UL Solutions Inc. Files Lawsuit Against Fly-E Group, Inc. to Protect Trusted Safety Mark
UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) has filed a lawsuit against Fly-E Group (NYSE: FLYE) and its subsidiaries for allegedly counterfeiting the UL Mark on their e-mobility products. The lawsuit targets Fly-E Group's entire line of e-bikes, e-scooters, and e-motorcycles that were falsely advertised as UL Certified without undergoing proper product testing.
The complaint accuses Fly-E Group of federal trademark infringement, using false descriptions in violation of the Trademark Act of 1946, unfair competition, unjust enrichment, and deceptive trade practices under New York law. UL Solutions is pursuing a permanent injunction, statutory damages, and punitive damages, citing the defendant's intentional infringement and disregard for consumer safety.
The UL Mark, used since 1937, appears on billions of products as a symbol of safety certification. UL Solutions has requested a trial by jury for the case.
UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) ha intentato una causa contro Fly-E Group (NYSE: FLYE) e le sue filiali per presunta contraffazione del marchio UL sui loro prodotti di e-mobility. La causa riguarda l'intera gamma di e-bike, e-scooter ed e-motociclette di Fly-E Group, pubblicizzati falsamente come certificati UL senza aver subito i necessari test di prodotto.
Il reclamo accusa Fly-E Group di violazione di marchio federale, uso di descrizioni false in violazione del Trademark Act del 1946, concorrenza sleale, arricchimento ingiusto e pratiche commerciali ingannevoli secondo la legge di New York. UL Solutions sta cercando un'ingiunzione permanente, danni legali e danni punitivi, citando l'intenzionale violazione e il disprezzo per la sicurezza dei consumatori da parte dell'imputato.
Il marchio UL, utilizzato dal 1937, appare su miliardi di prodotti come simbolo di certificazione della sicurezza. UL Solutions ha richiesto un processo con giuria per il caso.
UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) ha presentado una demanda contra Fly-E Group (NYSE: FLYE) y sus subsidiarias por supuestamente falsificar la marca UL en sus productos de e-movilidad. La demanda se dirige a toda la línea de bicicletas eléctricas, scooters eléctricos y motocicletas eléctricas de Fly-E Group, que fueron publicitadas falsamente como certificadas por UL sin haber pasado las pruebas de producto adecuadas.
La denuncia acusa a Fly-E Group de infracción de marca registrada federal, uso de descripciones falsas en violación de la Ley de Marcas de 1946, competencia desleal, enriquecimiento injusto y prácticas comerciales engañosas bajo la ley de Nueva York. UL Solutions busca una orden de restricción permanente, daños legales y daños punitivos, citando la infracción intencionada del demandado y el desprecio por la seguridad del consumidor.
La marca UL, utilizada desde 1937, aparece en miles de millones de productos como símbolo de certificación de seguridad. UL Solutions ha solicitado un juicio por jurado para el caso.
UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS)는 Fly-E Group (NYSE: FLYE) 및 그 자회사를 상대로 전기 이동 수단 제품에 UL 마크를 위조한 혐의로 소송을 제기했습니다. 이 소송은 Fly-E Group의 전기 자전거, 전기 스쿠터 및 전기 오토바이 전체 라인을 겨냥하고 있으며, 이 제품들은 적절한 제품 테스트를 거치지 않고 UL 인증으로 잘못 광고되었습니다.
고소장은 Fly-E Group이 1946년 상표법을 위반하여 허위 설명을 사용하고, 불공정 경쟁, 부당 이득, 뉴욕 법에 따른 기만적인 상업 관행을 저질렀다고 주장합니다. UL Solutions는 피고의 고의적인 침해와 소비자 안전에 대한 무시를 언급하며 영구적인 금지 명령, 법정 손해 배상 및 징벌적 손해 배상을 추구하고 있습니다.
1937년부터 사용된 UL 마크는 안전 인증의 상징으로 수십억 개의 제품에 나타납니다. UL Solutions는 이 사건에 대해 배심원 재판을 요청했습니다.
UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) a déposé une plainte contre Fly-E Group (NYSE: FLYE) et ses filiales pour avoir prétendument contrefait la marque UL sur leurs produits de mobilité électrique. La plainte vise l'ensemble de la gamme de vélos électriques, de trottinettes électriques et de motos électriques de Fly-E Group, qui ont été faussement annoncés comme certifiés UL sans avoir subi les tests de produit appropriés.
La plainte accuse Fly-E Group de violation de marque fédérale, d'utilisation de descriptions fausses en violation de la loi sur les marques de 1946, de concurrence déloyale, d'enrichissement injustifié et de pratiques commerciales trompeuses en vertu de la loi de New York. UL Solutions cherche à obtenir une injonction permanente, des dommages-intérêts statutaires et des dommages-intérêts punitifs, en citant l'infraction intentionnelle et le mépris de la sécurité des consommateurs de la part du défendeur.
La marque UL, utilisée depuis 1937, apparaît sur des milliards de produits comme symbole de certification de sécurité. UL Solutions a demandé un procès par jury pour cette affaire.
UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) hat eine Klage gegen Fly-E Group (NYSE: FLYE) und deren Tochtergesellschaften wegen angeblicher Fälschung des UL-Labels auf ihren E-Mobilitätsprodukten eingereicht. Die Klage richtet sich gegen die gesamte Produktlinie von Fly-E Group, einschließlich E-Bikes, E-Scootern und E-Motorrädern, die fälschlicherweise als UL-zertifiziert beworben wurden, ohne die erforderlichen Produkttests durchlaufen zu haben.
Die Klage beschuldigt die Fly-E Group der Verletzung von Bundesmarkenrechten, der Verwendung falscher Beschreibungen in Verletzung des Markenrechts von 1946, unlauterem Wettbewerb, ungerechtfertigter Bereicherung und irreführenden Handelspraktiken nach dem Recht von New York. UL Solutions strebt eine dauerhafte einstweilige Verfügung, gesetzliche Schadensersatzansprüche und punitive Schäden an und verweist auf die absichtliche Verletzung und Missachtung der Verbrauchersicherheit durch den Beklagten.
Das UL-Label, das seit 1937 verwendet wird, erscheint auf Milliarden von Produkten als Symbol für Sicherheitszertifizierung. UL Solutions hat für den Fall eine Juryverhandlung beantragt.
- Legal action demonstrates UL Solutions' commitment to protecting its valuable certification mark and maintaining market integrity
- Potential legal expenses and resources required for litigation
- Risk of reputation damage if lawsuit is unsuccessful
This lawsuit represents a significant legal challenge for Fly-E Group that could have substantial financial and operational consequences. UL Solutions' allegations of counterfeiting and trademark infringement strike at the core of consumer safety certification, an area courts typically take very seriously.
The complaint's multiple claims — federal trademark infringement, counterfeiting, false advertising, unfair competition, and violations of New York's Deceptive Trade Practices Act — create a comprehensive legal attack. By seeking both statutory and punitive damages, UL Solutions signals they believe they can prove willful misconduct, which could significantly multiply the financial liability.
Particularly concerning for Fly-E is the request for a permanent injunction that could force them to halt sales and marketing of their entire e-mobility product line if granted. Even temporarily, such an injunction would severely disrupt business operations and revenue streams.
The demand for a jury trial rather than arbitration or settlement suggests UL Solutions is prepared for a public legal battle. Given the UL Mark's long-established history (since 1937) and recognition as a safety certification, Fly-E faces an uphill battle defending against these allegations if they cannot produce evidence of proper certification.
For investors, this development introduces substantial uncertainty and potential liability that wasn't previously factored into Fly-E's valuation. The litigation itself will consume management attention and financial resources regardless of outcome.
This lawsuit exposes Fly-E Group to significant business and reputational risk beyond the immediate legal challenges. The allegations strike at the foundation of consumer trust in the e-mobility sector, where safety concerns are paramount given the products' inherent risks.
If these allegations prove true, the financial impact could be substantial. Beyond legal penalties, Fly-E might face:
- Mandatory product recalls across their entire line of e-bikes, e-scooters, and e-motorcycles
- Marketing expenses to rebuild damaged brand reputation
- Redesign and legitimate certification costs
- Loss of retailer relationships unwilling to stock potentially unsafe products
The timing is particularly problematic for the e-mobility industry, which has faced increasing scrutiny over safety standards. False safety certifications, if proven, could trigger broader regulatory examination of the entire sector.
For UL Solutions, while this action protects their valuable certification mark, it also highlights the challenges they face in maintaining the integrity of their safety system. Each counterfeiting incident potentially dilutes the trust consumers place in the UL Mark.
Most concerning is the allegation that this wasn't an isolated incident but rather a systematic practice across Fly-E's entire product line. This suggests potential governance and compliance failures that shareholders should view with alarm. Companies that cut corners on safety certifications often face steeper long-term costs than whatever short-term savings they might have realized.
The electric vehicle company and its subsidiaries are accused of counterfeiting, federal trademark infringement and deceptive business practices

Example of the UL Mark that can be found on a UL Certified e-bike (Photo: Business Wire)
The complaint alleges that Fly-E Group’s unauthorized use of the iconic UL Mark – which is a well-known symbol of safety and trust around the world – was aimed to deceive consumers into believing that its e-mobility devices were tested and certified by UL Solutions. The company is seeking a permanent injunction against the defendants from any further unauthorized use of the UL Solutions trademarks, statutory damages and punitive damages for intentional infringement and reckless disregard for consumer and public safety.
The UL Mark has been used since at least 1937 and appears on billions of products signifying that a product has been certified to meet thorough scientific safety, performance or security standards.
Within the complaint, Fly-E Group has also been accused of:
- Engaging in federal trademark infringement and counterfeiting.
- Using false and misleading descriptions and representations in violation of the Trademark Act of 1946.
Engaging in unfair competition in violation of
New York common law. - Engaging in unjust enrichment.
- Engaging in deceptive trade practices in violation of the New York Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
For the issues raised in the complaint, UL Solutions is seeking a trial by jury.
About UL Solutions
A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 110 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Mark serves as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflects an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250313314816/en/
Bradley Carlson
UL Solutions
T: +1 (312) 241.3308
Source: UL Solutions Inc.