The First of Long Island Corporation Announces First Quarter Cash Dividend of $.21 per Share
The First of Long Island (Nasdaq: FLIC) has declared a first quarter cash dividend of $0.21 per share, scheduled for payment on April 3, 2025 to shareholders of record as of March 24, 2025.
The company, through its subsidiary The First National Bank of Long Island, operates under the brand First National Bank LI, serving business and consumer needs across Long Island and New York City. The bank specializes in providing comprehensive banking services including lending, deposit, and investment products, with a focus on delivering exceptional service to small and middle market businesses, professional firms, non-profits, municipalities, and consumers.
The First of Long Island (Nasdaq: FLIC) ha dichiarato un dividendo in contante per il primo trimestre di $0,21 per azione, previsto per il pagamento il 3 aprile 2025 agli azionisti registrati al 24 marzo 2025.
L'azienda, attraverso la sua controllata The First National Bank of Long Island, opera con il marchio First National Bank LI, soddisfacendo le esigenze aziendali e dei consumatori in tutta Long Island e New York City. La banca si specializza nell'offrire servizi bancari completi, tra cui prestiti, depositi e prodotti di investimento, con un focus particolare sulla fornitura di un servizio eccezionale a piccole e medie imprese, studi professionali, organizzazioni no-profit, comuni e consumatori.
The First of Long Island (Nasdaq: FLIC) ha declarado un dividendo en efectivo del primer trimestre de $0.21 por acción, programado para pago el 3 de abril de 2025 a los accionistas registrados a partir del 24 de marzo de 2025.
La compañía, a través de su subsidiaria The First National Bank of Long Island, opera bajo la marca First National Bank LI, atendiendo las necesidades empresariales y de consumidores en Long Island y la ciudad de Nueva York. El banco se especializa en ofrecer servicios bancarios integrales que incluyen préstamos, depósitos y productos de inversión, con un enfoque en brindar un servicio excepcional a pequeñas y medianas empresas, firmas profesionales, organizaciones sin fines de lucro, municipios y consumidores.
The First of Long Island (Nasdaq: FLIC)는 $0.21 주당 현금 배당금을 첫 분기에 선언했으며, 이는 2025년 4월 3일에 2025년 3월 24일 기준 주주에게 지급될 예정입니다.
회사는 자회사인 The First National Bank of Long Island를 통해 First National Bank LI 브랜드로 운영되며, 롱 아일랜드와 뉴욕시 전역에서 비즈니스 및 소비자 요구를 충족하고 있습니다. 이 은행은 대출, 예금 및 투자 상품을 포함한 포괄적인 은행 서비스를 제공하는 것을 전문으로 하며, 중소기업, 전문 회사, 비영리 단체, 지방 자치 단체 및 소비자에게 탁월한 서비스를 제공하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
The First of Long Island (Nasdaq: FLIC) a déclaré un dividende en espèces pour le premier trimestre de $0,21 par action, prévu pour paiement le 3 avril 2025 aux actionnaires inscrits au 24 mars 2025.
L'entreprise, à travers sa filiale The First National Bank of Long Island, opère sous la marque First National Bank LI, répondant aux besoins des entreprises et des consommateurs à travers Long Island et New York City. La banque se spécialise dans la fourniture de services bancaires complets, y compris des prêts, des dépôts et des produits d'investissement, en mettant l'accent sur la fourniture d'un service exceptionnel aux petites et moyennes entreprises, aux cabinets professionnels, aux organisations à but non lucratif, aux municipalités et aux consommateurs.
The First of Long Island (Nasdaq: FLIC) hat eine Barausschüttung für das erste Quartal von $0,21 pro Aktie erklärt, die am 3. April 2025 an Aktionäre gezahlt wird, die am 24. März 2025 im Aktienregister stehen.
Das Unternehmen, über seine Tochtergesellschaft The First National Bank of Long Island, operiert unter der Marke First National Bank LI und bedient die Geschäfts- und Verbraucherbedürfnisse in ganz Long Island und New York City. Die Bank spezialisiert sich auf die Bereitstellung umfassender Bankdienstleistungen, einschließlich Kreditvergabe, Einlagen und Anlageprodukten, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf die Bereitstellung außergewöhnlicher Dienstleistungen für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, Fachfirmen, gemeinnützige Organisationen, Kommunen und Verbraucher.
- Maintains consistent dividend payment of $0.21 per share
- Demonstrates financial stability through continued dividend distribution
- None.
MELVILLE, N.Y., March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The First of Long Island Corporation (Nasdaq: FLIC) announced today the declaration of a first quarter cash dividend in the amount of $.21 per share. The dividend will be paid on April 3, 2025 to shareholders of record on March 24, 2025.
The First of Long Island Corporation is the parent company of The First National Bank of Long Island. Through its branch network branded as First National Bank LI, the Bank focuses on business and consumer needs on Long Island and in New York City. We offer a broad set of lending, deposit, investment, and digital products. First National Bank LI is known for its culture of delivering extraordinary service and a “Customer First” banking experience to small and middle market businesses, professional service firms, not-for-profits, municipalities and consumers.
For More Information Contact:
Janet Verneuille, SEVP & CFO
(516) 671-4900, Ext. 7462