Worldwide Digital Asset-Based ETPs AUM Surges 79% Year-to-Date; Outpacing Underlying Assets by 150%

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Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC: FNQQF) reports that global Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) with underlying digital assets saw a 79% increase in Assets Under Management (AUM) year-to-date, reaching $88.8 billion in September. This growth outpaced the underlying digital assets' market value increase by 150%.

Key highlights:

  • ETPs' AUM rose 6% from August to September
  • Digital assets market value grew 11.3% in September
  • BTC Spot ETFs saw cumulative net inflows of $18.9 billion since January
  • Alternative coin and cryptocurrency basket ETPs showed positive momentum in Q3
  • Bitcoin ETPs' AUM surged 102% year-to-date
  • Ethereum ETPs experienced outflows, but showed signs of potential reversal

The analysis covers 219 tracked ETPs, including ETFs and ETNs, as of September's end.

Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC: FNQQF) riporta che gli Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) con asset digitali sottostanti hanno visto un aumento del 79% negli Assets Under Management (AUM) dall'inizio dell'anno, raggiungendo 88,8 miliardi di dollari a settembre. Questa crescita ha superato l'aumento del valore di mercato degli asset digitali sottostanti del 150%.

Punti salienti:

  • Gli AUM degli ETP sono aumentati del 6% da agosto a settembre
  • Il valore di mercato degli asset digitali è cresciuto dell'11,3% a settembre
  • Gli ETF Bitcoin Spot hanno registrato afflussi netti cumulati di 18,9 miliardi di dollari da gennaio
  • Gli ETP di monete alternative e basket di criptovalute hanno mostrato una buona spinta nel terzo trimestre
  • Gli AUM degli ETP di Bitcoin sono aumentati del 102% dall'inizio dell'anno
  • Gli ETP di Ethereum hanno subito deflussi, ma mostrano segni di una potenziale inversione

L'analisi copre 219 ETP monitorati, inclusi ETF ed ETN, fino alla fine di settembre.

Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC: FNQQF) informa que los Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) con activos digitales subyacentes experimentaron un aumento del 79% en los Activos Bajo Gestión (AUM) hasta la fecha, alcanzando 88.8 mil millones de dólares en septiembre. Este crecimiento superó el aumento del valor de mercado de los activos digitales subyacentes en un 150%.

Puntos clave:

  • Los AUM de los ETP aumentaron un 6% de agosto a septiembre
  • El valor de mercado de los activos digitales creció un 11.3% en septiembre
  • Los ETF de Bitcoin al contado vieron flujos netos acumulados de 18.9 mil millones de dólares desde enero
  • Los ETP de monedas alternativas y canastas de criptomonedas mostraron un impulso positivo en el tercer trimestre
  • Los AUM de los ETP de Bitcoin se dispararon un 102% hasta la fecha
  • Los ETP de Ethereum experimentaron salidas, pero mostraron signos de una posible reversión

El análisis cubre 219 ETP rastreados, incluidos ETF y ETN, hasta finales de septiembre.

Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC: FNQQF)는 디지털 자산 기반의 상장지수상품(ETP)이 올해 들어 79% 증가한 운용 자산(AUM)을 기록하여 9월에 888억 달러에 이르렀다고 보고했습니다. 이 성장은 기본 디지털 자산의 시장 가치 증가를 150% 초과했습니다.

주요 사항:

  • 9월까지 ETP의 AUM이 8월에서 6% 증가했습니다.
  • 디지털 자산 시장 가치는 9월에 11.3% 성장했습니다.
  • 비트코인 스팟 ETF는 1월 이후 189억 달러의 누적 순유입을 기록했습니다.
  • 대체 코인 및 암호화폐 바스켓 ETP는 3분기에 긍정적인 모멘텀을 보였습니다.
  • 비트코인 ETP의 AUM은 올해 들어 102% 급증했습니다.
  • 이더리움 ETP는 유출이 있었으나 잠재적인 반전 조짐을 보였습니다.

이 분석은 9월 말 기준으로 219개의 ETP를 포함합니다. ETF와 ETN 포함.

Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC: FNQQF) rapporte que les Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) avec des actifs numériques sous-jacents ont connu une augmentation de 79% des Actifs Sous Gestion (AUM) depuis le début de l'année, atteignant 88,8 milliards de dollars en septembre. Cette croissance a dépassé l'augmentation de la valeur de marché des actifs numériques sous-jacents de 150%.

Points clés :

  • Les AUM des ETP ont augmenté de 6% d'août à septembre
  • La valeur de marché des actifs numériques a augmenté de 11,3% en septembre
  • Les ETF Bitcoin Spot ont enregistré des entrées nettes cumulées de 18,9 milliards de dollars depuis janvier
  • Les ETP de monnaies alternatives et de paniers de cryptomonnaies ont montré une dynamique positive au T3
  • Les AUM des ETP de Bitcoin ont grimpé de 102% depuis le début de l'année
  • Les ETP d'Ethereum ont subi des sorties, mais montrent des signes de potentiel de retournement

L'analyse couvre 219 ETP suivis, y compris les ETF et ETN, à la fin de septembre.

Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC: FNQQF) berichtet, dass die globalen Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) mit zugrunde liegenden digitalen Vermögenswerten im Jahr bisher einen Anstieg von 79% bei den verwalteten Vermögen (AUM) verzeichneten und im September 88,8 Milliarden Dollar erreichten. Dieses Wachstum übertraf den Anstieg des Marktwerts der zugrunde liegenden digitalen Vermögenswerte um 150%.

Wichtige Höhepunkte:

  • Die AUM der ETPs stiegen von August bis September um 6%
  • Der Marktwert der digitalen Vermögenswerte wuchs im September um 11,3%
  • BTC Spot ETFs verzeichneten kumulierte Nettozuflüsse von 18,9 Milliarden Dollar seit Januar
  • Alternative Münz- und Kryptowährungs-Basket-ETPs zeigten im 3. Quartal eine positive Dynamik
  • Die AUM der Bitcoin-ETPs stiegen bis heute um 102%
  • Ethereum-ETPs erlebten Abflüsse, zeigen jedoch Anzeichen einer potenziellen Umkehr

Die Analyse umfasst 219 verfolgte ETPs, einschließlich ETFs und ETNs, bis Ende September.

  • 79% increase in AUM for digital asset-based ETPs year-to-date, reaching $88.8 billion
  • ETP AUM growth outpaced underlying digital assets by 150% year-to-date
  • $18.9 billion cumulative net inflow for BTC Spot ETFs since January
  • 102% surge in Bitcoin ETPs' AUM year-to-date
  • Alternative coin and cryptocurrency basket ETPs showed positive momentum in Q3
  • Ethereum ETPs experienced significant outflows, with AUM decreasing by 27.5% in Q3

London, United Kingdom--(Newsfile Corp. - October 8, 2024) - Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC: FNQQF) (FSE: FNQA), a leading digital asset and investment business, announces that its analysis of global Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) with underlying digital assets revealed that Assets Under Management (AUM) rose to $88.8 billion in September, reflecting a 6% increase from $83.6 billion at the end of August. Year-to-date (YTD), total AUM surged 79% from $49.5 billion at the start of 2024.

In September, the market value of digital assets grew by 11.3% to $2.33 trillion, up from $2.1 trillion at the end of August. Year-to-date, the market cap of digital assets rose by 31.5% from $1.8 trillion at the end of 2023. The growth in ETPs' AUM has outpaced the rise in the value of underlying crypto assets by 150% year-to-date.

During Q3, the total AUM of ETPs holding digital assets rose 1%, reaching $88.8 billion, up from $87.9 billion at the end of Q2. Meanwhile, the overall value of the digital assets market dropped 4.2%, falling to $2.33 trillion from $2.43 trillion at the close of June. The premium growth in ETPs holding digital assets continued throughout Q3, building on trends seen in the first two quarters.

ETPs include Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs). The notable premium is primarily attributed to the approval of BTC Spot ETFs, which began trading on January 11, and have since seen a cumulative net inflow of about $18.9 billion.

"While BTC ETPs set the stage in the first half of the year, Q3 saw a more even playing field as altcoins and basket ETPs gained momentum," said Fineqia's CEO, Bundeep Singh Rangar. "Bitcoin planted the seeds of growth, and now the rest of the market is reaping the rewards."

ETPs holding alternative coins and cryptocurrency baskets also showed positive momentum in Q3. The AUM of ETPs tracking an index of alternative coins increased by 9.6% in Sept., reaching $3.43 billion, up from $3.14 billion in August. During Q3, the AUM grew by 6.1%, up from $3.23 billion at the end of Q2.

ETPs representing a diversified basket of cryptocurrencies saw their AUM increase by 9.6% in September, rising to $3 billion from $2.77 billion at the end of August. During Q3, the AUM fell by 2%, down from $3.1 billion at the end of Q2, suggesting that the positive trend was more concentrated in September.

Year-to-date, the AUM of ETPs holding alternative coins has increased by 53.6%, up from $2.23 billion at the end of 2023. During the same period, ETPs representing a diversified basket of cryptocurrencies saw a 34.8% rise in AUM, increasing from $2.25 billion at the start of the year.

In September, Bitcoin (BTC) price increased by 7.9%, rising to $63,725 from $59,050 at the end of August. During the same period, the AUM of BTC ETPs grew by 6.5%, rising to $72.1 billion from $67.7 billion. In Q3, BTC's price increased by 3.1% from $61,825, while the AUM of BTC ETPs rose by 6.8%, up from $67.5 billion.

Year-to-date, BTC's price has risen by 51%, to $63,725 from $42,290 at the end of 2023. During the same period, the AUM of BTC ETPs surged 102%, growing to $72.1 billion from $35.6 billion. This highlight continued positive inflows into BTC ETPs throughout Q3, extending the trend observed in Q1 and Q2.

Ethereum (ETH) price rose 3.7% in September to $2,612 from $2,519 at the end of August. During the same period, the AUM of ETH ETPs increased by 2.5%, reaching $10.2 billion from $9.9 billion. In Q3, ETH's price dropped by 23.4%, down from $3,409 at the end of Q2, and the AUM of ETH-denominated ETPs decreased by 27.5%, falling from $14 billion.

Year-to-date, ETH's price grew by 14.7%, increasing to $2,612 from $2,277 at the end of 2023. During the same period, the AUM of ETH ETPs increased by 7.8%, rising to $10.2 billion from $9.4 billion at the start of the year.

The data suggests that the substantial outflows from the Grayscale Ethereum ETF (ETHE), following its conversion from a trust, caused net outflows in ETH ETPs. Newly launched ETPs have not fully offset these outflows. In the last week of September, however, ETH ETPs recorded approximately $85 million of inflows that marked the first positive week after six consecutive weeks of outflows. This could indicate a trend reversal, with inflows possibly picking up in the coming weeks.

Fineqia Research's AUM calculation factors in the launch or closure of ETPs during any stated period. The number of tracked ETPs stood at 219 as of the end of September.

All references to price are quoted in USD, and the cryptocurrency prices are sourced from CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.

The ETP and ETF AUM data referenced in this announcement were compiled from reputable sources, including 21Shares AG, Grayscale Investment LLC, VanEck Associates Corp., Morningstar, Inc., and TrackInSight SAS, by Fineqia's dedicated in-house research department.

About Fineqia International Inc.

Fineqia ( is a digital asset business that builds and targets investments in early and growth stage technology companies that will be part of the next generation of the Internet. Publicly listed in Canada (CSE: FNQ) with quoted symbols on the Nasdaq and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Fineqia's portfolio of investments includes businesses at the forefront of tokenization, blockchain technology, NFTs, AI, and fintech. Fineqia's VC fund in formation, Glass Ventures, backs category-defining Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 companies built by world-class entrepreneurs. and


Katarina Kupcikova, Marketing & Communications Manager
T. +44 7806 730 769


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What was the total AUM for digital asset-based ETPs in September 2024?

The total Assets Under Management (AUM) for digital asset-based Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) reached $88.8 billion in September 2024, according to Fineqia International Inc. (OTC: FNQQF).

How much did Bitcoin ETPs' AUM grow year-to-date as of September 2024?

Bitcoin ETPs' AUM surged by 102% year-to-date, growing from $35.6 billion at the end of 2023 to $72.1 billion in September 2024, as reported by Fineqia International Inc. (OTC: FNQQF).

What was the cumulative net inflow for BTC Spot ETFs since their approval in January 2024?

According to Fineqia International Inc. (OTC: FNQQF), BTC Spot ETFs saw a cumulative net inflow of approximately $18.9 billion since they began trading on January 11, 2024.

How did Ethereum ETPs perform in Q3 2024?

Ethereum ETPs experienced significant outflows in Q3 2024, with their AUM decreasing by 27.5%, falling from $14 billion at the end of Q2 to $10.2 billion by the end of September, as reported by Fineqia International Inc. (OTC: FNQQF).



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