Freddie Mac Multifamily Apartment Investment Market Index Down in Second Quarter
The Freddie Mac Multifamily Apartment Investment Market Index (AIMI) fell by 11.7% in Q2 2022, declining 17.9% year-over-year due to record mortgage rate growth. All 25 markets experienced decreases, with notable impacts reflecting the largest annual AIMI decline since 2000. Over the past year, property prices rose by 21.8% and Net Operating Income (NOI) grew by 17.7%. Despite a strong NOI growth of 3.0% nationwide, the substantial increase in mortgage rates—95 bps quarterly and 131 bps annually—has moderated investment conditions.
- Net Operating Income (NOI) grew by 17.7% year-over-year, indicating strong performance.
- NOI growth was positive across all metro areas, with New York achieving 29.7% annual growth.
- Property prices increased nationally and in most markets, with 15 metros exceeding 20% growth.
- AIMI dropped 11.7% in Q2 2022, marking a significant decline amidst rising mortgage rates.
- The increase in mortgage rates (95 bps quarterly) is the largest in AIMI's history, impacting investment conditions.
MCLEAN, Va., Sept. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) Multifamily Apartment Investment Market Index® (AIMI®) fell by
“The impact of the rapid and substantial increase in both mortgage rates and property prices is evident in this quarter’s AIMI,” said Steve Guggenmos, vice president of Research & Modeling at Freddie Mac Multifamily. “Although higher rates and property prices have driven the index down, NOI growth remains strong. The drop in AIMI this quarter reflects moderating investment conditions brought about by changing trends in the broader economy. There still exists an overall housing shortage which is keeping vacancy rates low and rents high.”
Over the quarter, AIMI decreased in the nation and in all 25 markets. The primary driver behind the quarterly decline was higher mortgage rates.
- National NOI growth was
3.0% and every metro experienced growth. The fastest grower was Miami at4.7% while the slowest grower was Phoenix at0.5% . - Property prices grew in the nation and in every market except for Philadelphia. Price growth moderated compared with last quarter but is still higher than the long-run average.
- Mortgage rates increased by 95 bps – the largest quarterly increase in the entire history of AIMI going back to 2000.
Over the year, AIMI decreased in the nation and in all 25 markets, driven by the large increase in mortgage rates. The nation and 11 metros experienced the largest annual AIMI percentage decline since the series started in 2000.
- NOI growth was universally positive and exceeded
10% in all but one metro (Minneapolis). New York led the way with29.7% annual growth. - Property prices grew in the nation and in every market. Like NOI growth, property price growth was astonishing. Only three metros grew by less than
10% (Minneapolis, Oakland and San Francisco) while 15 metros exceeded20% growth. - Mortgage rates increased by 131 bps – the largest annual increase in the entire history of AIMI going back to 2000.
In addition to national and local values, a sensitivity table is available that captures how the index value adjusts based on changes in certain underlying variables. Additional information about AIMI is on the Freddie Mac Multifamily website, including FAQs and a video.
AIMI is an analytical tool that combines multifamily rental income growth, property price growth and mortgage rates to provide a single Index that measures multifamily market investment conditions. A rise in AIMI from one quarter to the next implies an increasingly favorable environment for multifamily investment opportunities, while a decline suggests that attractive investment opportunities are becoming more difficult to find compared with the prior period.
Freddie Mac Multifamily helps ensure an ample supply of affordable rental housing by purchasing and securitizing mortgages on apartment buildings nationwide. Roughly
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Mike Morosi
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Erin Mancini
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