Fifth Third recognized as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere for the Sixth Year
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) has been recognized as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere for the sixth time, marking a significant achievement in business integrity. The bank is among only two U.S. banks and four banks globally to receive this prestigious recognition in 2025, out of 136 honored companies worldwide.
This recognition highlights Fifth Third's commitment to ethical business practices, with the bank's purpose focused on making life 'a Fifth Third Better' by helping customers and communities achieve financial well-being. Under CEO Tim Spence's leadership, the bank maintains its ambition to be the most valued and trusted financial institution.
The assessment process utilizes Ethisphere's Ethics Quotient® methodology, requiring companies to provide over 240 proof points on various ethical practices. Notably, the 2025 honorees outperformed a comparable index of global companies by 7.8 percentage points from January 2020 to January 2025.
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) è stata riconosciuta come una delle Aziende più Etiche del Mondo® da Ethisphere per la sesta volta, segnando un'importante conquista nell'integrità aziendale. La banca è tra sole due banche statunitensi e quattro banche a livello globale a ricevere questo prestigioso riconoscimento nel 2025, su un totale di 136 aziende onorate in tutto il mondo.
Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno di Fifth Third verso pratiche aziendali etiche, con lo scopo della banca focalizzato sul rendere la vita 'un Fifth Third Meglio' aiutando clienti e comunità a raggiungere il benessere finanziario. Sotto la guida del CEO Tim Spence, la banca mantiene la sua ambizione di essere l'istituzione finanziaria più apprezzata e fidata.
Il processo di valutazione utilizza la metodologia Ethics Quotient® di Ethisphere, che richiede alle aziende di fornire oltre 240 punti di prova su varie pratiche etiche. È importante notare che i premiati del 2025 hanno superato un indice comparabile di aziende globali di 7,8 punti percentuali dal gennaio 2020 al gennaio 2025.
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) ha sido reconocida como una de las Empresas Más Éticas del Mundo® por Ethisphere por sexta vez, marcando un logro significativo en la integridad empresarial. El banco se encuentra entre solo dos bancos estadounidenses y cuatro bancos a nivel mundial que reciben este prestigioso reconocimiento en 2025, de un total de 136 empresas honradas en todo el mundo.
Este reconocimiento destaca el compromiso de Fifth Third con prácticas empresariales éticas, con el propósito del banco centrado en hacer la vida 'un Fifth Third Mejor' ayudando a clientes y comunidades a alcanzar el bienestar financiero. Bajo el liderazgo del CEO Tim Spence, el banco mantiene su ambición de ser la institución financiera más valorada y confiable.
El proceso de evaluación utiliza la metodología Ethics Quotient® de Ethisphere, que requiere que las empresas proporcionen más de 240 puntos de prueba sobre diversas prácticas éticas. Cabe destacar que los galardonados de 2025 superaron un índice comparable de empresas globales en 7.8 puntos porcentuales desde enero de 2020 hasta enero de 2025.
피프스 서드 뱅크 (NASDAQ: FITB)는 Ethisphere로부터 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업® 중 하나로 여섯 번째로 인정받아 비즈니스 무결성에서 중요한 성과를 이뤘습니다. 이 은행은 2025년 전 세계 136개 우수 기업 중 단 두 개의 미국 은행과 네 개의 글로벌 은행만이 이 권위 있는 인정을 받았습니다.
이 인식은 피프스 서드의 윤리적인 비즈니스 관행에 대한 헌신을 강조하며, 은행의 목적은 고객과 지역 사회가 재정적 안녕을 이룰 수 있도록 돕는 '피프스 서드 더 나은 삶'을 만드는 데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. CEO 팀 스펜스의 지도 아래, 은행은 가장 가치 있고 신뢰받는 금융 기관이 되겠다는 야망을 유지하고 있습니다.
평가 과정은 Ethisphere의 윤리 지수® 방법론을 활용하여 기업이 다양한 윤리적 관행에 대한 240개 이상의 증거를 제공하도록 요구합니다. 특히, 2025년 수상자들은 2020년 1월부터 2025년 1월까지 글로벌 기업의 유사 지수를 7.8 포인트 초과했습니다.
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) a été reconnue comme l'une des Entreprises les Plus Éthiques au Monde® par Ethisphere pour la sixième fois, marquant une réalisation significative en matière d'intégrité commerciale. La banque figure parmi seulement deux banques américaines et quatre banques à l'échelle mondiale à recevoir cette prestigieuse reconnaissance en 2025, sur un total de 136 entreprises honorées dans le monde entier.
Cette reconnaissance souligne l'engagement de Fifth Third envers des pratiques commerciales éthiques, l'objectif de la banque étant de rendre la vie 'un Fifth Third Meilleur' en aidant les clients et les communautés à atteindre le bien-être financier. Sous la direction du PDG Tim Spence, la banque maintient son ambition d'être l'institution financière la plus appréciée et la plus digne de confiance.
Le processus d'évaluation utilise la méthodologie Ethics Quotient® d'Ethisphere, qui exige des entreprises qu'elles fournissent plus de 240 points de preuve sur diverses pratiques éthiques. Il est à noter que les lauréats de 2025 ont surpassé un indice comparable d'entreprises mondiales de 7,8 points de pourcentage de janvier 2020 à janvier 2025.
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) wurde zum sechsten Mal von Ethisphere als eines der weltweit ethischsten Unternehmen® ausgezeichnet, was einen bedeutenden Erfolg in der Unternehmensintegrität darstellt. Die Bank gehört zu nur zwei US-Banken und vier Banken weltweit, die diese prestigeträchtige Anerkennung im Jahr 2025 erhalten haben, von insgesamt 136 ausgezeichneten Unternehmen weltweit.
Diese Anerkennung hebt das Engagement von Fifth Third für ethische Geschäftspraktiken hervor, wobei der Zweck der Bank darauf abzielt, das Leben 'ein Fifth Third besser' zu machen, indem sie Kunden und Gemeinschaften hilft, finanzielle Wohlergehen zu erreichen. Unter der Leitung von CEO Tim Spence verfolgt die Bank weiterhin das Ziel, die am meisten geschätzte und vertrauenswürdige Finanzinstitution zu sein.
Der Bewertungsprozess nutzt die Ethics Quotient®-Methodik von Ethisphere, die von Unternehmen verlangt, über 240 Nachweise zu verschiedenen ethischen Praktiken bereitzustellen. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Preisträger von 2025 einen vergleichbaren Index globaler Unternehmen um 7,8 Prozentpunkte von Januar 2020 bis Januar 2025 übertroffen haben.
- None.
- None.
Recognition honors organizations committed to business integrity through robust ethics, compliance, and governance programs

Fifth Third has been named for the sixth time as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices. (Photo: Business Wire)
Fifth Third is one of only two banks in the
“We are honored to receive this recognition from Ethisphere for the sixth time,” said Tim Spence, chairman, CEO and president of Fifth Third. “This award reflects our employees’ commitment to living our values every day and doing the right thing for our customers and communities.”
Fifth Third’s ambition is to be the One Bank people most value and trust, and the Bank’s purpose is to make life a Fifth Third Better by inspiring customers and communities to achieve financial well-being. Fifth Third is steadfast in its commitment to act in a manner that merits public trust and generates long-term sustainable value for all its stakeholders.
“Congratulations to Fifth Third for achieving recognition as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies®. Behind this honor is a true dedication and a commitment to advancing business integrity. This approach is good for business – employees and other stakeholders value companies that prioritize the kinds of practices we measure with our process,” said Erica Salmon Byrne, Ethisphere’s Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Chair.
Ethics & Performance: The Ethics Premium
The listed 2025 World’s Most Ethical Companies® Honorees outperformed a comparable index of global companies by 7.8 percentage points from January 2020 to January 2025.
Methodology & Scoring
The World's Most Ethical Companies assessment is grounded in Ethisphere's proprietary Ethics Quotient®, which requires companies to provide over 240 different proof points on practices that support robust ethics and compliance; governance; a culture of ethics; environmental and social impact; and initiatives that support a strong value chain. That data undergoes further qualitative analysis by our panel of experts who spend thousands of hours vetting and evaluating each year's group of applicants. This process serves as an operating framework to capture and codify best-in-class ethics and compliance practices from organizations across industries and from around the world.
About Fifth Third
Fifth Third is a bank that’s as long on innovation as it is on history. Since 1858, we’ve been helping individuals, families, businesses and communities grow through smart financial services that improve lives. Our list of firsts is extensive, and it’s one that continues to expand as we explore the intersection of tech-driven innovation, dedicated people and focused community impact. Fifth Third is one of the few
Fifth Third Bank, National Association, is a federally chartered institution. Fifth Third Bancorp is the indirect parent company of Fifth Third Bank, and its common stock is traded on the NASDAQ® Global Select Market under the symbol "FITB." Investor information and press releases can be viewed at Deposit and credit products provided by Fifth Third Bank, National Association. Member FDIC.
About Ethisphere
Ethisphere is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that strengthen corporate brands, build trust in the marketplace, and deliver business success. Companies turn ethics, compliance, and culture into a business advantage by leveraging Ethisphere’s data-driven program and culture assessments featuring the latest guidance and the practices of hundreds of global organizations across the 8 pillars of an ethical culture, and 240+ ethics, compliance, social, and governance data points delivered through a proprietary software platform. Ethisphere also honors superior integrity programs through World’s Most Ethical Companies® recognition, brings together a community of industry experts with the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA), and advances ethical business practices through the Global Ethics Summit, Ethisphere Magazine and the Ethicast podcast. For more information, visit
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Gemma Bolech (Media Relations) | 847-653-7235
Matt Curoe (Investor Relations) | 513-534-2345
Source: Fifth Third