Five9 Wins 2024 Aragon Research Innovation Award for AI Contact Centers
Five9 (FIVN) has been awarded the 2024 Aragon Research Innovation Award for AI Contact Centers and named a Leader in two Aragon Research Globe™ reports: AI Agent Platforms in the ICC, 2025, and Intelligent Contact Center, 2025. The company was recognized as the most strategic vendor in the AI Agent Platforms report.
At the core of Five9's innovation is their vision for The NEW CX, where AI Agents and AI-empowered Human Agents collaborate to deliver hyper-personalized customer experiences. The company recently introduced new advancements including Five9 GenAI Studio, Five9 GeniusAI, and Five9 AI Agents.
The award was presented at Aragon Transform 2024 on December 10, 2024, recognizing Five9's visionary use of technology in market evolution and disruption.
Five9 (FIVN) ha ricevuto il premio Aragon Research Innovation Award 2024 per i Centri di Contatto AI ed è stata nominata Leader in due rapporti di Aragon Research Globe™: Piattaforme di Agenti AI nell'ICC, 2025, e Centro di Contatto Intelligente, 2025. L'azienda è stata riconosciuta come il fornitore più strategico nel rapporto sulle Piattaforme di Agenti AI.
Al centro dell'innovazione di Five9 c'è la loro visione per The NEW CX, dove Agenti AI e Agenti Umani potenziati dall'AI collaborano per offrire esperienze clienti estremamente personalizzate. Di recente, l'azienda ha introdotto nuovi progressi tra cui Five9 GenAI Studio, Five9 GeniusAI e Five9 AI Agents.
Il premio è stato consegnato durante l'Aragon Transform 2024 il 10 dicembre 2024, riconoscendo l'uso visionario della tecnologia da parte di Five9 nell'evoluzione e nella disruption del mercato.
Five9 (FIVN) ha sido galardonada con el Premio Aragon Research Innovation 2024 por sus Centros de Contacto AI y nombrada Líder en dos informes de Aragon Research Globe™: Plataformas de Agentes AI en la ICC, 2025, y Centro de Contacto Inteligente, 2025. La compañía fue reconocida como el proveedor más estratégico en el informe sobre Plataformas de Agentes AI.
En el corazón de la innovación de Five9 se encuentra su visión para The NEW CX, donde Agentes AI y Agentes Humanos potenciados por AI colaboran para ofrecer experiencias de cliente hiperpersonalizadas. Recientemente, la empresa ha introducido nuevos avances, incluyendo Five9 GenAI Studio, Five9 GeniusAI y Five9 AI Agents.
El premio fue presentado en Aragon Transform 2024 el 10 de diciembre de 2024, reconociendo el uso visionario de la tecnología por parte de Five9 en la evolución y disrupción del mercado.
Five9 (FIVN)는 AI 연락 센터 분야에서 2024 아라곤 리서치 혁신상을 수상했으며, 두 개의 아라곤 리서치 글로브™ 보고서에서 리더로 선정되었습니다: ICC의 AI 에이전트 플랫폼, 2025년 및 지능형 연락 센터, 2025년. 이 회사는 AI 에이전트 플랫폼 보고서에서 가장 전략적인 공급업체로 인정받았습니다.
Five9의 혁신의 핵심은 AI 에이전트와 AI로 강화된 인간 에이전트가 협력하여 초개인화된 고객 경험을 제공하는 The NEW CX에 대한 비전입니다. 최근 회사는 Five9 GenAI Studio, Five9 GeniusAI 및 Five9 AI Agents와 같은 새로운 발전을 도입했습니다.
이 상은 2024년 12월 10일 아라곤 트랜스폼 2024에서 수여되었으며, Five9의 기술을 통한 시장 혁신과 혼란에 대한 비전 있는 사용을 인정합니다.
Five9 (FIVN) a reçu le Prix d'Innovation Aragon Research 2024 pour les Centres de Contact AI et a été nommée Leader dans deux rapports d'Aragon Research Globe™ : Plates-formes d'Agents AI dans l'ICC, 2025, et Centre de Contact Intelligent, 2025. L'entreprise a été reconnue comme le fournisseur le plus stratégique dans le rapport sur les Plates-formes d'Agents AI.
Au cœur de l'innovation de Five9 se trouve leur vision pour The NEW CX, où Agents AI et Agents Humains soutenus par l'AI collaborent pour offrir des expériences clients hyper-personnalisées. Récemment, l'entreprise a introduit de nouvelles avancées, notamment Five9 GenAI Studio, Five9 GeniusAI et Five9 AI Agents.
Le prix a été remis lors d'Aragon Transform 2024 le 10 décembre 2024, reconnaissant l'utilisation visionnaire de la technologie par Five9 dans l'évolution et la disruption du marché.
Five9 (FIVN) wurde mit dem Aragon Research Innovation Award 2024 für AI-Kontaktzentren ausgezeichnet und als Leader in zwei Aragon Research Globe™-Berichten benannt: AI-Agenten-Plattformen im ICC, 2025, und Intelligentes Kontaktzentrum, 2025. Das Unternehmen wurde als strategischster Anbieter im Bericht über AI-Agenten-Plattformen anerkannt.
Im Mittelpunkt der Innovation von Five9 steht ihre Vision für The NEW CX, in der AI-Agenten und von AI unterstützte menschliche Agenten zusammenarbeiten, um hyper-personalisierte Kundenerlebnisse zu schaffen. Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich neue Fortschritte eingeführt, darunter Five9 GenAI Studio, Five9 GeniusAI und Five9 AI Agents.
Der Preis wurde am 10. Dezember 2024 bei Aragon Transform 2024 verliehen und würdigte Five9s visionäre Nutzung von Technologie zur Marktentwicklung und -veränderung.
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The company was also named a Leader in The Aragon Research Globe™ for AI Agent Platforms in the ICC, 2025 and Aragon Research Globe for Intelligent Contact Center, 2025
This recognition from Aragon Research underscores Five9's position as a leader in AI-elevated CX. The AI Agent Platforms in the ICC, 2025 report positions Five9 as the most strategic vendor rated in the report, recognizing Five9’s strategic vision for AI-driven innovation in CX. At the core of this innovation is Five9's vision for The NEW CX where AI Agents and AI-empowered Human Agents collaborate to deliver hyper-personalized, effortless customer experiences. By empowering businesses to deliver transformative customer interactions while reducing costs and improving efficiency, Five9 is setting new standards for AI-powered solutions in the contact center industry.
“AI is foundational for creating exceptional customer experiences, and we are honored to be identified by Aragon Research as innovative for our efforts to propel the intelligent contact center forward,” said Jonathan Rosenberg, Chief Technology Officer and Head of AI, Five9. “Our focus has been, and will continue to be, helping businesses deliver those experiences with easy-to-use tools and capabilities. With each new innovation, we take a step forward for both Five9 and for the industry as a whole.”
The Aragon Research Innovation award identifies providers leveraging visionary use of technology to not only adapt as markets change, but to actively disrupt and inform how their markets will evolve. Five9 was formally presented with the award on December 10, 2024, at Aragon Transform 2024, the annual Aragon Research awards ceremony.
“Five9's commitment to innovation, particularly its vision for blending AI Agents and AI-empowered Human Agents, is setting a new standard for how businesses can deliver hyper-personalized and seamless customer experiences,” said Jim Lundy, Founder, CEO and Lead Analyst, Aragon Research.
This award and report identification builds on Five9's commitment to delivering AI innovations for CX. Earlier this year, the company introduced new advancements, including Five9 GenAI Studio, Five9 GeniusAI, and Five9 AI Agents, that transform the way companies approach CX, driving better outcomes for both customers and agents.
About Five9
The Five9 Intelligent CX Platform, powered by Five9 Genius AI, provides a comprehensive suite of solutions to power AI-elevated customer experiences that deliver better business outcomes and Bring Joy to CX™. Our unified cloud-native offering enables hyper-personalized customer experiences and more empowered employees, making every customer interaction more connected, effortless, and personal. Trusted by 2,500+ customers and 1,400+ partners globally, Five9 brings together the power of AI, our platform, and our people to drive AI-elevated CX.
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Hannah Blackington
Corporate Communications Director
Source: Five9