Flex LNG - Filing of 2024 Annual Report on Form 20-F
Flex LNG (NYSE/OSE: FLNG) has announced the filing of its 2024 Annual Report on Form 20-F with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The report is accessible through the company's website and the SEC website.
Flex LNG operates a modern fleet of thirteen LNG carriers equipped with latest-generation two-stroke propulsion systems (MEGI and X-DF). These vessels offer enhanced fuel efficiency and reduced carbon footprint compared to older steam and four-stroke propelled ships. The company specializes in the growing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) shipping market.
Flex LNG (NYSE/OSE: FLNG) ha annunciato il deposito del suo Rapporto Annuale 2024 sul modulo 20-F presso la Commissione per i Titoli e gli Scambi degli Stati Uniti. Il rapporto è accessibile tramite il sito web dell'azienda e quello della SEC.
Flex LNG gestisce una moderna flotta di tredici navi metaniere dotate di sistemi di propulsione a due tempi di ultima generazione (MEGI e X-DF). Queste navi offrono un'efficienza energetica migliorata e una riduzione dell'impronta di carbonio rispetto alle navi a vapore e a quattro tempi più vecchie. L'azienda si specializza nel crescente mercato del trasporto di Gas Naturale Liquefatto (LNG).
Flex LNG (NYSE/OSE: FLNG) ha anunciado la presentación de su Informe Anual 2024 en el Formulario 20-F ante la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa de EE. UU. El informe es accesible a través del sitio web de la empresa y del sitio web de la SEC.
Flex LNG opera una flota moderna de trece buques metaneros equipados con sistemas de propulsión de dos tiempos de última generación (MEGI y X-DF). Estos buques ofrecen una mayor eficiencia de combustible y una reducción de la huella de carbono en comparación con los barcos más antiguos de vapor y de cuatro tiempos. La empresa se especializa en el creciente mercado de transporte de Gas Natural Licuado (LNG).
Flex LNG (NYSE/OSE: FLNG)는 미국 증권 거래 위원회에 2024 연례 보고서를 20-F 양식으로 제출했다고 발표했습니다. 보고서는 회사 웹사이트와 SEC 웹사이트를 통해 접근할 수 있습니다.
Flex LNG는 최신 세대의 2행정 추진 시스템(MEGI 및 X-DF)을 갖춘 13척의 LNG 운반선으로 구성된 현대적인 함대를 운영합니다. 이 선박들은 구식 증기 및 4행정 추진 선박에 비해 연료 효율성이 향상되고 탄소 발자국이 줄어듭니다. 이 회사는 성장하는 액화 천연가스(LNG) 운송 시장에 전문화되어 있습니다.
Flex LNG (NYSE/OSE: FLNG) a annoncé le dépôt de son Rapport Annuel 2024 sur le formulaire 20-F auprès de la Commission des valeurs mobilières des États-Unis. Le rapport est accessible via le site web de l'entreprise et celui de la SEC.
Flex LNG exploite une flotte moderne de treize méthaniers équipés de systèmes de propulsion à deux temps de dernière génération (MEGI et X-DF). Ces navires offrent une efficacité énergétique améliorée et une réduction de l'empreinte carbone par rapport aux anciens navires à vapeur et à quatre temps. L'entreprise se spécialise dans le marché en croissance du transport de Gaz Naturel Liquéfié (GNL).
Flex LNG (NYSE/OSE: FLNG) hat die Einreichung seines Jahresberichts 2024 im Formular 20-F bei der US-amerikanischen Securities and Exchange Commission bekannt gegeben. Der Bericht ist über die Website des Unternehmens und die SEC-Website zugänglich.
Flex LNG betreibt eine moderne Flotte von dreizehn LNG-Tankern, die mit modernsten Zweitakt-Propulsionssystemen (MEGI und X-DF) ausgestattet sind. Diese Schiffe bieten eine verbesserte Kraftstoffeffizienz und einen reduzierten CO2-Fußabdruck im Vergleich zu älteren Dampfschiffen und Viertaktantrieben. Das Unternehmen ist auf den wachsenden Markt für den Transport von verflüssigtem Erdgas (LNG) spezialisiert.
- Modern fleet of 13 LNG carriers with fuel-efficient technology
- Dual-listed on major exchanges (NYSE and Oslo)
- Strategic position in growing LNG market
- None.
The attached Annual Report can also be downloaded from the Company's website, www.flexlng.com/category/annual-reports/ and is available on the website of the Commission, www.sec.gov. Additionally, shareholders can request a hard copy of our complete audited financial statements free of charge by writing us at:
Par-La-Ville Place
14 Par-La-Ville Road
Or submitting the contact form request the report at www.flexlng.com/investor-contact-2/
For more information please contact:
Knut Traaholt, Chief Financial Officer of Flex LNG Management AS
Telephone: +47 23 11 40 00
Email: IR@flexlng.com
About Flex LNG
Flex LNG is a shipping company focused on the growing market for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Our fleet consists of thirteen LNG carriers on the water and all of our vessels are state-of-the-art ships with the latest generation two-stroke propulsion (MEGI and X-DF). These modern ships offer significant improvements in fuel efficiency and thus also carbon footprint compared to the older steam and four-stroke propelled ships. Flex LNG is listed on the New York Stock Exchange as well as Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker FLNG.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com
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View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/flex-lng--filing-of-2024-annual-report-on-form-20-f-302388806.html
How many LNG carriers does Flex LNG currently operate in 2024?
Where is Flex LNG stock (FLNG) listed for trading?
What type of propulsion technology does Flex LNG use in its vessels?