Freddie Mac Reminds Homeowners Impacted by Hurricane Milton of Mortgage Relief Options

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Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) is reminding homeowners and mortgage servicers of its immediate relief options for those impacted by Hurricane Milton. The company's forbearance program offers up to 12 months of mortgage relief without late fees or penalties. Foreclosure and legal proceedings are suspended during forbearance.

Homeowners affected by the hurricane should contact their mortgage servicer to discuss available options. After the forbearance period, homeowners can choose from several options to make up missed payments, including:

  • Reinstatement (lump sum payment)
  • Repayment plan
  • Payment deferral
  • Loan modification
Freddie Mac emphasizes that these options are available to homeowners both within and outside declared disaster areas if they experience disaster-related insured losses affecting their ability to pay their mortgage.

Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) ricorda ai proprietari di case e ai fornitori di mutui le sue opzioni di sollievo immediato per coloro che sono stati colpiti dall'uragano Milton. Il programma di sospensione dei pagamenti dell'azienda offre fino a 12 mesi di sollievo sui mutui senza spese di mora o penalità. Le procedure di pignoramento e legali sono sospese durante la sospensione dei pagamenti.

I proprietari di case colpiti dall'uragano dovrebbero contattare il loro fornitore di mutui per discutere le opzioni disponibili. Dopo il periodo di sospensione, i proprietari possono scegliere tra diverse opzioni per recuperare i pagamenti mancati, tra cui:

  • Ripristino (pagamento in un'unica soluzione)
  • Piano di rimborso
  • Rinvio del pagamento
  • Modifica del prestito
Freddie Mac sottolinea che queste opzioni sono disponibili per i proprietari di case sia all'interno che all'esterno delle aree dichiarate in stato di emergenza se subiscono perdite assicurate legate al disastro che influenzano la loro capacità di pagare il mutuo.

Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) está recordando a los propietarios de viviendas y a los prestamistas hipotecarios sobre sus opciones de alivio inmediato para quienes se han visto afectados por el huracán Milton. El programa de aplazamiento de pagos de la compañía ofrece hasta 12 meses de alivio hipotecario sin recargos ni penalizaciones. Se suspenden los procedimientos de ejecución hipotecaria y legales durante el aplazamiento.

Los propietarios de viviendas afectados por el huracán deben comunicarse con su prestamista hipotecario para discutir las opciones disponibles. Después del período de aplazamiento, los propietarios pueden elegir entre varias opciones para recuperar los pagos perdidos, que incluyen:

  • Restablecimiento (pago en suma global)
  • Plan de reembolso
  • Prórroga de pago
  • Modificación del préstamo
Freddie Mac enfatiza que estas opciones están disponibles para los propietarios, tanto dentro como fuera de las áreas declaradas como desastres, si experimentan pérdidas aseguradas relacionadas con el desastre que afectan su capacidad para pagar su hipoteca.

프레디맥(Freddie Mac, OTCQB: FMCC)은 허리케인 밀턴으로 영향을 받은 주택 소유자와 모기지 서비스 제공자에게 즉각적인 구제 옵션을 상기시킵니다. 회사의 지불 유예 프로그램은 연체료나 벌금 없이 최대 12개월 동안 모기지 구제를 제공합니다. 연체 기간 동안에는 압류 및 법적 절차가 중단됩니다.

허리케인으로 영향을 받은 주택 소유자는 사용할 수 있는 옵션에 대해 모기지 서비스 제공자와 상담해야 합니다. 유예 기간 이후, 주택 소유자는 놓친 지불금을 만회하기 위해 여러 옵션 중에서 선택할 수 있습니다:

  • 복구(일시불 지불)
  • 상환 계획
  • 지불 연기
  • 대출 수정
프레디맥은 이러한 옵션이 재난과 관련된 보험 손실로 인해 모기지를 지불할 수 없는 경우 피해 지역 내외의 주택 소유자에게 제공된다는 점을 강조합니다.

Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) rappelle aux propriétaires et aux servicers hypothécaires ses options de soulagement immédiat pour ceux touchés par l'ouragan Milton. Le programme de moratoire sur les paiements de l'entreprise propose jusqu'à 12 mois de soulagement hypothécaire sans frais de retard ni pénalités. Les procédures d'exécution et juridiques sont suspendues pendant la période de moratoire.

Les propriétaires touchés par l'ouragan doivent contacter leur servicer hypothécaire pour discuter des options disponibles. Après la période de moratoire, les propriétaires peuvent choisir parmi plusieurs options pour rattraper les paiements manqués, notamment :

  • Réintégration (paiement en une seule fois)
  • Plan de remboursement
  • Différé de paiement
  • Modification de prêt
Freddie Mac souligne que ces options sont disponibles pour les propriétaires, tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur des zones déclarées sinistrées, s'ils subissent des pertes assurées liées au désastre qui affectent leur capacité à payer leur hypothèque.

Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) erinnert Hauseigentümer und Hypothekendienstleister an seine sofortigen Entlastungsoptionen für diejenigen, die vom Hurrikan Milton betroffen sind. Das Stundungsprogramm des Unternehmens bietet bis zu 12 Monate Hypothekenentlastung ohne Verzugsgebühren oder Strafen. Die Zwangsvollstreckung und rechtliche Verfahren sind während der Stundung ausgesetzt.

Betroffene Hauseigentümer sollten sich an ihren Hypothekendienstleister wenden, um verfügbare Optionen zu besprechen. Nach der Stundungsperiode können Hauseigentümer aus mehreren Optionen wählen, um versäumte Zahlungen nachzuholen, darunter:

  • Wiedereinsetzung (Gesamtzahlung)
  • Rückzahlungsplan
  • Zahlungsaufschub
  • Darlehensänderung
Freddie Mac betont, dass diese Optionen sowohl für Hauseigentümer innerhalb als auch außerhalb der erklärten Katastrophengebiete verfügbar sind, wenn sie von durch Katastrophen verursachten versicherten Verlusten betroffen sind, die ihre Fähigkeit zur Zahlung ihrer Hypothek beeinträchtigen.

  • Offering up to 12 months of mortgage relief through forbearance program
  • Suspension of foreclosure and legal proceedings during forbearance
  • Multiple options available for homeowners to make up missed payments after forbearance
  • None.

MCLEAN, Va., Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today is reminding homeowners and mortgage servicers of its immediate relief options for those impacted by Hurricane Milton. Freddie Mac’s forbearance program provides homeowners mortgage relief for up to 12 months without incurring late fees or penalties.

“We are reminding homeowners and their families affected by Hurricane Milton, just as we did recently with Hurricane Helene, that our mortgage relief options are available to help support their recovery,” said Mike Reynolds, Freddie Mac Single-Family Vice President and Head of Servicing. “When the time is right, we encourage homeowners to contact their mortgage servicer to learn about relief options. Freddie Mac and our partners stand ready to provide immediate assistance.”

Freddie Mac's disaster relief options are available to homeowners who have been impacted by an eligible disaster. This includes anytime the homeowner’s property experiences an insurable loss, and also covers instances where their homes or places of employment are located in Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas with individual assistance designations. Foreclosure and other legal proceedings are also suspended while homeowners are on a forbearance plan.

Homeowners whose homes are impacted should contact their mortgage servicer—the company they send their monthly mortgage payments to—as soon as possible to talk about available mortgage relief options. This also includes homeowners whose places of employment have been impacted resulting in a financial hardship that prevents them from being able to make their monthly payment.

When they are back on their feet, homeowners have several options to make up the missed payments, including additional forbearance, if needed.

  • Reinstatement. The option for a lump sum payment is available, but never required, if the homeowner’s loan is owned by Freddie Mac. If possible, however, it is the fastest way to get back on track.
  • Repayment plan. Homeowners pay more each month on top of their existing mortgage payment to make up the missed payments.
  • Payment Deferral. This option is available if homeowners can resume making their regular monthly payment. With payment deferral, homeowners become immediately current on their mortgage and missed payments are added to the end of the mortgage term without penalties or additional interest.
  • Loan modification. If a homeowner is facing a long-term financial hardship but can make a reduced mortgage payment, a modification may be the best option.

Freddie Mac also reminds servicers that its disaster relief options are available to affected homeowners outside the declared disaster areas if their home incurs a disaster-related insured loss that impacts their ability to make their mortgage payment.

More information is available on My Home by Freddie Mac where owners can read about the steps they can take to help recover from a natural disaster, including frequently asked questions related to disaster and mortgage relief. Freddie Mac also provides dedicated resources to renters in apartment buildings, to help them plan and prepare for natural disasters, as well as respond and recover after they strike.

About Freddie Mac
Freddie Mac’s mission is to make home possible for families across the nation. We promote liquidity, stability, affordability and equity in the housing market throughout all economic cycles. Since 1970, we have helped tens of millions of families buy, rent or keep their home. Learn More: Website | Consumers | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube



What relief options is Freddie Mac (FMCC) offering for homeowners affected by Hurricane Milton?

Freddie Mac is offering a forbearance program that provides up to 12 months of mortgage relief without late fees or penalties for homeowners impacted by Hurricane Milton.

How long can homeowners affected by Hurricane Milton receive mortgage forbearance from Freddie Mac (FMCC)?

Homeowners affected by Hurricane Milton can receive mortgage forbearance from Freddie Mac for up to 12 months.

What options does Freddie Mac (FMCC) offer for repayment after the Hurricane Milton forbearance period?

After the forbearance period, Freddie Mac offers several options: reinstatement (lump sum payment), repayment plan, payment deferral, and loan modification.

Are Freddie Mac's (FMCC) disaster relief options available to homeowners outside the Hurricane Milton declared disaster areas?

Yes, Freddie Mac's disaster relief options are available to homeowners outside the declared disaster areas if their home incurs a disaster-related insured loss affecting their ability to make mortgage payments.



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