Flex Named to TIME's World's Best Companies List for Second Consecutive Year

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Flex (NASDAQ: FLEX) has been named to TIME's 2024 World's Best Companies list for the second consecutive year. This recognition is based on a comprehensive analysis of top-performing global companies, evaluating three primary dimensions: Employee Satisfaction, Revenue Growth, and Sustainability Transparency.

The ranking, presented by TIME and Statista, involved surveys conducted in over 50 countries with data from approximately 170,000 participants. Companies had to generate a revenue of at least $100 million in the last fiscal year and show positive growth from 2021 to 2023. Sustainability was evaluated based on ESG data and targeted research.

Flex CEO Revathi Advaithi expressed honor at the recognition, attributing it to the company's commitment to creating a safe, inclusive work environment, embracing sustainable manufacturing practices, and delivering long-term stakeholder value.

Flex (NASDAQ: FLEX) è stata inserita per il secondo anno consecutivo nella lista delle Migliori Aziende del Mondo 2024 di TIME. Questo riconoscimento si basa su un'analisi completa delle aziende globali ad alte performance, valutando tre dimensioni principali: Soddisfazione dei Dipendenti, Crescita dei Ricavi e Trasparenza sulla Sostenibilità.

La classifica, presentata da TIME e Statista, ha coinvolto sondaggi condotti in oltre 50 paesi con dati provenienti da circa 170.000 partecipanti. Le aziende dovevano generare un fatturato di almeno 100 milioni di dollari nell'ultimo anno fiscale e mostrare una crescita positiva dal 2021 al 2023. La sostenibilità è stata valutata in base ai dati ESG e a ricerche mirate.

Il CEO di Flex, Revathi Advaithi, ha espresso onore per questo riconoscimento, attribuendolo all'impegno dell'azienda nel creare un ambiente di lavoro sicuro e inclusivo, abbracciando pratiche di produzione sostenibile e fornendo valore a lungo termine agli stakeholder.

Flex (NASDAQ: FLEX) ha sido nombrada por segundo año consecutivo en la lista de las Mejores Empresas del Mundo 2024 de TIME. Este reconocimiento se basa en un análisis exhaustivo de las empresas globales de mejor rendimiento, evaluando tres dimensiones principales: Satisfacción de los Empleados, Crecimiento de Ingresos y Transparencia en Sostenibilidad.

La clasificación, presentada por TIME y Statista, involucró encuestas realizadas en más de 50 países con datos de aproximadamente 170,000 participantes. Las empresas debían generar un ingreso de al menos 100 millones de dólares en el último año fiscal y mostrar un crecimiento positivo de 2021 a 2023. La sostenibilidad se evaluó en base a datos ESG y a investigaciones específicas.

La CEO de Flex, Revathi Advaithi, expresó su honor por este reconocimiento, atribuyéndolo al compromiso de la empresa de crear un entorno laboral seguro e inclusivo, adoptando prácticas de fabricación sostenibles y brindando valor a largo plazo a los interesados.

Flex (NASDAQ: FLEX)TIME의 2024 세계 최고의 기업 목록에 두 번째 연속으로 선정되었습니다. 이 인지는 최고의 성과를 보이는 세계 기업에 대한 포괄적인 분석을 기반으로 하며, 세 가지 주요 차원을 평가합니다: 직원 만족도, 수익 성장, 지속 가능성 투명성.

TIME과 Statista가 발표한 이 순위는 50개국 이상에서 실시된 설문조사를 포함하며 약 170,000명의 참가자 데이터를 바탕으로 합니다. 기업은 지난 회계연도에 최소 1억 달러의 수익을 창출하고 2021년부터 2023년 사이에 긍정적인 성장을 보여야 했습니다. 지속 가능성은 ESG 데이터와 목표 연구를 기반으로 평가되었습니다.

Flex의 CEO 리바티 아드바이시는 이 인정을 받을 수 있어 영광이라고 표현하며, 이는 안전하고 포용적인 근무 환경을 만드는 것, 지속 가능한 제조 관행을 채택하는 것, 그리고 장기적으로 이해관계자에게 가치를 제공하겠다는 회사의 의지에 기인한다고 밝혔습니다.

Flex (NASDAQ: FLEX) a été nommée pour la deuxième année consécutive dans la liste des Meilleures Entreprises du Monde 2024 de TIME. Cette reconnaissance repose sur une analyse complète des entreprises mondiales les plus performantes, évaluant trois dimensions principales : Satisfaction des Employés, Croissance des Revenus et Transparence en matière de Durabilité.

Le classement, présenté par TIME et Statista, a impliqué des enquêtes menées dans plus de 50 pays avec des données provenant d'environ 170 000 participants. Les entreprises devaient générer un chiffre d'affaires d'au moins 100 millions de dollars au cours de l'exercice écoulé et montrer une croissance positive de 2021 à 2023. La durabilité a été évaluée sur la base des données ESG et de recherches ciblées.

La PDG de Flex, Revathi Advaithi, a exprimé son honneur pour cette reconnaissance, l'attribuant à l'engagement de l'entreprise à créer un environnement de travail sûr et inclusif, à adopter des pratiques de fabrication durables et à fournir une valeur à long terme aux parties prenantes.

Flex (NASDAQ: FLEX) wurde zum zweiten Mal in Folge in die Liste der Besten Unternehmen der Welt 2024 von TIME aufgenommen. Diese Anerkennung basiert auf einer umfassenden Analyse der weltweit führenden Unternehmen und bewertet drei Hauptdimensionen: Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, Umsatzwachstum und Transparenz in der Nachhaltigkeit.

Das Ranking, präsentiert von TIME und Statista, umfasste Umfragen in über 50 Ländern mit Daten von etwa 170.000 Teilnehmern. Unternehmen mussten im letzten Geschäftsjahr einen Umsatz von mindestens 100 Millionen Dollar erzielen und von 2021 bis 2023 ein positives Wachstum aufweisen. Die Nachhaltigkeit wurde anhand von ESG-Daten und gezielter Forschung bewertet.

Flex-CEO Revathi Advaithi äußerte, dass sie sich geehrt fühle, diese Auszeichnung zu erhalten, und schrieb sie dem Engagement des Unternehmens zu, eine sichere und inklusive Arbeitsumgebung zu schaffen, nachhaltige Produktionspraktiken zu übernehmen und langfristigen Wert für die Stakeholder zu schaffen.

  • None.
  • None.

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Flex (NASDAQ: FLEX) announced its inclusion on TIME's 2024 World's Best Companies list, a comprehensive analysis conducted to identify the top performing companies across the globe. 

"We are honored to join this year's list of TIME's World's Best Companies," said Revathi Advaithi, Chief Executive Officer of Flex. "This recognition is a direct reflection of our commitment to creating a safe, inclusive and respectful work environment, embracing sustainable manufacturing practices, and delivering long-term value for our stakeholders."

The ranking is presented by TIME and Statista, a leading international provider of market and consumer data and rankings. Companies on the list were evaluated based on three primary dimensions: Employee Satisfaction, Revenue Growth and Sustainability Transparency.

  • Employee satisfaction: The surveys were conducted in over 50 countries with data collected from approximately 170,000 participants. The evaluation of employers encompassed image, atmosphere, working conditions, salary, and equality by verified employees as well as direct and indirect recommendations.
  • Revenue growth: Companies had to meet certain criteria to be considered, including generating a revenue of at least US $100 million in the last available fiscal year and demonstrating positive revenue growth from 2021 to 2023.
  • Sustainability transparency: Evaluated based on ESG data among standardized KPIs from Statista's ESG Database and targeted data research.

For the full list of TIME's World's Best Companies of 2024, visit

About Flex

Flex (Reg. No. 199002645H) is the manufacturing partner of choice that helps a diverse customer base design and build products that improve the world. Through the collective strength of a global workforce across 30 countries and responsible, sustainable operations, Flex delivers technology innovation, supply chain, and manufacturing solutions to diverse industries and end markets.


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What list has Flex (FLEX) been named to in 2024?

Flex (FLEX) has been named to TIME's 2024 World's Best Companies list for the second consecutive year.

What criteria were used to evaluate companies for TIME's 2024 World's Best Companies list?

Companies were evaluated based on three primary dimensions: Employee Satisfaction, Revenue Growth, and Sustainability Transparency.

How many participants were involved in the survey for TIME's 2024 World's Best Companies list?

The surveys were conducted in over 50 countries with data collected from approximately 170,000 participants.

What was the minimum revenue requirement for companies to be considered for the TIME's 2024 World's Best Companies list?

Companies had to generate a revenue of at least $100 million in the last available fiscal year to be considered for the list.

Who presented the TIME's 2024 World's Best Companies ranking?

The ranking was presented by TIME and Statista, a leading international provider of market and consumer data and rankings.

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