Freddie Mac Announces Tender Offer for Any and All of Certain STACR Notes

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Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) has announced a fixed-price cash tender offer for the purchase of any and all of certain STACR® (Structured Agency Credit Risk) Notes. The offer begins on October 7, 2024, and expires at 5 p.m., New York City time, on October 11, 2024, unless extended.

The company has engaged Wells Fargo Securities, and StoneX Financial Inc. as lead dealer managers and CastleOak Securities, L.P. as co-dealer manager for the offer. The total consideration will be based on the original principal amount of tendered and accepted Notes, the applicable factor, and the Tender Offer Consideration, plus accrued and unpaid interest.

The Settlement Date is expected to be October 16, 2024. Notes tendered using the Notice of Guaranteed Delivery are expected to be purchased on October 18, 2024. The offer includes various classes of Notes, some issued by STACR Trusts, with Freddie Mac as the sole beneficial owner of each Trust.

Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) ha annunciato un'offerta di acquisto a prezzo fisso in contante per l'acquisto di tutti e ciascuno di alcuni STACR® (Structured Agency Credit Risk) Notes. L'offerta inizia il 7 ottobre 2024 e scade alle 17:00, ora di New York, l'11 ottobre 2024, salvo proroghe.

L'azienda ha coinvolto Wells Fargo Securities e StoneX Financial Inc. come dealer manager principali e CastleOak Securities, L.P. come co-dealer manager per l'offerta. La considerazione totale sarà basata sull'importo principale originale delle Note presentate e accettate, il fattore applicabile e la Considerazione dell'Offerta, più gli interessi accumulati e non pagati.

La Data di Liquidazione è prevista per il 16 ottobre 2024. Le Note presentate utilizzando il Modulo di Notifica di Consegna Garantita si prevede vengano acquistate il 18 ottobre 2024. L'offerta include varie classi di Note, alcune emesse da STACR Trusts, con Freddie Mac come unico proprietario benefico di ciascun Trust.

Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) ha anunciado una oferta de compra de efectivo a precio fijo para la adquisición de todos y cada uno de ciertos STACR® (Structured Agency Credit Risk) Notes. La oferta comienza el 7 de octubre de 2024 y expira a las 5 p.m., hora de Nueva York, el 11 de octubre de 2024, a menos que se extienda.

La compañía ha contratado a Wells Fargo Securities y StoneX Financial Inc. como gerentes principales de la oferta y a CastleOak Securities, L.P. como co-gerente de la oferta. La consideración total se basará en el monto principal original de las Notas presentadas y aceptadas, el factor aplicable y la Consideración de la Oferta, más los intereses acumulados y no pagados.

Se espera que la Fecha de Liquidación sea el 16 de octubre de 2024. Se espera que las Notas presentadas utilizando el Aviso de Entrega Garantizada se compren el 18 de octubre de 2024. La oferta incluye varias clases de Notas, algunas emitidas por STACR Trusts, con Freddie Mac como único propietario beneficiario de cada Trust.

프레디 맥 (OTCQB: FMCC)는 특정 STACR® (Structured Agency Credit Risk) 노트의 전부 및 일부를 구매하기 위한 현금 고정 가격 입찰 제안을 발표했습니다. 이 제안은 2024년 10월 7일에 시작되어 2024년 10월 11일 오후 5시, 뉴욕 시간에 종료됩니다. 연장이 없는 경우입니다.

회사는 웰스 파고 증권 및 스톤엑스 금융 Inc.를 주요 딜러 관리자로, 캐슬오크 증권 L.P.를 공동 딜러 관리자로 참여시켰습니다. 총 고려 사항은 제출 및 수락된 노트의 원래 원금, 해당 계수 및 입찰 제안 고려 사항, 그리고 미지급 및 미상환 이자를 기반으로 합니다.

결제일2024년 10월 16일로 예상됩니다. 보증된 배송 통지를 사용하여 제출된 노트는 2024년 10월 18일에 구매될 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 제안에는 STACR 트러스트에 의해 발행된 여러 종류의 노트가 포함되어 있으며, 프레디 맥은 각 트러스트의 유일한 수익 소유자입니다.

Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) a annoncé une offre de rachat en espèces à prix fixe pour l'achat de toutes et de certaines Obligations STACR® (Structured Agency Credit Risk). L'offre commence le 7 octobre 2024 et expire à 17h00, heure de New York, le 11 octobre 2024, sauf prolongation.

La société a engagé Wells Fargo Securities et StoneX Financial Inc. en tant que gestionnaires principaux de l'offre et CastleOak Securities, L.P. en tant que co-gestionnaire. La contrepartie totale sera basée sur le montant principal d'origine des Obligations soumises et acceptées, sur le facteur applicable, ainsi que sur la Contrepartie de l'Offre, plus les intérêts accumulés et non payés.

La Date de Règlement est prévue pour le 16 octobre 2024. Les Obligations présentées via l'Avis de Livraison Garanti devraient être achetées le 18 octobre 2024. L'offre inclut plusieurs classes d'Obligations, certaines émises par des Trusts STACR, avec Freddie Mac en tant que seul propriétaire bénéficiaire de chaque Trust.

Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) hat ein Angebot zum Kauf aller bestimmten STACR® (Structured Agency Credit Risk) Notes zu einem festen Preis in bar angekündigt. Das Angebot beginnt am 7. Oktober 2024 und endet um 17 Uhr, New Yorker Zeit, am 11. Oktober 2024, es sei denn, es wird verlängert.

Das Unternehmen hat Wells Fargo Securities und StoneX Financial Inc. als Haupt-Dealer-Manager und CastleOak Securities, L.P. als Co-Dealer-Manager für das Angebot beauftragt. Die Gesamtsumme richtet sich nach dem ursprünglichen Kapitalbetrag der angebotenen und akzeptierten Notes, dem anwendbaren Faktor und der Tender Offer Consideration sowie aufgelaufenen und nicht bezahlten Zinsen.

Das Abrechnungsdatum wird voraussichtlich der 16. Oktober 2024 sein. Notes, die mit der Mitteilung über garantierte Lieferung angeboten werden, sollen voraussichtlich am 18. Oktober 2024 gekauft werden. Das Angebot umfasst verschiedene Klassen von Notes, einige, die von STACR Trusts ausgegeben wurden, wobei Freddie Mac der alleinige wirtschaftliche Eigentümer jedes Trusts ist.

  • Freddie Mac is offering to purchase any and all of the listed STACR Notes, potentially reducing its debt obligations
  • The tender offer provides an opportunity for noteholders to liquidate their investments at a predetermined price
  • Engagement of reputable financial institutions as dealer managers may increase the credibility and efficiency of the offer
  • The tender offer may result in significant cash outflow for Freddie Mac, depending on the participation rate
  • Early redemption of notes could potentially impact Freddie Mac's long-term financing structure

MCLEAN, Va., Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today announced that it has commenced a fixed-price cash tender offer (the “Offer”) for the purchase of any and all of the STACR® (Structured Agency Credit Risk) Notes listed in the table below (the “Notes”) beginning Monday, October 7, 2024. Certain of the classes of Notes subject to the Offer were issued by the STACR Trust identified in the table below (each, a “Trust”). Freddie Mac is the holder of the owner certificate issued by each Trust and, as a result, the sole beneficial owner of each Trust.

Freddie Mac has engaged Wells Fargo Securities, LLC and StoneX Financial Inc. as lead dealer managers (the “Lead Dealer Managers”) and CastleOak Securities, L.P. as co-dealer manager (the “Co-Dealer Manager” and, collectively with the Lead Dealer Managers, the “Dealer Managers”) for the Offer. Freddie Mac is offering to purchase any and all of the Notes listed. The applicable Total Consideration to be paid by Freddie Mac to holders that tender Notes accepted for purchase pursuant to the Offer will be calculated based on the original principal amount of such tendered and accepted Notes, the applicable factor, and the applicable Tender Offer Consideration identified in the table below, plus any accrued and unpaid interest under the applicable Debt Agreement or Indenture upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Offer to Purchase dated October 7, 2024 (as amended from time to time, the “Offer to Purchase”) and related Notice of Guaranteed Delivery dated October 7, 2024 (collectively with the Offer to Purchase, the “Offer Documents”). Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein will have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Offer to Purchase.

The tender offer period will commence on Monday, October 7, 2024, and expire at 5 p.m., New York City time, on Friday, October 11, 2024 (the “Expiration Time”), unless extended. Holders must validly tender their Notes at or prior to the Expiration Time. Notes validly tendered may be withdrawn at any time at or prior to 5 p.m., New York City time, on Friday, October 11, 2024, unless extended by Freddie Mac, but not thereafter (except in certain limited circumstances where additional withdrawal rights are granted by Freddie Mac or otherwise required by law).

Holders whose Notes are purchased in the Offer will receive accrued and unpaid interest from the last interest payment date to, but not including, the Settlement Date (as defined in the Offer to Purchase) for the Notes. Freddie Mac expects the Settlement Date to occur on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Any Notes tendered using the Notice of Guaranteed Delivery and accepted for purchase are expected to be purchased on Friday, October 18, 2024, but payment of accrued interest on such Notes will only be made to, but not including, the Settlement Date.

Title of SecuritySTACR Trust
(if applicable)
CUSIP Number
(U.S. / Regulation S)
ISIN Number
(U.S. / Regulation S)
Original Principal
Tender Offer
(per $1,000 
STACR 2016-HQA1 BN/A3137G0JM2 / N/AUS3137G0JM20 / N/A$25,000,000$1,154.38
STACR 2016-DNA2 M-3N/A3137G0JU4 / N/AUS3137G0JU46 / N/A$115,459,000$1,048.29
STACR 2016-DNA2 BN/A3137G0JZ3 / N/AUS3137G0JZ33 / N/A$36,000,000$1,131.88
STACR 2016-HQA2 M-3N/A3137G0KE8 / N/AUS3137G0KE84 / N/A$74,210,200$1,055.47
STACR 2016-HQA2 BN/A3137G0KK4 / N/AUS3137G0KK45 / N/A$24,000,000$1,150.63
STACR 2016-DNA3 M-3N/A3137G0KQ1 / N/AUS3137G0KQ15 / N/A$118,282,584$1,056.75
STACR 2016-DNA3 BN/A3137G0KV0 / N/AUS3137G0KV00 / N/A$35,000,000$1,155.63
STACR 2016-HQA3 M-3N/A3137G0LA5 / N/AUS3137G0LA53 / N/A$24,464,297$1,046.31
STACR 2016-HQA3 BN/A3137G0LF4 / N/AUS3137G0LF41 / N/A$20,000,000$1,130.00
STACR 2016-HQA4 M-3N/A3137G0LU1 / N/AUS3137G0LU18 / N/A$30,396,000$1,049.37
STACR 2016-HQA4 BN/A3137G0LV9 / N/AUS3137G0LV90 / N/A$18,000,000$1,129.38
STACR 2017-DNA1 M-2N/A3137G0MD8 / N/AUS3137G0MD83 / N/A$37,127,115$1,039.93
STACR 2017-DNA1 B-1N/A3137G0MX4 / N/AUS3137G0MX48 / N/A$639,000$1,088.75
STACR 2017-DNA1 B-2N/A3137G0MY2 / N/AUS3137G0MY21 / N/A$17,000,000$1,139.03
STACR 2017-HQA1 B-1N/A3137G0NC9 / N/AUS3137G0NC91 / N/A$2,840,000$1,091.88
STACR 2017-HQA1 B-2N/A3137G0ND7 / N/AUS3137G0ND74 / N/A$15,000,000$1,189.50
STACR 2017-DNA2 M-2N/A3137G0NX3 / N/AUS3137G0NX39 / N/A$1,000,000*$1,047.95
STACR 2017-DNA2 B-2N/A3137G0PS2 / N/AUS3137G0PS26 / N/A$30,000,000$1,179.84
STACR 2017-HQA2 M-2N/A3137G0PU7 / N/AUS3137G0PU71 / N/A$550,000*$1,039.93
STACR 2017-HQA3 M-2N/A3137G0RL5 / N/AUS3137G0RL54 / N/A$19,754,256*$1,035.82
STACR 2017-HQA3 B-1N/A3137G0SE0 / N/AUS3137G0SE03 / N/A$11,535,174$1,099.38
STACR 2017-HRP1 M-2N/A3137G0SN0 / N/AUS3137G0SN02 / N/A$13,055,000$1,017.93
STACR 2017-HRP1 B-1N/A3137G0TF6 / N/AUS3137G0TF68 / N/A$2,000,000*$1,133.46
STACR 2018-DNA1 M-2N/A3137G0TH2 / N/AUS3137G0TH25 / N/A$11,690,000*$1,025.68
STACR 2019-DNA2 B-1Freddie Mac STACR Trust 2019-DNA235564LBD8 / N/AUS35564LBD82 / N/A$310,000$1,095.00
STACR 2020-DNA5 B-1Freddie Mac STACR REMIC Trust 2020-DNA535566ABD0 / U3197PBD9US35566ABD00 / USU3197PBD97$231,000,000$1,160.00
STACR 2021-HQA2 M-2Freddie Mac STACR REMIC Trust 2021-HQA235564KFV6 / U3201WFV4US35564KFV61 / USU3201WFV47$250,000,000$1,033.75

* The Original Principal Amount set forth for such Notes in this table does not include the additional portion of such Notes identified in the Offer to Purchase as an Associated Eligible Series of Notes, which, upon the completion of the indicated exchange of the related ineligible securities for such Associated Eligible Series of Notes, would also become eligible to participate in the Offer.

This announcement is neither an offer to buy nor a solicitation of offers to buy any of these securities. None of Freddie Mac, the Dealer Managers, or the Information Agent make any recommendation that any holder of the securities tender or refrain from tendering all or any portion of the original principal amount of such holder’s securities. Holders must make their own decisions whether to tender securities, and if so, decide on the original principal amount of securities to tender.

The Offer is being made only upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Offer Documents. Copies of the Offer Documents may be obtained on Freddie Mac’s website at or from the Information Agent for the Offer, Global Bondholder Services Corporation’s website at, or by calling (212) 430-3774 or (855) 654-2015 (toll-free). Questions regarding the Offer may be directed to Wells Fargo Securities, LLC at (704) 410-4820 (collect) or (866) 309-6316 (toll free); StoneX Financial Inc. at (212) 485-3577 (collect) or (800) 788-4253 (toll free); or Global Bondholder Services Corporation, as tender agent, at (212) 430-3774 or (855) 654-2015 (toll-free).

This announcement does not constitute an invitation to participate in the Offer in or from any jurisdiction in or from which, or to or from any person to or from whom, it is unlawful to make such Offer under applicable securities laws or otherwise. The distribution of materials relating to the Offer, and the transactions contemplated by the Offer, may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions where it is legal to do so. The Offer is void in all jurisdictions where it is prohibited. If materials relating to the Offer come into your possession, you are required by Freddie Mac to inform yourself of and to observe all of these restrictions. The materials relating to the Offer do not constitute, and may not be used in connection with, an offer or solicitation in any place where offers or solicitations are not permitted by law. If a jurisdiction requires that the Offer be made by a licensed broker or dealer and a dealer manager or any affiliate of a dealer manager is a licensed broker or dealer in that jurisdiction, the Offer shall be deemed to be made by the dealer manager or such affiliate on behalf of Freddie Mac in that jurisdiction.

About Freddie Mac Single-Family Credit Risk Transfer
Freddie Mac’s Single-Family CRT programs transfer credit risk away from U.S. taxpayers to global private capital via securities and (re)insurance policies. We founded the GSE Single-Family CRT market when we issued our first Structured Agency Credit Risk (STACR®) notes in July 2013. In November 2013, we introduced our Agency Credit Insurance Structure® (ACIS®) program. Today, CRT serves as the primary source of private capital investment in residential mortgage credit. For specific STACR and ACIS transaction data, please visit Clarity, our CRT data intelligence portal.

About Freddie Mac
Freddie Mac’s mission is to make home possible for families across the nation. We promote liquidity, stability, affordability and equity in the housing market throughout all economic cycles. Since 1970, we have helped tens of millions of families buy, rent or keep their home. Learn More: Website | Consumers | LinkedIn | FacebookX | Instagram | YouTube



When does Freddie Mac's (FMCC) tender offer for STACR Notes begin and end?

Freddie Mac's tender offer begins on October 7, 2024, and expires at 5 p.m., New York City time, on October 11, 2024, unless extended.

What is the expected Settlement Date for Freddie Mac's (FMCC) STACR Notes tender offer?

The expected Settlement Date for Freddie Mac's STACR Notes tender offer is October 16, 2024.

Who are the dealer managers for Freddie Mac's (FMCC) STACR Notes tender offer?

Wells Fargo Securities, and StoneX Financial Inc. are the lead dealer managers, while CastleOak Securities, L.P. is the co-dealer manager for the offer.

How is the Total Consideration calculated for Freddie Mac's (FMCC) STACR Notes tender offer?

The Total Consideration is based on the original principal amount of tendered and accepted Notes, the applicable factor, and the Tender Offer Consideration, plus any accrued and unpaid interest.



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