Fannie Mae Announces Sale of Reperforming Loans
Fannie Mae (OTCQB: FNMA) has announced a new sale of reperforming loans as part of its strategy to reduce its retained mortgage portfolio. The sale package includes approximately 3,141 loans with an unpaid principal balance of $559.8 million.
The sale, marketed in collaboration with Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., will accept bids until March 26, 2025. Buyers must commit to specific terms, including:
- Offering loss mitigation options to borrowers who default within 5 years post-sale
- Honoring existing approved or in-process loss mitigation efforts
- Providing delinquent borrowers with loss mitigation options, including possible principal forgiveness, before initiating foreclosure
Fannie Mae (OTCQB: FNMA) ha annunciato una nuova vendita di prestiti ripristinati come parte della sua strategia per ridurre il portafoglio di mutui detenuti. Il pacchetto di vendita include circa 3.141 prestiti con un saldo principale non pagato di 559,8 milioni di dollari.
La vendita, commercializzata in collaborazione con Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., accetterà offerte fino al 26 marzo 2025. Gli acquirenti devono impegnarsi a rispettare termini specifici, tra cui:
- Offrire opzioni di mitigazione delle perdite ai mutuatari che non rimborsano entro 5 anni dalla vendita
- Onorare gli sforzi di mitigazione delle perdite già approvati o in corso
- Fornire ai mutuatari inadempienti opzioni di mitigazione delle perdite, inclusa la possibile cancellazione del capitale, prima di avviare la procedura di pignoramento
Fannie Mae (OTCQB: FNMA) ha anunciado una nueva venta de préstamos reperformantes como parte de su estrategia para reducir su cartera de hipotecas retenidas. El paquete de venta incluye aproximadamente 3,141 préstamos con un saldo principal no pagado de $559.8 millones.
La venta, comercializada en colaboración con Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., aceptará ofertas hasta el 26 de marzo de 2025. Los compradores deben comprometerse a términos específicos, que incluyen:
- Ofrecer opciones de mitigación de pérdidas a los prestatarios que incumplan dentro de los 5 años posteriores a la venta
- Honrar los esfuerzos de mitigación de pérdidas existentes o en proceso
- Proporcionar a los prestatarios morosos opciones de mitigación de pérdidas, incluida la posible condonación del capital, antes de iniciar el proceso de ejecución hipotecaria
Fannie Mae (OTCQB: FNMA)는 보유 모기지 포트폴리오를 줄이기 위한 전략의 일환으로 재실행 대출의 새로운 판매를 발표했습니다. 판매 패키지에는 3,141건의 대출이 포함되어 있으며, 미지급 원금 잔액은 5억 5,980만 달러입니다.
이 판매는 Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.와 협력하여 마케팅되며, 2025년 3월 26일까지 입찰을 받습니다. 구매자는 다음과 같은 특정 조건을 준수해야 합니다:
- 판매 후 5년 이내에 채무불이행한 차용인에게 손실 완화 옵션 제공
- 기존 승인된 또는 진행 중인 손실 완화 노력 존중
- 차입자에게 압류를 시작하기 전에 손실 완화 옵션을 제공, 여기에는 가능한 원금 면제가 포함됨
Fannie Mae (OTCQB: FNMA) a annoncé une nouvelle vente de prêts reperformants dans le cadre de sa stratégie de réduction de son portefeuille hypothécaire détenu. Le paquet de vente comprend environ 3 141 prêts avec un solde principal impayé de 559,8 millions de dollars.
La vente, commercialisée en collaboration avec Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., acceptera les offres jusqu'au 26 mars 2025. Les acheteurs doivent s'engager à respecter des conditions spécifiques, y compris :
- Offrir des options de mitigation des pertes aux emprunteurs qui font défaut dans les 5 ans suivant la vente
- Honorer les efforts de mitigation des pertes existants ou en cours
- Fournir aux emprunteurs en retard des options de mitigation des pertes, y compris une éventuelle remise de capital, avant d'initier la saisie
Fannie Mae (OTCQB: FNMA) hat einen neuen Verkauf von wiederhergestellten Darlehen angekündigt, um ihr gehaltenes Hypothekenportfolio zu reduzieren. Das Verkaufspaket umfasst ungefähr 3.141 Darlehen mit einem unbezahlten Hauptsaldo von 559,8 Millionen Dollar.
Der Verkauf, der in Zusammenarbeit mit Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. vermarktet wird, akzeptiert Angebote bis zum 26. März 2025. Käufer müssen sich zu bestimmten Bedingungen verpflichten, darunter:
- Angebot von Verlustminderungsoptionen für Kreditnehmer, die innerhalb von 5 Jahren nach dem Verkauf in Verzug geraten
- Einhalten bestehender genehmigter oder in Bearbeitung befindlicher Verlustminderungsmaßnahmen
- Anbieten von Verlustminderungsoptionen für säumige Kreditnehmer, einschließlich möglicher Schuldenerlass, bevor das Zwangsvollstreckungsverfahren eingeleitet wird
- Portfolio optimization through sale of $559.8M in reperforming loans
- Risk reduction in retained mortgage portfolio
- Reduction in interest-earning assets from portfolio
The sale consists of approximately 3,141 loans, having an unpaid principal balance of approximately
This sale of reperforming loans is being marketed in collaboration with Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. Bids are due on March 26, 2025.
Reperforming loans are loans that have been or are currently delinquent but have reperformed for a period of time. The terms of Fannie Mae's reperforming loan sale require the buyer to offer loss mitigation options to any borrower who may re-default within five years following the closing of the reperforming loan sale. All purchasers are required to honor any approved or in-process loss mitigation efforts at the time of sale, including loan modifications. In addition, purchasers must offer delinquent borrowers a waterfall of loss mitigation options, including loan modifications, which may include principal forgiveness, prior to initiating foreclosure on any loan.
Interested bidders can register for ongoing announcements, training, and other information here. Fannie Mae will also post information about specific pools available for purchase on that page.
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SOURCE Fannie Mae
What is the total value of Fannie Mae's (FNMA) reperforming loan sale in March 2025?
When is the deadline for bidding on FNMA's March 2025 reperforming loan sale?
What are the buyer requirements for FNMA's reperforming loan sale?