Nextracker Unveils NX Foundation Solutions Enabling Solar “Anywhere”

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Nextracker (NXT) has unveiled NX Foundation Solutions, expanding its solar foundations portfolio with the introduction of NX Anchor. This new system optimizes ground-mount solar project development across various soil conditions, following recent acquisitions of Ojjo and Solar Pile International's foundations business.

The comprehensive solution includes expert services for geotechnical reviews, on-site testing, foundation design, and installation support. It features the Ojjo Truss Driver, a patented machine for drilling and pile driving. Nextracker's foundations can result in up to 50% less steel and 70% shallower embedment than traditional pilings, potentially reducing costs and improving project timelines.

With over 100 GW of trackers and 50 GW of compatible foundations shipped, Nextracker aims to streamline solar development on challenging terrains, offering an integrated solution that installs faster and minimizes risks in complex soil conditions.

Nextracker (NXT) ha presentato NX Foundation Solutions, ampliando il suo portafoglio di fondazioni solari con l'introduzione di NX Anchor. Questo nuovo sistema ottimizza lo sviluppo di progetti solari a montaggio a terra in diverse condizioni del suolo, grazie alle recenti acquisizioni di Ojjo e del settore fondazioni di Solar Pile International.

La soluzione completa include servizi esperti per revisioni geotecniche, test in loco, progettazione delle fondazioni e supporto all'installazione. Presenta il Ojjo Truss Driver, una macchina brevettata per il perforamento e l'infissione di pali. Le fondazioni di Nextracker possono comportare fino a 50% in meno di acciaio e 70% di profondità inferiore rispetto ai pali tradizionali, riducendo potenzialmente i costi e migliorando i tempi di realizzazione dei progetti.

Con oltre 100 GW di inseguitori e 50 GW di fondazioni compatibili già spedite, Nextracker mira a semplificare lo sviluppo solare in terreni difficili, offrendo una soluzione integrata che si installa più rapidamente e minimizza i rischi in condizioni di suolo complesse.

Nextracker (NXT) ha presentado NX Foundation Solutions, ampliando su cartera de fundaciones solares con la introducción de NX Anchor. Este nuevo sistema optimiza el desarrollo de proyectos solares montados en el suelo en diversas condiciones del suelo, después de las recientes adquisiciones de Ojjo y el negocio de fundaciones de Solar Pile International.

La solución integral incluye servicios expertos para revisiones geotécnicas, pruebas en el sitio, diseño de fundaciones y soporte de instalación. Incluye el Ojjo Truss Driver, una máquina patentada para perforación e hincado de pilotes. Las fundaciones de Nextracker pueden resultar en hasta un 50% menos de acero y un 70% menos de profundidad que los pilotes tradicionales, lo que potencialmente reduce costos y mejora los plazos del proyecto.

Con más de 100 GW de seguidores y 50 GW de fundaciones compatibles enviadas, Nextracker busca agilizar el desarrollo solar en terrenos desafiantes, ofreciendo una solución integrada que se instala más rápido y minimiza riesgos en condiciones de suelo complejas.

넥스트래커(NXT)가 NX 재단 솔루션을 발표하며, NX 앵커를 도입하여 태양광 재단 포트폴리오를 확장했습니다. 이 새로운 시스템은 최근 Ojjo와 Solar Pile International의 기초 사업을 인수한 뒤 다양한 토양 조건에서의 지면 장착 태양광 프로젝트 개발을 최적화합니다.

종합 솔루션에는 지반 공학 검토, 현장 테스트, 기초 설계 및 설치 지원을 위한 전문가 서비스가 포함됩니다. 또한, 천공 및 파일 드라이빙을 위한 특허받은 기계인 Ojjo Truss Driver가 특징입니다. 넥스트래커의 기초는 전통적인 파일보다 최대 50% 적은 강철70% 얕은 매립 깊이를 달성할 수 있어, 비용 절감과 프로젝트 일정 개선에 기여할 수 있습니다.

100 GW 이상의 추적기와 50 GW의 호환 기초가 발송된 넥스트래커는 어려운 지형에서 태양광 개발을 간소화하고, 보다 빠르게 설치하며 복잡한 토양 조건에서 위험을 최소화하는 통합 솔루션을 제공합니다.

Nextracker (NXT) a dévoilé les solutions NX Foundation, élargissant ainsi son portefeuille de fondations solaires avec l'introduction de NX Anchor. Ce nouveau système optimise le développement de projets solaires au sol dans diverses conditions de sol, suite aux récentes acquisitions d'Ojjo et de l'activité fondations de Solar Pile International.

La solution complète comprend des services d'experts pour des examens géotechniques, des tests sur site, la conception de fondations et le soutien à l'installation. Elle est dotée du Ojjo Truss Driver, une machine brevetée pour le forage et le battage de pieux. Les fondations de Nextracker peuvent entraîner jusqu'à 50% de moins d'acier et une inclusion de 70% plus faible que les pieux traditionnels, réduisant potentiellement les coûts et améliorant les délais de projet.

Avec plus de 100 GW de suiveurs et 50 GW de fondations compatibles expédiées, Nextracker vise à rationaliser le développement solaire sur des terrains difficiles, offrant une solution intégrée qui s'installe plus rapidement et minimise les risques dans des conditions de sol complexes.

Nextracker (NXT) hat die NX Foundation Solutions vorgestellt und damit sein Portfolio an Solarfundamenten mit der Einführung von NX Anchor erweitert. Dieses neue System optimiert die Entwicklung von Bodensolaranlagen unter verschiedenen Bodenbedingungen und folgt auf die jüngsten Übernahmen von Ojjo und dem Fundamentgeschäft von Solar Pile International.

Die umfassende Lösung umfasst Fachleistungen für geotechnische Prüfungen, Vor-Ort-Tests, Grundlagenplanung und Installationsunterstützung. Es verfügt über den Ojjo Truss Driver, eine patentierte Maschine zum Bohren und Rammpfähle. Die Fundamente von Nextracker können zu 50% weniger Stahl und einer 70% flacheren Eintiefung als herkömmliche Pfähle führen, was potenziell Kosten reduziert und Zeitpläne für Projekte verbessert.

Mit über 100 GW an Nachführsystemen und 50 GW an kompatiblen Fundamenten, die bereits versendet wurden, strebt Nextracker an, die Solarentwicklung in schwierigen Geländen zu optimieren, indem es eine integrierte Lösung anbietet, die schneller installiert werden kann und Risiken in komplexen Bodenverhältnissen minimiert.

  • Introduction of NX Anchor system optimizes solar project development across various soil types
  • Potential for up to 50% less steel and 70% shallower embedment compared to traditional pilings
  • Comprehensive solution includes expert services and proprietary equipment like the Ojjo Truss Driver
  • Over 100 GW of trackers and 50 GW of compatible foundations shipped, demonstrating market presence
  • Expansion into foundation solutions may reduce project complexity and risk for customers
  • None.

Nextracker's introduction of NX Foundation Solutions represents a significant advancement in solar project development. This innovative integration of foundation and tracking technologies addresses a important challenge in the industry: expanding solar installations to diverse terrains. The ability to optimize projects across various soil types could potentially accelerate market growth by opening up previously unsuitable locations for solar farms.

From an investor's perspective, this development could strengthen Nextracker's market position. The company is now offering a more comprehensive solution, which could lead to increased market share and potentially higher profit margins. However, it's important to note that the impact on financial performance will depend on market adoption rates and the company's ability to execute effectively on this new offering.

While the news is generally positive, investors should monitor how quickly NX Foundation Solutions can be integrated into ongoing and future projects, as well as any potential challenges in scaling up production and implementation.

Nextracker's NX Foundation Solutions, particularly the NX Anchor system, represents a significant technological leap in solar project development. The integration of advanced foundation technology with solar trackers addresses a critical pain point in the industry: adapting to diverse soil conditions.

Key technological advantages include:

  • Up to 50% less steel usage
  • Up to 70% shallower embedment depth
  • Improved project timelines and safety
  • Reduced environmental impact ("light on land" approach)

The Ojjo Truss Driver, with its GPS-equipped, all-in-one drilling and pile driving capabilities, further enhances precision and efficiency. This technological suite could significantly reduce project costs and timelines, potentially making solar more competitive against other energy sources. However, the true test will be in the field performance and scalability of these solutions across diverse project sites.

Nextracker's expansion into comprehensive foundation solutions through NX Foundation Solutions and recent acquisitions (Ojjo and Solar Pile International's foundations business) represents a strategic vertical integration move. This could potentially lead to:

  • Increased revenue streams from a broader product and service offering
  • Higher margins by capturing more of the value chain
  • Improved competitive positioning in the solar tracker market

However, investors should consider the following:

  • Integration risks associated with recent acquisitions
  • Potential capital expenditure increases for scaling new product lines
  • Market adoption rates of the new integrated solutions

While the move appears strategically sound, its financial impact will depend on successful execution and market reception. Investors should monitor future earnings reports for signs of revenue growth and margin improvements attributable to these new offerings.

Combining industry-leading solar tracker and advanced foundations technology, Nextracker delivers comprehensive solutions to optimize solar development across all soil types

FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nextracker (Nasdaq: NXT), a global leader in solar tracker technology, today announced NX Foundation Solutions which includes the introduction of NX Anchor™— a solar tracker foundation system designed to optimize ground-mount solar project development across a wide range of soil conditions. NX Anchor further expands Nextracker’s solar foundations portfolio following the company’s acquisitions of leading-edge foundation company Ojjo in June and Solar Pile International’s foundations business in July. NX Foundation Solutions enable quicker, safer, and more efficient solar project development on a wide range of soil types for EPC and developer customers.

Innovative integration of foundation and tracking technologies for solar power generation, making it possible to land solar anywhere. (Photo: Nextracker)

Innovative integration of foundation and tracking technologies for solar power generation, making it possible to land solar anywhere. (Photo: Nextracker)

NX Foundation Solutions also include a suite of services comprising a team of experts providing geotechnical reviews, on-site testing, foundation design, product selection, proprietary equipment, and installation support. This new service offering comprises drilling and pile driving equipment training, sales, leasing, and support, including the Ojjo Truss Driver™. The Truss Driver is a patented all-in-one drilling and pile driving machine equipped with GPS, enabling speed and precision backed by proven experience from driving more than one million foundation piles.

“We are thrilled to now offer comprehensive and innovative solar foundation solutions to our customers and partners,” said Dan Shugar, founder and CEO of Nextracker. “Delivering high quality, cost-effective solutions that help to improve productivity, safety, and accelerate project timelines, and enable light-on-land construction practices are objectives of this program. NX Foundation Solutions provide our developer and EPC customers with a full range of technologies and services across a broad range of soil types from rocky to soft, and virtually everything in between.”

“Nextracker’s expansion into the foundation space helps reduce the complexity and risk of our projects,” said Stephen Jones, President of Renewables, Primoris Services Corporation. “Based on our experience, Nextracker is offering value-added foundation solutions for the industry as projects become increasingly complex with challenging subsurface conditions. These solutions can streamline the design, procurement, and installation process while reducing the risk profile born by EPC contractors and developers. We believe the industry will benefit.”

With the rapid growth of the solar industry in recent years, more projects are being developed on sites that do not offer flat land with ideal soil conditions. Depending on the project site, Nextracker’s foundations can result in up to 50% less steel and up to 70% shallower embedment depth than traditional pilings. This can help lead to reductions in cost and schedule contingencies, lower pile refusal and remediation rates during construction, improvements in project development and construction timelines, and a safer working environment while lowering the impact to native soils, creating a “light on land” approach.

With over 100 GW of trackers and over 50 GW of compatible foundations shipped, Nextracker’s new foundations portfolio is designed to work seamlessly with its high performance solar trackers, offering customers a cost-optimized integrated solution that installs faster and minimizes risks when dealing with complex soil conditions including expansive, soft, loose, rocky, or frost-prone soil.

To learn more about Nextracker’s complete foundations portfolio including NX Anchor, visit our NX Foundations.

Nextracker at RE+ 2024 | Booth C40038

You can also meet with our team of experts at RE+ 2024 where we will be exhibiting at the Anaheim Convention Center, September 9-12, to highlight our latest product offerings. You can also join us for several speaker panels at the show including:

  • Dan Shugar, Nextracker founder and CEO, Opening General Session: RE+ Today: Inclusive Innovation, from our Kitchen Tables to the Grid, Tuesday, 9/10 (California Ballroom, Hilton Anaheim, 9-10 am)
  • QuickTalk: Anticipating the Future of Green Steel, Tuesday, 9/10 (208AB, Level 2, 11:30 am-12 pm)
  • QuickTalk: Beyond Cookie Cutter: Solar Project Design for Local Need, Wednesday, 9/11 (208AB, Level 2, 1:30-2 pm)
  • Trade Update: Navigating Impacts for the Clean Energy Industry, Wednesday, 9/11 (210CD, Level 2, 2:30-3:30 pm)

About Nextracker

Nextracker is a leading provider of intelligent, integrated solar tracker, foundations, and software solutions used in utility-scale and ground-mounted distributed generation solar projects around the world. Our products enable solar PV power plants to follow the sun’s movement across the sky and optimize plant performance. With power plants operating in more than forty countries worldwide, Nextracker offers solar tracker technologies that increase energy production while reducing costs for significant plant ROI. For more information, please visit


Kristan Kirsh

Investor Relations:

Mary Lai

Source: Nextracker


What is Nextracker's NX Foundation Solutions and how does it benefit solar projects?

NX Foundation Solutions is Nextracker's comprehensive offering that includes NX Anchor, a solar tracker foundation system designed to optimize ground-mount solar projects across various soil conditions. It benefits projects by potentially reducing steel usage by up to 50%, allowing for shallower embedment, and improving project timelines and safety while minimizing environmental impact.

How many gigawatts of trackers and compatible foundations has Nextracker (NXT) shipped?

Nextracker (NXT) has shipped over 100 GW of trackers and over 50 GW of compatible foundations, demonstrating significant market presence and experience in the solar industry.

What is the Ojjo Truss Driver and how does it contribute to Nextracker's NX Foundation Solutions?

The Ojjo Truss Driver is a patented all-in-one drilling and pile driving machine equipped with GPS, included in Nextracker's NX Foundation Solutions. It enables speed and precision in foundation installation, having proven experience from driving more than one million foundation piles.

When and where will Nextracker (NXT) be exhibiting its new product offerings in 2024?

Nextracker (NXT) will be exhibiting its latest product offerings, including NX Foundation Solutions, at RE+ 2024 at the Anaheim Convention Center from September 9-12, 2024. They will be located at Booth C40038.

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