Fifth Third Named a 2024 Leading Disability Employer by the National Organization on Disability
Fifth Third Bank has been recognized as a 2024 Leading Disability Employer by the National Organization on Disability (NOD). This award acknowledges Fifth Third's efforts in disability inclusion across various areas, including workforce strategy, talent metrics, sourcing, culture, and workplace accessibility.
Key highlights of Fifth Third's inclusive practices include:
- Nine Business Resource Groups empowering employees to advance inclusion
- Founding partner of Project SEARCH, training over 400 students with disabilities since 2005
- First bank to design a checking account for the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program
- Received a top score of 100 on the Disability Equality Index® for the fourth consecutive year
The bank's commitment to creating an inclusive environment is emphasized by its leadership, aiming to provide a workplace where employees feel valued, respected, and understood.
Fifth Third Bank è stato riconosciuto come Datore di Lavoro Leader per le Disabilità 2024 dalla National Organization on Disability (NOD). Questo premio riconosce gli sforzi di Fifth Third per l'inclusione delle persone con disabilità in vari ambiti, tra cui strategia della forza lavoro, metriche sui talenti, approvvigionamento, cultura e accessibilità sul posto di lavoro.
Tra i punti salienti delle pratiche inclusive di Fifth Third ci sono:
- Nove Gruppi di Risorse Aziendali che potenziano i dipendenti a promuovere l'inclusione
- Partner fondatore di Project SEARCH, formando oltre 400 studenti con disabilità dal 2005
- Primo banco a progettare un conto corrente per il programma Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE)
- Aver ricevuto un punteggio massimo di 100 nel Disability Equality Index® per il quarto anno consecutivo
Il impegno della banca a creare un ambiente inclusivo è sottolineato dalla sua leadership, che mira a fornire un posto di lavoro dove i dipendenti si sentano valorizzati, rispettati e compresi.
Fifth Third Bank ha sido reconocido como Empleador Líder en Discapacidad 2024 por la National Organization on Disability (NOD). Este premio reconoce los esfuerzos de Fifth Third en la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en diversas áreas, incluidos la estrategia de fuerza laboral, métricas de talento, adquisición, cultura y accesibilidad en el lugar de trabajo.
Los aspectos más destacados de las prácticas inclusivas de Fifth Third incluyen:
- Nueve Grupos de Recursos Empresariales que capacitan a los empleados para avanzar en la inclusión
- Socio fundador de Project SEARCH, capacitando a más de 400 estudiantes con discapacidades desde 2005
- Primer banco en diseñar una cuenta de cheques para el programa Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE)
- Recibido un puntaje máximo de 100 en el Disability Equality Index® por cuarto año consecutivo
El compromiso del banco de crear un ambiente inclusivo está enfatizado por su liderazgo, que busca proporcionar un lugar de trabajo donde los empleados se sientan valorados, respetados y comprendidos.
Fifth Third Bank는 2024 장애인 고용 우수 기업으로 전국장애인기구(NOD)에 의해 인정받았습니다. 이 상은 다양한 분야에서 장애인 포용을 위한 Fifth Third의 노력을 인정하는 것입니다. 여기에는 인력 전략, 인재 지표, 소싱, 문화, 직장 접근성이 포함됩니다.
Fifth Third의 포괄적인 관행의 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 포괄성을 촉진하는 직원 empowerment을 위한 아홉 개의 비즈니스 리소스 그룹
- Project SEARCH의 창립 파트너로서 2005년 이후 400명 이상의 장애 학생들을 훈련했습니다.
- Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) 프로그램을 위한 체크 계좌를 설계한 첫 번째 은행
- 연속적으로 네 번째 해에 Disability Equality Index®에서 100점 만점을 받았습니다.
은행의 포용적인 환경 조성을 위한 의지는 리더십에 의해 강조되며, 직원들이 존중받고, 가치 있게 여겨지고, 이해받는 근무 환경을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Fifth Third Bank a été reconnu comme Employeur Leader en matière de Handicap 2024 par la National Organization on Disability (NOD). Ce prix souligne les efforts de Fifth Third en matière d'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap dans divers domaines, notamment la stratégie de main-d'œuvre, les indicateurs de talent, le sourcing, la culture et l'accessibilité sur le lieu de travail.
Les principaux points forts des pratiques inclusives de Fifth Third incluent :
- Neuf Groupes de Ressources Entreprises qui autonomisent les employés à promouvoir l'inclusion
- Partenaire fondateur de Project SEARCH, formant plus de 400 étudiants en situation de handicap depuis 2005
- Première banque à concevoir un compte courant pour le programme Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE)
- Obtention d'un score maximal de 100 au Disability Equality Index® pour la quatrième année consécutive
L'engagement de la banque en faveur de la création d'un environnement inclusif est souligné par son leadership, qui vise à offrir un lieu de travail où les employés se sentent valorisés, respectés et compris.
Fifth Third Bank wurde von der National Organization on Disability (NOD) als 2024 Führender Arbeitgeber für Menschen mit Behinderungen ausgezeichnet. Dieser Preis würdigt die Bemühungen von Fifth Third um die Integration von Menschen mit Behinderungen in verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich Personalstrategie, Talentmetriken, Beschaffung, Unternehmenskultur und Zugänglichkeit am Arbeitsplatz.
Wichtige Highlights der integrativen Praktiken von Fifth Third umfassen:
- Neun Geschäftsressourcengruppen, die Mitarbeiter befähigen, Inklusion zu fördern
- Gründungsmitglied von Project SEARCH, das seit 2005 über 400 Schüler mit Behinderungen ausgebildet hat
- Die erste Bank, die ein Girokonto für das Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Programm entworfen hat
- Vier Jahre in Folge die Höchstpunktzahl von 100 im Disability Equality Index® erhalten
Das Engagement der Bank, ein inklusives Umfeld zu schaffen, wird von ihrer Führung betont, die darauf abzielt, einen Arbeitsplatz zu bieten, an dem sich die Mitarbeiter wertgeschätzt, respektiert und verstanden fühlen.
- None.
- None.

(Graphic: Business Wire)
The award recognizes Fifth Third’s disability inclusion efforts in areas including workforce strategy, talent outcome metrics and sourcing, climate & culture, people practices, and workplace tools & accessibility.
“At Fifth Third, we aspire to create an intentionally inclusive, diverse and thriving community,” said Chief Inclusion Officer Stephanie A. Smith. “We strive to provide an environment in which each employee feels valued, respected and understood, and we pride ourselves in bringing our authentic selves and our best thinking into the workplace.”
Fifth Third’s inclusive employment practices include a robust network of nine Business Resource Groups that empower employees to advance inclusion efforts and to access development opportunities, support business solutions and become involved in the community.
“Creating a culture of belonging and connection where employees feel cared for and valued is critical to our success and ingrained in our core values,” said Chief Human Resources Officer Nancy Pinckney. “We believe that inclusion creates the opportunity for all to thrive.”
Fifth Third is also a founding partner of Project SEARCH, a one-year program that helps high school students with disabilities transition into the workforce. Since the program’s inception in 2005, Fifth Third has trained more than 400 students, including 34 current employees, as one of 700 Project SEARCH locations worldwide.
Fifth Third was also the first bank to design a checking account for the Achieving a Better Life Experience program, or ABLE. These accounts allow individuals with disabilities to save and invest assets for disability-related expenses.
NOD’s Leading Disability Employer award recognizes exceptional disability inclusion practices and policies. The organization’s methodology includes the NOD Employment Tracker™, a comprehensive assessment tool that evaluates key business practices related to hiring, retention, and advancement of people with disabilities.
In July, Fifth Third also received a fourth consecutive top score of 100 on the Disability Equality Index®, the leading independent, third-party resource for the annual benchmarking of corporate disability inclusion policies and programs. Fifth Third was also named among the index’s Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion.
About Fifth Third
Fifth Third is a bank that’s as long on innovation as it is on history. Since 1858, we’ve been helping individuals, families, businesses and communities grow through smart financial services that improve lives. Our list of firsts is extensive, and it’s one that continues to expand as we explore the intersection of tech-driven innovation, dedicated people and focused community impact. Fifth Third is one of the few
Fifth Third Bank, National Association is a federally chartered institution. Fifth Third Bancorp is the indirect parent company of Fifth Third Bank and its common stock is traded on the NASDAQ® Global Select Market under the symbol "FITB." Investor information and press releases can be viewed at Deposit and credit products provided by Fifth Third Bank, National Association. Member FDIC.
About the National Organization on Disability (NOD)
The National Organization on Disability (NOD) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase employment opportunities for the millions of Americans with disabilities. NOD offers a suite of employment solutions, tailored to anticipate, and meet leading companies’ workforce needs. NOD has helped some of the world’s most recognized brands be more competitive in today’s global economy by building or enriching their disability inclusion programs. For more information about NOD and how its portfolio of workforce solutions, Leadership Council, Employment Tracker™, and Engagement Survey can help your business, visit
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Amanda Nageleisen (Media Relations)
Matt Curoe (Investor Relations) | 513-534-2345
Source: Fifth Third
What recognition did Fifth Third Bank (FITB) receive for disability inclusion in 2024?
How many students has Fifth Third Bank (FITB) trained through Project SEARCH since 2005?
What unique financial product did Fifth Third Bank (FITB) create for individuals with disabilities?
What score did Fifth Third Bank (FITB) receive on the Disability Equality Index in 2024?