and sunglasses. We are committed to delivering the best in design and innovation across our owned brands, Fossil, Michele, Relic, Skagen and Zodiac, and licensed brands, Armani Exchange, Diesel, Emporio Armani, kate spade new york, Michael Kors, Skechers and Tory Burch. We bring each brand story to life through an extensive distribution network across numerous geographies, categories, and channels. Certain press releases and SEC filing information concerning the Company are also available at
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