Mortgage Rates Continue to Tumble

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Freddie Mac's Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®) reveals a decline in mortgage rates, with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaging 6.09%, down from 6.20% last week and 7.19% a year ago. The 15-year FRM averaged 5.15%, decreased from 5.27% last week and 6.54% a year ago.

Sam Khater, Freddie Mac's Chief Economist, notes that rates are approaching the 6% mark, stimulating purchase and refinance demand. He expects rates to fall further following the Federal Reserve's first rate cut in over four years, potentially boosting housing market activity.

The PMMS® focuses on conventional, conforming home purchase loans for borrowers with 20% down payment and excellent credit. Freddie Mac's mission is to promote liquidity, stability, affordability, and equity in the housing market throughout economic cycles.

Il Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®) di Freddie Mac mostra un calo dei tassi ipotecari, con il mutuo a tasso fisso di 30 anni (FRM) che si attesta in media al 6,09%, in diminuzione rispetto al 6,20% della settimana scorsa e al 7,19% di un anno fa. Il FRM a 15 anni ha registrato una media del 5,15%, in calo rispetto al 5,27% della settimana scorsa e al 6,54% di un anno fa.

Sam Khater, Chief Economist di Freddie Mac, fa notare che i tassi si avvicinano alla soglia del 6%, stimolando la domanda di acquisto e rifinanziamento. Si aspetta ulteriori cali dei tassi dopo il primo taglio dei tassi della Federal Reserve in oltre quattro anni, il che potrebbe aumentare l'attività nel mercato immobiliare.

Il PMMS® si concentra sui prestiti convenzionali per l'acquisto di case destinati a mutuatari con un'acconto del 20% e un'ottima solvibilità. La missione di Freddie Mac è quella di promuovere liquidità, stabilità, accessibilità e equità nel mercato immobiliare durante i cicli economici.

La Encuesta del Mercado de Hipotecas Primarias® (PMMS®) de Freddie Mac revela una disminución en las tasas hipotecarias, con la hipoteca a tasa fija de 30 años (FRM) promediando el 6,09%, por debajo del 6,20% de la semana pasada y del 7,19% de hace un año. La FRM a 15 años promedió el 5,15%, disminuyendo desde el 5,27% de la semana pasada y el 6,54% de hace un año.

Sam Khater, economista jefe de Freddie Mac, señala que las tasas se están acercando a la marca del 6%, lo que estimula la demanda de compras y refinanciamientos. Espera que las tasas sigan bajando tras el primer recorte de tasas de la Reserva Federal en más de cuatro años, lo cual podría impulsar la actividad del mercado inmobiliario.

La PMMS® se centra en préstamos convencionales de compra de vivienda para prestatarios con un pago inicial del 20% y excelente crédito. La misión de Freddie Mac es promover la liquidez, estabilidad, asequibilidad y equidad en el mercado de la vivienda a lo largo de los ciclos económicos.

프레디 맥의 기본 모기지 시장 조사(PMMS®)에 따르면, 모기지 금리가 하락했으며, 30년 고정금리 모기지(FRM)의 평균이 6.09%로, 지난주 6.20%에서 하락하고, 1년 전 7.19%에서 하락했습니다. 15년 FRM의 평균은 5.15%로, 지난주 5.27%에서 감소하고, 1년 전 6.54%에서 감소했습니다.

프레디 맥의 수석 경제학자 샘 카테르는 금리가 6%에 가까워지고 있어 구매 및 재융자 수요를 자극하고 있다고 언급합니다. 그는 4년 이상만에 연방준비제도의 첫 금리 인하가 있을 경우 금리가 더 떨어질 것으로 예상하며, 이는 주택 시장의 활동을 증가시킬 수 있다고 평가합니다.

PMMS®는 20%의 다운페이먼트와 우수한 신용을 가진 차용인을 위한 전통적인 주택 구매 대출에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 프레디 맥의 임무는 경제 주기 전반에 걸쳐 주택 시장에서 유동성, 안정성, 접근 가능성 및 공정성을 촉진하는 것입니다.

Le Sondage du marché hypothécaire primaire® (PMMS®) de Freddie Mac révèle une baisse des taux hypothécaires, avec le taux fixe de 30 ans (FRM) atteignant en moyenne 6,09%, en baisse par rapport à 6,20% la semaine dernière et 7,19% il y a un an. Le FRM de 15 ans a enregistré une moyenne de 5,15%, en déclin par rapport à 5,27% la semaine dernière et 6,54% il y a un an.

Sam Khater, économiste en chef de Freddie Mac, note que les taux s'approchent de la barre des 6%, stimulant la demande d'achats et de refinancements. Il s'attend à une nouvelle baisse des taux suite à la première réduction des taux de la Réserve fédérale en plus de quatre ans, ce qui pourrait booster l'activité du marché immobilier.

Le PMMS® se concentre sur les prêts hypothécaires conventionnels et conformes pour les emprunteurs avec 20% d'apport et une excellente cote de crédit. La mission de Freddie Mac est de promouvoir la liquidité, la stabilité, l'accessibilité et l'équité sur le marché du logement à travers les cycles économiques.

Die Primärhypothekenmarkt-Umfrage® (PMMS®) von Freddie Mac zeigt einen Rückgang der Hypothekenzinsen, wobei die 30-jährige Festzins-Hypothek (FRM) im Durchschnitt bei 6,09% liegt, was einen Rückgang von 6,20% in der letzten Woche und 7,19% vor einem Jahr bedeutet. Die 15-jährige FRM betrug im Durchschnitt 5,15%, was einen Rückgang von 5,27% in der letzten Woche und 6,54% vor einem Jahr bedeutet.

Sam Khater, Chefökonom von Freddie Mac, merkt an, dass die Zinsen sich der 6%-Marke nähern, was die Nachfrage nach Käufen und Refinanzierungen anregt. Er erwartet, dass die Zinsen nach der ersten Zinssenkung der Federal Reserve seit mehr als vier Jahren weiter sinken werden, was möglicherweise die Aktivität auf dem Wohnungsmarkt ankurbeln könnte.

Die PMMS® konzentriert sich auf konventionelle, konforme Hypotheken für Käufer mit 20% Anzahlung und exzellenter Kreditwürdigkeit. Die Mission von Freddie Mac ist es, Liquidität, Stabilität, Erschwinglichkeit und Chancengleichheit auf dem Immobilienmarkt über die wirtschaftlichen Zyklen hinweg zu fördern.

  • 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) decreased to 6.09% from 6.20% last week
  • 15-year FRM decreased to 5.15% from 5.27% last week
  • Mortgage rates are significantly lower compared to a year ago
  • Declining rates are reviving purchase and refinance demand
  • Further rate decreases are expected, potentially sparking more housing activity
  • None.

MCLEAN, Va., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®), showing the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 6.09 percent.

“Mortgage rates continued declining towards the six percent mark, reviving purchase and refinance demand for many consumers,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist. “While mortgage rates do not directly follow moves by the Federal Reserve, this first cut in over four years will have an impact on the housing market. Declining mortgage rates over the last several weeks indicate this cut was mostly baked in, but we expect rates to fall further, sparking more housing activity.”

News Facts

  • The 30-year FRM averaged 6.09 percent as of September 19, 2024, down from last week when it averaged 6.20 percent. A year ago at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 7.19 percent.
  • The 15-year FRM averaged 5.15 percent, down from last week when it averaged 5.27 percent. A year ago at this time, the 15-year FRM averaged 6.54 percent.

The PMMS® is focused on conventional, conforming, fully amortizing home purchase loans for borrowers who put 20 percent down and have excellent credit. For more information, view our Frequently Asked Questions.

Freddie Mac’s mission is to make home possible for families across the nation. We promote liquidity, stability, affordability and equity in the housing market throughout all economic cycles. Since 1970, we have helped tens of millions of families buy, rent or keep their home. Learn More: Website | Consumers | X | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Angela Waugaman

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the current 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) average according to Freddie Mac's PMMS for September 19, 2024?

The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 6.09% as of September 19, 2024, according to Freddie Mac's Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®).

How has the 15-year FRM rate changed compared to last week for Freddie Mac (FMCC)?

The 15-year FRM averaged 5.15%, down from 5.27% last week, as reported by Freddie Mac (FMCC).

What does Freddie Mac's Chief Economist predict about future mortgage rates?

Sam Khater, Freddie Mac's Chief Economist, expects mortgage rates to fall further, potentially sparking more housing market activity.

How do the current mortgage rates compare to those from a year ago for Freddie Mac (FMCC)?

The current rates are significantly lower. A year ago, the 30-year FRM averaged 7.19% and the 15-year FRM averaged 6.54%, compared to 6.09% and 5.15% respectively in the latest report.



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Mortgage Finance
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United States of America